Judicial Reform for Effective Patent Enforcement -Japan Report- ATRIP Congress August 6, 2003 Nahoko Ono, Assistant Professor University of Tokyo, RCAST nahoko_ono@ip.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp Contents 1. On-going Development 2. General Overview 3. Issues Concerned 1. Creation of IP High Court 2. Technology Expertise 4. Policy Implications 2 1. On-going Developments 2002.2 Admin. Policy Speech by PM Koizumi “Science, Technology-Creation-based Nation” 2002.11 Enacted Basic Law on IP 2003.1 Admin. Policy Speech by PM Koizumi “IP-based Nation” 2001.6 Judicial Reform Committee Report 2001.12 Created Judicial Reform Headquarters 2002.10 Started IP Litigation Committee Effective IP Litigation 2002.3 Created Strategic Council on IP 2002.7 Published IP Policy Outline 2003.3 Created IP Policy Headquarters 2003.7 Published IP Strategic Program 3 1. On-going Developments 06/21/01 -Judicial Reform Committee Report Even in this judicial reform committee report which covers the entire judicial system, IP litigation is specified as an issue Reform policies include: To reduce by half the litigation period (currently 23.1 mo.s) To concentrate jurisdiction onto Tokyo and Osaka District Courts as substantial “patent courts” To inject more specialized judges and research officials, and to possibly introduce professional advisers To confer procedural representative rights for IP (patent etc.) litigation to patent agents after intensive training To increase more expertise in regular lawyers To reinforce ADR measures 4 1. On-going Developments -IP Policy Outline- 06/03/02 Primary objective to become an “IP-based Nation” with ”rapidity and concreteness” Significant in listing up all the specific action plans, indicating which government entity in charge Basic view is to better circulate IP creation, protection, and exploitation, along with IP human resource development English translation (tentative) is available at www.kantei.go.jp/ 5 1. On-going Developments -Basic Law on IP- 12/04/02 Underlining policy of “RAPID Reform” Objective to promote measures for the creation, protection and exploitation of IP (Art.1) Broad definition of “intellectual property” (Art.2): inventions, devices, new varieties of plants, designs, works and other property that is produced through creative activities by human beings (including discovered or solved laws of nature or natural phenomena that are industrially applicable), trademarks, trade names and other marks that are used to indicate goods or services in business activities, and trade secrets and other technical or business information that is useful for business activities To establish IP Policy Headquarters under the Cabinet (Art.24), which must draft the IP Strategic Program (Art.25(1)) English translation (tentative) is available at www.kantei.go.jp/ 6 1. On-going Developments -IP Strategic Program- 07/08/03 Basic views succeeded from IP Policy Outline 8 primary action plans include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. IP creation, protection, and exploitation at universities; To enact a law concerning rapid patent examination; Patent protection re: medical method (activities); To create IP High Court; Drastic reform to strengthen piracy policy and import control; Patent policy and exploitation at international standard; To promote content-related business; and To establish law schools with emphasis on IP laws 7 2. General Overview -Separation of PowersSeparation of Power is guaranteed under the Constitution Legislative Power to the Diet (Con. Art.41) Administrative Power to the Cabinet (Con. Art.65) Judicial Power to the Courts (Con. Art. 76-I) However in general, the long-lasting criticism of too-big government triggered the recent structural reform 8 2. General Overview -Current Judicial System Constitutional Court is the Supreme Court of Japan only (Con. Art.81), which functions as a final judgment body High Courts (8) (Tokyo) Other inferior courts were created by law according to Con. Art.76-I High and District courts District Family were created based on Courts Courts regional