What do you mean by PC? o Personal Computer o Private Computer o Public Computer o People's Computer 2. 2 What is the Key which is not available in a normal Keyboard? o Delete o Enter o Copy o Shift 3. 3 What is the first Computer (Computing device) in history? o Calculator o Abacus o Mobile Phone o IBM Machine 4. 4 “RAM” stands for? o Read All Memory o Random Access Memory o Read Access Machinery o Remove Any Minute-Memory 5. 5 Which of the following is not a programming language? o C o Java o Visual Basic o Mcafee 6. 6 Who formulated the fundamental concepts of modern day computers? o Blaise Pascal o Charles Babbage o Gottfried Leibnitz o Ada Lovelace 7. 7 Saving a file from the Internet onto your computer is called o Downloading o Uploading o Transferring o Storing 8. 8 Checking a computer program for errors is called o Bugging o Debugging o Correcting o Syntaxing 9. 9 The part of a computer that processes instructions, performs calculations, makes logical decisions and manages the flow of data through the computer system is known as o Hard disk o RAM o Data bus o CPU 10. 10 The main purpose of using an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) in a computer system is to o Provide backup power in the case of a mains power failures o Protect the computer system from lightning o Provide (Direct Current) DC power to the computer circuit o Charge the internal battery of the computer 11. 11 A computer network which is limited to a small area is known as o LAN o WAN o VAN o MAN 12. 12 Microsoft Windows XP is an example of a/an o Application software o Systems software o Systems utility o Graphical User Interface (GUI) 13. 13 How many bytes are there in a kilobyte o 8 o 1000 o 1024 o 1048 14. 14 Which one of the following operations can be used to move Text and Graphics in application programmes working under the Windows operating system? o Cut and Paste o Cut and Copy o Delete and Move o Erase and Insert 15. 15 Which of the following is a search engine? o Outlook Express o Internet Explorer o Google o Macromedia Flash 16. 16 A company that provides access service to the Internet is called a/an o Server o Client o ISP o Teleshop 17. 17 "URL" Stands for? o Unique Resorce Locator o Uniform Resource Locator o Unique Resource Location o Uniform Resource Location 18. 18 A hacker is someone who o Steals computers o Defrauds companies using stolen credit card details o Guesses or bypasses passwords to obtain unauthorised access to data o Distroys computer hardware parts 19. 19 Which of the following is not a monitor type o Blue-Ray o LCD o CRT o LED 20. 20 "DVD" stands for o Direct Video Disk o Digital Versatile Disk o Dynamic Variable Disk o Direct Visual Disk Information Technology Quiz - Computer Issues 1. Question A computer crime in which money is embezzled in small amounts over time is : The Trojan horse Blue-collar crime The Salami technique Data diddling 2. Question A Computer dedicated to screening access to a network from outside the network : Cold site Hot Site Vaccine Firewall 3. Question One safeguard against theft or alteration of data is the use of : DES The Trojan horse Identical passwords Data diddling 4. Question The legislation that prohibits government agencies and contractors from keeping secret personal files on individuals : Fair Credit Reporting Act Federal Privacy Act Computer Abuse Act Freedom of Information Act 5. Question Computer Crimes are usually : Easy to detect Discovered Accidentally Blue-collar crimes Prosecuted 6. Question Secured waste, auditor checks and applicant screening all aid : Data security Piracy detection License protection Built-in software protection 7. Question The ‘what you are’ criterion for computer system access involves : A Badge A Password A Magnetized card Biometrics 8. Question A Student who managed to modify grades before they were entered into computer file could be said to be : Data diddling Piggybacking Using the Salami technique Altering stored data 9. Question Software Piracy includes : Data alteration Badge theft Program duplication Copy-writing 10. Question Authorization to make multiple software copy is called : Scavenging Site licensing Piggybacking Copy protection Information Technology Quiz - Computer Issues 1. Question A computer crime in which money is embezzled in small amounts over time is : The Trojan horse Blue-collar crime The Salami technique Data diddling 2. Question A Computer dedicated to screening access to a network from outside the network : Cold site Hot Site Vaccine Firewall 3. Question One safeguard against theft or alteration of data is the use of : DES The Trojan horse Identical passwords Data diddling 4. Question The legislation that prohibits government agencies and contractors from keeping secret personal files on individuals : Fair Credit Reporting Act Federal Privacy Act Computer Abuse Act Freedom of Information Act 5. Question Computer Crimes are usually : Easy to detect Discovered Accidentally Blue-collar crimes Prosecuted 6. Question Secured waste, auditor checks and applicant screening all aid : Data security Piracy detection License protection Built-in software protection 7. Question The ‘what you are’ criterion for computer system access involves : A Badge A Password A Magnetized card