Glencoe Chapter 9 ©2005 Faults • Rocks break and move along surfaces called faults. Earthquakes • Vibrations caused by breaking of rocks along faults. Types of Faults • Normal Faults: – Force: Tension – Direction: Apart • Reverse Faults – Force: Compression – Direction: Together • Strike-slip Fault: – Force: Shearing – Direction: Sliding Normal Faults Reverse Fault Strike-Slip Fault Seismic Waves • Vibrations caused by earthquakes. Earthquake Focus • The point in the Earth’s interior where the is energy release occurs. Primary Waves: • Waves that move through Earth by causing particles in rocks to move back and forth in the same direction the wave is traveling. Secondary Waves • Move through Earth by causing particles in rocks to move at right angles to the direction of the wave. Surface Waves • Move by giving particles an elliptical motion, as well as a back-and-forth swaying motion. Epicenter • The point on Earth’s surface directly above an earthquake’s focus. Locating an Epicenter 1. S-P Interval: Take the difference in arrival time of the primary and secondary waves. 2. Find the distance from the seismic station and the epicenter. For 3 stations. 3. Plot the distances as radii on three circles. Where they meet is where the epicenter is located. S-P Interval Find Distance Plot Epicenter Seismologist • Scientist who studies earthquakes. Seismograph • Instrument used to measure the vibrations caused by earthquakes A mile or so below you there are large pieces of the Earth’s crust known as __________________. Plates They move and float on a river of ______________ in the Earth’s _______________. Magma Mantle Where these plates break a ______________ will form. Faults At ______________ plate boundaries ___________ forces cause reverse faults to form. Convergent Compression At transform plate boundaries __________ forces cause __________ faults to form. Shearing Strike-Slip Lastly, as tension forces act on the plates at ___________________ plate boundaries, __________ faults form. Divergent Normal As plates interact they sometimes produce large vibrations known as __________. Earthquakes The _________ is the location under the ground where the energy of the vibrations was released. Focus The point on the surface directly above this location is known as the ____________. Epicenter _____________, scientist who study earthquakes use instruments called _______________ to measure the vibrations caused by earthquakes. Seismologist Seismograph The first wave of energy released by an earthquake is a _______________ wave. Primary P-waves travel in a _________ motion. Side to Side Second to arrive at the _________ station is the ____________ wave Seismic Secondary These waves travel in a __________ motion. Up and Down The seismic wave that causes the most damage is the ________________ wave. Surface Scientist read _____________ to determine the difference in the arrival time of the ___________ wave and the _____________ wave. Seismograms P-wave S-wave Once they have determined the __________________ they use a chart to determine the distance the ____________ station was located from the _______________. S-P interval Seismic Epicenter The height of the _________ on the paper tells the ___________ of the earthquake. __________ use the _________ scale to measure the magnitude of earthquakes. Lines Magnitude Richter Because the _______________ waves caused by earthquakes move out in all directions, scientist must have measurements from __________ different __________ stations. Seismic 3 seismic Once they have the measurements they use a _____________ and plot the distance as a radius out from each seismic station. Map Where these circles cross the _________________ of the earthquake is located. Epicenter If a(n) ____________ takes place under ________________ a _______________ can take place. Earthquake Water Tsunami This large wave can reach _________ meters in height. 30 The ___________ plates that make up the earth’s ___________ are on top of the Earth’s ___________. Tectonic Crust Mantle Below the Mantle is the _________ core and _________ core. Outer Core Inner Core The ______ core is composed of _________ and _________ and is liquid. Outer Core Iron Nickel The _______ core is also composed of __________ and ________ but is solid. Inner Iron Nickel The mantle is made mostly of _______, __________, _____________ and _________. Magnesium Silicon Oxygen Iron ______________ ___________ is the boundary between the crust and mantle Moho Discontinuity ___________ waves speed up because they are passing into the __________ which is the rigid __________ and upper ______________. Seismic Lithosphere Crust Mantle