test administrator - Jefferson Parish Public School System

J P P S S S c h o o l Te st C o o rd i n ato r
Spring 2016
Please silence all electronic devices.
Be fully present:
• Be an active listener
• Refrain from text messaging and emailing – All
distracts others.
• Participate, don’t dominate
• Limit side bar conversations
• Throw trash away on the way out.
Contact Information – Testing Krewe
Karen Herndon – Executive Director of Achievement and Accountability
• karen.herndon@jppss.k12.la.us
Testing Procedures and Materials
JoLynn Tompson – State Testing Specialist
• jolynn.tompson@jppss.k12.la.us
Chip Farman – Special Ed. Test Compliance Specialist
• chip.farman@jppss.k12.la.us
Parent Questions
Yolanda Rollins – Testing Technician
• yolanda.rollins@jppss.k12.la.us
• 349-7604
• Fax: 349-8573
• Emergencies during testing – 655-2846
Louisiana Believes
• Test Security
• Testing Times
• Spring Administration Coordination and Logistics
• Practice Tests
• Accommodations
• Key dates
• Questions and Answers
Louisiana Believes
Test Security
Chain of Custody
• Upon receipt, testing materials should immediately be inventoried and placed
in the locked, secure area.
• The locked, secure storage area for checking out/in test materials must be
designated—one that is only accessible to the STC, backup, and test
• Only personnel trained in test security should have access to the locked,
secure area.
– At least two people must be in the locked, secure area when
– Coding time must be logged. (Task Sheet)
• Using the security checklists, the STC and backup should count and verify all
contents of all boxes.
• If additional materials are ordered, the STC must add the materials to the
security checklist.
Louisiana Believes
• STC and Test Administrators must use the
before, during, and after testing checklists
in TCM and TAM
• Proper training in test security and
administration of all school personnel is
Louisiana Believes
Test Security: Access
• The School Test Coordinator should distribute the appropriate test
booklets/answer documents to test administrators each morning of
test administration.
• The School Test Coordinator must collect test booklets and answer
documents and other secure materials and store them in the
locked, secure storage area during any extended break.
• To ensure test security during any assessment breaks, students who
have not completed the previous sessions should be allowed time
during the break to complete them (Science).
• The School Test Coordinator must also collect and verify the return
of all test booklets, answer documents, and other secure materials
immediately after testing is completed each day and return them
to the locked, secure storage area.
Louisiana Believes
Coordinate with various school personnel, including site
administration, teachers, counselors, special education
teachers/staff, ABIT team members, and data entry clerks to
• students are participating in the appropriate assessment
• appropriate accommodations for all special education, Section
504, and ELL students.
Provide each test administrator testing students with
accommodations a list of those students and their approved
Verify that the test administrators know how to administer the
Louisiana Believes
Emergencies During Testing
• The school’s plan for handling disruptions during testing should
be reviewed, and all personnel should be informed of how to
handle various situations.
• Students should place answer documents on top of test booklet
and hand all secure materials to TA as they file out of room.
• TA should carry documents with them outside of the building.
• If test security has been maintained, testing may continue after
students return to the room.
Louisiana Believes
• Emergencies During Testing (cont.)
• If test security has been compromised, testing should not be
continued. Answer documents should be sent in with the
responses that were completed prior to the emergency.
• Contact DTC when any emergency occurs at the
Louisiana Believes
Preparing the Classrooms
• Verify that all materials related to the content areas being
tested are covered or removed before testing. Check
locations used for extended time or makeup testing.
• Verify that rooms are arranged for students to be seated
with enough space between them to minimize the
possibility of copying. For online testing, verify that
students cannot see other students’ monitors.
• Provide classroom seating charts to record student
attendance and seating location for each day of testing.
• Seating chart is located in the Test Security Policy on
Louisiana Believes
• Throughout the school, post Testing—Do Not Disturb
signs that prohibit entry into testing locations.
• Verify that all personnel and students are aware of the
district’s policies regarding cell phones or other devices
with imaging or text-messaging capability. If allowed in
the school, all such devices must be in the off position
during testing and any other time secure materials are in
the vicinity.
