Pigeon Dissection Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Columbaformes Family: Columbidae Genus: Columba Species: livia Bird Skeleton: Hollow Bones The hollow bones are honeycombed with air spaces and strengthened by crisscrossing struts. The number of hollow bones varies from species to species, though large gliding and soaring birds tend to have the most. Lets get some background information first! Pigeon Leg Chicken legs a.k.a. “the drumstick”. This is the upper part of the leg containing the femur. This is the lower part of the leg containing the fibula (small bone) and the tibia (the shin bone). • Quadrate bone (1) • • Keeled sternum and furcula (2 & 3) • • Uncinate processes (4) • • Synsacrum and pygostyle (5 & 6) Feathers • Feathers are light but very strong, and they are flexible but very tough. • Feathers do not grow all over the bird. Feathers grow in certain areas called feather tracks. In between the feather tracks are down feathers. This keeps down the body weight. Feathers are made of a tough and flexible material called "keratin". There is a spine down the middle, called the shaft, which is hollow. There are vanes are on the two halves of the feather. They are made of thousands of branches called barbs. Because there are many spaces between these barbs, a feather has as much air as matter. • Not all birds have all the types of feathers. It depends on what type of bird it is. • The tail of the bird plays a big role during flight. The tail acts as the rudder, balancing and steering the bird. The tail also helps the bird in stopping. The tail is turned downward and acts like a brake. • Feathers protect the bird's skin and insulates it. Feathers can be fluffed up in the winter or squeezed down in the summer. Feathers are also used to line nests. • The color of the feathers is important in mating. • Birds can see color. Most other mammals cannot. • Feathers can be divided into 6 categories: Contour feathers Semiplume feathers Down feathers Filoplume feathers Bristle feathers Powder-down feathers You will ID these 3 on your pigeon: primaries - the main flight feathers on the wings (they are located on lower [outer] parts of the wings). scapulars - feathers on the shoulder (also called lesser secondary coverts). secondaries - the smaller flight feathers on the wings - they are on the upper part of the wings (above the primaries). tail feathers - flight feathers at the end of the bird (used for steering). • A bird's survival depends upon the condition of its feathers. Birds take a lot of time caring for their feathers. This is called preening. They use their feet and beaks to arrange their feathers. They nibble each feather from the base of the tip. •Birds have between 1,000 and 25,000 feathers. How many feathers? Video clips of dissection • http://llabiology.blogspot.com/2008/05/biol ogy-i-bird-video.html (1:32) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4YVp K4mgKY&feature=related (approx 4 min) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja7eVvq kAM8 (approx. 4 min) Circulatory System Generally birds have hearts larger and ones that beat faster than mammals. The human heart pulse rate at rest averages 72 beats per minute. The House Sparrow's heart pulse rate at rest averages 460 beats per minute. In the Ruby-throated Hummingbird pulse rate at rest is 615! WOW! Identify the following anatomical structures: • • • • • • Muscles pectoralis major supracoracoideus Teacher’s Initials: __________ Digestive System esophagus crop proventriculus gizzard small intestine large intestine caeca cloaca liver pancreas Teacher’s Initials: __________ Sensory & Nervous Systems Brain: cerebral hemispheres cerebellum optic lobe medulla Teacher’s Initials: __________ • • • • • • Circulatory System heart right & left atria right & left ventricles Teacher’s Initials: __________ Respiratory system trachea right & left lungs air sacs Teacher’s Initials: __________ • Urogenital & Endocrine Systems kidneys testes ovary oviduct Teacher’s Initials: __________ • Your names: _______________________ Respiratory system Ounce for ounce, a bird in flight requires more energy than a terrestrial mammal. Especially when migrating, birds fly at altitudes where oxygen is in such short supply that no mammal could possibly survive. The air sacs fill a large proportion of the chest and abdominal cavity, and also connect to the air spaces in the bones. Bird Structure Key for the following ID slides Structures Structures Structures 1. Large Intestine 11. Tail Feathers 21. Pectoralis 2. Caeca 12. Crop 22. Supracoracoidius 3. Ovary 13. Esophagus 23. Crop 4. Gizzard 14. Contour Feathers 24. Glottis 5. Testes 15. Down Feathers 25. Palatine Folds 6. Pancreas 16. Allula 26. Tongue 