Chapter 15 Advertising and Public Relations Advertising • U.S. advertising spending exceeds $215 billion per year • Industry employs only 272,000 • Ad budgets of some firms exceed over $2 billion per year Advertising and Market Share New brands spend proportionately more for advertising than old ones. A certain level of exposure is needed to affect purchase habits. Beyond a certain level, diminishing returns set in. Advertising and the Consumer Average U.S. citizen is exposed to hundreds of ads each day. Advertising may change a consumer’s attitude toward a product. Advertising can affect consumer ranking of brand attributes. Major Types of Advertising Institutional Advertising Enhance corporation’s identify Advocacy advertising Pioneering Product Advertising Competitive Comparative Product Advertising Pioneering Competitive Comparative • Stimulates primary demand for new product or category • Influence demand for brand in the growth phase of the PLC. • Often uses emotional appeal. • Compares two or more competing brands’ product attributes. • Used if growth is sluggish, or if competition is strong. Steps in Creating an Advertising Campaign Determine the advertising objectives. Make creative decisions. Make media decisions. Evaluate the campaign. Creative Decisions Identify Product Benefits Components of Creative Decisions Develop and Evaluate Advertising Appeals Execute the Message Evaluate the Campaign’s Effectiveness Identify Product Benefits • “Sell the Sizzle, not the Steak” • Sell product’s benefits, not its attributes • A benefit should answer “What’s in it for me?” • Ask “So?” to determine if it is a benefit Common Advertising Appeals Profit Product saves, makes, or protects money Health Appeals to body-conscious or health seekers Love or romance Used in selling cosmetics and perfumes Fear Social embarrassment, old age, losing health Admiration Reason for use of celebrity spokespeople Convenience Used for fast foods and microwave foods Fun and pleasure Key to advertising vacations, beer, parks Vanity and egotism Environmental Consciousness Used for expensive or conspicuous items Centers around environmental protection Executing the Message Scientific Slice-of-Life Musical Demonstration Mood or Image Lifestyle Common Executional Styles Real/ Animated Product Symbols Spokesperson/ Testimonial Fantasy Humorous Media Types Newspapers Magazines Radio Television Major Types of Advertising Media Outdoor Internet Alternative Media Advertising Spending for 1999 Magazine Yellow Pages Internet Radio Television Outdoor Newspaper Newspapers Advantages Year-round readership Geographic selectivity Immediacy High individual market coverage Short lead time Disadvantages Limited demographic selectivity Little color May be expensive Low pass-along rate Clutter Mass market medium Magazines Advantages Disadvantages Good reproduction Higher cost per contact Demographic selectivity Long-term advertiser commitments Regional/local selectivity Slow audience build-up Long advertising life Limited demonstration capabilities High pass-along rate Lack of urgency Long lead time Radio Advantages Selectivity and audience segmentation Immediate and portable Disadvantages No visual treatment Short advertising life Geographic flexibility High frequency to generate retention Entertainment carryover Commercial clutter Short-term ad commitments Background distractions Television Advantages Wide diverse audience Low cost per thousand Creative and demonstrative Immediacy of messages Entertainment carryover Demographic selectivity with cable Disadvantages Short life of message Expensive with high campaign cost Little demographic selectivity with network Long-term advertiser commitments Long lead times Clutter Outdoor Media Advantages High exposure frequency Disadvantages Short message Moderate cost Lack of demographic selectivity Flexibility High “noise” level Geographic selectivity Broad, diverse market Internet and World Wide Web Advantages Fast growing Ability to reach narrow target audience Short lead time Moderate cost Disadvantages Difficult to measure ad effectiveness and ROI Ad exposure relies on “click through” Not all consumers have access to internet Alternative Media Fax Machines Video Shopping Carts Examples of Alternative Media Computer Screen Savers Interactive Kiosks Ads in Movies and Videos Media Selection Considerations Cost per Contact The cost of reaching one member of the target market. Reach The number of target consumers exposed to a commercial at least once during a time period. Frequency The number of times an individual is exposed to a message during a time period. Audience Selectivity The ability of an advertising medium to reach a precisely defined market. Functions of Public Relations Press Relations Product Publicity Corporate Communication Public Affairs Lobbying Employee and Investor Relations Crisis Management Public Relations Tools New Product Publicity Tools Used By PR Professionals Product Placement Consumer Education Event Sponsorship Issue Sponsorship Internet Web Sites Managing Unfavorable Publicity Crisis Management A coordinated effort to handle the effects of unfavorable publicity or of an unfavorable event.