2013_03_packet - Presbytery of New Covenant

Meeting of the Presbytery of New Covenant
Saturday, March 16, 2013
(9:30 am)
Pines Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX
Registration Form
Please complete this form and bring it with you to the meeting. Thank you!
Mailing address: ___________________________________________________________________________
E-mail address:____________________________________________________________________________
Are you a first-time commissioner? _____Yes
 Minister Member
 Elder Commissioner
(Elected from session of church listed above)
 Commissioned Ruling Elder (with voting
 Certified Church Educator
 Associate Certified Church Educator
 Elder with Privilege by Virtue of Office
(Currently in a Presbytery leadership position,
designated for this privilege)
 Corresponding Minister-Member from
 Visitor from ____________________________
 Presbytery Staff
 Inquirer/Candidate under care
 Commissioned Ruling Elder (without voting
 Other Church Professional
(Non-certified Educator, Youth Director, Business
Administrator, Music Director, other)
 Former Moderator of Presbytery
 Elected Presbytery Staff
 Fellow – NACBA (National Association of
Church Business Administrators)
The Presbytery of New Covenant, Synod of the Sun, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Saturday, March 16, 2013 9:30 am
Pines Presbyterian Church
12751 Kimberley Lane
Houston, TX 77024-4097 www.pinespc.org
This meeting of the presbytery will be called to order at 9:30 am.
There is an Orientation Session for first-time commissioners at 9:15 am
By now all ministers and clerks should have received the invitation from the Session and Congregation of Pines
Presbyterian Church to the stated meeting of the presbytery on Saturday, March 16, 2013. A map with directions to the
church was included with that invitation. Clerks are asked to pass along all meeting materials to the elected
commissioner(s) for this meeting.
No response is required for lunch; the $6.00 lunch tickets will be sold on a first-come/first-serve basis. Childcare
reservations MUST BE MADE DIRECTLY to Pines Presbyterian Church (contact information is listed above). Please
honor all reservations made, as our host congregation commits payment to childcare providers based on
reservations made by parents.
Complete the registration form in the Presbytery PACKET prior to the meeting, and turn it in at the registration table.
Each minister and elder-commissioner is urged to check the website three days prior to the meeting for additional
meeting materials that may be posted (to include any New Business, as well as the Addendum).
Dear Commissioners:
Are you ready for a revival? Our moderator, Winfield “Casey” Jones, believes that revival begins with prayer, and in these
changing times, it seems that we need to spend a lot of time in prayer. Many are concerned about changes in our
denomination, as well as the changes in our society. And at this meeting, we vote on changes to both the Book of Order
and the Book of Confessions.
We will worship together, eat together, pray together, and spend some time doing business along the way. We seek to
make our meetings EPIC – experiential, participatory, image rich, and connective. We strive to be relational – and want to
hear from you how we can do that better. Please contact me, or Becky Downs, who chairs our Ecclesiastical Affairs
Committee (flamingorev@gmail.com).
We will celebrate local ministries and retiring ministers, welcome new folks, encourage those moving up the road to
ordained ministry, and hear from our General Presbyter, Mike Cole, about the state of our presbytery. I am looking
forward to a great day together.
You may have noticed in Tuesday Connect some quotes about Revival. Here is one to ponder before the presbytery
Revival is the moving of God's Spirit, through the power of His Word, to the hearts of His
children, that resurrects to new life those areas which have been lying stagnant, dormant, or
out of balance, and that results in new love and obedience to Jesus Christ.
-- Del Fehsenfeld, Jr.
Let’s be revived together!
With gratitude,
Lynn Hargrove
Stated Clerk
We Welcome Today
Today’s Offering Recipient
SATURDAY, March 16, 2013
Pines Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX
Registration Form .................................................................................................................. 1
Call Sheet .............................................................................................................................. 2
Information about Offering and Preacher ............................................................................3-4
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................... 5
Docket ................................................................................................................................6-7
Omnibus Motion .................................................................................................................8-9
Explanation of the Amendments .....................................................................................10-14
Synod Restructure Plan ..................................................................................................15-21
Stated Clerk’s Report (B) .................................................................................................22-24
Minutes from the Stated Meeting of October 20, 2012 ........................................ Online
Ecclesiastical Affairs (C.1) .................................................................................................... 25
Finance (C.2) - 2013 Budget (C.2) ...................................................................................26-28
Personnel (C.3) ..................................................................................................................... 29
Committee on Ministry (D) .............................................................................................30-45
Committee on Preparation for Ministry (E) ........................................................................... 46
General Council (F) .........................................................................................................47-54
Evangelism & Renewal (G.1) ................................................................................................. 55
New Church Development (G.2)............................................................................................ 56
Nominating Committee (H) ................................................................................................... 57
TUESDAY CONNECT............................................................................................................ 58
Postlude ............................................................................................................................... 58
Displays for this Meeting ...................................................................................................... 59
Presbytery Calendar of Events.............................................................................................. 59
Publicity for Events .........................................................................................................60-69
For Information
Letters assigned for report organization:
A – General Presbyter
B – Stated Clerk
C – Administrative Division
C.1, C.2, etc. – Committees
D – Committee on Ministry
E – Committee on Preparation
F – General Council
G – Ministries Division
G.1, G.2, etc. – Committees
H – Nominating Committee
I – Other Entities
The Presbytery of New Covenant
“Growing congregations that passionately engage their community to make disciples.”
Stated Meeting – March 16, 2013
Pines Presbyterian Church, 12751 Kimberly Lane, Houston, TX 77024
This year’s theme – Revival
Offering: PYCC youth Triennium Delegation
Registration Opens
Hallway near Fellowship Hall
New Commissioner Orientation
Parlor, Room C-1
There will be a place available all day for prayer and meditation. Signs will direct you to this
location, which is the Prayer Room on the Classroom Hallway.
For your information, TE means Teaching Elder, and RE means Ruling Elder.
Please silence all devices!
9:25 am Gathering Hymn
9:30 am Call to Order and Opening Prayer
Moderator, TE Winfield “Casey” Jones
WORSHIP – Preaching today is Rev. Paul T. Roberts, President and Dean
Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary
Minute for Mission – Rev. Caressa Murray and PYCC
10:20 am Opening Business
Moderator and Stated Clerk
 Declaration of Quorum and Adoption of the Docket
 Welcome by Host Church – TE Wayne Eberly, Pastor and Head of Staff
 Welcome of Others (First time Commissioners, Corresponding Members, New Minister
Members, Visitors)
 Report of the Stated Clerk (B)
TE Lynn Hargrove
Administrative Commissions for Installations/Ordinations
 Omnibus Motion (B.1)
 Moderator’s Remarks and Appointments
 Tellers:
 Nominations to Nominating Committee
10:45 am Ecclesiastical Affairs – Amendments to the Constitution
TE Becky Downs
11:20 am CELEBRATION OF MINISTRY – Brazos Presbyterian Homes – Mike Wallace
11:30 am State of the Presbytery Address – TE Mike Cole, General Presbyter
11:55 am Blessing before the meal/Instructions
1:00 pm Reconvening Hymn
1:10 pm Candidate Preaching – Kathy Sebring
1:45 pm Ministries Division
RE Jody Harrington
Administrative Division
RE Jane Larkin
RE Celia Morgan
Ecclesiastical Affairs (C.1)
TE Becky Downs
Committee on Ministry
RE Shelley Hernandez
1. Action Items
Service of Retirement – Steve Thorney, David Peterson
TE Mike Cole
Committee on Preparation for Ministry
Service of Candidacy
TE Nora Fitch
Nominating Committee
RE Doug Arrick
Report of General Council
RE John Jo
New Business (Only if submitted four days prior to meeting date, so it can be posted
online 3 days prior)
(By rule of the presbytery, no later than 4:00 pm, unless the assembly votes by a 2/3
majority to extend beyond)
Following adjournment, clerks will meet for session records review in Room C-12.
The next Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of New Covenant will be
Saturday, June 8, 2013 at First Presbyterian Church, Galveston
1903 Church St.
The Omnibus Motion is used to package the business motions of the day into one motion. Any item may
be lifted out for discussion and vote individually. Otherwise, when the Omnibus Motion is passed, all of
the items that were not lifted out are considered to have been approved. Review the Omnibus Motion
and consider which items might be lifted out for discussion and individual vote.
