Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique Movement 2: Un Bal INTRODUCTION THEME Waltz accompaniment INSTS Tremolo strings 2 harps/cello/DB arpeggios BAR 1 FEATURES A ballroom scene is established with 3/8 time Long Crescendo EXPOSITION (A) 1 THEME INSTS BAR FEATURES Theme 1 Violins 1 39 Theme 1 (Waltz) including the sigh motif Link Harp & lower strings 54 Harp & lower strings Theme 2 Violins 2 56 Theme 2 including sigh and heartbeat motifs 2 x 5-bar phrases 2nd phrase a variation of the first phrase Vlns 2 & vlas tremolo pizzicato/harp arpeggios Link Flute & Clarinet 66 Ascending staccato scale Theme 3 All strings 68 A falling sequence of repeated notes covering the interval of a 7th Theme 3 in canon Violins 1 & cello 78 Version of theme 3 consisting of a repeated turning figure played in canon by vln 1 & cello Vln 2 & vla play pizzicato Theme 1 extended Violins 1 92 Theme 1 extended in sequence. Strings, harp & woodwind alternate on each quaver beat. EPISODE (B) THEME 2 BAR INSTS 116 Tremolo strings Idee fixe 120 Flute & Oboe Idee fixe 128 Flute and clarinet 160 Horn - held E FEATURES Pppp – Presque rien Key of F (unrelated key) Tremolo string accompaniment Staccato arpeggios on cellos and double basses String accompaniment gradually introduces snippets of theme 1 (waltz theme) Texture becomes contrapuntal Dominant pedal note E on Horn brings tonality back to A major Heartbeat motif played by wind and strings RECAPITULATION (A) 3 THEME BAR INSTS FEATURES Theme 1 175 Vln 2/Vla/Cello Theme 2 193 Vlns 1 & 2 and Vla 2 bar link 203 Flute/Clarinet Theme 3 205 Woodwind Theme 3 played by woodwind Ascending & descending arpeggios on pizzicato strings Theme 3 repeated in canon 215 Vlns 2/Cello/Woodwind Theme 3 canon between Vln 1, cello, clarinet and flute Ends with descending woodwind scale followed by a silent bar Theme 1 233 Woodwind Vlns 2 play theme 1 Vlns 1 play ornamental motif; Cellos & Basses pizzicato pedal note; Woodwind repeated notes Harp arpeggios enhance texture Rich harp accompaniment based on arpeggios Staccato scale Cello –descending scale All woodwind play theme 1 Pizz lower strings Vlns 1 – repeated notes heartbeat motif Syncopated horn motif CODA 4 THEME BAR INSTS FEATURES Theme 3 257 Tutti Woodwind plays snippets of theme 3 Theme 2 265 Tutti Strings play snippets of heartbeat motif from theme 2 Theme 3 286 Tutti Vlns 1 & woodwind play turning theme from theme 3 Idee Fixe 302 Solo Clarinet Solo clarinet plays idée fixe accompanied by held note on horn and one descending arpeggio on harp Theme 1 320 Tutti Snippets of theme 1 are heard through a dense chordal texture ending the movement on a triumphant note 5