Software and Computer Systems
School of Information and Communication Technology
KTH – Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden
ID1218 Lecture 07 2009-11-18
C++ Basics
Basic types and control structures
Functions and Arrays
Some pragmatics…
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Familiarize with programming in C/C++
Understand underlying programming model
language constructs
program structure data structures and common algorithms
memory management development pragmatics
difference between C and C++
For later courses using C/C++
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Not from scratch, build
Java as programming language
Efficient approach
focus on essential
not comprehensive
apply practically
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
C++ for Java Programmers,
Mark Allen Weiss, Prentice Hall, 2004
good selection of issues and topic
non-naïve: no repetition what you know
concise (very important)
valuable resource after course!!!
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Thick, verbose, but useful
J. Lajoie and S. Lippmann, C++ Primer
3 rd edition, Addison-Wesley, 1998.
Reference from the designer
B. Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language
3 rd edition, Addison-Wesley, 1997.
Tips for advanced issues
R. B. Murray, C++ Strategies and Tactics
Addison-Wesley, 1993.
C++ Standard library
N. M. Josuttis, The C++ Standard Library
Addison-Wesley, 1999.
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
The classic
B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie, The C Programming
2 nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1997
Great reference, portability, also useful for C++
S. P. Harbinson, G. L. Steele, C – A Reference Manual
5 th edition, Prentice Hall, 2002
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
C++ as main vehicle
basic issues
pointers and references
classes, objects, inheritance
overview: operator overloading, templates, exceptions, input/output, standard library
Contrast with main differences in C
basic issues (arrays)
memory management, input/output
mixing C and C++
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Study radically different model of computation
not type safe: how to get along
explicit memory management: no garbage collection, how to manage memory successfully
close to abstraction level of machines
Ideally, do it in Erlang…
…but can't be done
take the trouble and use C++/C
can be used afterwards anyway
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Differential approach
in contrast to Java: Java is close in many aspects
Practical approach
try most important aspects in labs/tutorials
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
You will not become C++ wizards
You will understand the basic issues
characteristics of computation model
characteristics of development pragmatics
You will know where to look for further information
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
How to organize programming projects
automatize recompilation make
How to install software
use configure
How to develop
how to find errors: debugging
how to improve performance: profiling
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
sound processing:
Sudoku solver:
Hand in: show to TA introduction to pragmatics to be handed in to be handed in
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
All of you
thorough reading of chapters 0 to 3
take a peek at chapter 11
do it, the book is a great read!
go through the exercises!
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello world." << endl; return 0;
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Execution starts with main
integer return value is error code (0 is okay)
is normal function (a global function)
functions in classes (methods): member functions
can take additional arguments (command-line): later
All C++ programs are preprocessed
#include <…> resolved by preprocessor
<iostream> refers to C++ system IO
#include "my.h" includes local file my.h
Other uses: multiply used files (declarations, headers)
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Standard functionality in namespace std
becomes available by using namespace std; here: cout (standard output), endl (end of line)
Input similarly: int x; cout << "Your age: ";
cin >> x; cin refers to standard input also common: using C-style input/output
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
19 public class Hello {
} public static void main(String[]) {
System.out.println("Hello world");
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Edit file emacs hello.cpp
other extensions: .cc, .cxx, .C
Invoke compiler to create executable g++ hello.cpp –o hello.exe
we use the GNU C++ compiler (g++)
Run executable
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Integer types
Floating point types
Character types
Boolean type
Non-primitive types
arrays, objects, pointers, references, …
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Basic integer type int
few guarantees on range in C++
today, often 32 bits, anytime soon 64 bits, … depends on machine (think of embedded…)
Can be augmented with short or long
int never shorter than int never longer than short int (at least 16) long int (at least 32)
Can be modified with signed (default) or unsigned
short signed int
short unsigned int just for example!
-32768 … 32767
0 … 65535
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Single precision
often: 32 bits
Double precision
often: 64 bits
Again, few guarantees float double
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Character type char
no guarantee on size, often 8 bits (ASCII, not Unicode!)
unspecified whether signed or unsigned
Character constants in single quotes
'a', '1' escape sequences: '\n' for newline, etc
Also available: wchar_t for wide characters
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Boolean type
constants bool true and false
Rather late addition!
watch out for int with zero as false and any other value true!