Item 1 – From EAC
Item 2 – From EAC
Amendment 12-A
Amendment 12-B
Amendment 12-C
Amendment 12-D
Amendment 12-D.1
Amendment 12-D.2
Amendment 12-D.3
Amendment 12-D.4
Amendment 12-D.5
Amendment 12-D.6
Amendment 12-D.7
On Amending the Book of
The Heidelberg Catechism
Amendments to the Book of
Business Proper to
Congregational Meetings
On Amending G-1.0503
Gifs and Qualifications for
Ordered Ministry
On Amending G-2.0104a
Presbytery Registers
On Amending G-3.0104 and G3.0305
Shared Synod Permanent Judicial
Judicial Commissions
On Amending G-3.0109a
Administrative Commissions
On Amending G-3.0109b(6)
Reduced Function
On Amending G-3.0404
Permanent Judicial Commissions
On Amending D-5.0101
Permanent Judicial Commission
On Amending D-5.0106
Permanent Judicial Commission
On Amending D-5.0203
Permanent Judicial Commissions
On Amending D-5.0206
Shall the Book of confessions be
amended to include the
proposed new translation of the
Heidelberg Catechism, with
accompanying Scriptural
Shall G-1.0503 be amended to
add a new item f?
Shall G-2.0104a be amended?
Shall G-3.0104 be amended?
Shall the following sections
labeled 12-D.1 – 12-D.9 be
Shall G-3.0109a be amended?
Shall G-3.0109b(6) be amended?
Shall G-3.0404 be amended?
Shall D-5.0101 be amended?
Shall D-5.0106 be amended?
Shall D5.0203 be amended?
Shall D-5.0206 be amended?
Amendment 12-D.8
Amendment 12-D.9
Amendment 12-E
Amendment 12-F
Amendment 12-G
Amendment 12-H
Amendment 12-I
Amendment 12-J
Item 3 – From SC
Item 4 – From Finance
Item 5 – From COM
Item 6 – From CPM
Item 7 – From CPM
Item 8 – From CPM
Item 9 – From GC
Item 10 – From Nom Com
Initiating a Remedial Case
On Amending D-6.0101
Filing a Complaint in a Remedial
On Amending D-6.0202a(6)
Enrolling Ruling elders as
Members of Presbytery
On Amending G-3.0301
Concurrences for Overtures
On Amending G-3.0302d
Service of Ordination,
Installation, or Commissioning
On Amending W-4.4002
Jurisdiction in Judicial Process
On Amending D.3.0101b(2)
Administrative Leave
On Amending D-10.0106
Investigating Committee
On Amending D-10.0202
Approving the restructure plan
for the Synod of the Sun
Approval of the 2013 budget
To grant permission to Houston,
Heritage, to call TE Mark
Plunkett as their installed pastor
forgoing the election of a Pastor
Nominating Committee.
To enroll William “Will” Briggs
(Kingwood, First) as a candidate.
To enroll Shelley Homeyer
(Houston, First) as a candidate.
To approve that offering
received from the ordination and
installation services be split
50/50 between the CPM and the
Pastors Emergency Fund.
To approve the transfer of the
property of St. Giles Presbyterian
Church to Pathways Church of
To approve the slate of
nominees to serve on presbytery
Shall D-6.0101 be amended?
Shall D-6.0202 be amended?
Shall the first paragraph of G3.0301 be amended?
Shall G-3.0302d be amended?
Shall W-4.4002 be amended?
Shall D-3.0101b(2) be amended?
Shall D-10.0106 be amended?
Shall D-10.0202 be amended by
inserting a new paragraph “a”
and renumbering the remaining
paragraphs as “b-l”?
Shall we approve the restructure
plan for the Synod of the Sun?
Shall we approve the budget?
Shall we grant permission for
this action? This requires a
three-fourths vote of presbytery.
Shall we enroll William “Will”
Briggs as a candidate?
Shall we enroll Shelley Homeyer
as a candidate?
Shall we approve this
Shall we approve the transfer of
this property?
Shall we approve the proposed
slate of nominees?
ITEMS 1 and 2 – From EAC
Explanation of Amendments to the Book of Confessions and the Book of Order
Every two years, commissioners from each presbytery meet as a General Assembly. Both Teaching
Elders (Ministers of Word and Sacrament) and Ruling Elders serve as commissioners. The General
Assembly is like a big presbytery meeting, where the business of the denomination is done.
Commissioners are divided into many committees to make recommendations to the whole body of the
General Assembly for voting. The Assembly itself lasts a week, with worship, committee meetings and
plenary sessions. Our presbytery was represented by 10 commissioners in 2012.
After the Assembly concludes, all of the presbyteries vote on any changes to the Book of Order, and
rarely, to the Book of Confessions. This year we are voting on changes to both books. The processes for
amending the books are found in Chapter 6 of the Book of Order. The vote of Book of Order changes
must occur within one year of the conclusion of the previous assembly. Changes are passed by the vote
of the majority of the presbyteries. The Book of Confessions changes must be approved by two thirds of
the presbyteries.
The proposed changes can be found at www.pcusa.org under Proposed Amendments to the
Constitution, Part 1 of 2 and Part 2 of 2. Part 1 contains the proposed changes to the Heidelberg
Catechism. The question to be voted on is, “Shall The Book of Confessions be amended to include the
proposed new translation of the Heidelberg Catechism, with accompanying Scriptural references?”
Back in 2008, a special committee was appointed to correct specific translation problems in five sections
of the catechism. This committee consulted with members of the Christian Reformed Church in North
America/Reformed Church of America Joint Translation Committee, who were working to pursue a more
accurate, faithful and ecumenical translation of the catechism. The new translation is in keeping with
the original 16th century versions, and includes the Scripture citation included in the original publication
back in 1563. The new translation went back to both the German 3rd edition translation of 1563, and
the Latin translation of the same year.
The most controversial part of amending the Heidelberg Catechism deals with Q. 87 “Can those be
saved who do not turn to God from their ungrateful and unrepentant ways?” The proposed wording of
the answer is “By no means. Scripture tells us that no unchaste person, no idolater, adulterer, thief, no
covetous person, no drunkard, slanderer, robber, or the like will inherit the kingdom of God.” A
previous translation read, “Certainly not! Scripture says, “Surely you know that the unjust will never
come into possession of the kingdom of God. Make no mistake: no fornicator or idolater, none who are
guilty either of adultery or of homosexual perversion, no thieves or grabbers or drunkards or slanderers
or swindlers, will possess the kingdom of God.” The words “homosexual perversion” are not found in
either the German or Latin translations, and were added in the 1960s.
There are eight amendments to the Form of Government section of the Book of Order, one to the
Directory for Worship, and nine to the Rules of Discipline. Here is a summary of the proposed
amendments. Italicized words are additions to the texts, and strikethroughs are deletions.
12 – A. Business Proper to Congregational Meetings – On Amending G-1.0503: to add a new item f:
which would read “approving a plan for the creation of a joint congregational witness, or amending or
dissolving the joint congregational witness (G-5.05).” When the revised Form of Government was
adopted in 2011, the intention was to create greater flexibility in governance to meet the mission needs
of congregations. These words had been removed that had provided congregations to conduct business
necessary for the governance of the church. Adding this language assists in congregations being able to
begin or end work with congregations of other Christian churches in joint congregational witness.
12 – B. Gifts and Qualifications – On Amending G-2.0104a: “a. To those called to exercise special
functions in the church – deacons, ruling elders, and teaching elders – God gives suitable gifts for their
various duties. In addition to possessing the necessary gifts and abilities, those who undertake
particular ministries should be persons of strong faith, dedicated discipleship, and love of Jesus Christ as
Savior and Lord. Their manner of life should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel in the church
and in the world. This includes repentance of sin and diligent use of the means of grace. They must have
the approval of God’s people and the concurring judgment of a council of the church.” This would
return language that was removed when the revised form of government was approved, although some
feel that it might be redundant, and difficult to define.
12 – C. Presbytery Registers – On Amending G-3.0104 and G-3.0305 – the proposed amendment moves
some words from one paragraph to another. The fourth paragraph of G-3.0104 would be amended as
follows: “”Each council shall elect a clerk who shall record the transactions of the council, keep its rolls
of membership and attendance, maintain any required registers, including the rolls of all Certified
Christian Educators and Certified Associate Christian Educators and all Ruling Elders commissioned to
particular pastoral service, preserve its records, and furnish extracts from them when required be
another council of the church.” The other paragraphs of G-3.0104 remain the same. G-3.0305 would
then add the text deleted from G-3.0104 and would read as follows: G03.0305 Minutes and Records:
“Minutes and other official records of the presbytery are the property of the presbytery, and are subject
to the review specified in G-3.0108. The stated clerk is responsible for the preservation of the
presbytery’s minutes and records. The records shall include the rolls of the presbytery’s membership and
registers of all Certified Christian Educators, Certified Associate Christian Educators, and ruling elders
commissioned to particular pastoral service.” This moves the responsibility of keeping these specific
presbytery registers to the stated clerk of the presbytery, rather than under the more general
responsibilities of any council of the P.C.(USA).
