Figure 18.1 Using Figure 18.1, match the following: 1) Purkinje fibers

Figure 18.1
Using Figure 18.1, match the following:
1) Purkinje fibers.
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 675; Fig. 18.15
2) SA node.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 675; Fig. 18.15
3) AV bundle.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 675; Fig. 18.15
4) AV node.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 675; Fig. 18.15
5) Bundle branches.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 675; Fig. 18.15
Match the following:
A) Myocardium
B) Epicardium
C) Endocardium
D) Parietal layer
6) The inner lining of the heart.
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 661
7) Heart muscle.
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 661
8) Serous layer covering the heart muscle.
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 660
9) The outermost layer of the serous pericardium.
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 660
Answers: 6) C 7) A 8) B 9) D
Match the following:
A) Aortic valve
B) Mitral valve
C) Pulmonary valve
D) Tricuspid valve
10) Prevents backflow into the left ventricle.
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 667
11) Prevents backflow into the right atrium.
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 662
12) Prevents backflow into the left atrium.
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 662
13) Prevents backflow into the right ventricle.
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 667
14) AV valve with two flaps.
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 667
15) AV valve with three flaps.
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 662
Answers: 10) A 11) D 12) B 13) C 14) B 15) D
True/False Questions
16) The myocardium receives its blood supply from the coronary arteries.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 668-670
17) Cardiac muscle has more mitochondria and depends less on a continual supply of
oxygen than does skeletal muscle.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 671
18) Anastomoses among coronary arterial branches provide collateral routes for blood
delivery to the heart muscle.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 670
19) Congestive heart failure means that the pumping efficiency of the heart is depressed
so that there is inadequate delivery of blood to body tissues.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 685
20) Tissues damaged by myocardial infarction are replaced by connective tissue.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 671
21) The left side of the heart pumps the same volume of blood as the right.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 668
22) Chronic release of excess thyroxine can cause a sustained increase in heart rate and a
weakened heart.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 684
23) Arterial blood supply to heart muscle is continuous whether the heart is in systole or
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 670
Multiple Choice
24) Normal heart sounds are caused by which of the following events?
A) excitation of the SA node
B) closure of the heart valves
C) friction of blood against the chamber walls
D) opening and closing of the heart valves
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 678
25) Which of the events below does not occur when the semilunar valves are open?
A) Ventricles are in diastole.
B) Blood enters pulmonary arteries and the aorta.
C) AV valves are closed.
D) Ventricles are in systole.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 667
26) The left ventricular wall of the heart is thicker than the right wall in order to
A) accommodate a greater volume of blood
B) expand the thoracic cage during diastole
C) pump blood with greater pressure
D) pump blood through a smaller valve
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 668
27) Damage to the ________ is referred to as heart block.
A) SA node
B) AV valves
C) AV bundle
D) AV node
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 676
28) The P wave of a normal electrocardiogram indicates ________.
A) ventricular repolarization
B) ventricular depolarization
C) atrial repolarization
D) atrial depolarization
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 677; Fig. 18.17
29) Blood within the pulmonary veins returns to the ________.
A) right atrium
B) left atrium
C) right ventricle
D) left ventricle
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 662
30) To auscultate the aortic semilunar valve, you would place your stethoscope in the
A) second intercostal space to the right of the sternum
B) second intercostal space to the left of the sternum
C) fifth intercostal space inferior to the left nipple
D) fifth right intercostal space
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 679; Fig. 18.20
Matching Questions
Figure 19.1
Using Figure 19.1, match the following:
31) Sinusoid capillary.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 697; Fig. 19.3
32) Capillary found in endocrine organs that allows hormones to gain rapid entry into the
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 697; Fig. 19.3
33) Capillary with intercellular clefts found in the skin and muscles.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 697; Fig. 19.3
34) Capillary that may contain Kupffer cells in the lining.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 697; Fig. 19.3
35) Capillary found where active capillary absorption of filtrate occurs.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 697; Fig. 19.3
Match the following:
A) Large veins
B) Capillaries
C) Arterioles
D) Large arteries
36) Site where resistance to blood flow is greatest.
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 696
37) Site where exchanges of food and gases are made.
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 696
38) Site where blood pressure is lowest.