Louisiana Believes
Electronic Devices
• Cell Phones/Electronic Devices/Cell Phone watches
• If an individual student’s cell phone/electronic device/cell phone
watch is seen, rings, or if there is any activity while the device is on
the student’s person during the actual testing sessions, then the
test on which the student is working will be voided. In such
instances, the teacher is to collect the student’s test and answer
document immediately and have a hall monitor take the student
to the office.
– The student must remain out the classroom until testing is
completed for that subject. An Irregularity Report and a Void
Notification Form must be completed and sent to JoLynn
Tompson as soon as possible
Louisiana Believes
Electronic Devices
• Cell Phones/Electronic Devices/Cell Phone watches
– If a student’s cell phone/electronic device/cell phone watch
rings and it is with the items that have been collected, all
students are to continue testing. An investigation by the
Principal and School Test Coordinator will be conducted when
testing is completed to determine if tests will be voided
– If a TA’s cell phone/electronic device/cell phone watch rings,
is seen, or if there is any activity during testing, all students are
to continue testing. An investigation by the Principal and
School Test Coordinator will be conducted when testing is
completed to determine if tests will be voided due to
Administrative Error.
Louisiana Believes
Electronic Device Policy
State policy –Bulletin 118, Chapter 3
• §316. Cell phones, Cell watches, and Other Electronic
A. If district and school policy allows for students and personnel
to carry cell phones or other similar technological devices with
imaging or text-messaging capability, test administrators must
make certain that the devices are in the off position while test
booklets and answers documents are in the vicinity.
Louisiana Believes
Test Security: Testing Irregularities
Testing Irregularities:
• A testing irregularity is any incident in test handling or administration that leads to
a question regarding the security of the test or the accuracy of the test data.
• All testing irregularities must be reported in writing to the District Test Coordinator, who
must then send the written reports to the LDOE. This is in addition to School Test
Coordinators submitting Void Notification forms and District Test Coordinators submitting
Void Verification forms.
• School Test Coordinators are responsible for locating any materials reported as missing by
the testing vendor. Unresolved instances are reported to the LDOE, and district
superintendents are notified to take further action.
• Principals are required to sign each School Test Coordinator’s Oath of Security and
Confidentiality Statement after testing is completed, ensuring that security and test
administration procedures were followed.
Louisiana Believes
During scoring, the testing company/LDOE detect testing
irregularities (e.g., plagiarism, excessive wrong-to-right erasures).
Other analysis may detect unusual gains in scores and unusually
similar patterns in responses.
Erasure Analysis
• Students whose wrong-to-right erasures exceed the state
average by more than 4 standard deviations are identified for
further investigation.
Unauthorized access to electronic devices
• Common responses discovered in same format and language.
• In some cases, sources outside of the test session were
referenced directly.
Louisiana Believes
Reporting of Irregularities
(R.S. 17:81.6)
Allows public school employees to report irregularities
or improprieties in the administration of standardized
tests directly to LDOE who then investigate the
Misdemeanor offenses:
• Obstructing reporting
• Retaliating against an employee who participates in an
investigation or reports an irregularity
• Submitting a false report
Louisiana Believes
Reporting of Irregularities
• When something out of the ordinary happens
complete an irregularity form.
Louisiana Believes
Violations of Test Security
The LDE considers it a violation of test security for any person to do any of
the following:
• administer tests in a manner that that would give examinees an unfair
advantage or disadvantage;
• give examinees access to test questions prior to testing;
• examine any test item at any time (except for test administrators while
providing certain accommodations);
• at any time reproduce or discuss all or part of any secure materials;
• coach examinees in any manner during testing or alter or interfere with
examinees’ responses in any manner;
• provide answers to students in any manner during the test;
• administer published parallel, previously administered, or current forms of
any statewide assessment . . . as a practice test or study guide (does not
include LDE released items.);
Louisiana Believes
Violations of Test Security (cont’d)
• Fail to account for and secure test materials before, during, or after
• conduct testing in environments that differ from the usual
classroom environment without prior written permission from the
• fail to report any testing irregularities; or
• participate in, direct, aid, counsel, assist in, encourage, or fail to
report any of the acts prohibited in this section.
(Bulletin 118)
Louisiana Believes
Certification and Violation
of Test Security
BESE Bulletin 746 states “A Louisiana teaching or educational
leadership certificate shall be suspended and revoked” and requires
that an “LEA:
1. conducts an investigation into the allegations of cheating;
2. gathers sufficient evidence to confirm the cheating was
facilitated by the employee;
3. dismisses the employee as a result of this offense;
4. notifies the department that the individual has been
dismissed for this reason; and
5. provides evidence to justify the termination.”
