Week 2, Day 3 Lesson Plan Author

Week 2, Day 3 Lesson Plan
Author: Jessica Lawrence
Date: February 29, 2012
Subject: Literacy
Topic: Shared Reading
Grade/Level: Kindergarten
 Students will recall their knowledge of the alphabet and letter sounds by
actively participating in choral reading activities.
 Students will relate new stories to similar stories in which they are familiar by
applying text-to-text connections.
Summary: During Shared Reading, the students actively participate in choral reading
or echo reading songs and big books. We also review the alphabet and the letter
sounds during Shared Reading.
Recall of Prerequisite Skills: Students will use their knowledge of the letters E and G
to sing the songs and read the big books this week. Also, we have read the big books
about Mrs. Wishy-Washy in previous weeks, so the students should have text-to-text
connections with this week's big book and other "Mrs. Wishy-Washy" big books. The
students all know their alphabet, but we still need to practice sounds.
Introductory Set: I will ask the students about the letter we are learning about this
week. I will also ask, "What is our new song this week?" They should answer that we
are singing the "G" song.
Informing the Learner: I will tell the students that we are learning about the letter G
this week, and to be looking out for the letter G and the sounds it makes.
Procedure: I will begin singing the song from last week, which showcases the letter E.
Then, I will instruct the boys to sing the first line and girls to sing the second line.
Basically, the boys and girls will alternate lines through the entire song. Then, the
girls will begin on the first line, with the boys singing the second line. I will point to
the lines in the song as we come to them. I will repeat this process during the letter G
song. Then, the students will echo me as we say the alphabet. Then, the students
will read the letter G big book with me. Finally, the students will read the "Mrs.
Wishy-Washy" big book with me.
Closing the Lesson: I will transition into phonics directly after Shared Reading.
Differentiated Instruction: Students will learn songs during Shared Reading that
emphasize the letters E and G. Music is a great way for students to learn new
information. The big books have patterns and repetitive text that allows the students
to follow along more easily.
Collaboration: Students will participate in whole-group instruction.
Time Allotment: 8:15-8:45 (30 minutes)
Instructional Materials: Letter E and Letter G songs, Letter G big book, "Mrs. WishyWashy" big book, Alphabet Chart.
Student Materials: None
Common Core Standards Accomplished:
 CC.K.R.L.6 Craft and Structure: With prompting and support, name the author
and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
 CC.K.R.L.10 Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: Actively engage in
group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Assessment: While the students participate in Shared Reading, I will notice the
students who do not participate. I may also notice when students are not reading
words fluently.