ITU Training on “Green ICT Standards”, 11 July 2014 E-waste management systems Anna Lazzarinetti, ITU E-waste management 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. E-waste definition; Scope for regulation and standardization; Principles underlying e-waste policies; E-waste management system architecture; Weaknesses; Way forward. 2 of 16 1. E-waste definition There is no common definition for e-waste; E-waste legislations differ in scope; “Any device that for functional reasons is dependent on electric currents or electro-magnetic fields in order to work properly. It becomes e-waste when the holder discards, intends or requires to discard” (Morselli et al., 2009). 3 of 16 2. Scope for regulation and standardization Dramatic rise of e-waste generation; Hazardous substances and materials - health and environmental impacts; Urban mining; Illegal traffic of e-waste vs digital divide. 4 of 16 Picture: Andrew McConnell/Alamy 3. Principles for e-waste policies 2. Reverse logistics “the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost effective flow of raw materials and related information from the point of consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing value or proper disposal” (Rogers, Ribben-Lembke, 1999). 5 of 16 “Closed loop design through repair, remanufacturing or recycling”, King et al. (2006) Principles for e-waste policies 1. Waste hierarchy Prevention Reuse Recycling Recover Final disposal 6 of 16 Principles for e-waste policies 3. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) According to OECD (2001), EPR is an “environmental policy approach in which a producer’s responsibility for a product is extended to the post-consumer stage of a product’s life cycle”. 7 of 16 Models for Extended Producer Responsibility, Lindhqvist (1992) 4. E-waste management system architecture 1. 2. Individual and collective producer responsibility; Producer compliance schemes 8 of 16 E-waste management system architecture 3. Physical management of e-waste: take-back systems 9 of 16 Definition of typical collection mechanisms for various stakeholders, UNU, StEP (2009) E-waste management system architecture Financing models 4. I. What do they cover? II. Who sets compliance costs? III. What distinguishes them? METHOD OF CALCULATION; STAKEHOLDERS; LEVERAGE TIME. 10 of 16 E-waste management system architecture 5. 6. 7. 8. International standards for processing Targets Reporting and register Enforcement 11 of 16 Picture: Basel Convention (2014). Tons of illegal waste seized under Operation Demeter III. 5. Weaknesses of e-waste management systems E-waste dispersed Illegal traffic Speculation on compliance costs No clear common definition Heterogeneous reporting requirements Lack of transparent management of funding Lack of internationally comparable data Developing countryspecific criticalities 12 of 16 6. Measuring e-waste Harmonizing statistics Reporting matrix: 1. Put on Market EEE (kg/inh); 2. E-waste generated (kg/inh); 3. E-waste Formal collection (kg/inh); 4. E-waste recycling with other waste streams (kg/inh); 5. E-waste exported for reuse (kg/inh); 6. E-waste in waste bin (kg/inh) (PMID, 2014). Source: Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development (PMID). E-waste statistics. 2014. 13 of 16 PartnershipMeasuringICTforDevelopment1.pdf Way Forward for policy makers Long-term sustainability ambitions Improve the sustainability and competitiveness of manufacturing and business practices Consider e-waste management in the design of ICT policies Implement international standards at the national level Encourage concerted cooperation in handling e-waste at the national, regional and international level Create manufactured products through economically-sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources Sustainable manufacturing also enhances employee, community, and product safety and promote green jobs Foster PPP Raise awareness ITU-T’s activities on e-waste 1. Research & Development 2. 3. Supplement on e-waste management practices (under development) Raise Awareness and Capacity Building Development of international standards and policies 15 of 16 Thank you