Louisiana Believes
Voiding Student Tests:
Test Administrator
Student tests should be voided if there is an instance of cheating or
administrative error—whether by a student or by anyone else. In the
case of student cheating or administrative error:
The test administrator should:
• give the School Test Coordinator a written account of the incident,
with any available additional documentation, including the
lithocode number of the answer document (see next column) and
the content area to be voided.
• not write or mark on the answer document.
• not erase the TA number coded by the student on page 1 of the
answer document.
• place the answer document with other used answer documents for
return to the School Test Coordinator.
Louisiana Believes
Voiding Student Tests:
School Test Coordinator
The School Test Coordinator should:
• not write or mark on the answer document.
• place the voided answer documents with other used answer
documents for return to the District Test Coordinator.
• convene a school-level test security committee consisting at a
minimum of the principal, the School Test Coordinator, and the test
administrator to determine whether a test should be voided.
• complete the Void Notification form. (Photocopy as needed. Include
the student’s 0 digit State ID Number.)
• by the date designated by the District Test Coordinator, notify the
District Test Coordinator of any voided test. The Void Notification
form must be accompanied by an account of the incident written on
school letterhead stationery, signed by the principal and the School
Test Coordinator.
Louisiana Believes
If high-stakes tests are voided by the district due to an
administrative error that results in questions regarding
the security of the test or the accuracy of the test data,
the LEA superintendent or the parent or legal guardian
of the affected student may request (in writing) an
opportunity to administer a retest to the affected
student(s) prior to the next scheduled test
Louisiana Believes
If LDOE determines that the retest is allowable, the original
test will be voided by LDOE.
LEA must provide a description of what occurred, a
corrective plan of action, and acknowledgement of fee for
A score memo will be produced with student’s scores.
Retest scores will not be included in reporting, including
Louisiana Believes
Double Lock
• Decision
• Criteria has not been finalized
Actively Proctor the Students
• Actively proctor while students are
• If you notice a student is off task, you
can, for example, tap the student on the
shoulder, say his or her name, and
remind the student to return to his or
her work.
Louisiana Believes
• Summary
– Test Security is of the utmost importance.
– Completely read the entire “JPPSS Test
Security Policy” and Test Administrator
Manual BEFORE testing begins.
Louisiana Believes
Next Steps and Resources for Redelivery
Prior to administration of any state assessment School test
coordinators are required to train school-level staff (e.g., test
administrators, proctors, monitors).
Resources available for test security training include:
• Test Security Training powerpoint on jpschools.org on the Testing
Department page under documents.
Scan and email to Yolanda Rollins at yolanda.rollins@jppss.k12.la.us:
• Test Security Training sign in sheets.
• Testing Environment Forms
Louisiana Believes
JPPSS - Testing Times
• Is a daily e-paper
• Contains step by step directions and reminders for
the day.
• Delivered daily via email to principals, assistant
principals, school test coordinators, monitors and …
• Posted on the jpschools.org website on the Testing
Department Page in the downloads section
• http://jpschools.org/department/testing/
Louisiana Believes
State Assessment Grades 3-8
Grades 3-8 Math, ELA, and Science PaperBased Test Schedule
This year’s paper-based assessments will take place in one week according to the following
• Monday-Wednesday, students will take one session of ELA and one session of
• For additional information, see assessment guides
1 session
1 session
1 session
1 session
1 session
1 session
Full Test
ELA and Math Assessment Timing
Testing Schedule
April 25-29 (PBT)
Number and Length of
3 Sessions of 75 min each
3 sessions of 60-90 min each
Total Testing Time
225 min total
210-240 min total
• As in 2014-2015, the math and ELA assessments in grades 3-8 are timed. The testing time
includes the average amount of time for a student to complete the assessment plus an
additional cushion.
• Students with an extended time accommodation may have the school day to complete a
session but may not return to a session the following day.
• Science will be the same as in 2014-2015, untimed.
*Additional information is available in the LEAP Assessment Guides.