jurisdiction so far (50) (50) Constitution prohibits any civil criminal administrative panel Admin. existed as a final Summary Review judgment body (Con. Courts (438) e.g. JPO Art.76-II) 9 Source: Supreme Court website (http://courtdomino2.courts.go.jp) Supreme Court of Japan 2. General Overview -Patent FlowSupreme Court of Japan (161) Opposition (3,536) (Tokyo) High Court (10) (60) (156) Invalidity Trial (283) Correction Trial (220) Patents Issued (121,742) Appeal (19,270) Rejected (82,540) Infringement Action (Dist. Cts) (153) Examination Request (253,826) Patent Application (439,175) Source: JPO Annual Report 2002 (2003) 10 2. General Overview -Patent Application450,000 400,000 350,000 300,000 Application Exam. Request Patent Granted Patent Issued 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '92 Application Exam. Request Patent Granted Patent Issued '93 371,894 152,853 70,361 92,100 '94 366,486 223,546 77,310 88,400 '95 353,301 144,051 81,664 82,400 Source: JPO Annual Report 2002 (2003) '96 369,215 167,923 97,677 109,100 '97 376,615 186,415 195,864 215,100 '98 391,572 205,300 122,386 147,686 '99 401,932 208,392 129,443 141,448 '00 405,655 217,389 135,412 150,059 '01 436,865 261,690 116,279 125,880 439,175 253,826 107,581 121,742 11 2. General Overview -IP-related Cases at District Ct. level800 700 600 500 Filed Terminated 400 300 200 100 0 '91 '91 Filed Terminated '93 '92 311 386 '95 '93 413 471 '94 470 457 '97 '95 497 402 '99 '96 528 440 '01 '97 590 442 '98 563 549 Note: FY2002 figures are estimates based on its April-July data. Source: Supreme Court of Japan, IP Litigation Committee 5-3 (12/24/02) '99 559 596 '00 642 772 '01 610 740 '02 554 717 611 652 12 2. General Overview -IP-related Cases at High Ct Level600 500 400 Filed (Civil) Terminated Filed (Admin) Terminated 300 200 100 0 '91 '91 Filed (Civil) Terminated Filed (Admin) Terminated '93 '92 78 88 309 270 '95 '93 76 75 234 214 '97 '94 102 82 196 234 '95 91 102 285 210 '99 '96 97 93 280 253 '01 '97 84 88 279 302 '98 120 101 328 298 Note: FY2002 figures are estimates based on its April-July data. Source: Supreme Court of Japan, IP Litigation Committee 5-3 (12/24/02) '99 143 137 393 397 '00 194 166 429 435 '01 216 190 476 430 '02 180 226 575 471 180 165 554 499 13 2. General Overview -Licensing BalanceFY2001; Yen (million); ( Domestic Foreign Revenue Total Domestic Foreign )Intra-affiliated companies Expenditure Total Balance Patent 363,861 (80,842) 356,635 (156,926) 720,496 (237,768) 387,872 (188,383) 321,522 (19,745) 709,393 (208,127) 11,103 (29,641) Utility Model 13,418 (7,722) 1,068 (1,066) 14,486 (8,788) 4,513 (206) 84 (0) 4,597 (206) 9,889 (8,582) 40,743 (38,577) 1,040 (1,038) 41,783 (39,615) 15,353 (14,784) 127 (29) 15,480 (14,813) 26,303 (24,802) Trademark 237,776 (151,157) 48,735 (34,075) 286,511 (185,231) 101,788 (37,110) 71,179 (39,241) 172,967 (76,350) 113,544 (108,881) CR 1,061,825 (319,970) 122,659 (10,430) 1,184,484 (330,400) 1,274,446 (160,464) 163,698 (2,106) 1,438,144 (162,570) -253,660 (167,830) (Software) 900,304 (258,721) 13,039 (746) 913,343 (259,467) 1,132,114 (140,100) 30,433 (254) 1,162,547 (140,354) -249,204 (119,113) Total 1,717,622 (598,267) 530,137 (203,534) 2,247,758 (801,802) 1,783,972 (400,946) 556,610 (61,120) 2,340,582 (462,067) -92,824 (339,735) Industrial Design Source: IP Activities Research Report (2002) 14 3. Issues Concerned 0. 1. 2. Others Judicial Reform Committee Report (06/21/01) IP Policy Outline (06/03/02) IP Strategic Program (07/08/03) (is discussed in IP Litigation Committee) Prompt examination procedure Faster exam. for plants variety More specific action plans for prompt exam. incl. the bill Prompt appeal/trial system (same) To concentrate jurisdiction to Tokyo and Osaka District Courts substantially functioned as “patent courts” (same) n/a (the legislation passed) To concentrate jurisdiction to Tokyo High Court To create IP High Court More specialized judges More research officials To introduce professional advisers To confer proceeding representative rights on patent agents To reinforce lawyers’ expertise More expertise in related