Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
Act Three
Scene One
Mercutio, and Benvolio encounter Tybalt and a few
Capulets in the street who are looking for Romeo
Romeo enters the scene and tells Tybalt that they are not
enemies, but instead that he loves Capulets
Mercutio and Tybalt fight, and Tybalt kills Mercutio when
Romeo tries to break it up
Scene One Continued
Mercutio’s death enrages Romeo and when Tybalt comes
back Romeo kills him
The prince, Montagues, and Capulets demand to know
what happened from Benvolio.
The Capulets believe Benvolio is lying because he is a
Montague and they demand that the prince punish
Scene One Continued
The prince exiles Romeo from Verona and vows that both
families will be punished because their feud has now
affected his family.
The prince tells the Montagues to tell Romeo to leave
immediately because if he is found in Verona he will be
Scene Two
Juliet is dreaming about her first night with Romeo as a
married couple
Nurse tells her about Romeo killing Tybalt and being
Juliet is feeling sorry for herself because her new husband
has been exiled, so nurse goes to get Romeo so they can
spend some time together.
Scene Three
Romeo is hiding in Friar Lawrence’s cell
He is also feeling sorry for himself because of his
Friar Lawrence believes this is a sign of immaturity and an
ungrateful person
Romeo does not even feel urgency to hide when there is
a knock on the door because he thinks death would be
better than being exiled
Scene Three continued
Friar Lawrence wants Romeo to leave Verona and stay in
the city of Mantua for a while
Friar Lawrence will explain the marriage to the
Montagues and the Capulets and try to get Romeo
pardoned for his crime
When he has figured all of this out, he will send for
Romeo to come back to Verona
Scene Four
Capulet, Lady Capulet, and Paris are discussing Paris’
Capulet tells Paris that they will convince Juliet to marry
They plan a small wedding to occur in three days
Scene Five
Romeo and Juliet are parting because it is early in the
Romeo says “More light and light, more dark and dark our
Romeo leaves and Lady Capulet comes to see Juliet
Juliet tells her mother that she is not well and her mother
believes that this is her grief over Tybalt’s death
Scene Five Continued
Lady Capulet tells Juliet that she wants to send someone
to Mantua to poison Romeo so the Capulets can have
their revenge
Lady Capulet informs Juliet about her upcoming wedding
Juliet says, “I will not marry yet. And when I do, I swear it
shall be Romeo, whom you know I hate, rather than
Scene 5 Continued
Capulet is furious when Juliet tells him she does not want
to marry Paris
He believes that Paris is an excellent match for her and
he worked hard to make this wedding happen
He calls Juliet ungrateful and tells her she can either
marry Paris or leave his house and live on the streets
He refuses to hear her reasons or explanations
Scene Five Continued
Juliet is upset and doesn’t know what to do because she
is already married
She is torn between making her parents happy and
breaking her marriage vows
The nurse believes she should ignore her vows and love
for Romeo and marry Paris because he is so much better
than Romeo
Scene Five Continued
Juliet tells the nurse to tell her parents that she will
marry Paris and that she feels so bad she is going to Friar
Lawrence to confess her sins
She cannot believe the nurse took her parents’ side and
she vows to herself not to marry Paris
Juliet says, “If all else fail, I myself have power to die