
Mrs. Hite’s class reviews for exams
This Think Tack Toe board (see below) was made as a way for my Algebra I Part IA class to review for
the exam. I wanted them to take an active role in their review and at the same time have them use
the material and their text book in new and creative ways.
Each student will need to choose one "vocabulary" item, one "review" item and one "evaluation" item
to complete and they must choose each of those items from a different chapter.
Each of the three categories also includes choices for the activities they are to complete. These
activities range from creating a puzzle, quiz, or poster, to making flash cards or completing a premade test. (Differentiation-choices)
These activities not only allow the students a choice in what they complete, but they also use several
of the multiple intelligences.
I will be checking out laptops from the library to allow the students to type up the quizzes, etc they
create and they'll also be able to create crossword and word search puzzles online. (Technology)
Pictures coming soon
Thinking Tic Tac Board below….
Think – Tac – Toe
Unit Topic:
Algebra I Part IA Exam Review
Directions: Score a Think – Tac – Toe by choosing one activity from each row and each column.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Using the Chapter 1 vocabulary list
on the back, choose 10 words to
create ONE of the following:
Using the Chapter 2 vocabulary list
on the back, choose 10 words to
create ONE of the following:
Using the Chapter 3 vocabulary list
on the back choose 10 words to
create ONE of the following:
Crossword Puzzle
Crossword Puzzle
Crossword Puzzle
Word Search
Word Search
Word Search
Vocabulary Quiz
Vocabulary Quiz
Vocabulary Quiz
Flash Cards
Flash Cards
Flash Cards
Choose ONE of the following:
Choose ONE of the following:
Choose ONE of the following:
Make a poster illustrating the
correct order of operations
Make a Venn diagram poster
showing the sets of the Real
number system
Make a poster listing phrases that
indicate each operation (+, - , x, ÷)
and create a worksheet containing
10 problems reviewing Section 3-1
of the textbook
Make a poster listing the 13
properties in Chapter 1. Give at
least one example for each property
AND give a verbal explanation
Complete the Chapter Tests for
Chapters 1, 2, & 3
Make a poster explaining the steps
to add fractions with unlike
denominators using a 4-function
Complete the Chapter Tests for
Chapters 1, 2, & 3
Create a poster explaining the steps
to solve a consecutive integer
problem (define variables, write
equation, solve)
Complete the Chapter Tests for
Chapters 1, 2, & 3
Choose ONE of the following:
Choose ONE of the following:
Choose ONE of the following:
Create a quiz (and answer key) for
any TWO or THREE sections of the
chapter. The quiz must be 20
problems or longer
Create a quiz (and answer key) for
any TWO or THREE sections of the
chapter. The quiz must be 20
problems or longer
Create a quiz (and answer key) for
any TWO or THREE sections of the
chapter. The quiz must be 20
problems or longer
Create a “Jeopardy”-type game
(with answers) to review the entire
chapter. Game must include at least
4 categories with 5 questions each
Create a “Jeopardy”-type game
(with answers) to review the entire
chapter. Game must include at least
4 categories with 5 questions each
Create a “Jeopardy”-type game
(with answers) to review the entire
chapter. Game must include at least
4 categories with 5 questions each
Chapter 1 Vocabulary List
Chapter 2 Vocabulary List
Chapter 3 Vocabulary List
Additive identity
Absolute value
Consecutive evens
Associative property
Consecutive integers
Consecutive odds
Commutative property
Irrational numbers
Commutative property
Natural numbers
Perfect square
Distributive property
Pythagorean Theorem
Multiplicative identity
Radical sign
Multiplicative inverse
Rational numbers
Multi-step equations
Real number
Square root
Solve an equation
Whole numbers
Multiplicative property
of zero
Order of operations
Substitution property
Symmetric property
Transitive property