Westland Hialeah Senior High
Biology I Honors Syllabus 200032001
Instructor: D r. Jasmine Suris Soto
E-Mail: jsuriss@dadeschools.net
Phone: 305.818.3000 Ext. 2192
Room: 421
I would like to welcome you to this year’s Biology course. My goal is to open
your eyes to important information, new techniques, and inspire you to
witness the world around you, and the relevance Biology has in your life.
Throughout this class, you will develop analytical skills, be introduced to
new laboratory techniques, and refine your written communication. The
Biology course is framed around four big ideas:
1. The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
2. Biological systems utilize energy and molecular building blocks to grow,
reproduce and maintain homeostasis.
3. Living systems retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to
life processes.
4. Biological systems interact, and these interactions possess complex
The course will allow you to learn about and discuss many controversial issues in
the fields of Biology. You will be asked to conduct research and report on a
current topic that has social or ethical issues associated with it. Since the goal will
be to discuss a timely event, the list below should be seen as illustrative as new
issues continually appear.
•Stem Cell Research
•Global Warming
•Antibiotic Resistance and the Problems with Improper Antibiotic Use
•Genetically Modified Food
•The Use of Genetic Information.
The following is a list of supplies
required at all times:
Textbook & Resources
You will be expected to abide by the honor code set in place by the
school. Cheating will not be tolerated. Including in cheating is
Be in your assigned seat and ready to begin by the time the bell rings.
Complete homework assignments by their due dates. Maintain a high
quality Interactive Science Notebook. (See details in class website)
Study for quizzes and exams.
Follow directions promptly when they are given.
Since the purpose of this course is to prepare for the national exam,
calculations of grades will be predominantly on exam performance. Your
grade will be a composite of the following areas and percentages:
60 %
40 %
Total: 100 %
A three-ring heavy duty binder with 6
dividers (Outlines Workbook,
Benchmark Practice, Gizmos
Assessments, FCAT Explorer and
Composition notebook for lab work.
Supply of blue pen, #2 pencil,
highlighter, college ruled notebook
paper, graph paper.
Calculator and flash drive.
Occasionally you will be asked to
bring colored and white printer paper,
construction paper, glue, markers and
other items to conduct experiments.
Biology - Florida Edition (High
School) - Miller Levine
Biology Study Workbook A –
Miller Levine
Biology Lab Manual A –Miller
HOT Science Labs
Biology Issues and Decisions
Making – Pearson prentice Hall
Science Fair Project ( TBA)
A-Day: 12/15/13
B-Day: 12/16/13
Mid-Term Exam
End of April-beginning of MAY
Biology End of Course Exam
*This syllabus is tentative and subject
to change. Please be flexible.
Biology I Honors Syllabus 200032001
Laboratory Safety Rules
Know the primary and secondary exit routes from the classroom.
Know the location of and how to use the safety equipment in the classroom.
Work at your assigned seat unless obtaining equipment and chemicals.
Do not handle equipment or chemicals without the teacher’s permission.
Follow laboratory procedures as explained and do not perform unauthorized experiments.
Work as quietly as possible and cooperate with your lab partner.
Wear appropriate clothing, proper footwear, and eye protection.
Report to the teachers all accidents and possible hazards.
Remove all unnecessary materials from the work area and completely clean up the work area after the
 Always make safety your first consideration in the laboratory.
Safety Contract
I will:
Follow all instructions given by the teacher.
Protect eyes, face and hands, and body while conducting class activities.
Carry out good housekeeping practices.
Know where to get help fast.
Know the location of the first aid and firefighting equipment.
Conduct myself in a responsible manner at all times in a laboratory situation.
I, ________________________________, have read and agree to abide by the safety regulations as set forth above and also any
additional printed instructions provided by the teacher. I further agree to follow all other written and verbal instructions given in
I am responsible to visit my class website to keep myself informed of events, projects, assignments, rules and regulations set forth
by my school and my teacher Dr. Suris Soto. I also have read the syllabus and fully understand what is expected of me in this
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ___________________
Parent/Guardian’s contact Information
Name ___________________________________________ Signature_____________________________________
Parent’s Email Address ___________________________________________
Parent’s Phone number___________________________________________
Biology I Honors Syllabus 200032001
Biology I Honors Syllabus 200032001