parties Further development of expertise More business and IP laws at new law schools More technical experts with business acumen To enhance specialized HR including patent agents with their stronger functions (same) +further specific plans including: - To increase # and quality of lawyers and patent agents; - More emphasis on IP laws for legal education and others; - To create IP schools, etc. To reinforce ADRs To reinforce ADRs To develop discovery procedure To strengthen damage system (same) + further specific action plans 15 3.1. Creation of IP High Court Judicial Reform Committee Report Chapter II.1.3 06/12/01 IP Policy Outline Chapter 3.2.(2)1) 07/03/02 IP Strategic Program Chapter 2.I.4 07/08/03 For the objective of speeding up IP-related litigation to half of the current period (23.1 months), following measures shall be enforced, as well as measures concerning civil litigation to promote its concreteness and rapidity: Specialized judicial system must be further strengthened for the purpose of letting certain sections of Tokyo and Osaka District Courts be functioned substantially as “Patent Courts”. The alternative measures include:… -To confer exclusive jurisdiction to Tokyo and Osaka District Courts, for cases regarding patent rights and utility models, etc. i. In order to make specialized departments at the Tokyo and Osaka District Courts substantially function as “patent courts”, the GOJ will grant to both courts exclusive jurisdiction over lawsuits related to intellectual property rights including patent rights and utility model rights. To achieve this, it will submit the necessary bills to the ordinary session of the Diet by FY2003. (JRH, MOJ) (1) ii. For the purpose of strengthening comprehensive responses to intellectual property-related lawsuits, the GOJ will consider and take necessary actions to strengthen specialized processing systems at high courts, including concentration of jurisdictions of high courts to the Tokyo High Court regarding lawsuits related to intellectual property rights such as patent rights and utility model rights. (JRH, MOJ) Attempt to create IP High Court Recent revision of Civil Procedure Law is a notable development, by concentrating jurisdiction for IPrelated lawsuits e.g. patent rights onto Tokyo High Court. Yet, from the perspective of significantly important IP protection policy to maintain the Japanese superior competitiveness and to declare our national policy emphasizing IP domestically and internationally, they shall purport to submit a bill necessary to create IP High Court to the Diet within the year of 2004, and examine necessary issues including operation. Source: IP Policy Outline from www.kantei.go.jp/forign/policy/titeki/kettei/020703taikou_e.html with corrections added. 16 3.1. Creation of IP High Court -Patent Litigation FlowOpposition Invalidation Trial Dist. Ct. Infringement Action Trial for Correction Limited to within 90 days from the date of the Trial Board’s decision (Art. 126-II) Judgment Invalid Retrial for Invalidation Suit ag/ (Admin) Appeal/Trial Appeal Dismissed Appeal The court can remand the case for retrial at JPO when amendment claim has been raised (Art. 181-II) Judgment Invalid Supreme Court of Japan High Ct. Source: JPO 17 3.1. Creation of IP High Court -Substantially Concentrated JurisdictionPre-1998 1998 Revision 2004 Revision District Courts (50) Tokyo & Osaka: Concurrent Jurisdiction # of res. officials Civil: 180 Admin: 554 Patent: 85.0% UM: 88.2% IP: 72.6% Tokyo High Court: Exclusive Jurisdiction Become Exclusive Tokyo Dist. Ct. # of judges High Courts (8) Osaka Dist. Ct. Tokyo High Ct. Osaka High Ct. Total 3 sections 15 1 section 5 4 sections 16 1 section 5 41 7 3 11 (3) 21 Source: IP Judicial Reform Committee7-2(April 2003); 5-6 (Dec. 2002) 18 3.1. Creation of IP High Court -JPO Sits in TokyoJPO Employees (FY2002) JPO Budget (FY2002) FY2002 Revenue 189,981,823,000 Examiner 1,304 Patent Fees etc. 104,418,481,000 Patent; Utility P 1,105 Transfer from General Account 17,144,000 Miscellaneous 2,395,745,000 Surplus 83,150,453,000 Industrial Design 51 Trademark 148 Appeal