Reading - What is Religion

What is Religion?
A religion is a system of beliefs usually involving the worship of supernatural forces or beings.
Religious beliefs provide shape and meaning to one's perception of the universe. In other words,
they provide a sense of order in what might otherwise be seen as a chaotic existence. Religions
also provide understanding and meaning for inexplicable events such as a loved one being killed
in an earthquake or some other unpredictable force of nature. For most religious people, their
beliefs about the supernatural are at the very core of their world views.
Rituals in Religion
The performance of rituals is an integral part of all religions.
Rituals are stylized and usually repetitive acts that take place at
a set time and location. They almost always involve the use of
symbolic objects, words, and actions. For example, going to
church on Sunday is a common religious ritual for Christians
around the world. It usually requires the wearing of somewhat
different clothing and interacting with others in a particular
manner in a sacred location. At the heart of this experience is a
sequence of traditional ritual acts that symbolically represent
aspects of the life, teachings, and death of Jesus.
Christian Ritual Objects
Most religious rituals are
performed in special places and under special conditions, such
as in a dedicated temple or at a sacred spot. This is an
intentional separation between the secular and the sacred. By
being removed from the ordinary world, the sacred acts are
enhanced for the believers. The separation makes the rituals
more effective. Only allowing initiated people to participate in
religious rituals also can have the same effect.
Religious ritual reinforces the basic tenets of religion. For
instance, the "partaking of the host" in the Catholic mass is a
symbolic participation in the "last supper" of Jesus and, by
Maya Sacred Location
extension, an affirmation of the acceptance of his teachings.
Rituals are often charged with high emotions. The exalted feelings people experience during
rituals provide positive reinforcement for continuing them. When rituals make people "feel good",
they reinforce the belief that their religion is the "correct" one.
Non-Religious Rituals
Not all rituals are religious. Brushing your teeth every morning in the same place and in the same
way is a non-religious ritual. Like religious rituals, it also can make you "feel good", which
reinforces your continuance of the practice. However, it rarely involves a belief in supernatural
beings or forces.
Political ideologies and movements often have rituals that can be profoundly important for people,
especially when they become the focus of nationalism. Communism and extreme nationalist
movements over the last century essentially became secular religions in some countries. They
had their rituals, essentially sacred objects, and beliefs that provided meaning and order for
millions of people. Even in democratic nations that are more international in their focus, there are
often symbolic political objects and rituals connected with them. An example in the United States
is the pledge of allegiance to the American flag in schools and at public meetings. The flag takes
on a powerful meaning for which people have given up their lives despite the fact that it is only a
piece of cloth with different portions dyed red, white, or blue.
Psychological and Social Functions of Religion
Religions fulfill psychological needs. They help us confront and explain death. They help relieve
our fears and anxieties about the unknown. Supernatural powers and beings may be appealed to
or manipulated by people in times of crisis, as for example in praying to win a battle or survive a
fierce storm. Religions help ease the stress during personal life crises such as birth, marriage,
serious illness, and death. It is not a coincidence that in most societies the "rites of passage" that
are performed to help people adjust to these often highly emotional transitions are strongly
religious. We also get psychological relief from "divinely given" moral codes. They lift some of
the burden of decision making from our shoulders in difficult situations because they tell us what
is right and wrong. Knowing what to do without having to think deeply about it provides
tremendous psychological relief.
Formal North American Church wedding
(religious ritual is central to this rite of passage)
Religions also fulfill social needs. They can be powerful, dynamic forces in society. By
reinforcing group norms, they help bring about social homogeneity. They can provide a basis for
common purpose and values that can help maintain social solidarity. A uniformity of beliefs helps
bind people together and reinforces group identity.
In most societies, religions play an important role in social control by defining what is right and
wrong behavior. If individuals do the right things in life, they may earn the approval of the gods.
If they do the wrong things, they may suffer supernatural retribution. For instance, the most
sacred text of Islam, the Koran , not only provides detailed lists of specific kinds of crimes and
appropriate earthly punishments, but it also gives descriptions of how to do mundane tasks such
as eating specific kinds of food.
The sacred texts of religions usually set precedents for proper behavior in common situations.
The Judeo-Christian Bible stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Able, Noah, Job, Moses, Solomon,
and even Jesus provide examples of how virtuous people should lead their lives. It does not
matter whether the sacred stories or myths of a religion actually occurred in every detail--they are
still illustrative of correct thought and behavior.
Dr. Dennis O'Neil, Behavioral Sciences Department, Palomar College, San Marcos, California, 2005.