Summary of CHF Reporting Requirements CHF 2012 Work Plan

Summary of CHF Reporting Requirements
CHF 2012 Work Plan Projects
For Projects Completed by 31 March 2013:
Narrative Report - The NGO Partner should submit the narrative report on the Project Activities (“Sudan
CHF 2012: End-of-cycle Project Report [Part 2]”) to OCHA by April 9 (indicative deadline), with copy to
UNDP FMU (in accordance with the PPA Article X.3 requirement to report on the final Project Activities
within one month of the completion of the project or of the termination of the present Agreement).
Financial Report - The NGO Partner is required to submit to UNDP by April 30, (i.e., within one month of
the completion of the Project or of the termination of the present Agreement), a final financial report on the
use of UNDP funds, as well as an inventory of supplies and equipment.
For Projects Continuing after 31 March 2013:
1. Narrative Report - The NGO Partner is advised to submit the narrative report (“Sudan CHF 2012: End-ofcycle Project Report [Part 2]”) to OCHA, if possible by 9 April (indicative deadline), with copy to UNDP/FMU
(in accordance with the PPA Article X.1 requirement to report the progress, activities, achievements and
results of the Project as agreed between the Parties every six months..
a. At the project completion, Partners are requested to revise through the project end date and
resubmit the final narrative report to OCHA with copy to UNDP/FMU no later than 30 days after the
Project completion or termination (“Sudan CHF 2012: End-of-cycle Project Report [Part 2]”).
2. Financial Report – The NGO Partner is required to submit a quarterly financial report no later than 30 days
after the end of each quarter.
Kindly note that reporting by April 9, in advance of the contractual reporting deadline, will be greatly appreciated.
Meeting this indicative deadline will allow the Sector Leads to understand the usage and impact of CHF funding
and to consolidate the narrative reports by the 2012 CHF Annual Report deadline.
CHF 2013 Work Plan Projects
Mid-cycle Narrative Report - The NGO Partner is advised to submit the narrative report against project
achievements as of 30 September 2013 to OCHA, by 15 October (indicative deadline), with copy to
UNDP/FMU (in accordance with the PPA Article X.1 requirement to report the progress, activities,
achievements and results of the Project as agreed between the Parties every six months). See the attached
“Sudan CHF 2013: Mid-cycle report TEMPLATE”.
End-of-cycle Narrative Report - The NGO Partner is advised to submit the end-of-cycle narrative report
against project achievements as of 31 December 2013 to OCHA, by 15 January 2014 (indicative deadline),
with copy to UNDP/FMU (in accordance with the PPA Article X.1 requirement to report the progress,
activities, achievements and results of the Project as agreed between the Parties every six months). See the
attached “Sudan CHF 2013: End-of-cycle report TEMPLATE”.
Financial Reports – NGO Partner is advised to submit a financial report to UNDP FMU no later than 30 days
after the end of each quarter.
Kindly note that the attached narrative report templates serve as a draft only. The final reporting forms will be
provided to Partners by OCHA closer to the reporting deadlines.
OCHA emails for reports submission: (with copy to &
UNDP email for reports submission: