Getting a Jump Start in Finding a Teaching Position: Tips and Other

Lamarita N. Vicenti, M.A., GCDF
College of Education and Human Development
Career Counselor
University Career Center
● Overview of University Career Center services
 RowdyJobs
 Finding your teaching jobs
 Your Tool Kit
 Resume writing
 Reference page
 Portfolio
 How to Navigate a Career Fair
 Plan B
 Polishing your Interview Skills
● Individual career advising and career planning
● Resume and cover letter assistance
● Interview preparation (mock interviews/perfect
● Setting effective job search strategies and
● On-line job and event listings through RowdyJobs
● Career fairs and various career-related workshops
● Career assessments
Finding Your Teaching Job:
Some questions to consider:
● What kinds of schools would you consider (public, private,
charter, urban, alternative, etc.)?
● What are your strengths?
● What are the areas for growth?
● How far are you willing to travel? Relocate?
● What is your philosophy of education and what is a good fit?
Your Toolkit!
● Resume
● Cover Letter
● Applications
● References ( b/t 4-5)
● Recommendation Letters (at least 3)
● Portfolio?
● Career Center support
● Network: family, friends, friends of friends, associates,
instructors, colleagues, teachers, classmates, etc.
The average interview lasts about one hour. How long is the
average resume review by an employer?
2 – 3 minutes
B. 20
1 – 2 minutes
As long as it takes
● Please do not use “I” on a resume
● Your resume should not exceed 2 pages
● Keep it professional: Please use a traditional font size and type
● Use nice resume paper!
● Incorporate key words & specialized language
● Check: Formatting, alignment, punctuation, acronyms, verb tenses
● Proofread! Use PC/manual spelling and grammar check + have
someone else proofread!
Resume Development
● What unique qualities / experiences can I bring?
● What are recruiters looking for in a resume?
● How can I stand out?
*Resume Sample*
Start cultivating your references early on in your college
You should have 3-5 good references (can also provide
recommendation letters for you)
Preferred References:
Cooperating Teacher
University Supervisor
Principal of a school
Other teachers/faculty that have seen you teach
A parent of a student you have worked with
Others that have seen you teach/train
● What are portfolios?
● Electronic (LiveText) and Hard Copy versions
● May include links to lesson plans, reflections, personal
web site, video, etc.
● If included, explain all photos
● How do you use portfolios to market yourself ?
● Do people read portfolios?
● Principals/ HR reps. may or may not look at them
Career Fair Layout
How to Navigate a Career Fair:
● Be prepared! Career fairs are like screening interviews
● Research a few preferred districts if possible
● Have a game plan! Plan on visiting a # of districts
● Wear professional attire! Suits preferred.
● Have a 30 second commercial/elevator pitch for yourself
● Learn the art of networking! Career fairs are NOT just about
getting a job-get contacts!
●Have several copies of polished resume
● Practice marketing yourself
Spring 2012 Educator Career Fair
Thursday, April 5th, 8:30 – 11:30 Convocation Center
8:30 am - 10:00 am - Browsing for UTSA Student Teachers
and alumni ONLY
10:00 am - 11:30 am - Browsing opens to non-UTSA
Plan B
Have I created a plan “B”?
● Substitute Teaching
● After-school programs
● Tutoring
● Volunteering: non-profits, church, child’s school, PTA/PTO
● Attend local, regional, national conferences
● Professional Development – Region 20, University, TRC
● Look into private/charter schools
● Consider Teaching English Abroad
● Do I have a NETWORK? Am I staying connected in the field?
Register with the RowdyJobs
Friday, February 3rd, 5:00pm
Upload Resume to RowdyJobs
Friday, February 24th, 5:00pm
Spring 2012 Interview Prep for
Thursday, March 22nd,
5:00-6:30, TBD
Complete School District Applications
Friday, March 30th
Polishing your Interview Skills
● Research, Research, Research!
● Invest in a Power Suit!
● Practice, Practice, Practice!
Good Luck with Student
Thank you!
Lamarita N. Vicenti, M.A., GCDF
Career Counselor II
UTSA – University Career Center