Biometrics 8. Question A Student who managed to modify grades before they were entered into computer file could be said to be : Data diddling Piggybacking Using the Salami technique Altering stored data 9. Question Software Piracy includes : Data alteration Badge theft Program duplication Copy-writing 10. Question Authorization to make multiple software copy is called : Scavenging Site licensing Piggybacking Copy protection IT Quiz System Analysis and Design 1. Question The presence of both data and its related instructions in an object is : Orientation Inheritance Encapsulation C++ 2. Question In preparing a program, once should first : Code the program Plan the solution Document the program Define the problem 3. Question During the development of the program, drawing a flowchart is a means to : Plan the solution Define the problem Code the program Analyze the program 4. Question The process of detecting, locating and correcting logic errors is called : Translating Debugging Desk-checking Documenting 5. Question Comments in the program itself are part of : Compiling Linking Translating Documenting 6. Question In prepating a program, desk-checking and translating are examples of : Documenting Coding Testing Planning 7. Question The first high-level language to be introduced was : COBOL Pascal FORTRAN ADA 8. Question An English like language that one can use as a program design tool is : Pseudo code PL/I BASIC Pascal 9. Question A COBOL program has how many divisions ? 7 4 5 2 10. Question The ability of an object to interpret a message using its own methods is called : Inheritance Polymorphism Messaging Encapsulation Information Technology Multiple Choice Questions 1. Question Which of the following terms are most often used to refer to the people and equipment that perform the data processing function ? IS and programming department EDP and DP MIS and DP SQL and DB 2. Question Data that have been processed and are in a useful form are called : Output Calculated data Source data Information 3. Question Which of the following is not the one of the common classification for information system ? Time sharing Online real time Multiprocessing Micro-programming 4. Question The primary function of MIS department is : To provide impartial service to the other business's functional areas To process data to produce usable information To process information to produce usable data To serve as the corporate chief executive officers 5. Question A network that connects computers and/or terminals within a building or a campus like environment is called : A local area network A global network A wide network An international network 6. Question An exception report is generated when : A database has been deleted from the information system A situation occur that differs dramatically from expected results There are too many data to be processed A middle-level manager orders an on-demand report for a specific period. 7. Question A system of linked computers and peripheral devices is referred to as : A time sharing system A linked system A computer network A decision support system 8. Question The system that requires reasonably fast response times to facilitate two-way communications between the user and the CPU is : A batch processing system An offline system An online system A distributed processing system 9. Question A network that ranges across a town, a country, or even a globe is called : A wide area network A global network An international network A local area network 10. Question Which of the following applications is an example of batch processing ? Registering students through an online phone system Processing a day's business transactions on magnetic tape Handling orders through a mail-order system Making reservations in an air line reservation system Information Technology Online Test – System Storage Topic : System Storage 117 Attempts Information Technology Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, Quiz and Quizzes, Online Test, NotesInformation Technology Online Test – System Storage. Information Technology Quiz - System Storage 1. Question The firm which interfaces with its environment is called : Open-loop system Closed system Closed-loop system Open system 2. Question The computer field regarding the use of information to gain influence in the market place is called : Resources Conceptual resources Transformation Competitive advantage 3. Question Which physical system of the firm is controlled bu the management, using internal feedback information to ensure that the objectives are met ? Open-loop system Conceptual system Closed system Closed-loop system 4. Question The electronic transmission of computer data from one firm to another is called : Transformation of data Electronic data processing None of tha bove Information management 5. Question The combination of a multiple firms that are integrated through information flows called : Information system Inter-organizational information system Management Information system Decision support system 6. Question The geographic area where the firm performs its operations is called : Environment Community Global Community Global environment 7. Question A firm’s information resource consists of : Users Machines Information All of the