7. Duodenum 17. Primary Feathers 27. Posterior Opening of Air Passage 8. Lungs 18. Secondary Feathers 28. Large Intestine 9. Heart 19. Cloaca 29. Kidneys 10. Liver 20. Small Intestine 30. Proventriculus 1. Large Intestine 2. Caeca 3. Ovary 4. Gizzard 5. Testes 6. Pancreas 7. Duodenum 8. Lungs 9. Heart 10. Liver 11. Tail Feathers 12. Crop 13. Esophagus 14. Contour Feathers 15. Down Feathers 16. Allula 17. Primary Feathers 18. Secondary Feathers 19. Cloaca 20. Small Intestine 21. Pectoralis 22. Supracoracoidius 23. Crop 24. Glottis 25. Palatine Folds 26. Tongue 27. Posterior Opening of Air Passage 28. Large Intestine 29. Kidneys 30. Proventriculus 1. Large Intestine 2. Caeca 3. Ovary 4. Gizzard 5. Testes 6. Pancreas 7. Duodenum 8. Lungs 9. Heart 10. Liver 11. Tail Feathers 12. Crop 13. Esophagus 14. Contour Feathers 15. Down Feathers 16. Allula 17. Primary Feathers 18. Secondary Feathers 19. Cloaca 20. Small Intestine 21. Pectoralis 22. Supracoracoidius 23. Crop 24. Glottis 25. Palatine Folds 26. Tongue 27. Posterior Opening of Air Passage 28. Large Intestine 29. Kidneys 30. Proventriculus 1. Large Intestine 2. Caeca 3. Ovary 4. Gizzard 5. Testes 6. Pancreas 7. Duodenum 8. Lungs 9. Heart 10. Liver 11. Tail Feathers 12. Crop 13. Esophagus 14. Contour Feathers 15. Down Feathers 16. Allula 17. Primary Feathers 18. Secondary Feathers 19. Cloaca 20. Small Intestine 21. Pectoralis 22. Supracoracoidius 23. Crop 24. Glottis 25. Palatine Folds 26. Tongue 27. Posterior Opening of Air Passage 28. Large Intestine 29. Kidneys 30. Proventriculus 7. Duodenum 8. Lungs 9. Heart 10. Liver 11. Tail Feathers 12. Crop 13. Esophagus 14. Contour Feathers 15. Down Feathers 16. Allula 17. Primary Feathers 18. Secondary Feathers 19. Cloaca 20. Small Intestine 21. Pectoralis 22. Supracoracoidius 23. Crop 24. Glottis 25. Palatine Folds 26. Tongue 27. Posterior Opening of Air Passage 28. Large Intestine 29. Kidneys 30. Proventriculus 1. Large Intestine 2. Caeca 3. Ovary 4. Gizzard 5. Testes 6. Pancreas 7. Duodenum 8. Lungs 9. Heart 10. Liver 11. Tail Feathers 12. Crop 13. Esophagus 14. Contour Feathers 15. Down Feathers 16. Allula 17. Primary Feathers 18. Secondary Feathers 19. Cloaca 20. Small Intestine 21. Pectoralis 22. Supracoracoidius 23. Crop 24. Glottis 25. Palatine Folds 26. Tongue 27. Posterior Opening of Air Passage 28. Large Intestine 29. Kidneys 30. Proventriculus 1. Large Intestine 2. Caeca 3. Ovary 4. Gizzard 5. Testes 6. Pancreas 7. Duodenum 8. Lungs 9. Heart 10. Liver 11. Tail Feathers 12. Crop 13. Esophagus 14. Contour Feathers 15. Down Feathers 16. Allula 17. Primary Feathers 18. Secondary Feathers 19. Cloaca 20. Small Intestine 21. Pectoralis 22. Supracoracoidius 23. Crop 24. Glottis 25. Palatine Folds 26. Tongue 27. Posterior Opening of Air Passage 28. Large Intestine 29. Kidneys 30. Proventriculus 1. Large Intestine 2. Caeca 3. Ovary 4. Gizzard 5. Testes 6. Pancreas 7. Duodenum 8. Lungs 9. Heart 10. Liver 11. Tail Feathers 12. Crop 13. Esophagus 14. Contour Feathers 15. Down Feathers 16. Allula 17. Primary Feathers 18. Secondary Feathers 19. Cloaca 20. Small Intestine 21. Pectoralis 22. Supracoracoidius 23. Crop 24. Glottis 25. Palatine Folds 26. Tongue 27. Posterior Opening of Air Passage 28. Large Intestine 29. Kidneys 30. Proventriculus 1. Large Intestine 2. Caeca 3. Ovary 4. Gizzard 5. Testes 6. Pancreas 7. Duodenum 8. Lungs 9. Heart 10. Liver 11. Tail Feathers 12. Crop 13. Esophagus 14. Contour Feathers 15. Down Feathers 16. Allula 17. Primary Feathers 18. Secondary Feathers 19. Cloaca 20. Small Intestine 21. Pectoralis 22. Supracoracoidius 23. Crop 24. Glottis 25. Palatine Folds 26. Tongue 27. Posterior Opening of Air Passage 28. Large Intestine 29. Kidneys 30. Proventriculus 1. Large Intestine 2. Caeca 3. Ovary 4. Gizzard 5. Testes 6. Pancreas 7. Duodenum 8. Lungs 9. Heart 10. Liver 11. Tail Feathers 12. Crop 13. Esophagus 14. Contour Feathers 15. Down Feathers 16. Allula 17. Primary Feathers 18. Secondary Feathers 19. Cloaca 20. Small Intestine 21. Pectoralis 22. Supracoracoidius 23. Crop 24. Glottis 25. Palatine Folds 26. Tongue 27. Posterior Opening of Air Passage 28. Large Intestine 29. Kidneys 30. Proventriculus 1. Large Intestine 2. Caeca 3. Ovary 4. Gizzard 5. Testes 6. Pancreas 7. Duodenum 8. Lungs 9. Heart 10. Liver 11. Tail Feathers 12. Crop 13. Esophagus 14. Contour Feathers 15. Down Feathers 16. Allula 17. Primary Feathers 18. Secondary Feathers 19. Cloaca 20. Small Intestine 21. Pectoralis 22. Supracoracoidius 23. Crop 24. Glottis 25. Palatine Folds 26. Tongue 27. Posterior Opening of Air Passage 28. Large Intestine 29. Kidneys 30. Proventriculus Bird Female Anatomy (#3) Female This is where the developing egg will enter Female Male Male That’s All Folks!