- georgie ziff class website / FrontPage

 Go to the Portfolio Information Folder
on the Menu Bar and READ ALL THE instructions.
 An incomplete or incorrect portfolio WILL result
in the Testing Office Evaluation Team in
discarding your portfolio and it will fail in its
 Construct your Portfolio very, very carefully!
 Download the Portfolio Check Sheet to work
with as you create your Portfolio.
 The Portfolio evaluation will result in
one of three assessments:
Clear Competence (CC): You have fulfilled the
University Writing Skills Requirement, and no
additional writing courses are needed.
Developing Competence (DC): You may move
on to a second-tier writing course, e.g. ENGL
3003 to fulfill the University Writing Skills
Limited Competence (LC): You must retake
English 3000 with a different instructor to create
an entirely new Portfolio for evaluation.
It is possible to receive credit for ENGL 3000 and
NOT receive a Developing or Clear
Competence score on the portfolio.
Evaluations are from the Evaluation Team – NOT
from me. The scores are final and cannot be
 Watch:
How to download the
html text-only version of the
Turnitin Originality Reports
(these are derived from the
FINAL drafts of essays).
 Do Not add your name
to each file name
 Put files in the correct ORDER
 Here is a sample:
 Cover sheet that looks like this:
Your Full Name
Net ID
Prof. Ziff
English 3000 & Section Number
Quarter and Year
Table of Contents:
1) Questionnaire
2) Reflective Introduction Essay
3) Turnitin Originality Report for Reflective Introduction Essay
4) Argument Position Essay Assignment Sheet
5) Position Essay Final Draft
6) Turnitin Originality Report for Final Draft of Position Essay
7) Second Draft of Position Essay with tutor comments
8) First Draft of Position Essay with instructor comments
9) Certified Timed Essay One
10) Certified Timed Essay Two
11) Certified Timed Essay Three
12) Compare/Contrast Essay Assignment Sheet
13) Compare/Contrast Essay Final Draft
14) Turnitin Originality Report for Final Draft of Compare/Contrast Essay
15) Second Draft of Compare/Contrast Essay with tutor comments
16) First Draft of Compare/Contrast Essay with instructor comments
 Portfolio Questionnaire:
This is provided in the course and includes
your identification information required for
the Testing Office.
Be sure to put it in the Portfolio in the
correct order.
 Reflective introduction essay
This is a single draft essay – no other drafts, just one.
This paper introduces the portfolio and argues why
you should pass this class or the WST. Use examples
and illustrations to support your argument: I learned
this from the course, etc.
 Include the Turnitin Originality HTML
Text Only Report derived from the Turnitin
submission of the final draft of your Position
and Compare Contrast essay.
 Position Essay documents - in this order:
1. Argument Position Essay Assignment Sheet
2. Final Draft with Works Cited List – label like
this: “Final Draft Position Essay”
3. Turnitin HTML Originality Report -10% or less
4. 2nd draft with tutor comments
5. 1st draft with instructor comments
DO NOT label each file with your
name, just what the file is.
 Three Timed Essays Must be the certified copies in this order:
1. Certified Timed Essay One
2. Certified Timed Essay Two (proctored)
3. Certified Timed Essay Three (proctored)
 Compare/Contrast Essay documents
in this order:
1. Compare Contrast Assignment Sheet
2. Final Draft labelled “Compare/Contrast
Final Draft”
3. Turnitin HTML Originality Report-10% or less
4. 2nd draft with tutor comments
5. 1st draft with instructor comments
 You must submit and share your Portfolio by Monday
by MONDAY of the last week so it can be checked.
 Look at the Shared Portfolio folder on the Menu Bar.
If you don’t see your Portfolio in the Shared Portfolio
area, this means you have NOT submitted it, and it
cannot be checked.
Only share your Portfolio when it is COMPLETE.
 If you are sent a checklist to add/fix documents in
your Portfolio, you must fix your Portfolio within 48 hrs
of notification. CHECK your Horizon email!
 You must contact me once the tasks have ALL been
accomplished, so I can check your Portfolio again.
 Remember, you cannot get credit for the
class unless you submit your Portfolio.
 Portfolios are due to me by MONDAY of the
last week, and then, once approved, are
due to the Testing Office no later than
Thursday noon. Late submissions ARE NOT
 The class is OVER on Thursday: emails or
work received after that will NOT be
 Emails are ONLY accepted
through Blackboard.
 Those sent outside Blackboard will not
receive a response. As the course
provides all necessary information
through written instructions, PPTS,
and videos, DO NOT email with
questions whose answers are found
in the course. Make the effort to find
the answers.
 If necessary to email, they will be
responded to within 48 hours during
the work week: Mon - Fri. before 5
pm. Those received after 5pm Friday
will be responded to on Monday.
Before emailing, be sure to read ALL
the Orientation materials, FAQs,
syllabus and the Schedule folders.
 The class is OVER on the last
Thursday when the Portfolios are due
to the Testing Office; emails or work
received after that will NOT be
 Watch appropriate instructional videos
 Look at the gradebook to see what work you are
missing – late work is accepted for partial credit
(except for the Discussion Board).
 Make sure you have ALL the necessary Portfolio
documents: correct cover sheet, table of comments,
questionnaire, certified timed essays, and all required
drafts of essays with tutor and instructor comments.
 Build your Portfolio, and, when complete,
 SHARE with the class.
 Check Shared Portfolios to make sure yours is visible.
 If necessary, FIX your Portfolio in response to my
emailed check list and email me as soon as your
Portfolio is completely fixed and ready to be
checked. All errors MUST be fixed for me to check it!
 Contact the Blackboard
Service Desk Phone Support for
 The Service Desk is available
at 510-885-4357 from 8:30 AM to
4:30 PM. A dedicated team of
student assistants and staff will
do their best to help with IT
 If the issue is more complicated
a ticket will be opened and
assigned to the appropriate IT
teams. A ticket can also be
opened directly at:
Additional help is available at the
Learning Commons: 510-885-4152
Email: stsc@csueastbay.edu