12 – D. This contains nine amendments that develop a process by which synods which share common
boundaries can form shared permanent judicial commissions (PJC). These amendments are written
separately, but they all must be approved in order for the work to proceed to be able to share PJC’s at
the synod level.
12.D.1 amends G-3-1019a: “a. Judicial Commissions – Judicial commissions shall consider and decide
cases of process for the council or councils according to the Rules of Discipline. Session shall perform
the function of a judicial commission for the congregation; each council higher than the session shall
elect a permanent judicial commission (see D-5.000). Cooperating synods may elect a joint permanent
judicial commission pursuant to G-3.0404 and D-5.0101.”
12.D.2 amends G-3.0109b(6) by adding “or councils” after a reference to a singular council. There are
three places in this long section where the two words would be added. This allows the two synods to
work together in forming a PJC.
12.D.3 amends G-3.0404 by adding this language to an existing paragraph about two or more synods
working together: “Two or more synods sharing common boundaries, with the approval of a two-thirds
majority of the presbyteries in each of the synods, may share administrative services and form a shared
permanent judicial commission, with the membership of the commission being proportional, insofar as
possible, to the number of presbyteries within each participating synod. Each synod shall pay the costs
for processing a judicial case arising within its bounds.”
12.D.4 amends D-5.0101 to define how many people would serve on a shared PJC. The words “or
cooperating synods” would be added to the first sentence which give guidance on electing the PJC.
There is a long paragraph which describes how many people shall be elected. The proposal would add
these words to that description: “When two or more synods form a shared permanent judicial
commission, the commission shall be composed of no fewer than twelve members, with each synod
electing members proportional to the number of the presbyteries in each synod, insofar as possible. The
cooperating synods shall designate between them one stated clerk to process the cases filed with the
shared permanent judicial commission.”
12.D.5 amends D-5.0106 which deals with the expenses of the PJC. The amended wording would read,
“All necessary expenses of a permanent judicial commission shall be paid by the electing council or
councils. Cooperating synods shall pay the necessary expenses of a shared permanent judicial
commission equally; however, each synod shall pay the necessary expenses for processing a particular
judicial case arising within its bounds.”
12.D.6 amends D-5.0203 regarding meetings of the PJC. This would add the words “or councils” after a
reference to the electing council, which would be consistent with the other changes required for
12.6.7 amends D-5.0206 regarding the quorum for the PJC meetings. These changes are consistent with
the other changes needed for compliance. Paragraph a would read: “The permanent judicial
commission shall report its inability to reach a quorum to the stated clerk of the council that elected it
designated for processing the cases.” Paragraph b would have two changes: “The designated stated
clerk of the council shall …” and the words “or councils” would be added after a reference to the
singular council at the end of the paragraph. Paragraph c would be amended to read: “If a permanent
judicial commission is unable to try a case for lack of a quorum, the council in whose geographic
boundary the case arose shall reimburse the expenses reasonably incurred by those persons required to
be present.”
12.D.8 amends D-6.0101 Initiating a Remedial Case: “A remedial case is initiated by the filing of a
complaint with the stated clerk of the council having jurisdiction. If a different clerk has been designated
to process judicial cases for a shared judicial commission the stated clerk having jurisdiction shall
immediately transmit the complaint to the clerk.”
12.D.9 amends D-6.0202a(6) regarding filing a complaint in a remedial case by adding the words “or
cooperating synod” to this paragraph in two locations after a reference to a singular synod. This would
be consistent with the other amendments.
12 – E would amend G-3.0301 Enrolling Ruling Elders as Members of Presbytery. The first paragraph of
this section defines the composition and responsibilities for the presbytery describing its functions as a
council of the church. The proposed amendment is to the last sentence of this paragraph, which would
read, “A presbytery may enroll, or may provide by its own rule for the enrollment of, ruling elders
serving as moderators of committees or commissions during terms of elected service to the presbytery or
its congregations.” This would give presbyteries more flexibility in defining who might be enrolled a
12 – F amends G-3.0302d on Concurrences for Overtures. Overtures from presbyteries are how the
process of amending the Book of Order begins. The proposed changes read as follows, “proposing to
synod or General Assembly such measures as may be of common concern to the mission of the church
and/or proposing to General Assembly overtures that have received a concurrence from at least on other
presbytery, and”. The hope is that this will improve collaboration among the presbyteries, and to
assure that the business before the assembly is of common concern to the mission of the church, and
about key issues facing the church and society. This is in response to a move to have concurrences from
at least 10% of the presbyteries or synods, which had been seen as a way to focus the business coming
before the assembly.
12 – G amends W-4.4002 Service of Ordination, Installation or Commissioning . The proposed changes
are to the last sentence in that section: “The service of ordination or installation of a pastor or associate
pastor teaching elder shall be conducted at a convenient time to enable the substantial participation of
the presbytery.” The Book of Order 2011/2013 edition recaptured the terminology of “teaching elder”
and this would correct the wording of this sentence.
12 – H amends D-3.0101b(2) Jurisdiction in Judicial Process. Here is the proposed amendment: “A
teaching elder engaged in work within the geographic bounds of a presbytery other than the presbytery
of membership, whether that work is under the jurisdiction of the presbytery or not, does, by engaging
in that work, submit to the jurisdiction of that presbytery for the purposes of discipline. Should
disciplinary process be initiated against a teaching elder under this provision the presbytery of
membership shall be notified. The presbytery within whose bound the teaching elder is engaged in work
may, alternatively, choose to cede jurisdiction to the presbytery of membership, or choose to cooperate
with the presbytery of membership in any disciplinary inquiry, alternative form of resolution, or trial.
This paragraph shall apply even if the provisions of G-3.0306 concerning permission to labor outside or
within the bounds have not been followed. This paragraph shall not apply if the teaching elder is
working in a validated ministry under the provisions of G-2.0502 and G-2.0503a in other service of this
church such as a staff member of a council beyond the session, or of an organization related to one of
these councils; or in an organization sponsored by two or more denominations, one of this is this church,
such as a joint congregational witness church, a specialized ministry, and administrative office, an
interdenominational agency; or as a partner in mission in connection with a church outside the United
States of America.” The terminology of “laboring outside or within the bounds” has been removed from
the Book of Order, and this amendment is an attempt at clarification.
12 – I amends D-10.0106 regarding Administrative Leave as follows: “When a written statement of an
alleged offense of sexual abuse toward any person under the age of eighteen, or who it is alleged lacked
the mental capacity to consent, has been received against a teaching elder, the stated clerk receiving
the allegation shall immediately communicate the allegation to the permanent judicial commission.”
The rest of the paragraph remains the same. Recognizing that sexual abuse is devastating to a
congregation, this would allow for quick response to any allegation of sexual abuse.
12 – J amends D-10.0202 by adding a new sentence to the section on Investigating Committee
Responsibilities, and renumbering the following paragraphs. The additional language is “a. review the
statement of alleged offense to determine whether it alleges any facts that, if true, constitute an offense
as defined in D-2.0203b. If no offense as defined in D-2.0203b is alleged, the investigating committee
shall end its inquiry and report that to the clerk of the body. If an offense as defined in D-2.0203 is
alleged, it shall proceed to the steps below.” This would give Investigating Committees the ability to
conclude its work if the allegation, even if true, does not constitute a violation of Scripture of the
Constitution of the P.C.(USA).
Our presbytery will be voting on these amendments at the March 16th meeting hosted by Pines
Presbyterian Church. Please refer to the P.C.(USA) website for more information. If you don’t have
access to the internet, a limited number of booklets are available at the presbytery office. Contact Lynn
Hargrove to obtain a set.
From The Stated Clerk of the P.C.(USA)
The 220th General Assembly (2012) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved and recommended to the
presbyteries for their affirmative or negative votes proposed changed in the language of the Book of Order
that, if approved, will amend the Constitution. Please be sure that a separate vote is taken on each
proposed amendment. A presbytery may vote on the amendments, upon the recommendation of a
presbytery committee, by putting some, or even all, in a consent agenda or omnibus motion, that identifies
each amendment separately.
Thank you for your time and careful attention as you prepare to vote on these proposed amendments.
Gradye Parsons
Stated Clerk of the General Assembly
ITEM 3 - The Plan for the Restructure of the Synod of the Sun
Report of the Stated Clerk
Recommendation for Presbytery Action:
The Synod of the Sun has requested that its constituent presbyteries approve
their plan for restructuring of the Synod. The plan is found on pages 15-21.
For information: Investigating Committee 02-12 was formed and has completed
its work. Members TE Scott Cummings (Pearland, Peace), TE Rachel Young
(Houston, Clear Lake), and RE Laurie Kluth (Houston, St. Stephen) were
dismissed with thanks for their good work.
Discernment Team Updates
Galveston, West Isle – report will be in the addendum for this meeting
Freeport, First – report will be in the addendum for this meeting
Kingwood, First – listening sessions have been held
Houston, First – The discernment team will be facilitated by RE Mary Lee Going
(Houston, MDPC). Representatives from FPC-H are TE Jim Birchfield, RE Chris
Wolfe, RE Merry Davis, and RE Kerr Taylor. Representatives from the presbytery
are TE Jack Haberer, TE Patricia Clark, RE Ann Hardy (Houston, St. John’s) and
RE Fred Cook (Bellaire, ChristChurch).
4. Administrative Commissions for Installations or Ordinations
a. To install the Rev. Dr. James S. Currie as Pastor of First Presbyterian Church,
Pasadena, Texas at 5:00 pm on Sunday, January 13, 2013. The candidate
answered the questions of installation in the affirmative.
b. To install the Rev. Michael Homan as Associate Pastor of First Presbyterian
Church, Houston, Texas at 10:45 am on Sunday, January 13, 2013. The
candidate answered the questions of installation in the affirmative.
c. To install the Rev. Kristy Forbes-Vits as Pastor of ChristChurch Presbyterian
Church, Bellaire, Texas at 3:00 pm on Sunday, February 17, 2013. The
candidate answered the questions of installation in the affirmative.
d. To install the Rev. Barrett Ingram as Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of
Navasota, Texas, at 10:45 am on Saturday, February 23, 2013. The candidate
answered the questions of installation in the affirmative.
Lynn Hargrove
Stated and Recording Clerk
Session Records Review
These congregations had their session minutes reviewed for 2011 (61 of 106):
Alvin, First
Houston, Pathways
Nacogdoches, Trawick
Angleton, First
Houston, Spring Branch
Nacogdoches, Westminster
Atascocita, Atascocita
Houston, St. Andrew’s
Navasota, First
Baytown, Faith
Houston, St. Giles
Nederland, Providence
Beaumont, St. Andrew’s
Houston, St. John’s
Orange, First
Brazoria, First
Houston, St. Stephen
Pasadena, First
Brenham, Brenham
Houston, San
Pearland, First
College Station, Covenant
Dickinson, First
Eagle Lake, First
Galveston, First
Galveston, Westminster
Houston, Clear Lake
Houston, Westminster
Houston, Woodforest
Huntsville, First
Jasper, First
Jones Creek, Gulf Prairie
Port Neches, Trinity
San Augustine, Memorial
Silsbee, First
Sugar Land, First
Texas City, First
Katy, Grand Lakes
Tiki Island, Tiki Island
Katy, New Hope
Tomball, First
Houston, First
Kingwood, First
Waverly, Waverly
Houston, Formosan
La Porte, St. James
Webster, Webster
Houston, Grace
Livingston, First
W. Columbia, Bethel
Houston, John Knox
Livingston, Indian
Wharton, First
Houston, Memorial Drive
Lufkin, First
Woodlands, Timber Ridge
Houston, Northwoods
Missouri City,
Woodlands, Woodlands
Houston, Community of
the Servant
Houston, Oaks
These congregation’s session minutes have not been reviewed since the year shown in
parentheses. Requests for compliance have been sent to the clerk and/or pastor:
Angleton, Bethel (2005)
Houston, Pines (2009)
Bay City, First (2004)
Houston, St. Luke’s (2008)
Beaumont, Pioneer (2010)
Houston, St. Paul (2005)
Bellaire, ChristChurch (2010)
Houston, St. Philip (2010)
Bryan, First (2010)
Houston, St. Thomas (2007)
Caldwell, First (2007)
Houston, Thien-An (no record)
Calvert, First (2005)
Houston, University (prior to 2002)
Cleveland, St. Luke’s (2004)
Houston, Windwood (2009)
Conroe, First (2010)
Jersey Village, Love (no record)
Crockett, First (2006)
Missouri City, Biyaya (no record)
Freeport, First (2010)
Needville, St. Paul’s (2010)
Galveston, Emmanuel (prior to 2002)
Orange, Drake Memorial (2010)
Galveston, West Isle (2004)
Pasadena, Faith (2004)
Houston, Christ (2004)
Pearland, Peace (no record)
Houston, First Lao (prior to 1999)
Rosenberg, First (2005)
Houston, Grace Taiwan (2010)
Sealy, First (2010)
Houston, Heights (2008)
Shiro, Shiro (2004)
Houston, Heritage (2010)
Somerville, First (prior to 2002)
Houston, Juan Marcos (2006)
Trinity, First (2010)
Houston, Korean Central (2010)
Vidor, First (2005)
Houston, Korean Young Nak (2010)
W. Columbia, Bethel (2003)
Houston, Pinecrest (2007)
March 16, 2013
Recommendations for presbytery action
All overtures from GA included in the Omnibus Motion
II Actions taken on behalf of presbytery
III Items for Information
2013 Presbytery Meetings
Theme: “The Year of Revival in the Presbytery”
Dates & Venues
Saturday, June 8
Saturday, November 9
Galveston, First
Atascocita, Atascocita
Personnel Committee Report
The Presbytery of New Covenant
March 16, 2013
Mary Marcotte Sabbatical:
Associate General Presbyter Mary Marcotte will be on sabbatical from April 15 – July
8, 2013, at which point she will be in her ninth year of ministry to the presbytery.
During her time of rest and learning, Mary hopes to study the central question, “What
comes next? What can we learn from the ancient church about faith formation in the
21st century?”
The travel component of Mary’s sabbatical will be spent primarily in Greece and
Turkey, tentatively including visits to Athens, Thessalonki, Rhodes, Cornith, Istanbul,
Ephesus and Cappadocia.
Please be in prayer for Mary and her husband Mike for safe travel and that this time
apart for renewal and study fulfill their hopes and bless them. During Mary’s
sabbatical inquiries regarding her areas of ministry should be directed to General
Presbyter Mike Cole and/or other members of the presbytery staff.
Committee Plans/Pending Items for 2013:
The 2013 Personnel Committee – Beverly Fluke, the Rev. Dr. Fred Seay, and Richard
Early with staff support General Presbytery, The Rev. Mike Cole – met on January 24,
2013. As a part of this meeting, the committee identified the following current plans
and pending items for 2013:
2Q 2013 – Plan for annual presbytery staff evaluations; begin bi-annual review
and recommended revision (as needed) of Presbytery Personnel Manual.
3Q 2013 – Complete annual staff evaluations and consider recommended
compensation changes; complete review and recommended revision of
Personnel Manual.
4Q 2013 – Finalize recommended compensation changes; submit 2014 budget
request; host staff Christmas luncheon.
Respectfully Submitted,
Richard Early
Committee on Ministry
Presbytery Report
March 16, 2013
Recommendations for Presbytery action:
In compliance with G-2.0504c, this action would need a three-fourths vote of the
members of presbytery present and voting as this would be changing from a
temporary pastoral relationship to an installed call.
1. The Committee recommends that Heritage Presbyterian Church, Houston be
granted permission to call Teaching Elder Mark Plunkett as their installed pastor
and that we forgo their election of a Pastor Nominating Committee. Mark was called
to the temporary position of Transitional Pastor.
Actions taken on behalf of Presbytery
September 4, 2012 COM meeting
1. Approved transfer of membership:
Teaching Elder Robert Ferguson, HR (Statement of Faith follows the COM report)
Approved by COM 9/4/12 to transfer membership from Presbytery of Boston; 12/8/12
sustained examination of Committee on Examinations; 12/1012 COM sustained the
examination; Ordained 12/21/64 – Priest; 1/95 ordination recognized – PCUSA
Formal Education:
1961 – BA Philosophy De Mazenod Scholasticate
1965 – BA Theology
Oblate College SW
1966 - Licentiate in Theology STL Pontificate Gregorian University, Rome, Italy
1968 - Licentiate in Ecclesial HEL Pontificate Gregorian University, Rome, Italy
1981 – MA Social Ethics and Doctoral Studies Temple University
October 2, 2012 COM meeting
1. Approved Pastoral Call
a. Teaching Elder David H. Green called to serve as Pastor at First Presbyterian
Church, Conroe effective 1/1/13
Housing and Utility Allowance
Auto Allowance @ IRS Rate
Books, Professional Dues
Board of Pensions Dues
Professional Development Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Professional Development Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Social Security
Annual Review
2 weeks
4 weeks
November 6, 2012 COM meeting
1. Approved Pastoral Call
a. Teaching Elder Charlie M. Hornes called to serve as Designated Pastor at First
Presbyterian Church, Crockett effective 11/15/12. (Statement of Faith follows the COM
Housing and Utility Allowance
Social Security Compensation 8.25% & Above
Auto Allowance @ IRS Rate
Actual miles
*Books, Professional Dues, etc.
