the SRIL_Guidance_2015-16 as MS Word (2605

Guidance for completion of
2015-16 Staff Related Inherited
Liabilities return
How to use the HEFCE web facility ................................................................................. 3
Downloading and completing your submission ............................................................... 6
Saving and uploading your submission ......................................................................... 10
Downloading and responding to queries ....................................................................... 11
Saving and uploading queries........................................................................................ 12
HEFCE helpdesk contact ............................................................................................... 13
Gaining access to the secure area of the HEFCE
How to use the HEFCE web facility
This contains detailed instructions on how to use the web facility.
Access to the facility
The web facility can be accessed via the secure area of the HEFCE website at If you have not previously used the secure area of the
HEFCE website you will need to register. On viewing the screen below you will be prompted
to either login or register for access to the secure area of the HEFCE website. Please note
that the ‘register’ button is towards the bottom of this webpage. Once you have logged in to
the secure area of the HEFCE website, you will be taken to the 2015-16 Staff Related
Inherited Liabilities return page.
If you have difficulty logging-in to the extranet, please email for support.
When reporting problems please supply the following information:
Your name, organisation and user id
The date and time
What part of the form or system you were working on
The nature of the problem
How to Register
If you have not previously used the secure area of the HEFCE website, you will need to
1. Click on the ‘Register now’ button on the HEFCE login page.
2. Enter your name, e-mail address and choose a password. Your password must be at
least eight characters, containing at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter
and one number.
3. Enter your group key as provided in our letter sent out at the end of February 2016.
4. Click the ‘register’ button.
5. You will be informed whether registration was successful. If you have successfully
registered click ‘Continue’ to navigate back to the login page.
6. Log in using your registered email address and password.
7. Once you have logged in to the secure area of the HEFCE website, you will be taken
to the surveys homepage where there will be a link to the 2015-16 SRIL return page.
Forgotten password
If you forget your password, select ‘Forgotten Password’ on the log-in page. Enter your e-mail
address in the space provided and click ‘request password’. A new password will be
generated and sent to you. You will be required to change this password before being able to
access the secure area of the HEFCE website.
Each user has three attempts to log in before the account is locked. If all three attempts are
used and access to the web facility is still not allowed please contact George Pike
Joining a new group if you are already registered
If you have previously registered with the secure area of the HEFCE website (for example
when completing last year’s return) you will be able to login using the details you previously
registered with. This will direct you to the surveys homepage. You will need to link to the
2015-16 SRIL return using the group key provided in the letter sent out at the end of
February. To do this select the ‘My Account’ option in the top right hand corner of the screen.
You will then be able to choose the ‘Join Group’ option which will allow you to input the group
Downloading and completing your submission
Once you have logged in you will be presented with the following screen which provides
instructions on how to submit your 2015-16 Staff Related Inherited Liabilities return:
Please check the organisation details are correct by clicking on ‘My account’ in the top right
hand corner. If this is not your organisation or you experience any other technical difficulties
please contact George Pike ( To navigate back to the 2015-16
SRIL page click on ‘Home’ located on the left hand side of the screen then click on ‘2015-16
Staff Related Inherited Liabilities’.
The workbook contains two worksheets, sheet one is titled ‘Claimant’ and will be in the
following format:
This sheet contains details of the last two years return including the sums claimed. You are
required to complete:
column I (Date of death)
column J (Notes) – you may wish to add information regarding any anomalies
column K (2015-16 Claim amount).
There are various methods for completing the workbook, the first being to key directly.
For those organisations that wish to, it is possible to make a copy of the sheet and to re-sort
into an order that is useful, but please bear in mind that you will need to ensure that, as many
of the columns are protected and you are only able to paste back columns I, J and K – as
detailed above, following completion you must sort the spreadsheet by Surname (column B)
and then First Name/Initials (column C) and then paste values for the three columns back
into the workbook prior to uploading. Please be aware that you must not paste links or
formulas into the cells as this will give rise to problems when you attempt to upload
the file.
Another method for populating the workbook is to use the VLOOKUP function in Excel but
please ensure that you replace any formula with values.
When recording the values being claimed the actual sum, i.e. to two decimal places, as
opposed to a rounded amount should be recorded.
