Please confirm if all the speakers listed in this proposal have

2015 California Higher Education Sustainability Conference
San Francisco State University
Call for Proposals
Submission Instructions
Thank you for proposing a talk for the 2015 California Higher Education Sustainability Conference hosted
by San Francisco State University. We appreciate your willingness to share your best practices and
knowledge with us!
Before you get started, here are a few quick tips:
We recommend that you use the word document version of the Call for Proposals form to draft
your responses. This will be the safest way to ensure that no software, internet, or computer
glitches can impact your work.
Once you begin your online submission, proposals may be saved at any time, even before you
have completed the submission.
Submissions are due by March 1st at 11:59pm.
Please keep an eye out for where questions have help text. We tried to add tips to help you be
as successful as possible.
Please contact Katie Maynard if you have any questions about the
proposal process or conference more broadly.
Presentation Content
Proposal Title
Please enter the full title of your submission. This description may be used on the conference website if
your proposal is accepted for a presentation. (Limit: 10 Words)
Brief Synopsis
Please provide a brief description of your presentation. This description may be used on the conference
website if your proposal is accepted for a presentation. (Limit: 150 words)
Project Inspiration and Methodology
Please describe the opportunity or issue that inspired the project and the methodology or strategy for
addressing the issue. (Limit: 450 words)
Conference Theme
This year's conference theme is "Can We Change Fast Enough?" Please describe any ways in which your
proposal relates to this theme. (Limit: 150 words)
Please describe the key stakeholders who were involved in the implementation of your project and the
role that each filled. Specific names are not necessary. We are instead interested in the partnerships
that you developed to implement the project. (Limit: 250 words)
Current Status of Project
Please describe what the current status of your project/research. Has the project been completed? If
not, at what date do you expect it to be completed and what parts of the project will be completed by
July 2015? (Limit: 150 words)
If applicable, please describe the quantitative and/or qualitative results of your project. If you have
completed a cost/benefit analysis, please also include that here. (Limit: 450 words)
Intended Audience
Please describe your intended audience for this presentation. For each component of your audience,
describe what you hope they will learn from the presentation and what actions you hope to inspire
them to take.
Jargon Level
To help registrants understand which sessions may be appropriate for them, we developed a three tier
rating. Please choose the category that you think best describes your presentation.
 General Audience: Limited or no jargon will be used in this session. Presenters will define
acronyms before using them. This session is a great fit for a wide variety of people from those
new to sustainability to more experienced attendees.
 Interdisciplinary Talk: Attendees of this session are assumed to be broadly familiar with the field
of sustainability. Attendees may however be from many different job titles and areas of
expertise. Some jargon and common acronyms will be used, however these will be terms used
widely in the sustainability field.
 Specialized Talk: Attendees of this session are expected to have expertise specifically related to
the topic covered in the session or have done work related to this topic specifically. This session
is not however restricted to professional staff, a student leader who has been working closely
with professionals in the field on this topic for some time may find value in this session.
Low-Hanging Fruit vs. Deep Green
We hope to ensure that there are some presentations geared towards new-comers while providing new
ideas to the campuses that have continued to attend our event for many years. Please let us know which
of the following categories best describes your talk:
 Low Hanging Fruit: Practices and initiatives highlighted in this presentation could be
implemented by campuses just getting started or campuses that have been around for a while.
Return on investment for these projects is generally fairly quick and the practices are not too
difficult to implement (at least at a pilot level).
 Ripening Efforts: For those campuses that have already implemented most of the low hanging
fruit and who want to start reaching a little higher, this will be a great session. The practices
highlighted will be challenging to implement and the returns won’t be as quick, but they are well
worth the effort.
 Deep Green: Attendees who have attended many conferences and implemented several
programs on their campuses will be excited to hear about the fresh new ideas in this session.
These practices are ambitious, and rare amongst campuses throughout the state. These
practices will be difficult for a campus new to sustainability to adopt.
Previous Presentation at CHESC
Have you presented on this project/research before at CHESC (or are aware of a colleague who
presented on the same work)?
 Yes.
 No.
 I don't know.
Detail on Previous Presentations
If you answered yes to the previous question, in what year? What has changed since you last presented
Presentation Topic Areas
Please choose two or at most three topic areas that will be addressed in a substantial way. Please do not
select topics which will be indirectly addressed or only briefly touched on. Proposers suggesting topics
under institutionalizing sustainability (only) may choose to submit to only that category, but are
encouraged to consider submitting in multiple categories.