Grade Level
Non-accommodated Students
Accommodated Students
Grades 3-5
Grades 6-7
Grade 8
No calculator usage allowed
Four function calculators with
only percent and square root
For the calculator portion of the
Scientific calculators
For the calculator portion of the
Four function calculators with
only percent and square root
For the entire assessment
Four function calculators with
only percent and square root
For the entire assessment
Four function calculators with
only percent and square root
Scientific calculators
For the entire assessment
The District ordered calculators for the new K-8 schools.
Math and ELA Consumable
Test Booklets
Highlighters and Annotating
As in 2014-2015, in the consumable test booklets, students will be able to:
• Use yellow non-carbon highlighters in the text and questions
• Make annotations and underline text of the assessment with their pencil
• Annotate in the questions and answer choices with their pencil while using caution around
actual bubbles and answer grids
• Limit access to subsequent sessions with adhesive seals
Stray pencil marks in and around the actual bubbles could interfere with scoring of
the document. Underlining, crossing out, or marking up bubbles or answer grids in
any way other than to darken the circles for their responses are considered stray
Scratch Paper
• Students will be able use scratch paper.
• Scratch paper used during assessment administration should be shredded following
administration in order to maintain test security.
Louisiana Believes
Paper Administration
• Consumable test booklets
• Vendor – Data Recognition Corporation (DRC)
• https://la.drcedirect.com
• Pre-gridded test booklets
• Number 2 pencil
• Students may:
• Write in the booklet
• Use a non-carbon based yellow highlighters
• Use blank, lined , or graph paper as scratch paper
and/or for masking
Louisiana Believes
Pre-identified Materials
Pre-identified documents were based on October 1 enrollment and
assessment participation information from SER for all assessments.
• Pre-code rosters
• Pre-identified documents require hand coding for education classification,
exceptionalities, and accommodations and accessibility features that
students actually received during testing.
• Test administrators must NOT correct any errors in the preprinted student
information. All errors should be reported to the School Test Coordinator,
who must report them to the district’s Student Information System (SIS)
Coordinator for corrections in the SIS database
Louisiana Believes
Testing Groups
• All grade levels must test at the same time
• If you must stagger the testing grade level, students
with the accommodation of extended time must
start at the beginning of the day.
• These students must be isolated from the grade level
• Schools must submit the starting times for each grade
level. This will be done via google doc.
Louisiana Believes
Practice Tests Grades 3-8
Paper Practice Tests
Practice Tests
• The grades 3-8 math and ELA paper-based practice
tests are now available on the Practice Tests page.
Scoring Guides:
• Each grade level practice includes a separate scoring
• Scoring guides include keys, alignment to standards,
rubrics, and other scoring information.
Accessing eDIRECT Resources
eDiRECT has been used in the past to manage assessment administration. This year
there are two eDIRECT sites with both nonsecure and secure access.
Operational eDIRECT
Nonsecure and secure access was provided
in mid-January
User guides available for- practice
TSM and INSIGHT installables
Manuals LAA1 and ELDA
eDIRECT User Guides
INSIGHT Technology User Guide
Training Presentation Slides
Access guides
Install and use TSM
Upload students for practice tests
Add additional users (not already
transferred from the practice site)
Access manuals*
Access and use materials management
functions (e.g. order materials, etc.)*
Add any students not uploaded by the
testing vendor (e.g., new students)
Action Steps
Practice eDIRECT
Nonsecure and secure access was
granted to DTC’s in early January
*Actions required for both paper-based tests
Unique Accommodations
Unique Accommodations Form
• The Unique Accommodations Form is available in
SER and in the Assessment Library.
• Unique accommodations require approval for use
on any state assessment and should be submitted
through assessment@la.gov.
Louisiana Believes
Accommodations on Assessments
• Accommodations, by definition, provide support for students with disabilities
without subverting the purpose of the assessment. The purpose of the
assessment, the standards measured and method of measurement therefore
determine the available accommodations for an assessment.
• On past ELA assessments, in grades 3-8, the test were less integrated and
students answered questions based on more discrete skills (writing, research,
reading, and language). This allowed all sections except for Reading
Comprehension to be read aloud to students with this accommodation.
• However, the ELA statewide assessments grades 3-8 are more integratedassessing Reading, Writing, and Language through a series of tasks or passage
sets. Since this means that the ELA read aloud accommodation applies to the
entire ELA assessment, it must be used for only a small population of students –
those who could not otherwise access the ELA assessment.
Louisiana Believes
ELA Read Aloud
Read Aloud on the ELA Assessment:
• Includes read aloud of the entire ELA assessment
• Student performance reports will be noted as receiving the accommodation
• Available to students with IEP and IAP accommodations that meet the following
• Blindness or a visual impairment and has not learned (or is unable to use)
• A disability that severely limits or prevents him/her from accessing printed
text, even after varied and repeated attempts to teach the student to do so
(e.g., student is unable to decode printed text or read fluently);
• Deafness or a hearing impairment and is severely limited or prevented from
decoding text due to a documented history of early and prolonged language
Louisiana Believes
Determining Eligibility
In determining the appropriateness of this accommodation, the following should be
• The IEP Team must use the evaluation results to determine that the student’s
disability precludes or severely limits the student’s ability to gain meaning from
written language.
• The IEP Team should also determine if a learning disability exists in the area of
reading, which includes decoding, comprehension or fluency.
There must be documentation of:
• Remedial reading services
• Student’s current reading skills
• IEP or instructional goals related to reading development
• Response to intervention (RTI) model and outcomes such as the use of research
or evidence-based interventions
• Aids and/or services provided to the student to support reading instruction
Louisiana Believes
Math Read Aloud
Read Aloud on the Math Assessment:
• Available to all students and should be indicated on the IEP, IAP, LEP, or PNP form
• Is used for the entire assessment, not selection of choice words, during the test
• Is appropriate for some students but should not be used for all students
• Shall be determined by IEP, IAP, LEP, and PNP teams for individual students.
Requirements for use of math read aloud:
• Students reads below grade level and is unable to fluently read and comprehend
items on the math assessment.
• Student’s reading ability interferes with the measure of math standards.
• Student regularly receives read aloud in the math classroom.
• Assessment data indicates that the student benefits from the support by being
better able to demonstrate content knowledge.
Louisiana Believes
Personal Needs Profile
• PNP is not for all children.
• The accessibility feature must be used in the
• Schools must measure continued effectiveness of
the accessibility features through classroom
observation and performance data and adjust as
Louisiana Believes
Personal Needs Profile
• All documentation of accessibility and
accommodations must be made 30 calendar days
prior to the assessment window.
• Deadline to submit is March 24, 2016
• Read aloud math students can be in a regular class
size group.
• Read aloud math assessment must be completed
in the time allotted.
Louisiana Believes
Personal Needs Profile
Step 1: Ensure that the accessibility feature is used in the
Step 2: Gather evidence that the support increases access
during instruction and assessments (observation and
performance/assessment data).
Step 3: Meet as a school level committee (teacher, parent,
student, and other relevant stakeholders) to discuss accessibility
features and create the PNP.
Step 4: Measure continued effectiveness of the accessibility
features through classroom observation and performance data
and adjust as needed.
Louisiana Believes
Personal Needs Profile
• The PNP form has been created IC that will make
documentation easier for the schools. You will be
able to run reports concerning the students with a
• PNPs must be signed by the parent, teacher,
administrator and student. The signed documents
will be kept at the school site for review by the
test monitors and later placed in the student's
cum folder.
Louisiana Believes
IEPs, IAPs, and PNPs
• Deadline to submit changes to IEPs
and IAPs or submit a PNP is March
24, 2016
• Email Chip Farman if you have any
Louisiana Believes
Key Dates
Spring 2016 Assessment
Administration Dates
The new eDIRECT and/or INSIGHT portals support the following spring 2016 assessments.
These are noted in the 2015-2016 Assessment Calendar.
Grade Level
Delivery Method
Test Date(s)
Feb 1- Mar 9
Feb 1- Mar 9
LEAP (ELA and math)
Apr 25-29
LEAP (Science)
Apr 28
LEAP (Social Studies)
Field test
May 9-13
( All schools grades 3
and 4)
(Pioneer schools only)
Louisiana Believes
ELDA and LAA1 Materials
• Schools return materials on March 9, 2016
between the hours of 1:00 pm and 5:00
• Westbank location is the warehouse on
River Road.
