هذي اسئله شابتر 1 اذا في خطا قولولي وفي سؤالين ماعرفتها 1

1 ‫هذي اسئله شابتر‬
‫اذا في خطا قولولي وفي سؤالين ماعرفتها‬
1- What were two unexpected uses of social-networking sites?
Facebook and Myspace are examples of the development of these sites. Unexpected uses of these socialnetworking sites are for example:
1-the creation and organization of events in these spaces or
2-the accurate and unbiased news reports that attract more readers than the local newspapers.
2 -What are two ways free services on the Web are paid for?
1-By the companies which seek, through a popular web page, to advertise their company and
2-By selling better versions of some free service to the public. Example a better online enciclopedia.
3 -Describe two applications of speech recognition
1) People with motor disabilities can use their computer effectively if it runs on speech recognition.
2) Most people can talk faster than they can type, so speech recognition allows them to get ideas transcribed
faster than if they had to type it out.
4- List two applications mentioned in this chapter that help ordinary people do things for which we used to
rely on experts.
1-Medication, we are now more aware of the disease we may have just by ******ing on the web and
consulting which disease matches our syntoms.
2-Moreover, the matching of fingerprints on a crime scene. An expert is no longer needed, for a machine
with a well taught person behind can obtain the exact ID of the person´s fingerprint.
5- what ate tow of kants important ideas about ethics?
6- what is the different between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism?
The difference between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism is that act utilitarianism doesn't judge the
value of an action in terms of laws while rule utilitarianism does. Act utilitarianism believes that the right
action makes more people happy. Rule utilitarianism on the other hand believes that an action can be
morally right if it conforms to the rules that lead to happiness.
7- Give an example of a law that implements an ethical principle. Give an example of a law that enforces a
particular group's idea of how people should behave?
One law the implements an ethical principle is the HIPAA Violation
One of the most famous laws that people should behave a certain way is thy shall not kill
8-What is the difference between negative rights and positive rights?
Differences between Positive and Negative Right Negative rights are often used to defend political rights
such as freedom of speech, private property, a fair trial, freedom of worship and the right to be considered
innocent until proven guilty. Positive rights may be called up to protect the person, property, right to
counsel, public education, health care, social security, or a minimum standard of living.
9- when one goes behind rawls veil of ignorance what is one ignorant of?
‫مشكورة اختي‬
: ‫انا هذا اللي حليتو من شابتر ون‬
1.1 What were two unexpected uses of social-networking sites?
Facebook and Myspace are examples of the development of these sites. Unexpected uses of these social-networking
sites are for example:
• the creation and organization of events in these spaces or
• the accurate and unbiased news reports that attract more readers than the local newspapers.
1.2 What are two ways free services on the Web are paid for?
• By the companies which seek, through a popular web page, to advertise their company and
• By selling better versions of some free service to the public. Example a better online enciclopedia.
1.3 Describe two applications of speech recognition
• The learning of a foreign language
• Air traffic control
1.4 List two applications mentioned in this chapter that help ordinary people do things for which we used to rely on
• Medication, we are now more aware of the disease we may have just by ******ing on the web and consulting
which disease matches our syntoms.
• Moreover, the matching of fingerprints on a crime scene. An expert is no longer needed, for a machine with a well
taught person behind can obtain the exact ID of the person´s fingerprint.
1.5 List four kinds of software that helped expand use of the web
• Social Networking
• Increase communication via e-mail
• Online stores
• Attachments
• Easy to use softwares which make the web a more accessible tool for everyone.
‫مش متاكد‬What are two of Kant’s important ideas about ethics?
• It's the thought that counts.
• 2) You shouldn't use people.
What is the differences between rule utilitarianism vs act utilitarianism?
Rule utilitarianism measures the amount of 'good' an individual action does in reference to a rule or law.
For example, there is a law in our country that murder is wrong. A RU would say, "Murder is wrong because if
everyone follows the law, no one will have to be afraid of being murdered in their sleep. Or society will be more
orderly, because people won't kill each other randomly and we can be in public and private spaces without fear."
Act Utilitarianism doesn't judge the value of an action in terms of laws. Rather it states that actions are moral when
they benefit the most people. Whether or not there is a law or rule associated with the action in question is
irrelevant to an AU.
Going back to our murder example, an AU might say that "it is moral to murder someone if they are a danger to
society." Even though there is a law against citizens murdering each other, AU's think that murdering a serial rapist is
moral because more people would be safe. AU condones vigilante justice. RU does not, because there are typically
laws in most countries about citizens carrying out justice.
