Drama By: Zain Siddiqui Similarities Rome and Juliet and the West Side story are similar in many ways. The are similar in mainly one thing, love. Like in Rome & Juliet and the West Side Story, they fell in love when they laid eyes on each other at a Party for R & J and a dance for West Side Story. Shakespeare’s Plot Tragedy Shakespeare’s Plot Tragedy is mostly based on love. Like in Romeo and Juliet it was all based on how much each person loved each other. Also its based on what people will do for love at times. Like Juliet faked death to be with Romeo but they both ended up dieing in the end. Tragedy is where a character has his down fall. Marty In the story Marty, Marty is a short 36 fat man looking to find love. Its completely the opposite of Romeo&Juliet and the West Side Story. Eventually he finds love at the end of the story but the one person who pressured him to get married was his mother. His Mother became scared that her son would leave her so she didn’t like the person that Marty had loved. The story Marty wasn't a play unlike Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story, it was a television series. Stage Directions In the story Marty they had used stage directions. Such as fade in, fade out, and dissolve to interior. Fade in means, a close up of a character. Fade out means, to zoom out of a character. Dissolve to interior mean means to end a scene and go to the next quickly. Example:If someone gets shot, and it shows someone running to a car, it quickly goes to another scene. What is Drama anyway? Drama is a story written to perform in front of an audience. A drama can be broken down into acts as well as scenes within the acts. Foil Character A foil character is someone who is strongly in contrast with another character. Like Benvolio and Tybalt from Romeo and Juliet, Benvolio wanted to stop fights, and Tybalt wanted to start fights. Allusion An allusion is a reference to a well known character, place or situation. In act 1, scene 4 there is an example of an allusion referring to Cupid the God of Love. It talks about him shooting an arrow at Romeo to make him fall in love. Blank Verse Blank verse is an unrhymed poetry or dramatic verse. In Romeo and Juliet most of the characters in the story speak in a blank verse because of the way people used to talk back in Shakespeare’s time. Soliloquy A soliloquy is a dramatic device in which a character,alone on stage reveals his or her private thoughts. Like in Romeo and Juliet, Romeo expressed how he was feeling about Juliet while he was alone. Monologue The monologue is a long speech or written expression of thoughts by a character. At the end of the story, the play is summed up by the Friar at the end of the story of Romeo and Juliet. The Prologue The Prologue is the introductory section of a play. Like in Romeo and Juliet, at the beginning of the story they told where the story took place, and what may happen in the story. As well the characters involved. Chorus The Chorus talks directly to the audience in the play/story. He reads the prologue, and introduces the characters as they appear or walk in in the story or scene. Oxymoron A figure of speech in which opposite ideas are combined. Like in Act 1 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, it contains 2 oxymoron's: “When then, O brawling love, O loving hate.” Aside Aside means a character that makes a comment to the audience that other characters cannot hear An aside is basically like a soliloquy, only the audience can hear, like when Romeo is expressing his feelings for Juliet but she can’t hear him,or when Juliet was talking about her mother in Act 3 scene 5. Three Types of Irony Verbal- Verbal irony is what is said and what is meant. Which basically is sarcasm. Dramatic: Dramatic irony is what the character thinks, and what the audience knows to be true. Situational: Situational irony is a contrast to what happens and what was expected to happen in a play or story.