Recovering from a Osteoporotic Hip Fracture

Recovery from an Osteoporotic Hip
 Discuss the affects of experiencing an osteoporotic
hip fracture
 Review the three principles of Mind, Consciousness,
and Thought
 Examine how the three principles can be presented
to a patient who has experienced an osteoporotic hip
 Weakening of the bones
 Affects primarily elderly populations
 Results in fractures
 Pain
 Disability
 Medical Bills
 Depression
 Patients experience increased depression after a hip fracture
 Mortality
 Patients who experience a hip fracture are 50% more likely to
die in the following year
 Teach patients the 3 principles of Mind,
Consciousness, and Thought
 Help patients recognize how their own thinking
affects their health
 Hope patients experience insights
 Health Care Providers
 A patient spends 6-7 days in a hospital after experiencing an
osteoporotic hip fracture
3 Principles
 Mind, Consciousness, & Thought
 Taking complexity and simplifying
 Are discovered and not created
 Formless
 Gives rise to the following principles of
consciousness and thought
 Given many different names such as spirit, God, or
 Gives us the ability to experience thought
 (Our consciousness follows our thought)
 Higher level of consciousness
 The elevator metaphor
 Our thoughts are constantly occurring and we are
always aware of them
 Thought + Consciousness = Personal Reality
 We can recognize how our moods affect our thoughts
 The three principles can help patients experience
better outcomes
Though the principles are simple, simply being knowledgeable
does not allow full benefits
Strive to experience insights
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