Scalp treatments worksheet - Miller

Unit 2 Properties of the hair and scalp – question sheet
Adapted from: “Milady’s Standard Theory Workbook. 1999”.
Text Pages 47 – 80 (skip pages 60 – 73)
Point to Ponder
“Things may come to those who wait, but only the things that are left by those who hustle.”
- Abraham Lincon
1. The study of hair is called ________(Trichology)_____________.
2. The two main purposes of the hair are:
a. _________adornment – look good____
b. ________protection_________-
3. Hair is an appendage of the __________skin and scalp___.
4. There are three types of hair on the body:
a. _______long hair____
b. _________short/bristly hair___
c. ________vellus_______
5. Hair is distributed all over they body, except for what four areas:
a. _____palms of the hands___
b. ___soles of the feet___
c. ___lips_________________
d. ___eyelids__________
6. Hair on the face is called ____barba_____.
Hair on the head is called _____capilli_____.
Hair of the eyelashes is called _____cilia_____.
Hair of the eyebrows is called ____supercilia____.
7. The name of the protein that hair is made of is ____keratin___.
8. Hair is divided into two principle parts: the ________root__ and the _____shaft___.
9. The small involuntary muscle attached to the hair follicle is called an _______arrector
pili muscle_______. Fear of cold causes this muscle to contract, causing the hair to stand
10. Within the hair papilla is a rich blood and nerve supply that contributes to the _______
growth____ and _______regeneration____ of the hair.
Unit 2 Properties of the hair and scalp – question sheet
Adapted from: “Milady’s Standard Theory Workbook. 1999”.
11. Identify the parts of the skin and the hair illustrated below.
12. Matching: Match the terms on the left with their correct descriptions on the right.
e____ _ 1. follicle
a. club-shaped structure that forms the lower part of the root.
c___ _ 2. arrector pilli
b. natural flow of hair
f____ _ 3. sebum
c. an involuntary muscle attached to the underside of the hair follicle.
d_____ 4. hair root
d. hair structure located beneath the skin surface, enclosed within the
hair follicle.
a_____ 5. bulb
e. tubelike depression that encases the hair root.
h_____ 6. hair shaft
f. oil that gives luster and pliability.
b_____ 7. hair stream
g. small cone-shaped elevation located at the bottom of the hair
g_____ 8. papilla
h. hair structure extending above the skin surface.
i_____ 9. sebaceous gland i. Oil gland consisting of sac-like structures in the dermis.
Unit 2 Properties of the hair and scalp – question sheet
Adapted from: “Milady’s Standard Theory Workbook. 1999”.
13. Name the three layers of the hair shaft.
a. ___cuticle_______ b. ___cortex_____
c. __medulla_______
14. The outside layer of the hair shaft is the ____cuticle___ and is composed of
____transparent___, ___overlapping___, ___protective___, and ____scalelike___cells
that point away from the scalp toward the hair ends.
15. The middle layer of the hair shaft is the ___cortex______, which gives hair its strength
and ___elasticity___. This layer contains the ____pigment___ that gives the hair its
16. The innermost layer of hair shaft is the ____medulla____. This layer may be absent in
very fine hair.
17. The hair’s coloring matter, called ______melanin__, is found in the hair’s ___cortex___
18. A person born with no coloring matter in the hair shaft, skin, or irises is known as an
19. Gray hair is caused by the absence of pigment in the ____cortex___ layer.
20. If the papilla is destroyed, the hair will continue to grow. True or False? ____false___.
21. How often are eyebrows and eyelashes replaced? __________every 4 – 5 months___.
22. On average, hair grows _____1/2 inch___ per month.
23. Hair grows for a period of ___ 2-6 ____ years.
24. Average daily shedding is between ___40___ and ___100___ hairs.
25. Hair stream is ____hair flowing in the same direction___ as a result of follicles sloping in
the same direction.
26. Hair that forms a circular pattern is called a ___whorl___, and a tuft of hair standig up in
known as a ___cowlick___.
27. Straight hair is usually __round___ in shape. Wavy hair is usually ____oval___ in shape.
Curly, kinky hair is almost ___flat____ in shape.
28. List four senses you use in determining hair condition.
a. ____sight_____
b. _____touch_____
c. ____hearing____
d. _____smell_____
29. Define hair texture. _________the degree of coarseness of fineness of the hair_____.
Unit 2 Properties of the hair and scalp – question sheet
Adapted from: “Milady’s Standard Theory Workbook. 1999”.