• Eastbank location is Meisler Middle
Louisiana Believes
eDIRECT Overview
Test Coordinators will access the following
through eDIRECT:
Training resources
TA System
Initial Users in eDIRECT
• User setup is required to access the eDIRECT secure
• All users, once setup, will receive an email from
DRC with their eDIRECT user id (their email
address) and temporary password.
• Users must log in to reset the password within 10
days of receipt of email. If you miss this window
contact DRC customer support.
eDIRECT First Time Log On
Once users click on the URL in the email notice, they will be routed to eDIRECT where
they will be required to complete the auto-prompt password reset.
Accessing eDIRECT
Users will enter their login credentials here to access the secure site.
Test Administrator (TA) Number System
Test Administrator (TA) Numbers will be captured through eDIRECT Test Setup > Teachers
To enter, search, and edit TA Numbers:
Within Test Setup, select Teachers.
Select the appropriate Administration.
To upload multiple TA Numbers, select the Upload Multiple Teachers tab, review the
required file layout .PDF with instructions for how to create and format the file. Once
the .csv file is ready, upload the file. All TA Names and Numbers will automatically be
To add an individual TA Number, click the Add Teacher button, enter the required
fields, then click on Save.
To search for TA Numbers, click on Find Teachers.
To view or edit Teacher information, click on the View/Edit icon under the Action
Note: Throughout the TA Number System there are built-in instructions for how to use it. Anytime you see
+Instructions, you can click on the plus sign and the instructions will expand.
eDIRECT – Accessing Documents
• To access the LAA 1 documents on eDIRECT, on the left
navigation panel click General Information, then click
Louisiana Believes
eDIRECT – Accessing Documents
Under the Administration drop down select LAA 1.
Louisiana Believes
eDIRECT – Accessing Documents
Click the Document Type in the drop down (example Manuals).
Louisiana Believes
eDIRECT – Accessing Documents
Click Show Documents.
Louisiana Believes
eDIRECT – Accessing Documents
Click on the PDF of the specific manual to download.
Louisiana Believes
Contact Information – Testing Krewe
Karen Herndon – Executive Director of Achievement and Accountability
• karen.herndon@jppss.k12.la.us
Testing Procedures and Materials
JoLynn Tompson – State Testing Specialist
• jolynn.tompson@jppss.k12.la.us
Chip Farman – Special Ed. Test Compliance Specialist
• chip.farman@jppss.k12.la.us
Parent Questions
Yolanda Rollins – Testing Technician
• yolanda.rollins@jppss.k12.la.us
• 349-7604
• Fax: 349-8573
• Emergencies during testing – 655-2846
Louisiana Believes
High School
LAA 2 Testing Window
•Testing window is Monday,
February 22 – Friday, February 26
•Chip will be distributing LAA2
materials at the end of training
Louisiana Believes
LAA 2 Testing
Eligible students are to be tested in spring 2016:
Students must have entered a high school cohort prior between 2010–2011 and
Students shall take the Algebra I or Geometry EOC test to be eligible for the LAA 2
Mathematics test, the English II or III EOC to be eligible for the LAA 2 English
Language Arts test, the Biology EOC for the LAA 2 Science test, and the U.S. History
EOC for the LAA 2 Social Studies test.
Because they do not have a current IEP, Nonpublic School students not on scholarship
and Home Study Program students do not participate in LAA 2 testing
*Noted in TCM, pg 1.
Louisiana Believes
LAA 2 Students Eligible
for a High School Diploma
First-time 9th graders in 2010–2011 through 2013–2014 who are taking the End-ofCourse (EOC) tests may use EOC test results (Fair and above) or LAA 2 content area test
results (Approaching Basic or above) to meet graduation requirements.
For first-time 9th graders prior to 2010–2011 and after 2013–2014, students must pass
the English Language Arts and Mathematics components and either the Science or
Social Studies components LAA 2.
Students participating in LAA 2 who meet all graduation requirements—1) earning
required Carnegie units; 2) passing the required components of LAA 2 or EOC or passing
by use of the EOC/LAA 2 waiver of one of the testing requirements; and 3) meeting
attendance requirements—will be eligible for a high school diploma.
Louisiana Believes
LAA 2 Re-testers
• LAA 2 students who are earning the appropriate Carnegie units
toward a high school diploma and are planning to earn a high
school diploma may retest in the spring.