No new entries can be input onto this sheet. If there is a need to add new claimants, usually a
dependent due to the death of an original claimant, these will be added to the second sheet
titled ‘Additions’ which will be in the following format:
Areas that are highlighted in lilac are mandatory, these being:
National insurance number
First name/initial
Date of birth
Original claimant or dependent
Reason for addition
2015-16 claim amount
Additionally, if the date of retirement is left blank the column headed ‘Are they in receipt of
salary compensation?’ becomes compulsory. The date of retirement for the dependent
should be the day after the death of the original claimant.
You can complete the spreadsheet either by keying directly onto it, or you may wish to create
the data by copying and pasting from another application. If this is the case please be aware
that you must not paste links or formulas into the cells as this will give rise to problems when
you attempt to upload the file. Use paste special to do this.
There are a number of validations within the sheet, where errors occur the cell will either
highlight red or you will be blocked from moving on.
The majority of information being requested is self-explanatory but please note the following:
National insurance number
This enables us to use the individuals national insurance number as a unique identifier. If this
number appears more than once it will be highlighted red. Providing this number relates to the
same person you will need to add the amounts together and remove one of the entries. There
should be no instance where the same number is used by different individuals.
Date of birth/date of retirement
The format is DD/MM/YYYY. Please ensure that the year is correct and that the date of birth
has not defaulted to 2000 or beyond.
Are they in receipt of salary compensation?
We are collecting information regarding salary compensation and, as stated above, if the date
of retirement is left blank this column will be compulsory. When either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ is selected
the cell will highlight green, this is for our purposes only.
Original claimant or dependent
This is completed by selecting from the drop-down box. The response to this will inform the
reason for the addition below.
Reason for addition
If you selected the original claimant in response to the previous question, then you will need
to explain the reason for their eligibility. Where this individual is a dependent please provide
the name and NI number of the original claimant that they are related to.
2015-16 claim amount
The actual sum being claimed, as opposed to a rounded amount should be recorded.
Saving and uploading your submission
When your data is complete either by keying directly into the workbook titled
SRIL15_XXXXX.xlsx, or by copying and pasting the data from another workbook please
ensure that there are no cells highlighted red. If there are this indicates that there is an error
in the input, once this is corrected the highlighting will disappear.
Upload the completed file which will then be processed. You can upload either an .xls file or
an .xlsx file or archive containing an .xls file or an .xlsx file. Details of the file you are
about to submit will be shown. Once you have selected your files please click the Upload
Please check the outcome message returned under the heading ‘History of 2015-16 Staff
Related Inherited Liabilities data collection submissions’, which if successful means that your
file has been processed by our system.
It is advisable to print a copy of this page as a record of your submission.
Downloading and responding to queries
Once you have made your submission we will review the data and in the event that there are
any concerns or issues we will send you an e-mail containing links to queries section of the
The workbook contains queries regarding the claims submitted. Please complete the
response column. Once the data is completed please upload as instructed – to ensure
security of data do not e-mail this information.
Saving and uploading queries
When your data is complete either by keying directly into the workbook titled
Queries_XXXXX.xlsx, or by copying and pasting the data from another workbook please
ensure that there are no cells highlighted red. If there are this indicates that there is an error
in the input, once this is corrected the highlighting will disappear.
Upload the completed file which will then be processed. You can upload either an .xls file or
an .xlsx file or archive containing an .xls file or an .xlsx file. Details of the file you are
about to submit will be shown. Once you have selected your files please click the submit
Please check the outcome returned under the heading ‘History of 2015-16 Staff Related
Inherited Liabilities queries data collection submissions’, which if successful will means that
your file is in the correct format and has been processed by our system.
It is advisable to print a copy of this page as a record of your submission.
HEFCE helpdesk contact
For specific general workbook/ data related queries please contact either:
Name: Donna Iafrati
Phone: 0117 931 7357
Name: Ravtej Thind
Phone: 0117 931 7189
For technical and extranet page queries please contact:
Name: George Pike
Phone: 0117 931 7273
Staffed Monday to Friday 10am – 2.30pm UK time (excluding bank holidays and other
When reporting problems by e-mail or telephone, please supply the following information:
Your name, organisation and user id
The date and time
What part of the form or system you were working on
The nature of the problem