Board of Pensions Dues
Professional Development Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Professional Development Leave – cumulative for 3 years
2 wks+3 days
4 weeks
Annual Review
**Includes $250 + 3 days for new minister’s Clergy Retreat
10/2/12 approved by COM; 10/27/12 sustained examination of Committee on
Examination; 11/6/12 COM sustained examination on. Ordained 3/25/12;
Transferred from Mission Presbytery
Formal Education:
1999 BFA Marymount Manhattan College, New York City
2010 MDiv Union Theological Seminary/Auburn Pres. Seminary, New York City
b. Teaching Elder William Clayton Faulk called to serve as Co-Pastor at Providence
Church, Nederland effective 1/1/13
Housing and Utility Allowance
Social Security Compensation8.25% & above
Auto Allowance @ IRS Rate
Books, Professional Dues
Board of Pensions Dues Full (*Clergy Couple – dependent)
Study Leave Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Social Security compensation up to 8.24%
Annual Review
$ 25,000.00
2 weeks
4 weeks
Teaching Elder Beth Faulk called to serve as Co-Pastor at Providence Church,
Nederland effective 1/1/13
Housing and Utility Allowance
Social Security Compensation 8.25% & above
Auto Allowance @ IRS Rate
Books, Professional Dues
Board of Pensions Dues Full (*Clergy Couple-primary)
Study Leave Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Social Security Compensation up to 8.24%
Annual Review
$ 25,000.00
2 weeks
4 weeks
d. Teaching Elder Barrett Ingram called to serve as Designated Pastor at the First
Presbyterian Church, Navasota effective 1/1/13
Utility Allowance
Value of Manse
Other direct compensation/reimbursement
Auto Allowance @IRS Rate
Books, Professional Dues
Moving Expenses
Board of Pensions Dues
Study Leave Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Annual Review
$ 25,000
2 weeks plus 3 days
4 weeks
2. Approved new Interim Pastor Contract
a. Teaching Elder Helen Rose Moore called to serve as Interim Pastor at Webster
Presbyterian Church, Webster for 12 months effective 1/1/13 – 12/31/13.
(Statement of Faith follows the COM report).
Housing Allowance
Social Security Supplement (8.24%)
Board of Pensions Dues
Auto Mileage
Books, Professional Expenses
Cell Phone Expenses
Moving Costs
Professional Development Allowance
Professional Development Leave
4 weeks
2 weeks + 3 days for
Clergy Retreat
11/14/12 COM approved contract; 12/8/12 sustained examination of Committee on
Examinations; 12/10/12 COM sustained examination. Ordained 9/11/94; Transferred
from John Calvin Presbytery
Formal Education:
1972 BA, Social Science, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
1980 MDiv McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL
2000 MA, Family Therapy, University of Houston, Clear Lake, Houston
c. Teaching Elder Jane Pettit called to serve as Interim Pastor at St. Stephens
Presbyterian Church, Houston Contract for 12 months, effective 11/26/12 –
Housing Allowance
Social Security Allowance
Board of Pensions Dues
Professional Development Allowance
Professional Development Leave
Dental Insurance
$ 8,000
2 weeks
4 weeks
3. Approved Terms of calls
a. Between Lynn Hargrove and Presbytery of New Covenant as Stated Clerk and
Recording Clerk @ 70% time.
Housing and Utility Allowance
Auto Allowance
Books, Professional Dues – allowance shared with GP & AGP
Board of Pension Dues 33% of effective annual salary
Professional Development Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Professional Development Leave – time cumulative for 3 years
$ 16,660
@ IRS Rate
2 weeks
4 weeks
4. Approved renewal of contract
a. Between Joe Delgatto and Pasadena, Faith, Stated Supply Contract ¼ time for one
year effective 1/1/13
Auto Expense Reimbursement
Other – Clergy Retreat
Annual Review
@IRS Rate
@IRS Rate
Current cost
5. Approved Renewal of Commissioned Ruling Elder for a Particular Service Contract
a. Between Debbie Battise-Kleinman and Livingston, Indian renewed for one year
effective 10/31/12 – 10/31/13 and granted the following functions: Baptism, Lord’s
Supper, moderator session, voice and vote at presbytery meetings and perform marriages.
b. Between Imelda Carrillo and Galveston, Emmanuel renewed for three years effective
11/1/12 – 11/1/15 and granted the following functions: Baptism, Lord’s Supper, voice and
vote at presbytery meetings and perform marriages.
6. Approved transfer of Membership
a. Jerry Hurst to Mission presbytery effective 11/6/12
b. Hmingi Browne to Peace River Presbytery effective 11/16/12; and granted permission
to labor out bounds until received into Peace River Presbytery.
c. Alan Trafford to Central South Presbytery of the EPC effective 12/17/12
d. Eugene Edwards to Arkansas Presbytery effective 11/31/12
7. Dissolved Relationship
1. Between Jane Pettit and Houston, Grace effective 11/26/12
8. Received Annual Report – Retired Clergy
a. Carroll Pickett
9. Received and approved Annual Report – Commissioned Ruling Elders
a. Debbie Battise-Kleinman
b. Imelda Carrillo
10. Appointed liaison/transition team/or moderator
a. Houston, Memorial Drive – transition team – Kevin Keaton and Patty Tremble
b. Galveston, First – Helen DeLeon and Patty Tremble
c. Houston, Juan Marcos – Mauricio Chacon and John Hirling
11. Granted permission to elect PNC
a. Missouri City, Southminster – DAPNC
12. Approved commission to ordain and install
a. Commission to ordain and install Barbara Retzloff as Associate Teaching Elder at
Houston, Pines on 11/25/12 at 3 pm
To preside and propound the constitutional questions:
Ruling Elder Mary Lee Going, Moderator NCP; Houston, Memorial Drive
To preach the sermon: Teaching Elder Wayne Eberly, Houston, Pines
To charge the pastor: Ruling Elder Sabrina Hergert, Houston, Grace
To charge the congregation: Ruling Elder Mike Marcotte, Houston, Pines
To complete the commission: Teaching Elder Jeff Smith, Pastor, Houston, St. Andrew’s;
Ruling Elder Steve Retzloff, Houston, Pines; Ruling Elder Rhonda Haskins, Pasadena,
Faith; Teaching, Elder Shawn Kang, Pastor, Houston, Pathways
February 5, 2013 COM meeting
1. Approved Pastoral Call
a. Teaching Elder Kristy Forbes Vits to serve as Pastor at Bellaire, ChristChurch,
effective 2/1/13
Housing and Utility Allowance
Social Security Compensation 8.25% & Above
Auto Allowance
Books, Professional Dues
Board of Pensions Dues
Study Leave Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Annual Review
@ IRS Rate
1,450 (+ 250 non-cumulative)
2 weeks + 3 days non-cumulative
4 weeks
February 2013
2. Received and approved Annual Report – Commissioned Ruling Elders
a. Jane Whitney
3. Approved adding on Pulpit Supply List
a. Mary Currie
b. Belinda Koenig (approved by Purgason on 1/16/13)
c. John Hirling
4. Approved Terms of calls
a . Between Debbie Measells and Brazoria, First effective 1/1/13
Housing & Utility Allowance
Other direct compensation/reimbursement –
mileage paid as direct compensation
Deferred Income
Books, Professional Dues
Board of Pensions Dues
Study Leave Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Annual Review
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
b. Between Fred Seay and Sugar Land, First effective 1/1/13
Housing & Utility Allowance
Other direct compensation/reimbursement
Auto Allowance
Board of Pensions Dues
Study Leave Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Other paid insurance – Dental
Annual Review
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
c. Between Scott Cummings and Pearland, Peace effective 1/1/13
Housing & Utility Allowance
Auto Allowance
Books, Professional Dues
Board of Pensions Dues
Study Leave Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Annual Review
@ IRS Rate
2 weeks
4 weeks
@ IRS Rate
2 weeks
4 weeks
