Explore Ancient Egypt

Woodward Academy Lower School Library-Web-Based Resources
Ancient Egypt Research Project: Web-Based Resources
Link to NoodleTools sign-in page: http://www.noodletools.com/login.php
Encyclopedias: (username/password on organizer)
 Encyclopedia Britanica: http://school.eb.com/
 World Book: http://www.worldbookonline.com/wb/Login?ed=wb
 Non-Fiction Books: FollettShelf
General Egypt Sites (listed alphabetically)
Ancient Egypt
At this site from the British Museum, learn about Egyptian life, geography, gods & goddesses,
mummification, Pharoahs, pyramids, temples, timekeeping, trades and writing. Each section
has a story to read, information to explore, and a challenge to complete.
Ancient Egypt (Australian Museum)
Although intended for teachers, this site presents background facts about ancient Egypt that
students may find useful. Learn about ancient Egyptian culture, Egyptian animals, Egyptian
gods, or mummification.
Ancient Egypt from A to Z- http://www.ancient-egypt.org/index.html
Index page to all the articles available on this site by an Egyptologist.
Explore in-depth sections on Egyptians-mummies, pyramids, gods/goddesses, daily life, etc.
Color Tour of Egypt
At this site from Memphis State University, take a color tour of ancient Egyptian sites and
Egyptian artifacts. Choose your city destination along the Nile from a clickable map!
The Odyssey Online, by Emory University, includes crisp, clickable photos and clear
information about burial, daily life, mythology, pharaohs, nobles, priests, scribes, farmers,
slaves, and also includes maps and teacher resources. Click on the audio speakers to hear
words pronounced.
Egypt Antiquities
This “Official Site of the Egypt Ministry of Tourism” offers sections, among others, entitled
“Rulers of Ancient Egypt” and “Who’s Who of Egypt,” with mini-biographies as well as a
glossary that covers important architectural and iconography terminology.
Egyptian Kings
Brief biographies of Egyptian kings from 2920 BC to 565 AD.
Eternal Egypt
Explore Ancient Egypt through this extensive, interactive site. Tip: Since this site is so vast, the
'Guided Tour of Eternal Egypt' is very helpful.
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Woodward Academy Lower School Library-Web-Based Resources
Guardian’s Egypt
This is one of the most comprehensive sites on Egypt. From art tours to kids sections to chats
and discussions this site is loaded with useful information.
Life in Ancient Egypt
The Carnegie Museum of Natural History's Egypt exhibit explores daily life, customs, gods
and religion, and more. Click on the links on the left to navigate to specific topics.
Mark Millmore's Ancient Egypt
Information about pyramids and temples, kings, queens, and pharoahs, hieroglyphics, and
more. Many videos also. Use the search feature.
Mysteries of the Nile
This site from NOVA online explores old and new kingdoms of Egypt, the pyramids, and
more. Many interviews.
A New Look at Ancient Egypt
The Divine Realm: Gods, Goddesses, and the Afterlife is a clickable chart of ancient Egypt's most
Important gods and goddesses.
Pharaonic Egypt
Lots of information about ancient Egypt.
Rediscover Ancient Egypt
http://www.egypt-tehuti.org/ Scroll down and click the links in the Table of Contents.
Theban Mapping Project
Visit and tour major monuments in Thebes and on the Nile then explore the tombs of ancient
pharaohs. Or observe an excavation in progress. Clear and colorful graphics and photographs
make a stop at this page a must!
Virtual Museum of Egyptian Art
This site has photos of objects from all the important periods of Ancient Egyptian art.
Ancient Egypt from A to Z – http://www.ancient-egypt.org/index.html
BBC-Ancient Egyptian Gods Gallery http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/egyptians/gods_gallery.shtml
'The deities in the following gallery are just 12 out of a possible 2,000 gods and goddesses who were
worshipped in ancient Egypt. Some of them were major deities wielding great religious, temporal and
political power, others being not much more than demons and genies, or living creatures chosen by
ordinary Egyptians to be their personal gods.
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Woodward Academy Lower School Library-Web-Based Resources
A New Look @ An Ancient Culture-Egypt: Gods Goddesses
Clickable chart of deities.
Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Egyptian Mummies
The methods of embalming, or treating the dead body, that the ancient Egyptians used is
called mummification.The best prepared and preserved mummies are from the Eighteenth
through the Twentieth Dynasties of the New Kingdom (ca. 1570-1075 B.C.) and include those
of Tutankhamen and other well-known pharaohs. It is the general process of this period that
shall be described here.' (SI)
Mummy Maker
Play this game and interactively prepare a mummy in the Egyptian fashion.
At the Tomb of Tutankhamen
http:// www.nationalgeographic.com/egypt/
From National Geographic online, this site explores the tomb's original discovery in 1923.
Guardian's of Giza
After the accomplishment of the building of the Great Pyramid, King Khafre had a hard act to
follow. Khafre rose to the occasion by building his pyramid on higher ground giving the illusion
that his pyramid was taller.
Khafre Pyramid –
Though Khafre's pyramid is shorter than his father Khufu's nearby Great Pyramid, Khafre
made up for it by building at a higher elevation and surrounding his pyramid with a more
elaborate complex.
The Pyramids: Design and Construction
From the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism, this site explores the theories behind how the
pyramids were created.
Pyramids: The Inside Story
NOVA Online's adventure into ancient pyramids has detailed graphics and easy to understand
text. Because this PBS site is heavily used and has many graphics, the page loads slower than
others do.
Pyramids and Temples Menu
Want to explore the pyramids in depth? This is the site for you.
Cleopatra: A Multimedia Guide to the Ancient World
This site presents artifacts from ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome from the collection at the Art
Institute of Chicago. Also, be sure to see the artifact timeline running from 3100BC to 600AD.
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Woodward Academy Lower School Library-Web-Based Resources
Egypt: Gift of the Nile
This site introduces students to the culture of ancient Egypt. Read about the life of an eight-yearold girl in Egypt; learn about Egyptian Gods and offerings; and play in an ancient barbershop.
Museum of Science: Ancient Egypt Science and Technology
Museum of Science, Boston
'Expand your understanding of Ancient Egyptian history and culture by visiting our online
exhibit. Get to know our 2500 year old mummy: review extensive CATscan images and
manipulate a highly detailed 3-D model. Learn about excavation and try your hand at it, virtually
speaking, by sending a buried message to a friend. Plan your journey to the afterlife with Eternity
Travel, or play the ancient game of Senet.' (MUSEUM OF SCIENCE, BOSTON)
Nile Trip - The first unbroken journey from the source of the Blue Nile to the sea. A perilous voyage
of courage and discovery. Follow the expedition right here.
Explore Ancient Egypt –
Learn about Egyptian art and civilization through this online exhibit presented by the Museum of
Fine Arts, Boston. View video overviews about the collection. Read about archaeological digs,
artifacts from daily life, hieroglyphs, mummies and Egyptian style. Try the interactive Flash
modules--Virtual Dig, Hieroglyphs Translator--to learn more about ancient Egyptian life.
Learning resources include a timeline and map.
The Art of Ancient Egypt – Metropolitan Museum of Art
'Educators, students, and general viewers can explore ancient Egyptian art online. Included is a
timeline, an index of featured objects, resources, curriculum ideas, and themes of ancient
Egyptian Art.'
A New Look @ An Ancient Culture-Egypt: Kingship
http://www.penn.museum/sites/egypt/kingship.shtml University of Pennsylvania Museum's (UPM)
Egyptian collection has an outstanding collection of material relating to kingship and royalty.
Egypt's Golden Empire –
'More than one thousand years after the pyramids were built, Egypt reached its apogee. In the time
that is now known as the New Kingdom, spectacular conquest and unimaginable wealth came to
Egypt's Empire. These are the pharaohs that made Egypt the greatest nation in the ancient World.'
(PBS) Read about Egyptian pharaohs, explore an interactive map of Egypt, discover the customs of
Egyptian life, and translate hieroglyphics.
Egyptology Online - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ancient/explore-ancient-egypt.html
Great Resource about Ancient Egypt and its rulers.
Khafre's Inside Story - Khafre, who was the son of Khufu, was also known as Rakhaef or Chephren.
He ruled from 2520 - 2494 B.C. and is responsible for the second largest pyramid complex at Giza,
which includes the Sphinx, a Mortuary Temple, and a Valley Temple.
