Homework nights, continue on library activity for Sunday deadline
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Intro to library activity- library. See below Due Dec 20 on Lap top only
Dec 20-21
Day 1
Day 2
Self assessment, Library project /Term grades and self assessment in class
Source analysis activity
Name___________________________ Class _________Finish on_Dec17___ Hand in__Dec20__
Select an article from the assigned Magazine in the library.
Read the article.
Summarize the Main idea of the article in one paragraph
In the second paragraph, explain what is meant by systems, (B) why the article selected is an example of “Systems” and why it was a better selection than another article.(C) (Use the Six Elements as a reference) in the second paragraph.
Paper should be MLA style, including citation of the article on top of page. Title, magazine, date. (See handbook)
Criteria b. Concepts. 10 pts.
Student Connects the article to one of the six elements. (See criteria in handbook)
Criteria D, MLA Citation, relevant information clearly presented
Plan. I will find an article that is a good example of the systems geographers use to understand the world. I need define what I mean by systems in my own words with out copying it from the book, explain how the article connects to the idea of systems (The Six Elements), and provide details from the article to support this. First I will look at criteria B and C to know what will make a good mark. I will be sure to have my notebook, text book, handbook, and this handout.
Locate. On day one I will spend 5-10 minutes in the library sorting through the magazines provided to find a good example. I will also keep in mind the article that was my second pick but I did not use. Writing about why I did not use it will help my C grade.
Use. I will spend the rest of the class scanning through the article and copying important things into my note book so it is not a problem if I cannot find the magazine again. I will use my note book, not a computer, in class one. During class two I will be ready to write on the computer. When I write in class two
I will double check the MLA style in the handbook, including headers and proper citation. I will finish this during the third meeting of class in the Library and have it ready to hand in next class meeting.
Self Reflect. Before printing I will double check the criteria, the concept (both in handbook) and the instructions to be sure I meet academic expectations. Upon handing it in a will fill in a reflection sheet where I will explain how I meet the requirements of criteria B and D
B 0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
1 - 2 The application of the concept(s) is inappropriate.
The student may demonstrate some conceptual awareness and understanding by recognizing basic connections to the subject matter.
3 – 4 The Application of concepts is not always appropriate.
The student demonstrates conceptual awareness and understanding by describing basic connections to the subject matter.
5 - 6 Application of concepts is appropriate but superficial.
The student demonstrates conceptual awareness and understanding by describing connections to the subject matter.
The student attempts to apply concepts to other situations, but is not always successful.
7 - 8 Application of concepts is appropriate and shows some depth.
The student demonstrates conceptual awareness and understanding by explaining connections to the subject matter.
The student applies concepts to other situations.
9 - 10 Application of concepts is appropriate and shows significant depth.
The student demonstrates conceptual awareness and understanding by explaining in some degree of detail connections to the subject matter.
The student applies concepts reasonably effectively to other situations.
D 0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
1 – 2 The student communicates information that is not always relevant.
The student attempts to structure the work, but the result may be unclear and / or inappropriate to the format required.
Presentation and expression are unclear and imprecise.
There is little evidence of documentation.
3 - 4 The student communicates information that is to some extent relevant.
The student attempts to structure and sequence the work but is not always successful.
Presentation and expression are occasionally unclear.
Sources of information are documented, though there are omissions or consistent errors in adhering to conventions.
5 - 6 The student communicates information that is mainly relevant.
The student uses a structure appropriate to the task and sequences the content logically, in relation to the expectations of an MYP 3 student.
Presentation and expression are reasonably clear.
Some attention is paid to the audience and purpose in terms of appropriate language, style and visual representation.
Sources of information are documented, but with occasional errors in adhering to conventions.
7 - 8 The student communicates information that is relevant.
The student organizes information into a developed and logical sequence, appropriate to the format required.
Presentation and expression are clear, concise and effective, and the language, style and visual representation used are largely appropriate to the audience and purpose.
Sources of information are documented according to a recognized convention.
In the space below, Write one thing the student did for each criteria
What advice would you give to the student?
Write things you need to do to get the top marks on this assignment for the two criteria