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 702-704
True/False Questions
39) The adjustment of blood flow to each tissue in proportion to its requirements at any
point in time is termed autoregulation.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 712
40) The outermost layer of a blood vessel is the tunica intima.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 693
41) The thick-walled arteries close to the heart are called muscular arteries.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 696
42) Hypotension is generally considered systolic blood pressure that is below 100 mm
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 711
43) A precapillary sphincter is a cuff of smooth muscle that regulates the flow of blood
into the capillaries.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 698
44) The carotid sinus reflex protects the blood supply to the brain, whereas the aortic
reflex is more concerned with maintaining adequate blood pressure in the systemic circuit
as a whole.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 707
45) Vasodilation is a widening of the lumen due to smooth muscle contraction.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 693
46) Arteries supplying the same territory are often merged with one another, forming
arterial anastomoses.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 699
47) An increase in blood viscosity will cause an increase in peripheral resistance.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 702
Multiple-Choice Questions
48) Which of the following is not one of the three main factors influencing blood
A) cardiac output
B) peripheral resistance
C) emotional state
D) blood volume
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 704
49) Which of the following chemicals does not help regulate blood pressure?
B) atrial natriuretic peptide
C) angiotensin II
D) nitric acid
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 707
50) Which statement best describes arteries?
A) All carry oxygenated blood to the heart.
B) All carry blood away from the heart.
C) All contain valves to prevent the backflow of blood.
D) Only large arteries are lined with endothelium.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 693
51) The most common type of blood capillary is the ________.
A) sinusoidal capillary
B) continuous capillary
C) fenestrated capillary
D) distributing capillary
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 697
52) The arteries that are also called distributing arteries are the ________.
A) elastic arteries
B) muscular arteries
C) arterioles
D) capillaries
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 696
53) Aldosterone will ________.
A) promote an increase in blood pressure
B) promote a decrease in blood volume
C) result in a larger output of urine
D) decrease sodium reabsorption
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 709-710
54) The pulse pressure is ________.
A) systolic pressure plus diastolic pressure
B) systolic pressure minus diastolic pressure
C) systolic pressure divided by diastolic pressure
D) diastolic pressure plus 1/3 (systolic pressure plus diastolic pressure)
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 703
55) Permitting the exchange of nutrients and gases between the blood and tissue cells is
the primary function of ________.
A) arterioles
B) arteries
C) veins
D) capillaries
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 696
56) Which of the choices below explains why the arterioles are known as resistance
A) Their prime function is the exchange of nutrients and wastes between the blood and
tissue cells.
B) The contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscle in their walls can change their
C) They distribute blood to various parts of the body.
D) They contain a large quantity of elastic tissue.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 696
57) Which of the following is true about veins?
A) Venous valves are formed from the tunica media.
B) Up to 35% of total body blood is in venous circulation at any given time.
C) Veins have a small lumen in relation to the thickness of the vessel wall.
D) Veins are called capacitance vessels or blood reservoirs.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 698-699
58) Which of the following processes provides a long-term response to changes in blood
A) neural controls
B) baroreceptor-initiated reflexes
C) chemoreceptor-initiated reflexes
D) renal regulation
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 708
59) Peripheral resistance ________.
A) decreases with increasing length of the blood vessel
B) increases as blood vessel diameter increases
C) increases as blood viscosity increases
D) is not a major factor in blood pressure in healthy individuals
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 702
60) Which tunic of an artery is most responsible for maintaining blood pressure and
continuous blood circulation?
A) tunica intima
B) tunica media
C) tunica externa
D) tunica adventitia
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 693
Xtra Credit (1 point ea)
1) Hemorrhage with a large loss of blood causes ________.
A) a lowering of blood pressure due to change in cardiac output
B) a rise in blood pressure due to change in cardiac output
C) no change in blood pressure but a slower heart rate
D) no change in blood pressure but a change in respiration
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 681-682
2) Select the correct statement about the function of myocardial cells.
A) The entire heart contracts as a unit or it does not contract at all.
B) Cardiac muscle cells are innervated by sympathetic, parasympathetic, and somatic
nerve fibers so that the nervous system can increase heart rate.
C) The refractory period in skeletal muscle is much longer than that in cardiac muscle.
D) The influx of potassium ions from extracellular sources is the initiating event in
cardiac muscle contraction.
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 671-673
3) The second heart sound is heard during which phase of the cardiac cycle?
A) isovolumetric relaxation
B) isovolumetric contraction
C) ventricular ejection
D) ventricular filling
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 678,680 Fig18.21
4) Which of the following is the most significant source of blood flow resistance?
A) blood viscosity
B) total blood vessel length
C) blood vessel diameter
D) blood vessels type
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 702
5) Which of the following is not true regarding fenestrated capillaries?
A) Fenestrated capillaries in the small intestine receive nutrients from digested food.
B) Fenestrated capillaries in endocrine organs allow hormones rapid entry into the blood.
C) Fenestrated capillaries are essential for filtration of blood plasma in the kidney.
D) Fenestrated capillaries form the blood-brain barrier.
Answer: D
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 697