Twelfth Night - English With Miss Robinson


ENG1DB Literary Essay Evaluation:

William Shakespeare’s


Due Date: Thursday June 4 th , 2015

 Choose one of the following essay topics and write an essay of 800-1000 words in length. The essay must be double-spaced and properly cited (use correct MLA formatting). Your essay will need to include direct quotations from the play as the

proof for your points (arguments), as well as specific references to the text in your analysis. Your literary essay should be four paragraphs in length (introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion).

Essay Format:

Introduction (topic ‘hook’, context sentence, thesis statement, 2 argument ‘menu’)

First Body Paragraph (topic sentence re-stating your 1 st argument, 2 points/proofs/analyses, transition sentence)

Second Body Paragraph (topic sentence re-stating your 2 nd argument, 2 points/proofs/analyses, transition sentence)

Conclusion (re-state your thesis in different words than you initially used in your introduction, review your arguments, provide final thoughts and analysis, include a concluding sentence that leaves the reader thinking – aim for impact with your final sentence)


 Create a thoughtful and relevant title for your literary essay.

 Your thesis statement must take an explicit position, and be very clear to the reader in your introduction. Remember that this is the focus of your entire essay, so it must be very strong, as well as being carefully-worded.

 Your 2 supporting arguments must prove your thesis (follow a point/proof/analysis format – 2 points/proofs/analyses per body paragraph)


 You must use 4 direct quotations from the play in your essay (2 in each body paragraph). Note: Do not let your quotations speak for you! They are only meant to support your ideas! Also, you must reference your quotations within your essay according to the MLA style guide (Act. Scene. Lines) and provide a typed “Works

Cited” page with your essay (a separate sheet of paper placed as the last, unnumbered page of your essay).

 Use present-tense verbs to refer to the action in the play

 Do not use personal pronouns (I, we, me, you, etc.), therefore make no reference to yourself (the writer) or myself (the reader).

 Do not use the argument, “In this essay I will prove…”

 Use effective transition words/phrases to connect your ideas (i.e. “in addition,”

“also,” “furthermore,” “nevertheless,” “nonetheless,” “consequently,” “as a result,” etc.)

 You will be expected to hand in an essay outline, and an edited draft (rough) copy with your final essay, as well as have 2 peer editors (peer editing sheets will be provided) to revise your draft copy.

Order of Completion:


Select a topic and brainstorm as many arguments and approaches to the topic question as possible.


Develop a thesis statement. Remember, this must be an arguable statement, meaning that it needs to be more than a statement that is obvious or universally accepted. Take a clear position in this statement.


Complete the essay outline provided. Develop 2 relevant supporting arguments (to structure each body paragraph). For each argument (body paragraph) you will need a minimum of 2 points (arguments), 2 proofs (this must be a direct quotation from the text), as well as a thorough follow-up analysis for each point and proof. Plan your work thoughtfully on this outline (it is the skeleton for your literary essay).


From the planning that you have produced from your brainstorming and outline, you will need to write an essay rough copy. Develop your arguments and analysis in paragraph format, use transitions to improve the flow of your writing, include citations for your quotations (Act. Scene. Lines), etc.


Two of your classmates will be expected to peer edit your rough copy. Use these suggestions/edits to improve your writing, however, it is important not to allow this peer editing to replace your own self-editing.


Type your essay good copy. The good copy of your literary essay should be typed in a 12 point, readable font, double-spaced, properly cited (with a Works Cited page) with a creative title. No title pages are permitted. Include your name, the course code (2A is

ENG1DB-10 and 2B is ENG1DB-07), my name (Mrs. A. Robinson), and the due date

(Thursday June 4 th , 2015) in the top, left-hand corner of the first page of your essay submission. Your last name and the page number should be a header in the top, righthand corner of your entire submission.


7. Please submit your essay hard copy in class on the specified due date, as well as

submitting an electronic copy onto by 11:59 pm on Thursday June 4 th ,


To Make Sure You Are On The Right Track – Here Is A Checklist: o Have you completed an essay outline to plan your arguments and examples before you actually begin to write? (better planning = a better essay overall) o Is your thesis statement clear, relevant, and takes an obvious position on the topic? o Do you have 2 clear arguments to structure your 2 body paragraphs? o Do you include 2 meaningful points per paragraph? o Do you include 2 relevant quotations per body paragraph as your proof (1 to support each point = 4 in total for the essay)? o Do you include an insightful and in-depth analysis for each point and proof that you include in your essay (remember to discuss WHY each point and proof supports your thesis statement)? o Do your ideas flow logically because of your purposeful use of transition words? o Do you have an original title? o Do you have an engaging topic ‘hook’? o Do you have an effective conclusion that restates your thesis (in different words than you initially used in your introduction) and do you also review your arguments in your final paragraph? o Do you conclude thoughtfully, originally, and with impact?

Essay Topics: Please choose ONE of the following essay topics…

1. In the play, Duke Orsino is a character who is undeniably in love with the idea of love.

Prove that Duke Orsino is a character whose obsession with love positively or negatively

shapes his characterization in the text.

2. Examine the role and significance of the comedic characters in the play (i.e. Maria, Sir

Toby, Sir Andrew, Feste, Fabian).

3. Explore what Shakespeare is ultimately suggesting about the true nature of love through

his portrayal of the character’s attitudes and actions in the play.

4. Prove that the play’s central message about the perils of disguise and deception is the

most important theme in the play.

5. Who is the most foolish character in the play? Take a position on this question and defend

it thoughtfully using direct evidence from the text to support your assertions.

6. Is Viola a strong female character in the play? Take a position on this question and

defend it thoughtfully using direct evidence from the text to support your assertions.

7. Prove that the celebratory atmosphere of mischief and revelry commonly associated

with Twelfth Night is effectively conveyed throughout the play.


8. Does Feste prove himself to be a fool or a wise man in the play? Take a position on this

question and defend it thoughtfully using direct evidence from the text to support your


9. Does Malvolio truly deserve his poor treatment and pitiful fate at the end of the play?

Take a position on this question and defend it thoughtfully using direct evidence from the

text to support your assertions.

10. Choose your own topic. If you devise your own essay topic, please have it approved by

Mrs. Robinson before you begin the planning stages and writing process.