• Testing for all four content areas—Mathematics, English
Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies—is scheduled for LAA
2 students who need to retest in any or all content areas.
Students who scored Unsatisfactory in both Science and Social
Studies will retest in both. Do not retest students who scored
Unsatisfactory in only one of the two.
• Make sure re-testing seniors who do not have full-day school
schedules make arrangements to remain at school for full days
during the spring test administration.
Louisiana Believes
LAA 2 Packing Instructions
• Pack all scorable materials on the top of unused materials,
separated by subject matter.
• Seal the box/envelope.
• Return to 501 Manhattan Blvd. on Monday, February 29, 2016
between the hours of 8:00 a.m and 3:00 p.m.
• Make sure the school name and the student’s name is on each
scorable document.
• DTC will verify all materials were returned.
• STC will initial after materials are checked in.
Louisiana Believes
ACT Administration Resources
ACT’s Louisiana testing site is available here. (http://act.org/aap/louisiana/act.html)
Prior to the assessment dates all school coordinators and administrators should complete
the appropriate online training available through the testing site.
The testing site includes:
• Test dates
• Checklist of dates
• Test site establishment
• Manuals and supplements
• Training
• Accommodations information
• Score reporting information
Louisiana Believes
ACT (PBT) Trainings
Test coordinators and administrators should review the administration manuals and then
view all training snippets. The training snippets cover all steps of test administration, such
• planning and preparing for testing
• identifying and training room supervisors and proctors
• receipt and check-in of secure test materials
• tips for a successful test administration
• administering the test
• procedures for return of all materials
Take the following steps to view training snippets:
1. Go to: http://www.act.org/aap/louisiana/act.html
2. Click on the “Training” heading.
3. Click on the “Test Administration Training” link.
4. Select your city, and school.
5. Enter your first and last name and click on the Next button.
Note: Use Internet Explorer 9 or later, Safari 5.1 or later, or Google Chrome 17 or later to view
the snippets
Louisiana Believes
ACT Q & A Session
Contacting ACT:
If you have questions, you may:
Contact ACT electronically via the Contact Us web
page at http://www.act.org/aap/state/contact.html
Call 800.553.6244, ext. 2800 with standard time
Call 800.553.6244, ext. 1788 with accommodations
questions, or email specific questions to
Louisiana Believes
ACT/WorkKey Dates
ACT/WorkKeys Material Transfer
Location - Warehouse
• Count and sign-out secured test materials
• Specific times February 25th and February 26th
ACT/WorkKeys (PBT) Material Transfer
Location - Warehouse
March 2rd 9 AM – 3 PM
Louisiana Believes
ACT/WorkKey Makeup Dates
ACT Testing Date: March 1, 2016
WorkKeys Testing Window: Nov. 2, 2015 until May 13, 2016
ACT Accommodations Testing Window: March 1 – 15, 2016
March 15, 2016
ACT/WorkKeys Material Transfer
Location - Warehouse
March 2 , 2016 9 AM – 3 PM
Louisiana Believes
ACT Test Security Reminders
ACT Cell Phone Policy
If they find a student brought a timer, cell phone, media player, or any other electronic
device into the test room, or it was used during a break, the student will be dismissed, the
device may be confiscated, and the answer document will not be scored.
Monitors for ACT Testing
• Only ACT observers or LDOE monitors with an ACT authorization letter are allowed to
monitor ACT testing.
Louisiana Believes
EXPLORE and PLAN Administration Resources
• The EXPLORE and PLAN Louisiana testing site is
available here
• (http://act.org/aap/louisiana/explore-plan.html)
• The testing site includes:
• Milestone schedule
• Manuals and documents
• Score reporting information
Louisiana Believes
EXPLORE and PLAN Administration Resources
Milestone schedule
• LDOE is requesting the date schools will test
PLAN and EXPLORE. Send date to JoLynn
• Delivery to schools February 25 - 26, 2016
• Return March 7, 2016
Louisiana Believes
Accommodation Codes
Void Scoring Codes
To be completed by
school staff only—see
Supervisor’s Manual
Only mark these “Void
Scoring Codes” if you
wish to void a portion of
a student’s test. When a
Void Scoring Code is
marked, that portion of
the test will not be
Mark only one.
ALERT – Carefully review the answer documents before submitting.
Louisiana Believes