The Great Truths of Free Grace

The Great Truths
of Free Grace
From Confusion to Clarity
A Bible Study for
West Side Baptist Church
The Free Grace Bible Institute
Pastor-teacher David Pearson
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Dr. Harry Ironside wrote part of my desire for these
If these pages fall into the hands of any anxious,
troubled soul, desirous of finding the way of peace
and earnestly seeking to be right with God, let me
urge such a one to give up all struggling. Just believe
God. Tell Him you are the sinner for whom the Savior
died, and trust in Christ alone for salvation. His own
word is clear and simple:
"Verily, verily I say unto you, he that heareth my word,
and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting
life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is
passed from death into life" (John 5:24). (Except Ye
Repent, p.189)
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General Notes Outline
These class notes will be written as the teaching series progresses. The following is a general
outline of what to expect but there will no doubt be some changes, expansions or even deletions
as we go through this study together. As always, our lessons progress in any specific class just
so far and take up where we leave off in the next one. There is no set time for the completion of
this Bible class. To help us later to keep our page numbers straight, this outline is separate from
the rest of the notes so that when it is over the outline can be revised if needed.
Note to FGBI students: while we will all greatly benefit from these
lessons, those who desire the three credit hours for the Bible Institute will
need to obtain a copy of The Free Grace Primer by Zane Hodges. This
single volume is a reprint of three small books entitled The Hungry Inherit,
The Gospel Under Siege, and Grace in Eclipse. The student will need to
(1) read and submit a short report on each of the three books, (2) write a
short paper on the main things they learned from the class sessions, and
(3) study the extra readings section and write a one page “Three Things I
Learned from the Readings.” The book can be purchased at at a current price of $9.95 plus shipping (2012).
1 Timothy 3:15 (NASB) but in case I am delayed, I write so that you will know how one ought to
conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and
support of the truth.
The study of doctrine is neither a common nor popular topic for the church today; yet, the local
church is to be a place that holds up and supports the objective, absolute, and non-negotiable
Truth of the divinely inspired Word of God. If not for the church there would be no one to hold up
God’s Truth and the church must be ready and willing to defend Truth in the face of all who
would twist and pervert it into untruth. The local church was set up by Jesus Christ to be a
classroom for the teaching of Bible Doctrine. The sad reality, however, is that the vast majority
of churches in today’s world do anything but teach correct Bible Doctrine. Even those who teach
the Word correctly often teach it inadequately by failing to teach categorically. Categorical
teaching comes from the exegetical study of Scripture on specific truths. The Bible truths are
then organized by categories into Bible Doctrines.
Before you begin this or any Bible study and you have received the free gift of eternal life then
be sure you are in fellowship with God by the specific naming and citing any known sins
privately to God the Father:
1 John 1:9 (NASB) If we confess our [known] sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our
[known] sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness [unknown or forgotten sins].
You are now ready to learn Bible Doctrine and in the position to be able to advance in the faith:
John 4:24 (NASB) "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in [the filling of the]
spirit and [biblical] truth."
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Preface: Four Critical Categories and Questions
This overview study will consider the confusion in the church today about four
key categories of Bible Doctrine that biblical Free Grace truths answer correctly:
1. The gospel message of eternal life: “How can I be with God when I die?”
2. Eternal security and the assurance of eternal life: “Am I eternally secured and can I know
for sure I can be with God when I die and, if so, how do I know?”
3. The spiritual life of the believer: “After salvation, then what?”
4. The judgment awaiting the believer and rewards: “What can I expect after I’m with God?”
The answer to question one determines your eternal destiny. The answer to question two may
not only affect your eternal destiny but also your inner peace. The answer to the third question
gives direction, purpose, and a goal for your life in time. The answer to the last question
provides motivation in time and anticipation about your future.
It is a sad thing to say but the answer to the above questions is anything but uniform. One would
think that in the two thousand years of church history and Bible study these things would have
long ago been settled. Even among theologians, pastors, and teachers who would honor the
Bible as the complete Word of God there is massive and critical disagreement. Satan, the
enemy of grace himself, is ultimately behind this confusion and it is a major strategy of his in the
angelic conflict. But the situation is neither hopeless nor are we unable to come to a correct
understanding. In this study we will look at what the major disagreements are and then look at
the Bible to determine the Truth.
Recommended Printed Resources
All books by Zane Hodges: The Eclipse of Grace, The Gospel Under Siege, The Hungry Inherit,
Absolutely Free, James, The Epistles of John and others.
