NOYCE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Scholarship Eligibility Requirements: Noyce Scholars must be juniors or seniors enrolled in a STEM degree program and pursuing a secondary STEM teaching license. Scholars will work in pairs to teach one STEM lesson at Henderson Middle School every-other-week. Scholars must remain in good standing, make satisfactory progress toward their degree and licensure, and sign a contract signifying they will fulfill their teaching service obligation (one year of teaching in a high-need school for every semester of Noyce Scholarship received). Priority Application Deadline March 1 Instructions: Please complete all sections as accurately as possible. Incomplete applications will not be considered. SECTION I: GENERAL INFORMATION Name: T#: Address Line 1: City, State, Zip: Telephone: E-Mail: Gender: Ethnicity: List all high schools and college attended School Name City and State Dates Attended How many college credit hours will you have completed by the end of the current term? What is your cumulative G.P.A.? __________ G.P.A. in major? _________________ What is your ACT Composite Score? ______ ACT Math Score? _______ ACT Science Score? ________ What degree are you seeking at UALR? ______________________________ Who is your major program advisor? _________________________________ Which teaching license(s) are you seeking? Biology Chemistry Physical Science Physics/Mathematics Mathematics Physics For the upcoming spring or fall term what is your planned enrollment? Less than 12 Hours 12 Hours or more Have you passed all the components of the Praxis Core or obtained the required ACT scores? YES NO If no, please explain your plan of action. _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ UALRTeach Course Plans Please indicate the term and year (i.e., Fall 2015) for each course taken and the grade earned. Provide the planned term(s) for courses not yet taken. UALRTeach Courses Term and Year Taken (or Course Grade planned) IGSC/SCED 1101: Step 1: Inquiry Teaching (FYC) IGSC/SCED 1102: Step 2: Inquiry Lesson Design SCED 3383: Knowing and Learning SCED 4385: Perspectives on Math and Science SCED 3384: Classroom Interactions IGSC 4386: STEM Methodologies SCED 4387: Project Based Instruction SCED 4689: Apprentice Teaching Financial Information Are you currently receiving a scholarship? YES NO If yes, please name scholarship(s) and amount: ________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Are you eligible to receive FAFSA? YES NO Are you eligible to receive Pell? YES NO STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL NEED Please provide a short paragraph to help us know more about your financial need for this scholarship. SECTION II: STATEMENT OF STUDENT’S MOTIVATIONS, QUALITIES, and AREAS FOR GROWTH Please attach brief statements describing your educational and career plans. (A) What motivated you to pursue becoming a secondary STEM teacher? (B) How can you serve as a role-model for students in high-needs schools? (C) What qualities do you have that uniquely qualify you for a UALR Noyce Scholarship? SECTION III: RESUME Please attach a current resume or CV. SECTION IV: LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION Please have no more than three letters of recommendation (from persons external to UALRTeach) emailed to Gail Hughes SECTION V: UNOFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT Please attach a current unofficial transcript. SECTION VI: DEGREE PLANNING FORM Please attach a current degree planning form. You are encouraged to use the form that advisor uses or you may present this information in another format. The information we need from the degree planning form is the list of courses required for your degree with a notation of when the course was completed (or the term you plan to take the course) so we can see your path toward graduation. SECTION VII: CERTIFICATION I certify that all information and statements provided by me on this application are true to the best of my knowledge. I understand donors or agencies outside UALR occasionally request information contained on this application. I permit the release of educational, personal, and financial information to outside agencies in order to be considered for scholarships. I certify that I plan to make satisfactory progression towards the completion of my degree and the teaching licensure program as part of the scholarship obligation. I also understand that, if awarded the scholarship, there is a commitment to teach in a high-need school for one year for every semester of scholarship received and that I will need to sign a scholarship contract. Signature: Date UALR Nondiscrimination Policy The University of Arkansas at Little Rock does not discriminate in admissions, treatment of students, employment, or programs on the basis of sex, handicap, age, race, national origin, color, or religion as specified by Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other federal laws and regulations. Inquiries concerning the application of any of the federal laws or regulations may be referred to the Human Relations Officer, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 569‐8675. Priority Deadline: March 1 Submit 1 electronic file plus recommendation letter to: Gail Hughes