
HL Biology Schedule
Teacher Workday
Teacher Workday
Teacher Workday
Teacher Workday
Teacher Workday
IB Topic 6: Human Physiology (Review of
Statistics and IA)
IB Topic 6: Human Physiology (Review of
Statistics and IA)
IB Topic 6: Human Physiology (Review of
Statistics and IA)
IB Topic 6: Human Physiology (Review of
Statistics and IA)
IB Topic 6: Human Physiology (Review of
Statistics and IA)
Focus: Introduction to course
Focus: Introduction to course
Focus: Academic Honesty
Focus: Internal Assessment
Focus: Internal Assessment
Beginning Assignment: Find assigned seat
Beginning Assignment: Find assigned seat
Beginning Assignment: You Tube video on
Internal Assessment with directed notes.
Beginning Assignment: Review types of
Work time:
*Syllabus and class rules
*Student Information Card
Work time:
*Ice Breaker
*Preferred Learning Style
Beginning Assignment: What is your
preferred learning style? What activities
would help you learn the material easier?
Closing: Summarize and review
*Plagiarism pre-assessment – Understanding
Work time:
Continue to work with one or two other
students to write out and conduct an
experiment testing the effect of music on
human physiology
Homework: Review and sign syllabus.
Have parent review and sign syllabus
*Understanding Plagiarism with some help
from Dr. Seuss
*Using sources in your work – A tutorial on
avoiding plagiarism
Closing: Summarize and review
*Work with one or two other students to
develop an experiment on the effect of
music on human physiology.
Work time:
*Work with one or two other students to
develop an experiment on the effect of
music on human physiology.
Continue to work with one or two other
students to write out and conduct an
experiment testing the effect of music on
human physiology
Homework: Develop idea for IA project
Work time:
Closing: Summarize and review
Homework: Develop idea for IA project
Closing: Summarize and review
Homework: Develop idea for IA project
Closing: Summarize and review
Homework: Develop idea for IA project
IB Topic 6: Human Physiology (Review of
Statistics and IA)
IB Topic 6: Human Physiology (Review of
Statistics and IA)
IB Topic 6: Human Physiology (Review of
Statistics and IA)
IB Topic 6: Human Physiology (Review of
Statistics and IA)
IB Topic 6: Human Physiology (Review of
Statistics and IA)
Focus: Internal Assessment
Focus: Internal Assessment
Focus: Internal Assessment
Focus: Review of statistics
Focus: Review
Beginning Assignment: Example of a
graded Internal Assessment and Personal
Engagement rubric
Beginning Assignment: Set up study
Work time:
Continue to work with one or two other
students to write out and conduct an
experiment testing the effect of music on
human physiology
Beginning Assignment: Internal Assessment Beginning Assignment: Write a personal
engagement statement for your study on the
Work time:
effect of music on human physiology
* Continue to work with one or two other
Work time:
students to write out and conduct an
*Notes: Statistical Analysis for IB Biology
experiment testing the effect of music on
*Practice problems – standard deviation,
human physiology
Closing: Summarize and review
Closing: Summarize and review
Work time:
Continue to work with one or two other
students to write out and conduct an
experiment testing the effect of music on
human physiology
Closing: Summarize and review
Homework: Develop idea for IA
project/Write methodology section for Aug
13 – 17 experiment (due Monday, Aug 24)
Closing: Summarize and review
Homework: Develop idea for IA
Homework: Develop idea for IA
Homework: Develop idea for IA
project/Write methodology section for Aug project/Write methodology section for Aug project/Write methodology section for Aug
13 – 17 experiment (due Monday, Aug 24) 13 – 17 experiment (due Monday, Aug 24) 13 – 17 experiment (due Monday, Aug 24)
Beginning Assignment:
Work time:
*Critique sample Internal Assessment
*Quiz: Statistics
Closing: Summarize and review
Homework: Develop idea for IA
project/Write methodology section for Aug
13 – 17 experiment (due Monday, Aug 24)
IB Topic 6: Human Physiology (Review of
Statistics and IA)
IB Topic 6: Human Physiology (Review of
Statistics and IA)
IB Topic 6: Human Physiology (Review of
Statistics and IA)
IB Topic: IB Topic 6: Human Physiology
(Review of Statistics and IA)
IB Topic: IB Topic 6: Human Physiology
(Review of Statistics and IA)
Focus: Review of statistics
Focus: Review of statistics
Focus: Review
Focus: Digestive System
Focus: Digestive System
Beginning Assignment: Video: Human
Growth statistics
Beginning Assignment: Practice Problem
Work time:
*Notes: Statistical Analysis for IB Biology
*Practice problems – t-test
Beginning Assignment: Practice Problem
Beginning Assignment: Word Search Puzzle Beginning Assignment: Organize work to
hand in – Methodology and Personal
Work time:
Work time:
Engagement statement for music vs. human
Work time:
*Cause and Correlation
*Overview of the Digestive System
physiology study
*Notes: Statistical Analysis for IB Biology
*Critique sample Internal Assessment
*Review of YR1 concepts: Macromolecule
*Practice problems – standard deviation,
Closing: Summarize and review
*Quiz: Statistics
Logic; Function of Enzymes; Active and
Work time:
Passive Transport
*Notebook Quiz
Closing: Summarize and review
Homework: Develop idea for IA
Closing: Summarize and review
*Finish review of YR1 concepts:
project/Write methodology section for Aug
Closing: Summarize and review
Macromolecule Logic; Function of
Homework: Develop idea for IA
13 – 17 experiment (due Monday, Aug 24) Homework: Develop idea for IA
Enzymes; Active and Passive Transport
project/Write methodology section for Aug
project/Write methodology section for Aug Homework: Develop idea for IA
13 – 17 experiment (due Monday, Aug 24)
project/Write methodology section for Aug Closing: Summarize and review
13 – 17 experiment (due Friday, Aug 28)
13 – 17 experiment (due Friday, Aug 28)
Homework: Read Section 6.1 of the