Grace Evangelical Society The Grace New Testament Commentary
All books by Robert Wilkin:: Secure and Sure, Confident in Christ, and The Road to Reward
Ken Neff Hold Fast and Free to Choose
Fred Lybrand Back to Faith
Tony Evans Totally Saved, The Grace of God, The Promise, Theology You Can Count On
Harlan Betz Setting the Stage for Eternity
Rene Lopez Romans Unlocked
David Anderson Free Grace Soteriology, Maximum Joy: First John
iv | P a g e T h e G r e a t T r u t h s o f F r e e G r a c e O u t l i n e
Joseph Dillow The Reign of the Servant Kings
Marty Cauley Breaking the Rocking Horse, Wooley Wolves and Woolless Sheep, Fallen From
Grace but Not From Perfection, Mere Christianity and Moral Christianity, The Outer Darkness,
The Race of Grace, Sealed and Secure
Rick Hughes Practicing Your Christianity
Lewis Sperry Chafer He That is Spiritual
Norm Geisler Chosen but Free, Systematic Theology
Steve Elkins The Roman Road Revisited
Gene Cunningham The Basics
G. Michael Cocoris Repentance: The Most Misunderstood Word
Alva J. McClain Law and Grace
Drew Freeman Foundations
Laurence M. Vance The Other Side of Calvinism
David Dunlap Limiting Omnipotence
R.B. Thieme Reversionism, The Barrier, Christian! At Ease and others
With some (but not many) reservations:
Larry Moyer Free and Clear
Charles Ryrie So Great Salvation
Charlie Bing Simply by Grace, Lordship Salvation, Living in the Family of Grace
Dallas Seminary faculty The Bible Knowledge Commentary
A Few Recommended Websites;;;; (here you can find the Framework course for FGBI);;;; (Marty Cauley)
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Introduction (there will be changes in these pages as we go along)
Forward: The four issues
1. A short, simple definition and summary of the biblical Free Grace Doctrine
2. Why this doctrinal study is important
A. We are commanded to handle the Word correctly and to defend the Truth
B. To understand the confusion in the church today
C. To know and keep clear what the Bible teaches on the four main issues involved
D. To accept the fact that what one believes on these four issues matters
3. The four main issues confused in the church
A. The confusion today over the gospel message
B. The confusion over eternal security and the assurance of eternal life
C. The confusion today over the spiritual life of the believer
D. The confusion today about future judgments and the believer’s rewards
The Teaching of Jesus on the four issues: The Simply Two’s
The Roots of the Confusion in Early Church
The confusion started during the time of the writing of the New Testament Scriptures. This
section will not entail a total survey of the confusion and clarification of the four main issues
involved; rather, we will take an overview in a few New Testament books and look at some
key passages to give us the correct perspective.
Confusion in the Church History: a very brief overview
1. The Ancient church from 100 AD – 600 AD
2. The Medieval church from 600 AD to 1517 AD
3. The Reformation church from 1517 AD to the mid-1600’s AD
4. The Modern church from the mid-1600’a AD to current
Brief Expansion of the Confusion in the Church
1. Catholicism
2. Calvinism
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3. Arminianism
4. Lordship Salvation
5. Emergent Church
6. Others
From Confusion to Clarity:
The Biblical Free Grace Position on the Four Issues
1. Clarity on the gospel message: the Message of Life
A. The three “phases” of salvation
B. Our position “in Christ” (positional truth)
C. Clarifying the term “salvation” in this section
D. The importance of the Gospel of John
E. Salvation is not a pluralistic faith in something
F. Salvation is not universal
G. Salvation is not faith plus the church
H. Salvation is not faith plus commitment
Salvation is not faith plus being faithful
J. Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone
K. The focus of saving faith
L. Defining some key terms and concepts
i. Faith
ii. Believe
iii. Trust
iv. Repentance
v. “Head faith” vs. “Heart faith”
vi. False professors
vii. Who can believe?
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2. Clarity on eternal security and the assurance of eternal life
A. The difference between eternal security and assurance
B. Security and assurance is not in the church
C. Security and assurance is not in faithfulness
D. Security and assurance is not in feelings or experiences
E. Security and assurance is based on the promise of the Lord Jesus Christ
F. Security and assurance is of the essence of saving faith
3. Clarity on the spiritual life of the believer
A. Clarifying the term “salvation” in this section
B. Divine intent for believer and free will
C. Law and grace
D. The spiritual life is not based on keeping the “rules,” or being “good.”
E. The spiritual life is not based on feelings
F. The spiritual life is not based on mysticism
G. The spiritual life is not based on rituals
H. The spiritual life of the Church Age believer
Faithful vs. unfaithful believers
J. Divine discipline
4. Clarity on the future judgments and the believer’s rewards
A. Clarifying the rapture of the Church
B. The Tribulation and believers
C. Clarifying “salvation” in this section; glorification (heir of God) vs. co-glorification
(co-heir with Christ)
D. Church Age believers and unbelievers have separate judgments
E. The unbeliever’s judgment is not about paying for sin
F. The Plan of God for the believer, escrow rewards, and free will
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G. The believer’s judgment is about receiving the approval or disapproval of the
Lord Jesus Christ, rewards for faithful service, loss of rewards, and the believer’s
misthological punitive judgment
H. The upward call and the out-resurrection (portion in the first resurrection)
The Bride of Christ
J. The Wife of Jehovah (the Jewish remnant)
K. The Second Coming: participants
L. The Second Coming: Kingdom establishment
M. Inheriting the Kingdom vs. Entering the Kingdom
N. Clarifying extremes about believers entering or not entering the Kingdom
O. The believer and the Outer Darkness during the Millennial Kingdom
P. The population of the Millennial Kingdom
Q. Eternity
Comparisons for clarity
1. Calvinism – TULIP
2. Arminianism – PEARS
3. Marrowism - GRAPE
Variety in the Free Grace View
1. The Gospel: some of the Good News or all of the Good News?
2. The content of saving faith
3. The focus of saving faith
4. Assurance as an essential part of receiving eternal life
5. Rewards and punitive judgment
What Do We Tell the Unbeliever?
Is There a Second Chance After Death?
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What about Babies, the Mentally Challenged, and Those Who Have Never
Heard the Message of Life?
Has the Content of What Must be Believed to Receive Eternal Life Changed
Through Time?
1. Salvation in the Old Testament
2. Salvation before the cross at the time of the Messiah Jesus
3. Salvation after the cross
Extra readings
1. The Basics of Free Grace Theology by Rene’ Lopez
2. Justification by Faith Alone is an Essential Part of the Gospel by Robert Wilkin
3. Gospel Wars by Robert Dean
4. Who is Able to Guarantee Eternal Life? John Niemela
5. What Do We Mean by Propitiation? Zane Hodges
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