Poetry Test Study Guide KEY Part One: Definitions Directions: Define the following poetic devices and terms using your poetry notes. DO NOT use the glossary or the dictionary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Alliteration- repetition of beginning sounds. Rhyme-repetition of ending sounds. Simile-a comparison of two unlike things using “like” or “as.” Metaphor-a comparison of two unlike things NOT using “like” or “as.” Personification-giving human like traits to something non human. Symbolism-the use of an object, person, place, or even an event that stands for something more. 7. Theme-the main message or idea; what the author wants you to know. 8. Imagery –words that appeal to the give senses; they are used to ‘paint a picture’ in your mind. 9. Couplet-two lines of poetry that have end rhyme and they come one right after another. 10. Stanza-a group of lines in a poem, usually separated by a double space. 11. Narrative poetry- a poem that tells a story. 12. Epic poem-a very long poem about a hero and his journey. Examples: Beowulf & Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. 13. Lyric poem- a poem that DOES NOT tell a story. It expresses an emotion, a scene in nature, or maybe is inspired by a person. 14. Limerick poem-a funny, five-line poem. The 1st, 2nd, and 5th lines rhyme, and the 3rd and 4th line rhyme. 15. Haiku poem-a 3 line, Japanese poem written about something in nature. The 1 st line has 5 syllables, the 2nd line has 7, and the 3rd line has 5. 16. What is the alliteration jingle?- “A little alliteration lets the lesson linger longer.” 17. What is the simile and metaphor jingle? “A simile is like a song, it’s easy to remember. A metaphor makes soft white snow sifted sugar in Deember.” Part Two: Recalling Directions: Answer the following questions from the poems we read in class. These answers MUST be in ARMT format. “The Highwayman” 18. Who are the three main characters in this poem? Bess, Tim, & the Highwayman. 19. What is a highwayman? A robber. 20. How do the Red Coats find out about the Highwayman’s plans? Tim tells them his plans. 21. How does Bess warn the Highwayman? She warns him with a shot, with her death. 22. Why are the last two stanzas of the poem italicized? It is like a ghost story or legend about the Highwayman and Bess. 23. What is the mood of this poem? How does the author set the mood? Creepy, scary. He uses words like ghostly, moon, dark, windy, etc. “Annabel Lee” 24. Who is the author of this poem? Edgar Allen Poe. 25. What makes the speaker and Annabel Lee’s love so different? Their love is more than love (stronger, better). 26. How does Annabel Lee die? The angels come out of a cloud and take her away. 27. What is the mood of this poem? Explain. Sad because he misses her. It also is somewhat romantic because he repeatedly expresses his love for her. 28. What does the speaker do every night? Lies down on her grave to be close to her. “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening” 29. What is the setting of the poem? During winter time in the woods at night. 30. What is the mood of this poem? Calm, peaceful, serene. 31. Describe some of the imagery used in this poem. The speaker HEARS the harness bells, FEELS the cold snow, HEARS the wind, SEES the woods and dark night. 32. List the 3 Theories that go along with this poem. Santa Claus, Face Value, and End of Life. 33. Which of these theories do you believe? Why? LIST THREE EXAMPLES from the poem to defend your answer. Answers will vary. “The Courage That My Mother Had” 34. What is the mood of this poem? Sad-she is missing her mother. 35. Who is the speaker writing about in this poem? Her mother who has passed away. 36. What did the speaker compare her mother to? A rock 37. What did the speaker’s mother leave her? A golden brooch. 38. What does the speaker wish she had that her mother had? Courage. “Two People I Want to Be Like” 39. Who are the two people the speaker wants to be like in this poem? The man stuck in traffic and the woman who works at the supermarket. 40. Why does the speaker admire these people? They stay calm when things get very stressful and frustrating. 41. Why do you THINK the speaker wishes they would marry each other? They are alike. 42. Why does the speaker change his or her mind? So they can spread their good personality/calmness/sweet harmony around.