d. Between Barbara Retzloff and Houston, Pines effective 1/1/13
Housing & Utility Allowance
Auto Allowance @ IRS Rate
Books, Professional Dues
Board of Pensions Dues
Study Leave Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Annual Review
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
e. Between Steve Newton and Nacogdoches, Westminster effective 1/1/13
Housing & Utility Allowance
Deferred Income
Auto Allowance @ IRS Rate
Books, Professional Dues
Board of Pensions
Study Leave Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Social Security Compensation Up to 8.24%
Annual Review
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
Between Jonathan Murray and Needville, St. Paul’s effective 1/1/13
Housing & Utility Allowance
Auto Allowance @ IRS Rate
Books, Professional Dues
Board of Pensions
Study Leave Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Social Security Compensation Up to 8.24%
Annual Review
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
g. Between Michael O’Neil and Angleton, First effective 1/1/13
Housing & Utility Allowance
Deferred Income
Other paid Insurance
Auto Allowance @ IRS Rate
Books, Professional Dues
Board of Pensions
Study Leave Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Social Security Compensation Up to 8.24%
Annual Review
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
h. Between Kevin Keaton and Board of Pensions PCUSA effective 1/1/13
27 business
Board of Pensions
Business related expenses
Continuing Education Time – Provided with
approval of Supervisor and Human Resources
Between Paul Nazarian and Houston, Northwoods effective 1/1/13
Housing & Utility Allowance
Other direct compensation/reimbursement
Deferred Income
Board of Pensions
Study Leave Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Annual Review
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
Between David Leard and Houston, Northwoods effective 1/1/13
Housing & Utility Allowance
Auto Allowance @ IRS Rate
Board of Pensions
Study Leave Allowance – cumulative for 3 years
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Social Security Compensation Up to 8.24%
Annual Review
2 weeks`
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
k. Between Ann Marie Quigley-Swanson and Houston, Northwoods effective 1/1/13
Housing & Utility Allowance
Auto Allowance @ IRS Rate
Board of Pensions
Study Leave Allowance –cumulative for 3 years
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Social Security Compensation Up to 8.24%
Annual Review
2 weeks`
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
5. Approved Renewal of Interim Pastor Contract
a. Between Tom Edwards and Huntsville, First – for 3 months effective 2/1/13 –
Housing/Manse Allowance
Board of Pensions Dues
Social Security Supplement
Auto/Mileage Allowance
Book/Phone/Professional Expenses
Education Study Leave Allowance
Education/Study Leave
$ 4,103
1 week
4 days
b. Between Bob Murphy and Galveston, First for 12 months effective 1/1/13 –
Housing Allowance
Auto Allowance @ IRS Rate
Books, Professional Dues
Board of Pensions Dues
Study Leave Allowance
Study Leave
Social Security Compensation 8.24%
2 weeks + 3 days
4 weeks
6. Approved renewal of Commissioned Ruling Elder Contract
a. Between Lynn David and Pearland, First effective 1/1/13 – 12/31/15 – for Kairos
Prison Ministry and to provide backup when the ordained clergy is absent. She is
granted the following function: Lord’s Supper.
7. Approved renewal of Stated Supply Contract
a. Between Dan Alexander and Trinity, First ¼ time for one year effective 1/1/13
Housing Allowance
Utility Allowance
Auto Exp. Reimbursement @ IRS Rate
Medical & Pension at full rate
Annual Review
. 555
b. Between Isabel Rivera-Velez and Houston, Juan Marcos ¼ time for one year
effective 9/1/12 – 8/31/13
Study Leave/Professional Development
Car Allowance
Annual Review
$1,508.33 per month
d. Between Lloyd Crosby and Beaumont, Pioneer ¼ time for one year effective 1/1/13
Housing Allowance
Study Leave – cumulative for 3 years
Vacation – cumulative for 3 years
Annual Review
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
8. Approved validation of ministry
a. Kathy Sebring, candidate under care of Los Rancho Presbytery, as chaplain, Avatar
Hospice – Pending sustaining examination.
b. Jon Guyton’s chaplaincy at Vitas Hospice Care
9. Approved transfer of Membership
a. John Nelson Pope to Presbytery of the Pines effective 12/4/12
b. Joseph Rand to Presbytery of Western North Carolina effective 1/9/13
c. Marcia Miscall to Mission Presbytery effective 12/31/12
d. Kyle Walker to Mission Presbytery effective 12/ 31/12
e. Shane Webb to Grace Presbytery effective 12/31/12
l0. Dissolved Relationships
a. Between David Green and Galveston, First effective 12/31/12
b. Between Barrett Ingram and Galveston, Westminster effective 12/31/12
c. Between Laura Grice and Baytown, Faith effective 12/31/12
d. Between Blake Brinegar and Houston, Westminster effective 2/3/13
e. Between David Peterson and Houston, Memorial Drive effective 6/31/13 – he is
11. Granted permission to Labor out of the bounds of PNC
a. Gene Straatmeyer to officiate at wedding of grandson at First Presbyterian Church
in Rockport, TX (Mission Presbytery) on April 5-6, 2013.
b. Scott Harbison in South Louisiana to officiate at nephew’s wedding on 3/16/13.
12. Granted permission to Labor in the bounds of NCP
a. Regina Maurine Maas, member of Southern Kansas Presbytery living in the
Houston, TX
13. Approved Parish Associate Covenant
a. Between Brenham, Brenham and Ed Triem
14. Received dissolution papers
a. Galveston, First and David Green
b. Galveston, Westminster and Barrett Ingram
c. Faith, Baytown and Laura Grice
d. Houston, Westminster and Blake Brinegar
15. Appointed transition team
a. Katy, New Hope – Shelley Hernandez and Mary Currie
16. Appointed a liaison
a. Missouri City, Southminster, Designated Associate Pastor – Linda Herron
17. Appointed moderator
a. Houston, Community of Servant Savior – Louise Row
18. Granted permission to elect PNC/Designated Pastor
a. Katy, New Hope
b. Houston, Pinecrest
19. Approved CIF
a. Houston, Grace Taiwan
b. Missouri City, Southminster – Designated Pastor Associate (approved by Black
on 11/26/13)
c. Houston, St. Philip - Associate Pastor PNC
d. Baytown, Faith
e. Houston, Memorial Drive – Interim Pastor
f. Houston, Grace (approved by Black 11/26/13)
20. Approved Administrative Commissions:
a. To install James Currie as pastor at Pasadena, First on 1/13/13 at 5pm
(approved by Hirling 11/29/12)
To preside and propound the constitutional questions: Rev. Winfield Jones,
Moderator PNC, and pastor, Pearland, First
To preach the sermon: Rev. Tim Ferrell, Presbytery of South Alabama
To charge the pastor: Rev. Walker Westerlage, Pastor, North Richland Hills, St.
Paul, Grace Presbytery
To charge the congregation: Rev. Ted Foote, Pastor, Bryan, First
To complete the commission: Elder Jane Larkin, Houston, St. Philip; Rev. Louise
Row, HR; Elder Ruth Askine, Pasadena, First; Deacon Rae Spigener, Pasadena,
First, and Alyssa Wallace, Youth, Pasadena, First
b. To install Michael Homan as Associate Pastor at Houston, First on 1/13/13 at
10:45 am (approved by Hirling 11/29/12)
To preside and propound the constitutional questions: Elder Mary Lee Going,
former Moderator PNC, Houston, Memorial Drive
To preach the sermon: Rev. Jim Birchfield, Pastor, Houston, First
To charge the pastor: Rev. Andrew Stepp, Associate Pastor, Houston, First
To charge the congregation: Rev. Dave McKechnie, HR
To complete the commission: Rev. Lynn Hargrove, Stated Clerk, PNC; Elder Carrie
Walker, Houston, University; Elder Cindy Cook, Houston, First; and Elder Al
Dupont, Houston, First.