above 8. Question A firm can exploit information flows to and from its suppliers by establishing network called : EDI SPIR None of the above IRM 9. Question When a firm’s executives are fully committed to strategic planning, they see a need for each functional area to develop its own : Conceptual plan Information system Strategic planning for information system Strategic plan 10. Question When information services began to develop strategic plans, the recommended approach was to base those plans entirely on the firm’s strategic objectives, which were termed the : Organizational strategy set Organizational information flow system Accounting information system Organizational support system Information Technology Test – Communication Topic : Data Communications 354 Attempts Information Technology Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, Quiz and Quizzes, Online Test, NotesInformation Technology Test – Communication. Information Technology Practice Test - Data Communication 1. Question The most convenient communications links are : Coaxial cables Telephone lines Via satellites Via Microphone 2. Question Electronic banking : Token ring Mosaic BBS EFT 3. Question The process of converting from analog to digital is called : Telecommuting Modulation line Switching Demodulation 4. Question When all hardware, software, storage and processing is housed in one location it is called : A host computer system Centralized processing A time-sharing system A DDP system 5. Question Centralized processing but with access from terminals is known as : DDP A ring network A teleprocessing system Telecommuting 6. Question Computer systems that use data communications equipment to connect two or more computers and their resources are : Host computer systems Teleprocessing systems Networks Centralized 7. Question Transmission permitting data to move only one way at a time is : Simplex Full duplex Half duplex Start/Stop 8. Question The token ring network controls access to the network using : Facsimile Token passing Auto-disconnect A bus 9. Question The device used with satellite transmission that ensures that strong outgoing signals do not interfere with weak incoming signals is called a : Modem Cable Microwave Transponder 10. Question The arrangement in which most of the processing is done by the server ; Electronic data interchange File server Simplex transmission Client/server Information Technology Quiz Questions - Software 1. Question Which of the following is not an example of a software ? Operating system Language translator Utility program Word processor 2. Question GUI’s are used with which of the following ? Windows Both a and c UNIX Macintosh system 7.5 3. Question When is a temporary program loaded into memory ? When needed Never; that's what makes it transient When the system is booted When the supervisor program is loaded 4. Question The interface that people find most difficult to use is : Shell interface Menu interface Graphical user interface Command line interface 5. Question Which of the following in not a feature of an operating system ? Managing resources Controlling input and output Generating a database Communicating with the user 6. Question What are the two types of application software ? User and Professional System and general purpose Hardware and Software Special purpose and general purpose 7. Question Which of the following is not a commonly used operating system for microcomputers ? Windows HTML Macintosh system 7.5 MS-DOS 8. Question Which of the following is not a type of an application program ? Word processing A Language translator ATM processing Payroll processing 9. Question Which of the following has the job of maximizing the system’s performance ? Word processing programs Performance monitors GUI's Windows 10. Question The input/output control system is responsible for : Acknowledging and processing all interruptions to the system Accepting and interpreting user commands Scheduling and activating the I/O devices as well as the storage unit Loading programs for execution Information Technology Quiz – Data Storage Topic : Data Storage 167 Attempts Information Technology Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, Quiz and Quizzes, Online Test, NotesInformation Technology Quiz – Data Storage. Information Technology Quiz with Questions Answers 1. Question A Field contains one more more : Databases Characters Records Files 2. Question The density of data stored on magnetic tape is expressed as : Units per inch Tracks per inch Bytes per inch Packs per inch 3. Question Another name for secondary storage is : Density Cylinder Auxiliary Memory 4. Question A Magnetic spot represents : 0 bit CPI MB 1 bit 5. Question The reel that is changed on a magnetic tape unit is the : Take-up reel Supply reel Record RAID 6. Question A hard disk can be backed up efficiently using : A Transaction File Tape Backup System Worm Zoning 7. Question Relatively permanent data is contained in : A Transaction A Field Memory A Master file 8. Question DASD refers to : Field Sorting Tape Storage Disk Storage 9. Question The mechanism for reading or writing data on a disk is called : Track Access arm WORM Key 10. Question Optical Disk Technology uses : Laser Beam Helical Scanning DAT RAID