10257 Saint Charles Rock Rd., Saint Ann, MO 63074 314-773-0083 www.brookesbible.com Course: ....................... Credit: ....................... Semester: ................ Time: .......................... Instructor: ............... Bible Study Methods & Tools 3 hours Spring 2016 Tuesdays, 9 AM Robert Thurman, MABS COURSE DESCRIPTION This course will develop the student’s ability to study, interpret, and apply the Bible. Students will learn to read the Bible paying attention to grammar, historical context, authorial intent, and literary genre. Moreover, students will learn to use scholarly Bible study tools, such as atlases, concordances, dictionaries, handbooks, topical Bibles, Gospel harmonies, lexicons, etc. Some attention will also be paid to understanding the differences between the various English translations of the Bible and to selecting and using Bible commentaries. COURSE OBJECTIVES The students will: 1. Learn to read the Bible skillfully paying attention to its grammar, historical context, and literary genres. 2. Learn how to observe, correlate, interpret, and apply biblical data. 3. Learn to produce Bible studies of various types. 4. Gain the ability to utilize various scholarly Bible study tools effectively. 5. Evaluate the usefulness of Bible translations and commentaries. 6. Acquire the skills and the foundational framework for consistent biblical interpretation and application. 7. Develop a foundation for further studies in Biblical interpretation. REQUIRED COURSE TEXTS Duval, J. Scott, Hayes, J. Daniel, Grasping God's Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible, 2nd Edition. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005. Mayhue, Richard C., How to Study the Bible, Geanies House, Fearn, Tain Ross-shire, Scotland, UK: Christian Focus, 2006. OPTIONAL COURSE TEXTS Rosscup, Jim, Commentaries for Biblical Expositors. The Woodlands: Kress Christian Publications, 2003. Thomas, Robert L., How to Choose a Bible Version: Revised Edition includes ESV & TNIV. Geanies House, Fearn, Tain Ross-shire, Scotland, UK: Mentor, 2004. Since an objective of this course is to teach you how to use scholarly Bible study tools, you may find it helpful to own all or some of the types of tools mentioned above. If you are on your way to becoming a serious student of the Bible, you should consider investing in some serious Bible study tools. The instructor will provide a list of recommended resources during the first lecture. COURSE REQUIREMENTS READING- Readings from the required course texts will be assigned each week. The instructor will usually provide study questions to guide your reading. Expect regular quizzes over the assigned reading materials. Students will submit a reading statement for each of the required texts on the day of the final exam. CLASS ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION- Attendance is an essential part of any class. If you have a work related delay in attendance, please contact the school immediately. Students will be expected to discuss the assigned readings, study questions, and lectures during class. Participation will impact your grade. HOMEWORK AND WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS- A number of short papers and research assignments will be given during the duration of the course. Sources for researched material must be cited and formatted according to Turabian guidelines. Written assignments will be penalized by one full grade level if submitted after the due date. Any exception to this policy will be at the discretion of the instructor. EXAMS- There will be a Midterm Exam and a Final Exam. The dates for each exam will be given during the second class period. FINAL THOUGHTS- We want to do everything we can to make this class enjoyable, challenging, and profitable for you. If you need help with the course outside of class, please feel free to contact the instructor by phone (at reasonable times) or by email. 314.246.9813 thurmanrd@mail.masters.edu COURSE SCHEDULE Week 1– Read Ruth chapter 1 and submit thirty observations about the text. Also read chapter 1 of How to Study the Bible, by Mayhue Week 2– Read Ruth 2 and make thirty observations. Read Mayhue, chapter 2. Week 3– Read Ruth 3 and make 30 observations. Read Mayhue, chapter 3. Week 4– Read Ruth 4 and make 30 observations. Read Mayhue, chapter 4. Week 5–Read Ruth in one sitting and make 10 new observations for each chapter. Read Mayjue, chapter 5. Week 6– Read Ruth in one sitting. Research Moab using a Bible atlas, a concordance, and at least two Bible dictionaries or encyclopedias. Write a two-page paper (double-spaced) explaining how your research contributes to your understanding of Ruth. Read Mayhue, chapter 6. Week 7– Read Ruth in one sitting. Research the authorship of Ruth using commentaries, Bible handbooks, and other scholarly resources discussed in class. Write a two-page (double-spaced) paper explaining how authorship and date of authorship impact our understanding of Ruth. Read Mayhue, chapter 7. Week 8– Read Ruth in one sitting. Read Mayhue, chapter 8. Prepare for Mid-term exam. Week 9– Mid-term exam. Week 10– Read Ruth in one sitting. Use the language resources described in class to research the meaning of the word redeemer in the book of Ruth. Write a two-page (double-spaced) paper explaining why Naomi and Ruth need redemption and how Boaz serves as their redeemer. Read Mayhue, chapter 9. Week 11– Read Ruth in one sitting. Write a biographical Bible study on one of the following– Ruth, Naomi, or Boaz. Read Mayhue, chapter 10. Week 12– Read Ruth in one sitting. Use the resources discussed in class to research why Ruth ends with the genealogy of King David. Write a two-page (double-spaced) paper about your conclusions. Read Mayhue, chapter 11. Week 13– Read Ruth in one sitting. Write a two-page essay (double-spaced) on what, if anything, Ruth teaches us about Christ. Read Mayhue, chapter 12. Week 14– Read Ruth in one sitting. Begin working on a 12 page (double-spaced) Bible study on the book of Ruth. Due on the day of the final exam. Read Mayhue, chapter 13. Week 15– Read the book of Ruth in one sitting. Read Duvall, section 2. Week 16– Read the book of Ruth in one sitting. Read Duvall, section 3. Week 17– Read the book of Ruth in one sitting. Review for final. Week 18- Final exam.