A quick way to remember the difference is to think of mob rule: RU sees justice as a state function, because the law
says it is a state function. AU sees justice as everyone's responsibility, individual and states'.
‫جواب اخر‬
Rule Utilitarianism follows "moral rules" in which there are exceptions. Therefore Rule Utilitarian cannot exist
because it simply becomes act utilitarianism. In act utilitarianism a choice is made based on the best possible
Rule Utilitarianism would say lying is wrong/
Imagine Germany during nazism, and a german family was hiding jewish citizens in their household.
SS troops come to your door and ask "are you hiding any jews?"
a rule utilitarian would say yes, because they defined lying as wrong. But they say there are exceptions to their rules,
and in this case it would be an exception because utility is greatest if they lie.
An Act Utilitarian looks at this situation without any rules or guidelines, only what will be the greatest utility. So
essentially a rule utilitarian is an act utilitarian.
‫مش متاكد‬explain the distinction between the negative and positive right to freedom of speech?
A right such as “freedom of speech” is a negative right. It requires that other parties (generally the government)
don’t use force to stop you exercising free speech. The right to freedom of speech doesn’t mean that others must
provide a platform for your speech; if that were the case it would be a positive right along the lines of “the right to
be provided by others with a platform for free speech”.
Other examples of negative rights include freedom from slavery and freedom of worship. It’s no accident that
negative rights usually include the word freedom in their de******ion. These are the fundamental rights that make
civilised society workable.
A positive right, on the other hand, is one which if granted requires others to take positive action to satisfy your
“right”. A right to “free public education” is an example of a positive right. It can’t happen unless someone else
chooses to (or is compelled to) provide you with that free education. In this sense, positive rights are specific
political aspirations underpinned by a particular political philosophy. A positive right may also include the word
freedom in its de******ion, but can be re-worded to use free (in the monetary sense) instead. “Freedom from
hunger“, for example, is essentially the same as “free food“.
When the word “freedom” is used with regard to a negative right, it means “free as in liberty“. When “freedom” is
used with regard to a positive right, it means “free of charge, courtesy of others“.
when one goes behind Rawls' veil of ingnorance, what is one ignorant of?
Give an example of a law that implements an ethical principle. Give an example of a law that enforces a ‫مش متاكد‬
particular group's idea of how people should behave?
One law the implements an ethical principle is the HIPAA Violation. Everyone should have to consent to whatever is
going on. Just think if everyone could just get their hands on someone health information without their consent. No
one would have their privacy. Kids would not be protected from the parents getting their health records. People in
the Military would just be allowed to sign out the spouses medical records without their consent. With HIPAA the
doctor has to protect the privacy of the patient. The patient must consent to any information being shared with a
third party. This law goes in hand with the informed consent principle, the right thing to do is to get someone
permission before you do anything.
One of the most famous laws that people should behave a certain way is thy shall not kill. This law goes back to the
days of Moses. This law is a foundation of how people should act. I can say that any group would support this law.
No one wants people to just go around and kill people for no reason. Even during the Wild Wild West days, no one
wanted people to just shoot everyone. Not all groups support this way of life but I believe the majority of groups
support the law against murder rather by accident or on purpose.
74‫بالنسبة لشابتر ون لهذا السؤال لقيت هذي االجابة ص‬
5- what ate tow of kants important ideas about ethics?immanuel Kant the philosopher often presentes as the prime
example of a deontologist, contributed many important ideas to ethical theory. we mention three of them here.
one is the principle of universality : we should fllow rules of behavior that we can univerally apply to everyone.
second deontologists argue that logic or reason detremine rules of ethical behavior that actions are intrinsically
goood because they fllow from logic. ‫فيه بعد كالم يمكن ترجعو له في الكتاب‬
third Kant states a principle about interacting with other people:
one must never treat people as merely means to ends, but rather as ends in themselves
‫ البرجراف االخير‬22 ‫ لقيت المعظم حايس في االجابه ومش مركز لو اطلعتوا على الكتاب صفحه‬1 ‫ بالنسبة للسؤال االول في شبتر‬social network
‫ االجابه وهللا اعلم‬2 ‫السطر‬
what were two unexpected uses of social networks?
social network have good uses and bad good like connect with family , friends co-workers .... etc two unexpected
uses of social network
1 ex-boyfriend or ex- girlfriend post pranks (joking ) and embarrassing material
2 politicians advertisers,business .....etc or posters to organize demonstrations revolutions
22 ‫تم الحل بواسطة األختين هومة و فرات‬
‫منتديات طالب الجامعة العربية‬
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