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Variables taking an immutable value
cannot be changed
abbreviation for commonly used values
Use const modifier const double pi = 3.1415;
assignment to pi not possible
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Almost the same in C++ as in Java
in general: C++ carries some historic weight, Java has cleaned up, so watch out for some gotchas
Almost the same
operators and expressions, conditionals, loops, … assignment: no guarantee of initialization
casts: change/convert/ignore type type definitions
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
No left to right order
readInt() – readInt() with input 2 and 3 can be either 1 or -1
Integer division not guaranteed to round towards zero (book uses down)
8/-5 can be either -1 or -2
Comma operator: a,b evaluates to b
weird things possible!
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
No guarantee on shift a << b
can be either arithmetic or logic
-1 << 1 remains negative
-1 << 1 is positive
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Condition can be either of type int or bool
if (i) { … } else { … }
If i is different from zero, take then part
If i is zero, take else part not recommended, write if (i != 0) …
Common mistake
if (x = 0) … actually meant: if (x == 0) … assigns 0 to x , takes the else part write variable to the right, if possible: if (0 == x)
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
As in Java, along with break and continue
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Variables not by guarantee initialized
unless global or static (later)
Always give initial value
important for objects (later)
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Automatic conversion double x = 6.0; int y; y=x;
Typecasting can be essential int x=6; int y=10; double z = x/y;
results in 0.0 rather than 0.6
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Cast at least one into double static_cast<double>(x)/y;
Other casts
dynamic_cast casting objects, later
const_cast later
reinterpret_cast just do it as size fits…
C-style cast ((double) x)
dangerous, combines everything, don't use!
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Give names to types
Example: define implementation dependent integer type uint32
machine A:
typedef unsigned long int uint32; machine B:
typedef unsigned int uint32; rest of program can use uint32 , does not require modification when being ported to machine C
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Function definition contains
return type
function name
parameter list
Function can be called given function name and appropriate parameters
Function can only be defined once
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
39 int maxx(int x, int y) { return (x > y) ? x : y;
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Print maximum of two numbers cout << maxx(43,27) << endl;
Uses call-by-value
Parameters need not be of type int
automatic cast long int
possibly with warning
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
The same function name can be used multiply with different types in parameter list double maxx(double x, double y) { return (x>y) ? x : y;
Complicated set of rules describe which definition is chosen
Overloading with different return type only not allowed
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Every function needs to be declared prior to invocation
declared, but not defined!
can be declared multiply
A function declaration is done by giving a function prototype int maxx(int, int); or int maxx(int a, int b);
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Default values can be given for formal parameters
if function has declaration, in declaration
if function has only definition, in definition
only allowed as last formal parameters
Assume that maxx is often used with 0 as second argument int maxx(int, int = 0);
Then the following invocation is legal int z = maxx(-45);
In this case, definition remains unchanged
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Overhead of function call be significant: maxx is good example
Give function definition an inline directive inline int maxx(int x, int y) {
Invocation of function is replaced by body
Definition must be textually before first invocation
Compilers will also inline other, small functions
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Structure larger programs into separate files
each file contains some functions: better structure
each file can be compiled independently: save compilation time during development
Header file
contains declarations and definitions of inline functions
file name extensions: .h, .hh
Implementation file
contains definition of functions (implementation)
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
* Declaration of maximum function
*/ int maxx(int, int);
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
#include "maxx.h" int maxx(int x, int y) { return (x > y) ? x : y;
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
#include <iostream>
#include "maxx.h" int main() { std::cout << maxx(47,23)
<< std::endl; return 0;
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Compile each implementation file independently g++ -c main.cpp
g++ -c maxx.cpp
creates the files main.o
and maxx.o
contain object code but require linking
Put everything together (linking) g++ main.o maxx.o –o main.exe
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Remember: inline functions must be defined not only declared before usage
Remember: at most one definition!
what if header is included from other header files possibly having multiple definitions of same function
also: why read same header more than once?
Use preprocessor (also macro processor) to guarantee atmost-once inclusion
define a preprocessor variable when included
test whether preprocessor variable not already defined choose reasonably unique name
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
* Declaration of maximum function
#ifndef __MAXX_H__
#define __MAXX_H__ int maxx(int, int);
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
How to organize compilation
recompilation needed if included header file changes
compilation can be time-consuming: > 1000 files?
only recompile what is needed
Use make: express dependencies among files
files only recompiled, if dependencies change
rules for how to perform compilation
.cpp .o
.o .exe
later (first lab session) more
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
C-style arrays
int a[42]; creates an array of 42 integers
access cout << a[1];
assignment a[1] = a[2]+a[3];
ranges from a[0] to a[41]
Dimension of array must be constant
can be evaluated at compile time to constant (eg 2*4 )
illegal int a[n] where n is variable!