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Woodward Academy Lower School Library-Web-Based Resources
NOVA: Pharaoh's Obelisk - 'The soaring stone monuments known as obelisks were the Egyptian
pharaohs' way of capturing a ray of revered sunlight in stone....Follow NOVA's ultimately successful
attempts to raise an obelisk of its own. Also, learn where ancient Egypt's obelisks have ended up
today, explore other Egyptian monuments using QuickTime VR, and more.'
Rameses the Great - 'Ramesses II fought the Hittites and signed the world's first official peace treaty.
He undertook an unparalleled building program, had over one hundred children and reigned for 67
years. Did he deserve the epithet, 'the Great', or was he full of hot air?' (BBC)
Rameses I: The Search for the Lost Pharaoh - http://carlos.emory.edu/RAMESSES/index.html
This site is an online exhibit 'about Ramesses I, his journey to America, and the evidence that
identifies the Carlos mummy as the illustrious founder of one of Egypt's most powerful dynasties, and
the plans for his trip home.' (MICHAEL C. CARLOS MUSEUM) Read about the archaeological
journey of Pharaoh Ramesses I.
Secrets of the Pharaohs - http://www.pbs.org/wnet/pharaohs/
Secrets of the Pharaohs presents a timeline, maps, and tours into King Tut's Tomb and Khufu's
Pyramid. Also included is a section on how mummies are made. URL:
The Mummy Who Would Be King - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/mummy/
'NOVA investigates whether an Egyptian mummy that wound up on display at a curiosity
museum in Canada may be the remains of Rameses I, the founder of one of Egypt's greatest
dynasties.' (PBS) On the companion site, learn about the possibility of undiscovered tombs, read
about the life of Rameses I, view how mummies are made in an audio slide show, and discover what
the afterlife meant to ancient Egyptians.
The Story of Hatshepsut - http://www.bediz.com/hatshep/story.html
Born in the 15th century BC, Hatshepsut, daughter of Tuthmose I and Aahmes, both of royal
lineage, was the favorite of their three children. When her two brothers died, she was in the unique
position to gain the throne upon the death of her father. To have a female pharaoh was unprecedented,
and probably most definitely unheard of as well.
Treasures of Tutankhamun http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/egyptians/tutankhamun_gallery.shtml
'In 1922 the discovery of the virtually intact tomb of Tutankhamun became probably the
best known and most spectacular archaeological find anywhere in the world. The small tomb
contained hundreds of objects (now housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo), many richly decorated
and covered in gold, that would be needed by the king in his afterlife.' (BBC) This site offers a virtual
tour of some of Tutankhamun's greatest treasures.
Tutankhamun: Beneath the mask http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/antenna/tutankhamun/index.asp
What happens when modern forensic science meets Ancient Egypt? The answer is King
Tutankhamun as you've never seen him before.... Come face to face with the Pharaoh--and see how
the latest medical science is shedding light on the man behind the mask.' (SCIENCE MUSEUM)
Discover how scientists reconstructed a model of King Tutankhamun's face and find out how X-rays
revealed facts about the king's life.
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Woodward Academy Lower School Library-Web-Based Resources
Twelve Great Dynasties of Egypt Gallery - (BBC) A photo gallery outlines the great dynasties of
ancient Egypt.
Rosetta Stone/Hieroglyphics
Ancient Egyptian Culture: Rosetta Stone - History of translating Hieroglyphics and the Rosetta Stone
British Museum: Rosetta Stone - Valuable Key to Deciphering Hieroglyphics
http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/writing/rosetta.html The Rosetta Stone is a stone with writing on it
in two languages (Egyptian and Greek), using three scripts (hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek).
A New Look at Ancient Egypt
Writing, scribes, hieroglyphs, and papyri
Valley of the Kings
Theban Mapping Project- http://www.thebanmappingproject.com/
Discover each tomb in the Valley in this interactive Atlas.
Articles on Valley of the Kings- http://www.thebanmappingproject.com/articles/
Just for Fun
Egypt Fun Guide
From Sea World, this site has an Egypt crossword puzzle, hieroglyphics, mummy maze, make
your own cartouche and more.
Mummy Maker
Play this game and interactively prepare a mummy in the Egyptian fashion.
Discover Egypt- Seattle Art Museum
Heiroglyphic Typewriter http://www.discoveringegypt.com/hieroglyphic-typewriter.html
Mystery Message Excavation http://legacy.mos.org/quest/message.php
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