 Climate Action
 Curriculum
 Energy
 Food Systems
 Green Building New Construction and Renovations
 Green Building Operations and Maintenance
 Healthcare (Operations of Medical Centers and Student Health Facilities)
 Health and Wellness
 Institutionalizing Sustainability
 Local Track (Case Studies from San Francisco and the Bay Area)
 Procurement and Business Services
 Research
 Social Equity
 Student Affairs and Auxiliaries
 Transportation
 Waste Reduction and Recycling
 Water and Landscaping
Presentation Style and Equipment/Space Needs
Presentation Method
Please choose your preferred means of presentation. If you are interested in giving both an oral
presentation and presenting a poster, select both boxes.
 Poster
 Oral
Main Conference or Student Convergence?
Would you prefer to speak during the main conference or the student convergence (a post-conference
event targeted towards students only)?
 Main Conference (July 21st and July 22nd)
 Student Convergence (July 23rd)
Main Conference or Student Convergence? (Part 2)
If your proposal is not accepted for a presentation during the main conference would you be open to
presenting at the student convergence instead?
 Yes
 No
Presentation Timeslot
Please note how long of a timeslot you are requesting. Please note that the majority of the available
timeslots are 15-20min. and requests for longer timeslots are less often accepted. Please see help text
for more details on taking action sessions. More information
 Project Presentation (One project/campus presents for 15-20 min plus Q and A; the speaker
selection committee will either match this to two other similar projects to form a 75min. panel
session or assign this to a stand-alone timeslot of 30min - 20min presentation plus 10min Q and
A. This will be the decision of the committee not the submitter.)
 Partnership Presentation highlighting two distinct projects (Two projects preferably from
different campuses, present for 30-40min plus Q and A; the speaker selection committee will
match this paired presentation with a third presentation to make a complete 75min panel
 Partnership Presentation highlighting three distinct projects (Three projects preferably from
different campuses, present for 75min including the Q and A; Please note we accept very few of
these proposals a year.)
 Interactive Presentation (CHESC strongly encourages speakers to consider interactive
presentation models. Interactive sessions do not need to include multiple campuses (but can),
and can be allotted up to 75min. Examples could include design charrettes or world cafes. Panel
discussions do not count as interactive sessions and would need to fall into categories #1-3
above. We can most likely provide you with a flexibly structured room or a computer lab if that
would help you to offer an interactive presentation.
 "Taking Action" Session New -This year CHESC is introducing a new 45min session type. The goal
of these sessions is to translate the best practice sharing of the conference into clear next steps
and to set goals.
 Poster Presentation Only
Interactive and Taking Action Sessions
If you are proposing an interactive or "Taking Action" session, please describe what interactive
activities/reflective activities/actions you plan to include in your presentation. (Limit: 250 words)
Audio/Visual/Room Layout Needs
All presentation rooms at the conference will be equipped with a PC laptop, projector, projection
screen, and microphone as needed. Please indicate if you anticipate needing any of these additional AV
 Wireless microphones (if you plan to walk around the space)
 A MAC Computer for presenter (rather than a PC--PC Computers are already provided for
 Ability to play sound from a laptop
 Ability to play videos
 Internet connection (wireless only)
 Ability to play Keynote
 Ability to play a Prezi
 Ability to Web-conference
 Whiteboard
 Flip charts
 Wireless slide advancer
 Markers
 Index cards
 Scissors
 Pens/Pencils
 Round Tables for Attendees - 8-10 per table (standard is lecture style seating)
 One Large Circle or Square of Chairs (standard is lecture style seating)
 Computers for attendees
 I do not need any of the above materials.
Soft-spoken speakers
Are any of your speakers particularly soft-spoken? This helps us determine microphone needs for small
rooms where microphones are not typically used.
 Yes
 No
Additional Audio-Visual Needs
Do you have any audio-visual, space, equipment, or room layout needs other than what you have
already stated? (Limit: 250 words)
Contact(s) for Proposal
Correspondence regarding this proposal will be sent to all of the speakers listed (see next set of
questions). If you would like any individuals other than speakers to be copied on this correspondence,
please list their names and emails here.
Speaker Information
Please tell us about each of your speakers. For a 15-20min presentation, you should plan on 1-2
speakers. For a 30-45min presentation, 1-4 speakers would be expected, for a presentation that is
75min or longer up to 6 speakers would be expected.
Speaker One –
Please only include people who plan to attend the conference if this proposal is accepted. Please do not
include authors that will not be present. The order of speakers will not matter at this point in time.
