Common Core Ambassadors Day 3 Presentation

Grade 3-5 ELA
Common Core Ambassadors
August 13-17, 2012
Albany, NY
Day 3: Welcome!
Please remember to sit with your research teams.
A Few Changes in Agenda Today
RCSD participants attending implementation focus groups in
staggered sessions this morning. Persevere!
• At about 2 p.m. we will offer a differentiated session for “systems
level” conversation:
– How will you connect and integrate these modules into current
district initiatives?
– What strategies for procuring and allocating resources to
implement CCLS?
– How can schedules (master/building – district/PD) be
developed to support CCLS implementation?
– What steps can be taken to help manage change towards the
• We hope teachers and likely building-based coaches will stay with
the curriculum work – your deep knowledge of the lessons is
Addressing Key Questions: Curriculum Maps
Comprehensive list of standards addressed in each grade level
are toward the end of this document
• Best list of texts per grade level are on the last page of the
curriculum map document
• Required texts that need to be purchased for Module 1 are on the
Book List for Module 1 that has been distributed
• We will have for you (on EngageNY) an Excel spreadsheet
including ISBN numbers for all texts that need to be purchased, as
they are central to lessons by September 21
Norms for Collaboration
Directions: Think/Pair/Share (3 minutes total)
 How
did we do whole group? What is your
Your Feedback a Helpful Link
 Please be in touch with us via email about your
ongoing needs:
Culture of Achievement
LT 1b. I can describe the importance of establishing a culture
of achievement to prepare students for college and career
LT 1d. I can strengthen a growth mindset (in myself and
others) regarding teaching and learning.
Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening
Conversation and Collaboration
SL.1 “Prepare for and participate effectively in
a range of conversations and collaborations
with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas
and expressing their own clearly and
A Culture of Achievement in your Context
Revisit “portrait of a student who meets the
Write: What does a classroom/school look like
and sound like where this culture is being
A Culture of Achievement in your Context
Partners: Share your writing. Encourage each
other to be specific: “What is your evidence?”
“How do you know?”
Tables: Go ‘round: each person share something
your partner said.
Research Teams: Reasoning with
LT 3a. I can describe the impact of engaging, supporting, and
holding students accountable for citing and using evidence
from text.
LT 1c. I can effectively engage in a range of collaborative
discussions with diverse colleagues, building on others’ ideas
and expressing my own ideas clearly.
Purpose of Research Teams (a reminder. . .)
Build our expertise about the CCLS “shifts”
Experience the rigor of CCLS learning as adults: push
ourselves, and feel what it may be like for students when
they are challenged in similar ways.
Particular emphasis on SL.1: “engage in collaborative
– How do we do this effectively as adult learners?
– Why is collaboration important for learners?
Revised Performance Task:
Rationale for Recommended Change
Task: The implementation of Common Core-aligned curriculum
modules will require change at the classroom, building, and district
levels, and in the services provided through BOCES/Network
Teams. Your task is to develop a product describing the changes
needed that serve the needs of your specific audience – for example,
a PowerPoint presentation, a memo, a faculty meeting agenda, a PD
session, or an implementation plan. No matter what format you
choose, you must include a rationale for the specific changes that
you are planning to make or that you want to help others make.
Use specific evidence from the texts you are studying this week – the
articles and research you studied in your research teams, the
curriculum itself, Mindsets, and Switch – to support your rationale for
Review “Final Word” Discussion Protocol
Independent Reading and Annotating the Text
(25 minutes)
SAP’s Guide to Creating Text-Dependent and
Specific Questions for Close Analytical Reading
Critical Thinking Framework for Any Discipline
(focus on chart on page 161; read more as time
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Text-Dependent Questions (10 minutes)
According to the text, what is a text-dependent question?
Can a text-dependent question be inferential? Use evidence
from the text to support your answer.
How do specific types of questions and questioning strategies
prepare students for the shifts of the Common Core and
for college and career success?
Writing Time (10 minutes)
Review our Performance Task for this week:
The implementation of Common Core-aligned curriculum modules will require change at the
classroom, building, and district levels, and in the services provided through BOCES/Network
Teams. Your task is to develop a product describing the changes needed that serve the needs of
your specific audience – for example, a PowerPoint presentation, a memo, a faculty meeting
agenda, a PD session, or an implementation plan. No matter what format you choose, you must
include a rationale for the specific changes that you are planning to make or that you want
to help others make. Use specific evidence from the texts you are studying this week – the
articles and research you studied in your research teams, the curriculum itself, Mindsets, and Switch
– to support your rationale for change.
Identify evidence from the two texts you read today.
• Begin to brainstorm/draft a section of your position paper.
Debrief (10 minutes)
Stand, find a new person, and talk about the following:
What is the most important point you are taking away from the
reading this morning?
How did the reading, discussion, questioning, and writing
challenge you as a learner this morning?
What Common Core standards was this learning experience
designed to address?
How would this type of experience look in your classroom or
professional setting?
Thank you!
Take a break.
At 11am, please go to your grade-level breakout groups.
Welcome back
 Please
sit with your research teams.
Comparing and Contrasting the
LT 2c. I can analyze the role of student-friendly learning
targets, aligned assessment, and effective curriculumembedded assessment in ensuring that all students achieve
college and career success.
Discussion Questions
Identify similarities:
How are the assessment practices similar across all three grades?
Identify differences:
How do the evidence practices differ from one grade to the next?
Level of rigor:
How do the standards and experiences working with evidence
change from one grade to the next?
What connections can you make between the design of the
modules and the articles we read during our morning session?
Silent Writing (5 minutes)
Reflect on our learning target about evidence:
LT 3a. I can describe the impact of engaging, supporting,
and holding students accountable for citing and using
evidence from text.
Include specific evidence from our reading today to support
your thinking.
Debrief the Day and Looking Ahead
Teacher Target:
I can build expertise in the Common Core shifts by analyzing
model curriculum.
I can build students’ literacy skills and content knowledge by
implementing curriculum aligned with the Common Core
NTI/Administrator Target:
• I can support educators striving to build students’ content
knowledge and literacy skills by building expertise in
implementing curriculum aligned to the common core
Learning Journal (5 minutes)
Go to the Day 3 section of your Learning Journal
Examine the Supporting Targets
Use the space provided to capture your thinking about the
work today:
• Which learning targets represented your most important
• What key points do you want to remember?
• Which activities or discussion impacted you the most?
• What do you want to commit to?
Re-orienting to our Long-term Learning Targets
Teacher Target:
• I can build expertise in the Common Core shifts by analyzing
model curriculum.
• I can build students’ literacy skills and content knowledge by
implementing curriculum aligned with the Common Core
NTI/Administrator Target:
 I can support educators striving to build students’ content
knowledge and literacy skills by building expertise in
implementing curriculum aligned to the common core
Review the agenda: How did we address our targets?
How did we promote a culture of achievement for ourselves as a
community of adult learners?
We emphasized the importance of finding and using textual
evidence. What practices stood out for you today regarding your
own learning as an adult?
Consider both what you learned and how you learned today. What
are the implications for our work with students?
Thank you.
Feel free to re-read or preview articles in the research tab
of your binder. You will again have reading time during
our morning session.
Please begin each day seated with Research Teams at your
table number.