Westside High School Backwards-Design Lesson Plan Template 2013-2014 English II Prep Unit 1 8/26/13 – 10/4/13 Stage 1 – Desired Results Student Outcomes (objectives): Understanding (s)/goals: EU1: Students will understand that reading poetry from a variety of cultural viewpoints can connect to their lives Essential Question(s): EQ1: How can interactively reading and writing from a different perspective teach me about myself and others? EU2: Students will understand that analyzing and using stylistic elements will achieve author’s purpose EU3: Students will understand that expanding vocabulary can contribute to meaningful communication EQ2: Why do we write? EU4: Students will understand the voice of every author is shaped by their culture EQ4: Why is it important to appreciate many different genres of writing and cultural references? EQ5: Why is it important to communicate effectively in oral EU5: : Students will understand that effective listening and speaking skills EQ3: How does the purposeful use of language affect the reader’s understanding? SO1.1: SWBAT reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension (e.g. asking questions, summarizing and synthesizing, making connections, creating sensory images). ELA.10.Fig19A SO1.2: SWBAT make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. ELA.10Fig19B SO1.3: SWBAT relate the figurative language of a literary work to its historical and cultural setting. ELA 10.2C SO1.4: SWBAT analyze the structure of prosody (e.g. meter, rhyme scheme) and graphic elements (e.g., line length, punctuation, word position) in poetry. ELA.10.3A SO2.1: SWBAT write a poem using a variety of poetic techniques (e.g. structural elements, figurative language) and a variety of poetic forms (e.g., sonnets, ballads). ELA.10.14B SO2.2: SWBAT write an interpretative response to an expository or a literary text (e.g., essay or review) that extends beyond a summary and literal analysis. ELA.10.15C.i SO3.1: SWBAT use a variety of correctly structured sentences (e.g., compound, complex, compound-complex). ELA.10.17C SO3.2: SWBAT determine the meaning of grade-level technical academic English words in multiple content areas (e.g., science, mathematics, social studies, the arts) derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes. ELA.10.1A SO3.3: SWBAT use a dictionary, a glossary, or a thesaurus (printed or electronic) to determine or confirm the meanings of words and phrases, including their connotations and denotations, and their etymology. ELA.10.1E SO4.1: SWBAT relate (compare/contrast) the figurative language of a literary work to its historical and cultural setting. ELA.10.2C SO4.2: SWBAT make and defend subtle inferences and complex conclusions about the ideas in text and their organizational patterns. ELA.10.9C SO5.1: SWBAT participate productively in teams, building on the ideas of others, contributing relevant information, developing a plan for consensus building, and setting ground rules for decisionmaking. ELA.10.26.A are necessary for specific tasks. and written presentations? Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s) and Other Evidence: (Assessment evidence should be collected for each Student Outcome (SO) listed above.) Formative Summative (Attach copy) SO1.1 Summary Reading Assignment SO1.2 Reading comprehension Warm-Ups SO1.3 Figurative Language Practice and Quiz SO1.4 Poetic Terms Quiz SO2.1 TP-CASTT Practice Original Poem SO2.2 Short answer responses Interpretative Essay SO3.1 Voc. Warm-Ups SO3.2 Literacy Interactive Notebooks SO3.3 Dictionary usage SO4.1 Short Story Questions SO4.2 STAAR Stem Question Practice and Review SO5.1 Group Projects Summative