c. To install David Green as Pastor at Conroe, First on 2/17/13 at 4 pm
To preside and propound the constitutional questions: Elder Jody Harrington,
former Moderator NCP, Houston, Memorial Drive
To preach the sermon: Rev. Bert Bagley, Pastor, Moody Memorial First UMC,
Galveston, TX
To charge the pastor: Rev. Barrett Ingram, Pastor, Navasota, First
To charge the congregation: Rev. David Jones, Pastor, The Woodlands Community
To complete the commission: Elder Richard Black, Galveston, First; Elder Nancy
Caldwell, Conroe, First; Elder Sharon Darden, Houston, Pinecrest
d. To install Kristy Forbes Vits as Pastor at Bellaire, ChristChurch, on 2/17/13
at 3 pm
To preside and propound the constitutional questions: Elder Jane Larkin, Former
Moderator PNC, Houston, St. Philip
To preach the sermon: Rev. Rick Young, President Texas Presbyterian Foundation,
Dallas, TX, Grace Presbytery
To charge the pastor: Elder Patty Forbes, Asbury Park, NJ, Trinity
To charge the congregation: Mary Marcotte, Associate General Presbyter NCP
To complete the commission: Elder Carrie Walker, Houston, University; Rev. Brent
Hampton, Pastor, Brenham, Brenham; Elder Jay Bole, Bellaire, ChristChurch; Elder
Gretchen Sparks, Bellaire, ChristChurch
e. To install Charlie Hornes as Designated Pastor at Crockett, First on 3/3/13 at
4 pm
To preside and propound the constitutional questions: Commissioned Ruling Elder
Debbie Battise-Kleinman, Former Moderator PNC, Livingston, Indian
To preach the sermon: Rev. Jacqueline Hannan, Pastor, Atascocita
To charge the pastor: Rev. Brian Wiggins, Pastor, Lufkin, First
To charge the congregation: Rev. Stephen Newton, Pastor, Nacogdoches,
To complete the commission: Elder Maggie Coon, Lufkin, First; Elder Gladys
Swanson, Lufkin, First; Elder Dave Franssen, Lufkin, First; and Elder Pam
Ainsworth, Crockett, First
f. To install Lynne Hall Buckridge as Designated Pastor at Houston, Heights
3/3/13 at 11 am
To preside and propound the constitutional questions: Elder Eugene McKelvey,
Former Moderator PNC, Houston, St. Philip
To preach the sermon: Rev. Bill Heston, Associate Pastor, Houston, First
To charge the pastor: Elders Harold and Jan Skaggs, Austin, Covenant, Mission
To charge the congregation: Elder Stephanie Goldsby, Houston, Heights
To complete the commission: Rev. Rick Myers, Associate Pastor, Houston,
Memorial Drive; and RE Younhe Shin, Houston, Pathways. RE Terry Myers,
Houston, Heights
g. To install Beth and Clay Faulk as Co-Pastors at Providence Church, Nederland
3/3/13 at 4 pm
To preside and propound the constitutional questions: Elder Connie Nyquist,
Former Moderator PNC, and member of Houston, Clear Lake
To preach the dual sermon: Rev. Margaret Desmond, Pastor, Port Neches, Trinity
and Rev. Mike Umbenhauer, Pastor, Orange, First
To charge the pastor: Rev. Margaret Desmond, Pastor, Port Neches, Trinity
To charge the congregation: Rev. Jay Jenkinson, Nederland, Providence Church
To complete the commission: Rev. Paul Zock, Bridge City, St. Mark Lutheran;
Elder Terry Bennett, Beaumont, Pioneer; and Elder Gail Hicks, Silsbee, First
h. To install Barrett Ingram as Designated Pastor at Navasota, First on 2/23/13
at 11:30 am
To preside and propound the constitutional questions: Elder Mary Lee Going,
Former Moderator PNC, Houston, Memorial Drive
To preach the sermon: Rev. Jacqueline Hannan, Pastor, Atascocita
To charge the pastor: Rev. David Green, Conroe, First
To charge the congregation: Mary Marcotte, Associate General Presbyter NCP
To complete the commission: Elder David Rice, Navasota, First; Elder Linda
Walicek, Elgin, First; and Rev. Victor Dindot, HR NCP
21. Approved request received from clerk of session at Houston, Community of Servant
Savior asking permission for their ruling elders who have been trained in the Officiating of
Communion to be re-certified to serve communion each Sunday: they are Elders Jerry
Beetz, Margie Cantalamessa, Frances DeGraff, Gail Larson, Art Niebuhr, Wanda Niebuhr,
and Sherry Webb who were trained by Teaching Elder Lacy Sellars.
22. Approved request from session of Baytown to close the Associate Pastor position at
effective 12/31/12 held by Rev. Laura Grice.
23. Received FastTrac Report from Houston, Juan Marcos as information.
For Your Information:
1. Committee on Ministry and its subcommittee met on 11/6/12 and 2/5/13.
2. Committee on Examinations met on 10/27/12, 12/8/12 and 2/23/13.
3. Joint COM and CPM Retreat was held on 1/12/13
I believe in the God of justice and compassion, mercy and love of all, a Triune God of Creator,
Redeemer and Sustainer. I believe that the triune God is interested and interacts with, has
concern and care for the creatures of God's creation. God the Creator made us to live in a
covenant relationship with God and each other, embracing our diversity.
God took up our flesh and walked among us, as Christ who was God's only begotten Son,
healing the sick, feeding the hungry and protecting the vulnerable. Christ put in place the
guidelines for us to follow in order to live whole, worthy lives. Christ, an innocent, was rejected
and cast aside by us, put through a living hell and then killed because of religious and political
persecution, crucified dead and buried. I believe God the Creator overcame humanity’s greatest
capacity for evil when God raised the Christ from his grave. Christ now sits as Head of the
Church, welcoming in we believers and our children who are claimed by baptismal waters,
engrafted and marked into a community of Christian nurture and reconciliation, and are
justified by grace through faith alone. Christ invites us to His table offering the bread of life
and the cup of salvation in remembrance of His name, as a sign and seal of God’s gift of grace,
which transports us back to his last night – when we eat and drink in communion with Him
and one another - while giving us hope towards His future Kingdom.
I believe in God the Sustainer, the final of the Trinity that breathes deeply within us, nurturing
us and leading us through Authoritative Scripture and new insights from it - giving us the
account of the Christ story, and prayer - guiding us, comforting us and protecting us as we
journey in this life. God the Sustainer builds us up in the Body of Christ and nourishes us with
daily spiritual food, sustaining and renewing us all.
I believe this Triune God calls us to different responsibilities, inspiring and engaging us to
work in a covenantal community, upholding justice, compassion, mercy and love for each
other, for the widow, the orphan, the naked, the stranger and the outcast in our midst. We live
in fractured, frightening times, in times where divisiveness, injustice and oppression still
maintain a steadfast hold, where attitudes of privilege still win out, where unity and freedom
are still a luxury – where civility and reconciliation in Christ is desperately needed.
Through God the Creator, Christ the Redeemer, and the Spirit, the Sustainer, I believe we can
be a new creation, one of love and peace, mercy and justice for each and every one of God’s
creatures. I believe in a God who initiates within me the desire to be different and to make a
difference. I believe I am Called to God’s work. Through love of neighbor and obedience to
Christ, I am once again healed and made whole.
All human thought, talk and writing about God is symbolic, historical and incomplete – by
definition. In this context I believe in God, the comprehensive Context of all reality, the Source
and Destiny of the universe. I believe, as the Bible teaches, that God is LOVE.
How do we visualize LOVE? How do we imagine LOVE? God is like a drop permeating a body
of water sending out ripples from itself as the Source. We can talk about these ripples as being
SENT from the SOURCE. They radiate outward until they ultimately reach the boundary
which is their GOAL. The ripples, as sent, are CONNECTED with the Source and CONNECT to
the GOAL. I believe we can symbolically talk about GOD as Father, the Source, as Son, the
One Sent, and a Spirit, the Connection between Source and Destiny.
Such a God, I believe, is Personal, Life-Giving/Sustaining, and Social that embraces all of
reality lovingly.
As the One Sent by the Source, Father, I believe Jesus of Nazareth in Palestine lived full a
human life in the First Century of the Common Era. He was an Observant Jew, who worshiped
in the Jerusalem Temple and gathered frequently in local synagogues. He was and is an
extraordinary TEACHER of Wisdom and relationships Religious. He was and is a powerful
PROPHET working tirelessly for justice and inclusion of all people in the Kingdom, the Family
of God. He was and is Redeemer/Reconciler between LOVE and sinful humanity. He was and
is RISEN from the dead, NEW LIFE and FIRST FRUITS of his Father’s Kingdom.
Jesus gathered a small community of followers, whom he disciple, and whom he sent,
commissioned, to go throughout their native land and to all surrounding peoples until the ends
of the earth to share in God’s very own Mission in this World to invite all folk into the fullness
of life, into the eternal banquet.
I believe Jesus directed his followers to be his Church in all cultures and in all historical eras.
He established sacraments, sacred symbols/rituals of the Abundant life, that we call Baptism
and the Lord’s Supper. But Jesus himself is the Sacrament of God and gave the example to his
Church to sacramentalize
all of human life thus giving ultimate meaning to us that endures and surpasses generation
and beyond death itself, our ultimate boundary.
