SB 2.16 News or Views?

• Read aloud the Unit Overview, marking the text by highlighting
words and phrases that help you predict what the unit will be
• Share responses as a class.
• Look at the photograph and respond to the visual prompt.
• Think-pair-share your responses.
• Read the goals for the unit and mark any words that are unfamiliar
to you
• You will be assessing your progress toward these goals in your
interactive student notebooks as we work through Unit 1
• Skim/scan the activities and texts on pages 5 – 40 to find a Wow
(an activity that looks interesting) and a Whoa (an activity that
looks challenging).
• Share responses.
Set up Cornell Notes on ISN page 5.
Put today’s date in upper right corner
Draw summary line six lines up from the bottom. Label it.
Topic: Previewing the Unit
EQ: How can I find out which skills are necessary to succeed in this unit?
Draw your other horizontal and vertical line. Label the Questions and Notes
columns. You can find the link to the typeable online Cornell Notes form on
Edmodo and an electronic copy in the Cornell Notes Folder on Edmodo if you
want to download and print copies in the future.
Previewing the Unit
• Turn to SB page 4
• Popcorn read the Learning Targets, Learning Strategies, and
Making Connections
• Take a few minutes to write down your answers to the two
essential questions. Then share your answers with a shoulder
Developing Vocabulary using QHT Strategy
• Who knows what the QHT Vocabulary Strategy is?
• Now, mark the terms in the ‘Academic Vocabulary’ box and the
‘Literary Terms’ box on SB page 2 with a ‘Q’ for words you don’t
know, an ‘H’ for words you have heard of before and might know,
and a ‘T’ for words you know well enough to teach to your peers.
• I will put these words on our word wall at the end of the day.
• Did anyone mark a word with a ‘T?’ If so, please teach that word
to the rest of the class. If not, keep your eyes open for when we
encounter those vocabulary words in our lessons.
• Turn to SB page 41.
Unpacking Embedded Assessment 1
• As I read aloud the ‘Unpacking Embedded Assessment 1’ section, circle
the verbs, then underline the nouns that the verbs refer to. For example, if I
said “Drop the book” the verb is drop and the what, or noun, is book.
• From now on, those circled verbs will be referred to as commands, and the
underlined words are the tasks.
• Lets do the first sentence together as a whole class so we can see how it is
• Now that you have finished circling commands and underlining tasks, lets
discuss together what knowledge and skills are necessary for success on
Embedded Assessment 1.
Scoring Guide for Embedded Assessment 1
• Let’s turn to SB page 42.
• Look just at the ‘Proficient’ column. This is the column that describes your
goal for this assessment. The Emerging and Incomplete column are where
most of you are right now, and that is fine. You are aiming to become
Proficient. Exemplary is going above and beyond what is expected. It is
terrific to aim for that too.
• Now, must like we did for the description of EA1, please circle the commands
and underline the tasks under ‘Proficient’ on the Scoring Guide.
• What additional knowledge and skills are needed to demonstrate proficiency?
Individual Stoplights
• I gave you a handout called “Traffic Light” that you put on ISN page 3.
Please color in the bottom light Green, the middle light Yellow, and the
top light Red.
• Red indicates that you are not yet capable of using that skill
• Yellow indicates that you are close to understanding that skill
• Green indicates that you are completely comfortable with that skill and
could teach it to someone else
• As part of our discussion of Embedded Assessment 1, we identified all
the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed.
• What I want you to do now is take these small sticky notes (1 for each
skill), write a command and its accompanying task on it, and put it
where you are on the stoplight.
Whole Class Stoplight
• Now, I have done my own sticky notes and it is time for us as a class to decide
where we are overall on those skills.
• Everyone put their head down. When I call out the skill, hold up 1 finger if you are
on red for that, two fingers if you are on yellow for that, or three fingers if you are
on green for that skill. Be honest with me, if the consensus is green for a
particular skill, you are telling me that you don’t need me to reteach that skill.
• Okay, every time we do an activity in SpringBoard that relates to one of those
skills, it is our class and personal responsibility to determine when we move down a
level on the stoplight.
• P.S. To move to green, you must score a ‘Proficient’ on whatever formative
assessment is given on that skill, and I must sign and date that sticky note before
you can move anything to green on your personal stoplight.
In Conclusion . . .
• Popcorn read the text boxes to the left side of SB page 4
• Any questions?
• Write at least three questions that are answered on your page 5 ISN notes.
Remember, Cornell Notes require you to create questions that are already
answered in your notes.
• On ISN page 5 in the “Notes” section, please write the following sentence
starter to reflect on what you have learned about SpringBoard Unit 1.
“To do well on the first embedded assessment in SpringBoard Unit 1, I will have
to . . . . .”
Please write several sentences.
Homework Check
• You should always refer to your “Cornell Note-Taking Revision List” handout for
suggestions on how to interact with your notes on a regular basis.
• I will do random checks of your Cornell Notes to ensure that you are interacting
with your notes at least 3 - 5 different times over the course of each week.
• For example, on day one you should do something from the list on the handout.
The second day you should create your questions using the Costa’s Level of
Thinking handout. The third day you should review what you already did. On the
fourth day you should write your summary.
• Don’t forget to do a left page activity in your ISN using a suggestion from the
‘Interactive Notebook Guidelines’ handout . Left hand pages should be done at
after a SpringBoard activity has been completed.
Reading Check
• Have you visited and searched the ‘catalog’ to do
a keyword search using one of these terms: biography,
autobiography, or memoir?
• You should be reading a book from one of those genres this
• You can also go to the ‘biography’ section in the media center to
browse for books.