30. What layer of the hair is missing in fine hair? __the medulla____
31. Define hair porosity. _________the ability of all types of hair to absorb moisture______.
32. Define elasticity. _________________the ability of hair to stretch and return to its
original form without breaking________.
33. Wet hair can be stretched ___40___% to ___50____% of its length.
34. The 2 types of dandruff are: ______pityriasis capitis simplex – dry type____ and
____Pityriasis steatoides – greasy or waxy type____.
35. The technical term for any abnormal hair loss is called ____alopecia____.
36. A vegetable parasitic infection is tinea. What is tinea? _________the medical term for
37. Two animal parasitic infections are ___scabies (caused by an itch mite)__ and
__pediculosis capitis (headlice)____.
38. A type of staphylococci infection is a boil. Another name for a boil is a ___furuncle___.
39. A ____carbuncle___ is a staphylococci infection that is larger than a furuncle.
Disorders of the hair
40. Matching: Match the terms on the left with their correct descriptions on the right.
D_____ 1. canities
a. alternate bands of gray and dark hair.
C_____ 2. congenital canities
b. split hair ends
H_____ 3. acquired canities
c. gray hair at birth
A_____ 4. ringed hair
d. gray hair
G_____ 5. hypertrichosis
B_____ 6. trichoptilosis
e. knotted hair
f. brittle hair
E_____ 7. trichorrhexis nodosa g. superfluous hair
I_____ 8. monilethrix
h. gray hair due to old age
F_____ 9. fragilitas crinium
i. beaded hair
Unit 2 Properties of the hair and scalp – question sheet
Adapted from: “Milady’s Standard Theory Workbook. 1999”.
pH scale – text pages 94 and 622
41. The letters pH stand for _____potential hydrogen____.
42. What is the range of pH scale? ___0 – 14____
43. The amount of __hydrogen____ in a solution determines whether it is more alkaline or
more ____acid___.
44. The higher the pH, the stronger and ___harsher___ the shampoo, which can leave the hair
dry and ___brittle___.
45. What does a pH value if 7 mean? _____ the product is neutral_____
46. Anything greater than 7 on the pH scale is considered ___alkaline_____.
47. Anything less than 7 on the pH scale is considered an ____acid_____.
48. What is the pH of hair? _______4.5 – 5.5______
49. The farther down each side of the pH scale the more ____damage___ that may occur to
the hair___shaft_____
50. ____Alkaline____ products soften and swell (open) the cuticle layer of the hair shaft.
51. ____Acid based____ products close the cuticle layer of the hair shaft.
Unit 2 Properties of the hair and scalp – question sheet
Adapted from: “Milady’s Standard Theory Workbook. 1999”.
Theory of Massage – pages 466 - 473
52. Identification Match: Using the letters E, P, F, T, and V (as defied below), match the
correct characteristics listed below with one of the massage manipulations.
E = effleurage
P = petrissage
F = friction
T = tapotement or percussion
V = vibration
1. a light, continuous stroking movement
2. squeeze, roll, or pinch
3. the most stimulating massage movement
4. no pressure is used
5. chucking, rolling, and wringing are variations
6. accomplished by rapid muscular contractions in your arms
7. a kneading movement
8. limit to a few seconds on any one spot
9. has soothing and relaxing effects
V_____ 10. a shaking movement
F_____ 11. influences circulation and glandular activity of the skin
P_____ 12. invigorating movement for deep stimulation
T_____ 13. tapping, slapping, and hacking movements
53. Name the three health considerations that prevent your giving a massage.
a. ___high blood pressure___
b. ______heart condition___
c. ___stroke_________
54. Why is massage harmful to clients with the health conditions named above?
_____________it increases circulation______.
Unit 2 Properties of the hair and scalp – question sheet
Adapted from: “Milady’s Standard Theory Workbook. 1999”.
55. List the seven benefits of massage.
a. ___the skin and all its structures are nourished______
b. ___the skin is rendered soft and pliable__________
c. ___the circulation of the blood is increased_______
d. ___the activity of the skin glands is stimulated_____
e. ___the muscle fiber is stimulated and strengthened____
f. ___the nerves are soothed and rested______
g. ___pain is sometimes relieved_________