Primary Affiliation
Please note what campus/institution/company this speaker primarily works for. Presenters who work as
consultants should list their consulting company name rather than the campus name.
Title Line
Please include any honorifics (degrees or certifications to follow the name (e.g. PhD, MS, LEED AP, CEM,
PE, BSME, FAIA, etc.), Job Title, Department, Campus/Institution.
Example title line for a non-student speaker:
Jane Doe, LEEDTM AP, AIA, Project Manager, Facilities Management, CSU Sacramento
Example title Line for student speaker:
John Doe, LEEDTM GA, Campaign Coordinator, CalPIRG; Student, Environmental Studies;
Political Science, UC Davis
Please provide a brief biography. If accepted, this may be posted on the conference website. (Limit: 150
Project Role
Please describe the role that this speaker had in implementing the project/research that would be
highlighted in this presentation. (Limit: 150 words)
Speaker Two –
Please only include people who plan to attend the conference if this proposal is accepted. Please do not
include authors that will not be present. The order of speakers will not matter at this point in time.
Primary Affiliation
Please note what campus/institution/company this speaker primarily works for. Presenters who work as
consultants should list their consulting company name rather than the campus name.
Title Line
Please include any honorifics (degrees or certifications to follow the name (e.g. PhD, MS, LEED AP, CEM,
PE, BSME, FAIA, etc.), Job Title, Department, Campus/Institution.
Example title line for a non-student speaker:
Jane Doe, LEEDTM AP, AIA, Project Manager, Facilities Management, CSU Sacramento
Example title Line for student speaker:
John Doe, LEEDTM GA, Campaign Coordinator, CalPIRG; Student, Environmental Studies;
Political Science, UC Davis
Please provide a brief biography. If accepted, this may be posted on the conference website. (Limit: 150
Project Role
Please describe the role that this speaker had in implementing the project/research that would be
highlighted in this presentation. (Limit: 150 words)
Speaker One –
Please only include people who plan to attend the conference if this proposal is accepted. Please do not
include authors that will not be present. The order of speakers will not matter at this point in time.
Primary Affiliation
Please note what campus/institution/company this speaker primarily works for. Presenters who work as
consultants should list their consulting company name rather than the campus name.
Title Line
Please include any honorifics (degrees or certifications to follow the name (e.g. PhD, MS, LEED AP, CEM,
PE, BSME, FAIA, etc.), Job Title, Department, Campus/Institution.
Example title line for a non-student speaker:
Jane Doe, LEEDTM AP, AIA, Project Manager, Facilities Management, CSU Sacramento
Example title Line for student speaker:
John Doe, LEEDTM GA, Campaign Coordinator, CalPIRG; Student, Environmental Studies;
Political Science, UC Davis
Please provide a brief biography. If accepted, this may be posted on the conference website. (Limit: 150
Project Role
Please describe the role that this speaker had in implementing the project/research that would be
highlighted in this presentation. (Limit: 150 words)
Speaker Three Name
Please only include people who plan to attend the conference if this proposal is accepted. Please do not
include authors that will not be present. The order of speakers will not matter at this point in time.
Primary Affiliation
Please note what campus/institution/company this speaker primarily works for. Presenters who work as
consultants should list their consulting company name rather than the campus name.
Title Line
Please include any honorifics (degrees or certifications to follow the name (e.g. PhD, MS, LEED AP, CEM,
PE, BSME, FAIA, etc.), Job Title, Department, Campus/Institution.
Example title line for a non-student speaker:
Jane Doe, LEEDTM AP, AIA, Project Manager, Facilities Management, CSU Sacramento
Example title Line for student speaker:
John Doe, LEEDTM GA, Campaign Coordinator, CalPIRG; Student, Environmental Studies;
Political Science, UC Davis
Please provide a brief biography. If accepted, this may be posted on the conference website. (Limit: 150
Project Role
Please describe the role that this speaker had in implementing the project/research that would be
highlighted in this presentation. (Limit: 150 words)
Additional Speakers
If you have more than three speakers, please provide information similar to what was asked of the
above speakers here.
Confirmation of Proposed Speakers
Please confirm if all the speakers listed in this proposal have confirmed that they would speak should
the proposal be accepted. If this is not the case, please describe the status of the unconfirmed speakers
Disclaimer of Commercial Interests
Do the speaker(s)/presenter(s) have any commercial interests or associations that might pose a conflict
of interest regarding this submission? If so, please describe that here. (Limit: 150 words)
Please read the following section carefully as it includes critical information and relevant CHESC policies
that you will be expected to adhere to.
