Atomic Composition Unit 3 – Nuclear Model of the atom What do we know about atoms? The atom is made of subatomic particles called nucleons. There are different types of nucleons 3 Major Subatomic Particles ELECTRON e- Negatively Charged Atomic Mass – 0.0005 amu Basically round to zero amu PROTON p+ Positive Charge Mass of 1.007 amu Found in nucleus of atom Neutron no No charge - “neutral” Mass of 1.0009 amu Found in Nucleus Other Subatomic Particles Computer Generated picture of two bombarded atoms. Symbol -Z All atoms of the same element have the same number of protons in the nucleus. ATOMIC NUMBER = NUMBER OF PROTONS Symbol -A Mass comes from the nucleus of the atom. Mass number = # protons + # neutrons No overall Charge Number of protons and electrons are the same Number of neutrons = mass number minus atomic number Nitrogen ?protons, neutrons, electrons Copper ?protons, neutrons, electrons PROTONS = 7 PROTONS = 29 NEUTRONS= 7 NEUTRONS= 35 ELECTRONS= 7 ELECTRONS= 29 Ion There was either: 1. Gain of electron(s) X 1. Loss of electron(s) X+ Calculating nucleons in an ion If an atom is not electrically neutral than there is an imbalance of the proton to electron ratio and we have an ion. If we have an ion one of two scenarios are present: Protons are in greater number than electrons so we have a positive ion. Protons are in less number than electrons so we have a negative ion. Example: How many protons, neutrons and electrons are there in Mg +2 In an atom or ion the number of protons is always the same. (atomic number) Calculating the number Mg +2 ?proton neutrons electrons In an atom or ion the number of protons is always the same. (atomic number) of neutrons is the Mass number minus the atomic number Calculating electrons in an ion we have to look at the charge on the ion. If the ion is positive then there are more protons than electrons and if the number is negative then there are more electrons than protons Magnesium has a mass Mg +2 ?proton neutrons electrons Magnesium has an atomic number of 12 so the PROTONS = 12 number of 24 so the NEUTRONS = 24 (mass #) – 12(atomic #) = 12 Magnesium has a charge of a +2 so the number of protons are 2 more than the number of electrons. Since the number of protons does not change we will subtract 2 from the atomic number to give us ELECTRONS= 12 (atomic #) -2(the number on the charge = 10 the number of electrons. Al+3 ?proton neutrons electrons O-2 ?proton neutrons electrons PROTON = 13 PROTON = 8 NEUTRON = 27-13=14 NEUTRON = 16-8=8 ELECTRON = 13-3=10 ELECTRON = 8+2=10 METALS LOSE ELECTRONS BECOMING POSITIVELY CHARGED. NONMETALS GAIN ELECTRONS BECOMING NEGATIVELY CHARGED. How do we write all of this information? 3. Add the # of neutrons to the number of protons. REMEMBER - this is the atomic mass. Complete Chemical Symbol Write the symbol for the atom with 28 protons, 28 electrons and 31 neutrons. Ni 28 59 4. Check to see if you have an atom or ion. the number 2. Write 1. an the Look number upIfthe orin protons does not of protons symbol the by using the equal the number of lower left number handof side protons. electrons then of the REMEMBER: element. the you will need to add ais+ number of protons or the a – charge. thecharge same as atomic number. How do we write all of this information? 3. Add the # of neutrons to the number of protons. REMEMBER - this is the atomic mass. Complete Chemical Symbol Write the symbol for the ion with 8 protons, 10 electrons and 8 neutrons. O 8 16 -2 4. Check to see if you have an atom or ion. the number 2. Write 1. an the Look number upIfthe orin protons does not of protons symbol the by using the equal the number of lower left number handof side protons. electrons then of the REMEMBER: element. the you will need to add ais+ number of protons or the a – charge. thecharge same as atomic number. How do we write all of this information? 3. Add the # of neutrons to the number of protons. REMEMBER - this is the atomic mass. Complete Chemical Symbol Write the symbol for the ion with 20 protons, 18 electrons and 20 neutrons. +2 Ca 20 40 4. Check to see if you have an atom or ion. the number 2. Write 1. an the Look number upIfthe orin protons does not of protons symbol the by using the equal the number of lower left number handof side protons. electrons then of the REMEMBER: element. the you will need to add ais+ number of protons or the a – charge. thecharge same as atomic number. How do we write all of this information? Element name – atomic mass How many protons, neutrons and electrons are in Tantalum-181. Protons – 73 Electrons – 73 1. The number of protons comes from the atomic 2.number. The number of Neutrons – 108 electrons equals the number protons because this is a neutral atom. 3. The number of neutrons is equal to the mass number minus the atomic number. Now it your turn to practice Complete the in class practice WS Example Using the Bohr Model 1s22s22p63s1 Na is a metal and wants to lose an electron so it has a full energy level of electrons. 1s22s22p63s23p5 Cl is a nonmetal and wants to gain and electron so it can have a full energy level. Example Using the Bohr Model 1s22s22p6 11 protons and 10 electrons make an ion with a +1 charge. 1s22s22p63s23p6 17 protons and 18 electrons make an ion with a -1 charge.