Five Theme Circle Directions

Five Theme Circle Directions
You will choose a city with which you are familiar, relate each theme
to that city and draw a picture depicting it. For example, if you were
doing Las Vegas, then for "Location" you would show the absolute
location using coordinates or relative location showing the states
that surround Nevada. For "Place" you could draw a picture of the
strip with mountains in the background. For "Human/Environmental
Interaction," you could draw Hoover Dam or people polluting, etc.
For "Movement," you could draw how people are transported
here. For "Region," you could draw a desert for formal region or the
metropolitan city of Las Vegas for functional region. On the back of
the circle, you will trace the circle with the sections and write an
explanation for each section how your picture depicts that theme of
geography as it relates to your city. Make sure to outline the
pictures in black ink and color in colored pencils. On the back of each
section of the circle, explain how each picture relates to that theme
of geography in ink.
Five Theme Circle Directions
You will choose a city with which you are familiar, relate each theme
to that city and draw a picture depicting it. For example, if you were
doing Las Vegas, then for "Location" you would show the absolute
location using coordinates or relative location showing the states
that surround Nevada. For "Place" you could draw a picture of the
strip with mountains in the background. For "Human/Environmental
Interaction," you could draw Hoover Dam or people polluting, etc.
For "Movement," you could draw how people are transported
here. For "Region," you could draw a desert for formal region or the
metropolitan city of Las Vegas for functional region. On the back of
the circle, you will trace the circle with the sections and write an
explanation for each section how your picture depicts that theme of
geography as it relates to your city. Make sure to outline the
pictures in black ink and color in colored pencils. On the back of each
section of the circle, explain how each picture relates to that theme
of geography in ink.