Notes #16 Section 4.1 Blank Notes

Notes _______________
Date _______________
4.1 Chemical Energy and ATP
Key Concept: _______________________________________________________
* What is a characteristic common to all living things? _____________________
An organism needs E for:
A cell needs E for :
Organisms are classified by how they obtain their source of Food Energy:
1. ____________________________- make their own food molecules using
energy from the environment
__________________ - Make their own food using _________through________
__________________ - Make their own food using __________through________
Ex.s of Photoautotrophs
Ex.’s of Chemoautotrophs
2. ____________________________ - Organisms that eat other organisms (or
their products) to obtain energy and carbon compounds
Ex’s of Heterotrophs
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Date _______________
* The _________ is the ultimate source of all energy on Earth.
*Two processes are needed to convert the sun’s __________ energy into
_________________ energy that the cell can use. These processes are:
___________________________ and ____________________________
*________________________ - __________________ is transformed into
________________________ stored in ______________________________ .
* _______________________ - chemical energy stored in __________________
is released and repackaged into high energy molecules called ________________
the cells can use.
ATP – the Cell’s Chemical Energy source
ATP stands for ________________________________________________.
ATP is a ______________________ which provides the energy used by
___________________ to carry out cellular functions.
Ex’s. ___________________________________________________________
Notes _______________
Date _______________
ATP - _______________________________________________________
ADP- _______________________________________________________
What is the difference between these two molecule? ___________________
When _____ loses a _________ molecule it gives off _____ and becomes ______.
When ______ gains ________ and a ____________ molecule it becomes
“recharged” to form ________. This is called ____________________________.
ATP – ADP Cycle
Removing a Phosphate - ____________________ “use the battery”
Adding a Phosphate - _______________________ “recharge battery”
ATP = _____________________________
ADP = _____________________________