Examiner 395 Subtotal General 1,699 Expenditure 110,860,544,000 771 Grand total Source: JPO Annual Report 2001 (2002) 2,470 19 3.1. Creation of IP High Court “Substantially” concentrated v. IP High Court Norm v. Reality (Generalist) (Specialist) Creation of a Court v. Judicial Enforcement (Pro-Patent) (Neutral) 20 3.2. More Technology Expertise Judicial Reform Committee Report Chapter II.1.3 06/12/01 IP Policy Outline 07/03/02 IP Strategic Program Chapter 3.2.I.4 07/08/03 To inject more specialized judges and research officials who function as technology expertise; To introduce professional advisers; To confer proceeding representative rights for IPR infringement actions to patent agents (in condition that an lawyer act as an agent); To strengthen expertise in regular lawyers Chapter 3.2.(2)1) In order to enhance and strengthen the functions of courts in intellectual property-related lawsuits, the GOJ will consider specific measures to introduce a new judicial system in which experts other than judges participate in legal actions to support judges in judicial proceedings, such as expansion and clarification of the role of court research officials, taking the characteristics of intellectual property-related lawsuits into account. It will draw a conclusion by the end of 2004. (JRH, MOJ, METI) (2)To fulfill of technology expertise at IP litigation, the GOJ must streamline the procedure to fulfill technology expertise at IP litigation. For this purpose, the GOJ shall reach a conclusion by the end of FY2003, after scrutinizing following measures: i) To educate judges with their expertise in technology and IP ii) To activate professional advisers system which will be introduced iii) To expand and clarify the role of research officials working for IP litigation (including inquiry opportunity to parties; and involvement of judgment meeting etc.) (JRH, MOJ, METI) Source: IP Policy Outline from www.kantei.go.jp/forign/policy/titeki/kettei/020703taikou_e.html with corrections added. 21 3.2. More Technology Expertise -Legal Professionals Comparison US Legal Expertise UK Germany France Japan 1,038,290 95,124 142,204 38,785 24,258 375.79 179.67 172.87 66.28 19.06 972,722 89,341 116,282 32,036 18,851 /100K total population 352.06 168.75 141.36 54.74 14.80 Judges 31,292 3,647 20,878 5,093 3,094 /100k total population 11.33 6.89 25.38 8.70 2.43 Lawyers/ judges 31.09 24.50 5.57 6.29 6.09 Newly filed cases at 1st instance 20,522,515 1,904,946 2,394,979 1,089,516 461,252 Newly filed cases at 1st instance 14,595,603 (71,022) 855,624 (417,057) 115,956 /100K total population Lawyers Source: Supreme Court of Japan (based on 2000-2002 data) 22 3.2. More Technology Expertise -Tokyo Congestion12000 10000 8000 Lawyers Pat.Attys 6000 4000 2000 0 Hokkaido Hokkai do Lawyers PAs Tohoku Tohoku Kanto Kanto Chubu Hokuriku Chubu Kinki Hokurik u Chugoku Kinki Shikoku Chugoku Kyushu Shikoku Okinawa Kyushu Okinawa Total 404 492 10,689 1,362 303 3,615 569 276 1,032 184 18,926 8 17 3,416 241 19 792 31 12 39 3 4,578 Source: JPO (data for 2001) 23 3.2. More Technology Expertise -Career Paths for IP ProfessionalsBachelor in Law Bar Exam Judges: 3,094 Lawyer: 18,851 Pat. Attorney: 303 Bachelor in Science +UP Patent Bar Exam Corporate Pat. Attorney: Legal/IP: 5,192 100,000(approx.) JPO Researchers: Examiner: 1,304 AppealExaminer: 395 Research Officials 20/21 total temporarily transferred to IP section Source: Supreme Court of Japan (FY2002); IP Practitioners’ Committee Report (July 14, 2003) 24 3.2. More Technology Expertise Patent litigation involves more factual SCIENCE with its fast-moving advancement Needs to organically integrate legal and science expertise Employment opportunity open to the public with judge’s discretion 25 4. Policy Implications for Effective Patent Enforcement More technology expertise must be injected into Patent and other IP litigation IP High Court must be created to formalistically clarify the independence of judicial power More transparency must be improved in the judicial system especially HR Separation of Powers must be reconsidered 26 THANK YOU A-RI-GA-TO 27