Documentary Story board - BuchholtzSidorAmericanStudies

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"If Jesus were here today, he wouldn't be riding around on a donkey.
He'd be taking a plane, he'd be using the media". -Joel Osteen
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Introductory Paragraph Hook, identify essential
question and describe the controversy
The Media. A click of a mouse can connect
you to the world, for all the good bad that
does. 1/3 of the world population uses the
--"[T.V and Film] can dictate what's cool and
what it means to be accepted"(PBS). –
Children and Teens who are unsure about
who they are, are easily swayed by these
displays, which could have negative effects
on their life. However, a connection to media
can be good for children. It can introduce
younger kids to people who are different
then themselves so that they are used to
diversity. Is the media influential?
Ad video
Nicki Minaj on American Idol
Jersey Shore
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Explain the Problem (memo 2)
20 years ago we didn't have such an ease of
access to information all over the world. Even
if you were to not own a t.v or a computer,
you'll probably catch a quick glance of the
tabloids they have on display, boasting about
this celebrity and that celebrity. Who's in
rehab, who's coming out rehab. Which
celebrities look bad in a bathing suit, which
celebrities are unhealthily skinny and are the
poster-child of beautiful. The influence has
become harmful to the emotional and
physical health of children, teens and young
adults. Ads claiming the definition of beauty, a
t.v shows displaying a “career” out of immoral
behavior. This has rubbed off on children as
young as 7. Children in a first grade classroom
were seen cussing and flirting with each other.
Victoria Secret commercial
People cover pictures
Elle cover picture(Megan Fox)
Teen mom logo-
Slide 3.5
Interview w/ sister (age 12)
Have you seen examples of influence from t.v shows and movies at school?
What do you think when you see a tabloid that talks about celebrities?
Do kids in your grade ever cuss? At teachers? At students?
Do you know of anyone who watches shows like Jersey Shore and Teen Mom?
Do you ever hear your age singing inappropriate lyrics?
Do you know anyone who is anorexic? Does drugs? Drinks Alcohol?
What do you think about the fact that the celebrities in magazines are mostly photo shopped?
Who do you consider your role model?
Who do you think other people consider as their role model?
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Explain the Background of the Problem (memo 3)
This sort of media influence started with MTV, when the
musicians people adored began to find a style. Young people
began to pick up the styles of popular musicians, most
notably Madonna and Michael Jackson. Parents didn’t accept
this new influence. Today, the situation is the same, in terms
of fashion, but the difference lies in the lyrics. With Madonna
and Michael Jackson, the lyrics promoted racial and gender
equality. Now the lyrics and the music videos that sometimes
go with these songs have an abundance of sexual themes and
an imposed definition of beauty. With thin, tall and young
being the look of most singers. That is becoming the image of
women and kids. So much that, "control measures are now
being taken by girls as young as 5 and 6"s promote sex and
Michael Jackson
Nicki Minaj
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Describe your recommendation for addressing the controversy (memo 4)
For media to start to display all kinds of
people in a fair and non-discriminating
way. For everyday people to also become
influences (ex. Dove Campaign). For media
to stop displaying popular celebrities
drinking and doing drugs in any light. For
popular celebrities to support movements
dedicated to helping the image of women
return to a healthy one. For popular
celebrities to stop writing songs about
sexual themes and drinking. For celebrities
to not portray characters who drinking or
do drugs excessively. This sounds like a lot,
and maybe a little restricting to song and
script writers, but is a little freedom to
much to give to protect the health of
children, teenagers and young adults?
Above the Influence:
Slide 6
Explain the benefits of your position (memo 4)
The benefits are obvious. The image of
women would return to a healthy one. Shows
like Teen Mom and Jersey Shore would no
longer teach the world that it’s okay to be
bad. Celebrities would no longer be the
influence of drugs, alcohol and crash-diets.
Explain why the opponent’s objects to your position (memos 5,6,7)
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Journalists argue that it would
be Censorship. That we have
the freedom of press. Some
parents argue that if you don’t
like it, turn it off. Some parents
argue that if they aren’t
around all the time, a celebrity
influence is better than
nothing. Researchers argue
that people who are
influenced by celebrities have
more self-esteem than others
because a fake relationship
with a celebrity can never end
or go through rough patches
there is a less of a chance of
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Explain the opponent’s errors and why your position is superior. (memos 5,6,7)
Think of the effect this has on minors who are
insecure about themselves and don't know right
from wrong yet. Minors are exposed to
"proliferating entertainment news shows, Web
sites and magazines [that] have created levels of
familiarity and intimacy previously only shared
with those in our immediate social environment
on top of the fact that they have a high risk of
trying to emulate what they see, leading to
drugs alcoholism and unhealthy crash diets. By
censoring, People magazine and OK! Magazine
we might be denying some freedom of press but
we would be saving minors from an obscure
view of the world. Some parents get enough
time off work to spend hours interacting with
their children. Others, however, might not
always be there. The relationship between
parents is also important. "Children of divorced
parents are seven times more likely to suffer
from depression in adult life" which is pretty
likely in the United States since 1 in 4 [children]
live with only one parent. Children would still
have an influence from celebrities if needed, but
it wouldn't effect celebrities daily life. We would
still see the community service or the new
movie a celebrity is involved in but, if they are
getting a divorce, we won't know about it.
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Call to Action (Memo 8)
In a world where you can be connected to the world from everywhere, it's
easy to get caught up in all of it. As we write this paper we are using the
internet to write the paper, articles found on the internet for research and
we are to make a documentary, all forms of media. Sometimes it's hard to go
a day without hearing the latest "get skinny quick" scam on the cover of
People. Everywhere you look there are obscure definitions of beauty and
success. Jersey Shore and Teen Mom are the example of do-bad-thingsand-get-rich-and-famous. With children and teenagers becoming familiar
with these things being right, we have a problem on our hands. Some may
say that censoring the media is a violation of freedom of speech but, how
else are we going to fix this? Some would suggest parents but, not every
child is born to a stable home. Be it because of teenage pregnancy, divorce,
substance abuse, not every child in the United States has parents who are
effective role models. So, instead of depending on unfit parents and the cast
of Jersey Shore to be role models, why not censor the media. Why not make
it unavailable for everyone, it's not important. Gossip on your favorite
celebrity couple will never have a life or death consequence for you. Don't
you think its worth giving up unrealistic influences for the sake of America's
youth. Media is a big part of our lives and we are bound to be influenced by
it, so why not make the influence a positive one.