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
55 int find_max(int a[], int n) { int m = a[0]; for (int i = 1; i<n; i++) if (a[i] > m) m=a[i]; return m;
Array of arbitrary size int a[]
requires to pass size as extra parameter int n
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
56 int find_max(int a[42]) { int m = a[0]; for (int i = 1; i<42; i++) if (a[i] > m) m=a[i]; return m;
Supports only arrays statically known to have size
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
What if size is not known statically
memory for array must be allocated from heap
after use, memory must be explicitly freed
C++ style memory management
use new [] and delete []
special versions for arrays
normal versions to be used later for objects
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Allocate an array of integers with size n new int[n];
Free memory array (no matter its size or type)
delete [] a;
The following does not work
int a[] = new int[n]; a must have know size, or used as parameter
use pointers rather than arrays (a little later)
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Initialize arrays in declaration
declare array to be not assignable const int DIM[] =
declares array of size 12
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Use arrays of chars!
Often const char s[] = "A C-string.";
contains all letters given plus
0 at the end (end-of-string marker)
has size 12 (additional 0)
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Vectors are C++ arrays
#include <vector> automatic resize automatic memory management copied when passed as parameters
#include <string> same advantages as above support for comparison, copying on assignment, …
Please read book about both vectors and strings
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Default mechanism already seen
works by copying: straightforward for primitive types
but copying also for objects: to be discussed later!
What if one return value is not enough?
use call by-reference
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Function to exchange to values, first attempt
(wrong): void exc(int a, int b) { int t=a; a=b; b=t;
just works on copies passed to exc
need to pass references instead
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Function to exchange to values (correct): void exc(int &a, int &b) { int t=a; a=b; b=t;
} a and b are passed by reference
effect is on actual parameters int x = 4; int y = 5;
exc(x,y); constants are not allowed as actual parameters exc(x,5);
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Are a consequence that memory management is not abstracted away
Erlang and Java: all variables hold references to values, operations are performed implicitly on value
C and C++ distinguish
objects (also primitive values)
pointers: values which point to memory address of objects
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Declaring a pointer to an integer int* p;
Let p point to address of x int x = 5;
p = &x;
& is called unary address-of operator
Read value at pointer: prints 5
cout << *p;
* is called unary dereference operator
Store value at memory referenced at p: prints 7
*p = 7; cout << x;
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
(&x) 100 x = 10
(&y) 104 y = 7
(&p) 200 p = ????
After declaration int x = 10;
int y = 7; int* p; p points somewhere (unitialized)
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
(&x) 100 x = 10
(&y) 104 y = 7
(&p) 200 p = ????
Assign object pointed to by p a value
*p = 124;
but: not necessarily, p can also point to some other location
(overrides other variables contents…)
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
(&x) 100 x = 10
(&y) 104 y = 7
(&p) 200 p = &x = 100
Let p point to location of x p = &x;
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
(&x) 100 x = 5
(&y) 104 y = 7
(&p) 200 p = &x = 100
Assign object pointed to by p a value
*p = 5;
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
(&x) 100 x = 5
(&y) 104 y = 7
(&p) 200 p = &y = 104
Let p point to location of y p = &y;
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
(&x) 100 x = 5
(&y) 104 y = 99
(&p) 200 p = &y = 104
Assign object pointed to by p a value
*p = 99;
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Testing that pointers refer to same location
p1 == p2
Testing that objects pointed to have same value
*p1 == *p2
Use NULL for ptr not pointing anywhere const int NULL = 0;
use in initialization, tests, etc
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Get memory from heap int* p = new int;
allocate memory block big enough for one int
After use, release delete p;
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Forget to delete
program crashes when running out of memory
Delete to early
lucky case: program crashes due to OS knowing that memory has been freed
unlucky case: already reused, arbitrary things can happen!
Delete twice
runtime error
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Storage classes
automatic and static variables
Arrays are pointers int* a = new int[n];
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18
Radically new computation model
not type safe
explicit memory management
Few guarantees
primitive types and their operations
Memory management is very difficult!
ID1218, Christian Schulte L07, 2009-11-18