NAME: __________________________________ PERIOD: ________ New Nation Creative Writing Project DUE DATE: Thursday 11/29/12 TASK: Creatively write a first-person narrative account (either a series of journal entries or a letter) based on a historical perspective and using information from primary historical documents. You should invent a name, a character, and a storyline that incorporates facts and details from what you have learned from the documents assigned and the text and class discussions. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: You have been assigned ONE of the following historical perspectives. You MAY NOT trade/swap/or choose another. 1. Mill Girl 4. War Hawk 2. Immigrant worker 5. Native American 3. Entrepreneur LENGTH: Two full pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, 12 point , 1 inch margins SEE SAMPLE LETTER ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES; USE AS A GUIDE. HAND IN YOUR PROJECT WITH THIS PAPER ON TOP, AND THEN YOUR WRITTEN WORK. You will be graded on how well you achieve each of the tasks above. Additionally, YOU MUST read, evaluate and incorporate knowledge from the primary historical documents in your essay. DO NOT COPY OR PLAGIARIZE. YOU MAY QUOTE ONLY FROM THE DOCUMENTS. ACHTUNG!!! WARNING!!! TEN CUIDADO!!! AVOIDING PLAGIARISM IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY RUBRIC 40 points 10 Understanding Primary Document Usage Historical Perspective Grammar and Writing TOTAL 9 8 7 Shows a thorough understanding of question, content, timeperiod Explicitly integrates many facts, details, and vocabulary from text and all or a significant number of the documents Writing sample creatively and effectively captures the historical bias and perspective of the era Shows a good understanding of question, content, timeperiod Integrates some facts, details, and vocabulary from text and a significant number of the document; implicitly uses documents Writing sample makes successful attempts to be true to historical bias and perspective Well written and edited A few grammatical or spelling errors that do not overly detract 6 5 Shows cursory understanding of question, content, timeperiod Integrates insufficiently facts, details, and vocabulary from text and documents are only used implicitly Writing sample inaccurately portrays historical perspective or fails to identify speaker’s bias accurately Needs editing, poorly written or organized, major spelling or writing errors 4 3 2 1 Appears to not understand or master the question content, time period Fails to utilize the documents or facts, details, and vocabulary they contain Did not attempt task or off-topic Below minimal expectations / 40 21st of November, 1787 Friends, Countrymen and Fellow Citizens, Allow me to remind you to review the liberties and privileges that are afforded to you under our current system of government and consider the potential impact on those liberties if we ratify this proposed document. If we allow these men to pass their proposed form of government, then we as citizens of the United States will be giving up our essential freedoms for another tyrannical government! Our current governments on the state level allow us essential liberties as the freedom to speech, writing, and publishing. Do NOT take these for granted my countrymen because if we allow this malicious document to pass through ratification, these essential liberties of citizenry would be abolished. Even a letter such as this one you are reading could be suppressed. The freedoms that we currently enjoy are not guaranteed under our new proposed government. A Bill of Rights declaring these liberties secured is not only advantageous to all Americans, but necessary! Please keep in mind; this proposed government will jeopardize the happiness of community and our great civil society. You’re future welfare and freedoms are at stake. I ask of you, anyone who is competent in the task of developing new principles of government, please step forward and propose an alternative and allow the people to make the proper judgment given the opportunity to choose our future. Numerous essays, pamphlets, and newspapers have been released detailing the supposed benefits of the proposed system of government, but I ask you, fellow patriots, to compose your own criticism of this Constitution. Those in favor of ratification argue that the three balancing powers of government will create conflicting interests, thus ensuring the good of the nation as a whole. The error I see in this hypothesis though, is the assumption that the Federal government will have the competency to enact these supposed “checks and balances”. One thing that is often times overlooked is the reality that this type of governmental structure has never been created thus leaving no precedent to follow. If this is not enough, please keep in mind that two of the branches of this proposed government have ample opportunity to become too powerful for their own good. The executive branch can easily become like a present day monarch, eventually controlling all aspects of government. If the American people are fortunate enough to avoid this eventuality, then the legislative branch will be sure to usurp the power of our Federal government. A system that allows rich, landholding elites who in turn elects others of similar stature only ensures that the true voice of the citizens of our United States will not only be diminished, but most likely wholly ignored! Additionally, Article I, sect. 8, of this proposed plan of government, "the Congress are to have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States, but all duties, imposts and excises, shall be uniform throughout the United States." It is quite easy to assume that this new Federal government will not only be able to create a standing army in a time of peace, thus allowing to oppress the people whenever it deems necessary, but since its income relies solely on the collection of taxes, the control of commerce would be a high priority for this new governmental system. If we do not voice our opinions and derail this proposed plan, we will be willingly succumbing to the oppression that has been so plainly stated. Lastly, the third branch of this three-tiered government will be the judicial branch. This proposed government only allows for a Supreme Court to be created, while ALL of the lower courts composed by Congress. To allow Congress to be this omnipotent and powerful will only lead to the creation of a branch that is put together for the sole purpose of succumbing to Congressional wishes. Without going into more detail about the specific structure of the government in this letter, I beg of you, my fellow citizens, to stand up against this government and propose a solution to the potentially overwhelming power of the Federal government. Sincerely, Glenn Coldwell (AKA Mr. Caldwell) RESOURCES FOR PERSPECTIVE #1 THE LOWELL MILL GIRL Two letters: Two sites for Background information: Image of girls: Image of mill: Chart of ethnicity at Lowell: Lowell regulations for girls: RESOURCES FOR PERSPECTIVE #2 THE IMMIGRANT WORKER IN THE 1840’S background Information on the process of Irish immigration Conditions in Ireland during the Famine Anti-Irish cartoon Background on Irish immigration Immigration cartoon Background on Irish immigration n/irish7.html Anti-Immigration party: %2Fglc%2Farchive%2F974.htm Image of housing: 856sf=4a18586 RESOURCES FOR PERSPECTIVE #3 EARLY INDUSTRIAL ENTREPRENEURS “Patterns of American Railroad Finance” Letters from Mill management – excellent First hand account of a workers’ attitude toward her employer – Lowell Textile Mills Letter describing the conditions of the Lowell factories RESOURCES FOR PERSPECTIVE #4 WAR HAWKS ON THE WAR OF 1812 A view of Colonel Johnson's engagement with savages (commanded by Tecumseh) October 5, 1812 Letter in Support of the War, Henry Clay, 1812 Battle of Horseshoe Bend, Historical Context Battle of Horseshoe Bend, Reading 2: 4 Views of European American/American Indian Relations Ephraim Foster to William Graham, Letter, April 8, 1814 Hero of the Wabash bib:12:./temp/~ammem_NrmJ: Death of Tecumseh, click on link of several for details of this event %3Ffawbib%3A19%3A.%2Ftemp%2F%7Eammem_NrmJ%3A RESOURCES FOR PERSPECTIVE #5 NATIVE AMERICANS ON THE WAR OF 1812 Battle of Horseshoe Bend, Reading 1, The Creek People Battle of Horseshoe Bend, Historical Context Battle of Horseshoe Bend, Reading 2: 4 Views of European American/American Indian Relations Reading 3: The Battle of Horseshoe Bend and Its Consequences Quotation of Handsome Lake Tecumseh’s Retort to General Harrison Tecumseh’s Plea to Indian Nations William Weatherford surrenders to General Jackson Death of Tecumseh, click on link of several for details of this event %3Ffawbib%3A19%3A.%2Ftemp%2F%7Eammem_NrmJ%3A