Counselor Education Program Orientation

Augusta State University
January 3, 2011
Welcome to Augusta State University
Counselor Education Program!
New Student Orientation
ORIENTATION: Time for questions
to be answered
Program Orientation
State of Georgia University System
Augusta State University
College of Education
Dept of Educational Leadership,
Counseling, and Special Education
Counselor Education Program
Accreditation Agencies
 Council on the Accreditation
of Counseling and Related
Education Programs
 National Council for the
Accreditation of Teacher
Education (NCATE)
 Georgia Professional
Standards Commission (PSC)
 Georgia University System
Board of Regents (BOR)
College of Education Administration
Dr. Gordon Eisenman, Dean
Dr. Paula Dohoney, Associate
Dr. Wayne Lord,
ELCSE Department
ELCSE Faculty
Counselor Education Faculty
Faculty: Dr. Mary Jane Anderson-Wiley
Advisor: A-C
Program Specialty: Program Coordinator
Counselor Educator, Community Counselor , School
Counselor, Case Manager, Program Manager,
Special Education Teacher
Courses Taught
Professional Orientation and Ethics;
Assessment, Intervention and Diagnosis;
Counseling Children and Adolescents;
Counseling Practicum; Counseling Internship
Research Perspective
Wellness, Sexuality Training in Counselor
Education, Disability Awareness in Counseling,
Teen Suicide Prevention
Faculty: Dr. Richard Deaner
Advisor: D-J
Program Specialty: Practicum and
Internship Coordinator
Background: Community Mental Health
and School Counseling
Courses Taught:
Communications in Counseling
Child & Adolescents
Human Growth & Development
Community Counseling
Research Perspective:
Wellness, Diversity, Early Recollections,
Faculty: Faculty: Dr. Duane Halbur
Advisor: K-R
Program Specialty: Community
Counseling Coordinator
Background: Community Mental
Health and School
Courses Taught:
Practicum / Internship
Family Therapy
Diversity / Multicultural
Research Perspective:
Theoretical Orientation, Philosophical
Counseling, Cultural Competencies
Faculty: Dr. Paulette Schenck
Advisor: S-Z
Program Specialty: School Counseling
School Counselor
Career Center Counselor
School Counselor Association State President (AK)
Courses Taught:
Theories and Techniques of Counseling
Career Development Theory
School Counseling
Administration and Consultation
Practicum and Internship
Research Perspective:
School and Career Counseling
Adjunct Instructors
• Dr. Kara Deaner
• Dr. Debbie Johnson
• Ms. Alicia Rocker
• Dr. Yulanda Williams
COE Conceptual Framework
Three elements:
• prepared
• able
• responsive
demonstrate strong content and pedagogical preparation
in their respective subject area or professional field.
use self assessment and analysis to form the basis for
collaboration with colleagues and the development of a
desire to be a lifelong learner.
participate in graduate study to extend and refine the
knowledge base of educators to build expertise.
possess an understanding of the central concepts, tools of
inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) or their
professional field of study and be able to create learning
experiences that enable all students to learn.
understand how students learn and develop
(intellectually, socially, and individually) and be able to
provide developmentally appropriate learning
opportunities and support for these opportunities.
demonstrate a knowledge of how to implement effective
verbal and nonverbal information and technology
techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and
supportive interaction in educational settings.
 understand, use and support a variety of
instructional strategies to encourage the
learner’s development of critical and creative
thinking, problem solving, and performance
 create a learning environment that encourages
positive social interaction, active engagement in
learning, and self-motivation for all learners.
 plan, guide, and support instruction based upon
knowledge of subject matter, the learners, the
community, and curriculum goals.
 understand and use authentic assessment to
evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual,
social, and physical development of the learner.
 ability to teach and work in authentic settings
with diverse populations of learners
a respect for the dignity of all persons. all children can
learn and have the right to an opportunity to do so.
preparation in the subject area(s) to be taught or the
professional field of study must be accompanied by the
skill and dispositions to translate knowledge into
creating and supporting meaningful experiences for
diverse learners
understanding of how students differ in their approaches
to learning and demonstrate the commitment for
meeting their educational needs in fair, caring,
nondiscriminatory, and equitable manners.
ability to be a reflective practitioner who continually
evaluates the effects of his/her choices and actions on
others (students, parents, and other professionals in the
learning community) and actively seeks the opportunity
to grow professionally
fostering of relationships with school colleagues, parents,
and agencies in the larger community to support the
learning and well-being of all students.
MEd Counseling Core Courses (24 hrs)
COUN 6620 Human
COUN 6720 Career
Development Theory
COUN 6630 Professional
Orientation and Ethics
COUN 6760 Diversity
Sensitivity in Counseling
COUN 6660 Communication
COUN 6770 Crisis
COUN 6680 Theories and
Techniques in Counseling
PSYC 6147 Seminar in Group
Course of Study: School Counseling
Foundation Courses (6 hrs)
 Introduction to Education
 Tests and Measurement in
Specialized Courses (18 hrs)
 School Counseling
 Administration and Consultation
 Counseling Children and
 School Counseling Practicum
 School Counseling Internship (6
Course of Study:
Community Counseling
Foundation Courses (6 hrs)
• Introduction to Educational Research
• Psychological Tests and Measurement
Specialized Courses (18 hrs)
Marriage and Family Counseling
Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention
Community Counseling
Counseling Practicum
Community Counseling Internship (6
Assessment Checkpoints
At application
Group Interview
Introductory: During
Counseling Theories
Professional Counseling
Development Evaluation
Mid-Program : During
Final: During Internship II
After respective courses
Practicum and Internship
As needed for academic
and/or interpersonal issues
Remediation Plan
At graduation
Portfolio Review
Portfolio Assessment
 Matrix and requirements
presented during Professional
Orientation course
 Items required for inclusion
in portfolio are listed on
course syllabus, monitored
and graded as part of each
 During final semester,
portfolio presented and
submitted for final grading
Required Forms
COUN 6630 Professional
Orientation and Ethics
• Course Requirement
• Portfolio Assessment
After first semester
• Program of Study
• Transfer of Credit (if
Semester before Practicum
and Internship
• Practicum Application
• Internship Application
1 to 1.5 semesters before
expected graduation
• Application for Graduation
Counselor Education Training
Center (CETC)
COUN 6660 Communication Skills
Practicum class
COUN 6880: Practicum
 Community or school setting
 100 clock hours
 40 direct counseling
 60 indirect service
 Individual and group
supervision by faculty
 Maintain a weekly log of
 Submit tapes weekly
 Participate in bi-weekly group
supervision sessions with
COUN 6900/6920: Internship I & II
• Supervised by certified and/or
licensed counselor
• 600 clock hours in two semesters
▫ 240 hours direct counseling
▫ 360 indirect service
• Under contract with school or
• Weekly logs required
• Weekly audio/video tapes required
• Weekly supervision with site and
university supervisors
Writing Assistance
• ASU Writing Center
• ILIT 1500 Information
• Help from instructor
• APA guidelines (ELCSE
Cross Cultural Conference in
Savannah (Spring 2006)
Poster Presentation (Spring 2006)
Final Destination – GRADUATION
Review of
Overview of
What questions do you have?