Confirmation of Speaker Registration Fees. Please Read Carefully.
Please confirm that all of the speakers/presenters that are listed in this proposal are aware that all
speakers/presenters are expected to register and pay to attend the conference. Even if a
speaker/presenter will only attend the session that they will be speaking in, they will still be expected to
register and pay for at minimum a one day pass. There will be a discount on speaker's registration
(usually about a $50.00 discount). Scholarships may be applied for. If you are aware of the fees and plan
to apply for a scholarship (but aren’t sure whether you will be granted the scholarship), please choose
the second option.
 Yes, I understand that speakers will be expected to pay a registration fee.
 I understand there is a speaker fee, but plan to apply for a fee waiver based on limited support
from my institution or other financial need related reasons. Selection of this option will in no
way affect whether your proposal is accepted.
 One or more of my speakers will not agree to the speaker registration fee (this option will
disqualify your proposal in most cases).
Permission to Post Presentation Materials.
Do you give CHESC and SFSU permission to post a PDF of your presentation and related handouts that
you provide to us to the CHESC website?
 Yes
 No
Permission for Photography
Do you give permission for photographs to be taken in your session? Photos will be used in future
promotion of the conference, on the CHESC website, and by SFSU.
 Yes
 No
Accessibility Commitment
Please check this box if you commit to supporting our commitment to accessibility.
 To fulfill San Francisco State University’s and CHESC’s mission of social justice and equity, we are
committed to ensuring that any and all aspects of the conference held at SFSU in 2015 are
accessible to attendees with disabilities. This includes making presentation materials from our
speakers accessible. All speakers will be asked to review and to the extent feasible follow SFSU
guidelines (to be made available in March) for accessibility of presentation materials and
documents for people of all abilities. Please also note that any video clips used in presentations
will be required to have closed captioning. With support from both the SFSU Disability Programs
and Resource Center (DPRC) and the CHESC organizing team, we will provide you with guidance
and resources to help you achieve our commitment to disability access at the conference. If a
speaker foresees needing assistance to make their PowerPoint or handout materials accessible,
the speaker will need to plan to submit the presentation and handout materials early (at la by
June 29th, 2015) for consultation.
Speaker Content Guidelines
Please check the box below to confirm your commitment to our speaker content guidelines.
 Speakers may neither promote nor denigrate a specific product or proprietary service during a
presentation. Logos from campuses, non-profits, and companies may only be used on the first
slide of the presentation regardless of whether the speaker represents that group. Logos
(including logos from campuses) cannot be used on posters. Institutions can be mentioned as
affiliations of the author, but promotional information about those institutions cannot be
included. Advertisements cannot be used anywhere in a presentation or in hand-out materials.
Photos used in presentations should not include proprietary services or products. If you need
assistance editing out a logo from a photograph, please contact us; we are happy to assist you.
We do not accept sales pitches or marketing presentations. All presenters must be directly
involved in the project/research being discussed. It is not appropriate for someone from the
same program, campus, or department who did not directly work on the project/research to
present. All presenters must discuss their work on the project. Representatives of private
companies and non-profit organizations may only present if they are co-speaking with a campus.
The campus presenter must talk about their work on the project and may not act simply as a
endorsement for the company presenter. Government (non-campus) representatives may speak
without a campus co-presenter if they are discussing legislation or codes that affect campuses;
or resources directed towards campuses such as grants or technical assistance programs.
Government representatives must co-speak with a campus on all other presentations.
Presenters should not infer that the conference, San Francisco State University, CCC, CSU, UC, or
the IOUs approve or endorse any product, software, service, or system for any reason. The logos
and names of San Francisco State University, CCC, CSU, UC, and the IOUs may not be used
without prior and explicit permission from the owner of that logo. The speaker is responsible for
confirming that they have the right to use/acquiring the licenses needed for any copyrighted
material used in the presentation. We ask speakers to be especially careful of the use of
Speaker Changes
Please confirm you have reviewed our policy on speaker changes and agree to adhere to this policy by
checking this box.
 All changes to the proposed speakers listed in your original abstract must be reviewed and
approved by CHESC. CHESC reserves the right to cancel a talk based on a change to the speaker
list (though we will usually work with the submitters to identify alternate speakers first). A loss
of one of the speakers within the session may also result in the canceling of a talk, even if one of
the selected speakers can still attend. If you significantly change your topic, scope, or speakers
you must seek approval from CHESC.
Closing and Submission
Please let us know if you have any other comments or concerns before submitting your abstract.
Additional Comments
If you have any additional comments for reviewers, please include those here.