I believe in God the Holy Spirit as Lord and Giver of Life, as Sustainer of Life in the faith
community called Church. The Spirit that connects us Intergenerationally and cross culturally
is the Energy that keeps us united and uniting in faith, In enduring hope, and in nurturing
love. The Spirit is the Agent of Change in the church and in society, like the bubbly in
champagne that produces Joy, that leads us all in the Dance, we call life itself.
I believe that we, gathered together to be Christ’s church in the world, are to allow ourselves to
be scattered as his missionaries in new places, in new ministries, among new peoples, until the
kingdom of Love is established in Heaven and on Earth. This I believe. May God help my
unbelief. Amen.
I believe in God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer. I
believe this because I grew up in the Church and a Christian family, was taught about
God’s love and learned to know God, first through Scripture and then through faith and
experience. When I grew up, I claimed my Christian heritage and faith intentionally,
choosing to serve God actively in Christ’s Church. I believe in God, my Creator,
Redeemer and Sustainer because daily I experience God’s grace and blessings and I have
found life in the constant renewal of God’s covenant with me. My faith is based on both
knowledge and experience. As I have learned salvation history, I have learned to claim it
as my own history, as one of God’s covenant children. As I continue to study Scripture, I
have learned to recognize the Lord’s grace and presence at work in my life.
I believe in God the Father and Mother, the Creator, First Person of the Holy Trinity,
Who made heaven and earth and all that inhabits them, out of love. We are created to be
in covenant with our Maker, as the catechism says, to glorify God and enjoy God forever.
God is a Living God, intimately involved in our lives and all of creation. God is the God
of history, working within the creation and with us toward the time when the Kingdom of
Heaven will finally be established. It is God’s intention that all people dwell with God for
all eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven, because God loves us fully.
I believe in Jesus the Christ, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, the Son of the
Living God. He is the Word Made Flesh Who lived among us through Jesus of Nazareth.
The Bible is the written witness to the truth of Christ’s life, work and teachings. He was
fully human to take on the sins of the world and He is fully God to redeem our sins, in
fulfillment of the Creator’s intention to redeem all of the world. If we believe this, then,
not by anything we do, but by the gift of God’s grace, we will be raised with Christ in the
fullness of time.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, the One Who
enables us to live our lives faithfully and in grace. The Spirit is the Giver of life, not only
to individuals, but to the community of faith, the Church. It is in the Church that a life of
faith is most fully expressed because that is where sacrament, mission, fellowship and
study take place. We encounter the Living God in the mysteries of baptism and Eucharist.
Christ works beside us as we go out into the world to make disciples of all nations. The
Holy Spirit sustains us as we build the Church and welcome new disciples into it. We are
stronger together than separately. The Holy Trinity sustains our faith and our lives as we
look with hope toward the fulfillment of God’s purposes in the Kingdom of Heaven.
The only way I can begin a brief biography is with a word of thanks to God for the
countless people who have had a role in shaping my life: my beloved wife, Chris; son, Tony;
parents, family, friends, pastors, teachers, work colleagues, parishioners and patients…folks
along the way of life’s journey too numerous to name lest someone be left out.
I am retiring from ministry within hailing distance of my birthplace in Bellaire where I was
born and subsequently baptized at Bellaire Presbyterian Church. Our family moved to Baton
Rouge, LA where I graduated from High School and then graduated from Tulane University
with a degree in mathematics. I was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the USAF in 1971 and
served my active duty in Denver, CO and Kunsan, South Korea. Upon discharge, I returned to
college to study music and made a living performing for a few years. Starvation wages weren’t
my thing.
I entered the corporate world and found myself in the industrial construction
The death of a beloved employee in 1983 was the life crisis that sent me into the sanctuary
door of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, and life has never been the same since. I was
ordained a Deacon and Ruling Elder at St. Andrew’s which is also the congregation that
supported me through my preparation for ministry.
As a second, third, or arguably fourth vocation, I found it necessary to work through
seminary and first graduated from the Houston Graduate School of Theology with an MDiv and
subsequently received an MA from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. I completed ten
units of Clinical Pastoral Education at The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
and was ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in October, 1993 in order to serve as a
staff chaplain at that institution.
Though my office location did not change, I became the Director of the Presbyterian
Outreach to Patients (POP) Ministry and served in that role from 1994-1998 at which time I
became the Associate Pastor at Southminster Presbyterian Church in Missouri City, TX
responsible for pastoral care and the contemporary worship band…a perfect, albeit unusual fit!
In 2007 I received my final call to return to M.D. Anderson as a fulltime chaplain in palliative
I have served the Presbytery of New Covenant on the Care of Congregations Committee and
as Chair of the Personnel Committee. At M.D. Anderson, I also functioned as an adjuvant
ethicist, as Chair of the Clinical Ethics Committee, as an educator on spiritual care, and copublished in medical journals as a collaborator on research into spiritual distress in advanced
cancer patients.
My wife, Chris, and I plan to remain in Missouri City. We love to hook the travel trailer
onto the SUV and hit the road – so those activities will take a piece of our time. Family on both
sides live nearby. Chris retired from 35 years of Social Work. Both of us know that we want to
be active in the social and faith community utilizing our skills and gifts and look forward to
discerning how the Lord may use us.
Dave Peterson was born in Pendleton, Oregon, June 26, 1947, to the Reverend Donald
Peterson and his wife, Eleanor. Shortly thereafter, the family moved to the Portland area where
Dave attended Lake Oswego Public High School and Lewis and Clark College.
B.S. Degree from Lewis and Clark College,Portland, Oregon
M. Div. Degree from San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, CA
Studied at University of Edinburgh, Scotland
D. Min. Degree from Western Theological Seminary, Holland, Michigan
Doctor of Humane Letters, Austin College, Sherman, Texas
Summer Supply Pastor, Trinity Presbyterian Church, San Carlos, California
Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Rearden, Washington
Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Elko, Nevada
Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Grand Haven, Michigan
Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Spokane, Washington
Senior Pastor, Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, Houston, Texas
Dave was ordained in the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. in 1972. He has been
active both in the denomination and in the local communities in which he has lived and served.
He has served on university and seminary boards as well as those of many non-profits and
renewal groups.
Dave has authored magazine articles; been featured on “Preaching today” and “Water and
Wine,” radio devotional messages which target top-rated secular radio and television stations
for 45-second reflections on the Christian life. His first book, Receiving and Giving, Unleashing
the Bless Challenge in Your Life was published in 2012.
During high school, David met his future wife, Terri Rock, and they married soon after they
graduated from college. Terri is an experienced teacher with a Master’s Degree in Educational
Administration. She recently retired from full time teaching.
The Peterson’s have four adult children: Traci, Anji, Kevin and Grant and four grandchildren.
David’s interests include working out, yard work and spending time with his children,
grandchildren and Terri.
Presbytery Report
Committee on Preparation for Ministry
March 16, 2013
I. Recommendations for Presbytery action:
1. The committee recommends and moves that William “Will” Briggs (Kingwood, First) be
enrolled as a candidate.
2. The committee recommends and moves that Shelley Homeyer (Houston, First) be
enrolled as a candidate.
3. The committee recommends that offerings received from the ordination and installation
services be split 50/50 between Committee on Preparation for Ministry and Pastors
Emergency Fund.
II. Actions taken on behalf of Presbytery
November 10, 2012
1. Granted Brandon Gaide (Houston, Memorial Drive) permission to take two exams for
ordination, theology and worship and sacrament.
2. Approved Annual Consultation for Sabrina Hergert (Houston, Grace) and approved that
she continues in the process.
3. Approved assessing Anthony Ceder (Houston, First) as ready to receive a call.
February 9, 2013
1. The committee approves Commissioned Ruling Elder for a Particular Service Subcommittee
of CPM recommendations from it meeting on 12/11/12 that CPM:
a. That Jim Mayer (Houston, St. Luke’s) is assessed as ready to be commissioned as a
Ruling Elder for a Particular Service. He is a chaplain at a Solari Hospice Care.
b. That Marge Chamberlain (Spring, Advent) be removed from the CRE process.
2. Approve Sabrina Hergert (Houston, Grace) job description from work at Grace PC
3. Received Shelley Homeyer (Houston, First) evaluation form from CPE program.
4. Assessed Andrew Keyes (Houston, Westminster) as ready to negotiate for service.
5. Approved Andrew Keyes (Houston, Westminster) annual consultation and approved that
he continue in the process.
6. Approved Andrew Keyes (Houston, Westminster) circulating his PIF.
7. Granted Will Briggs (Kingwood, First) permission to take all four ordination exams.
8. Approved Will Briggs (Kingwood, First) annual consultation and approved that he
continue in the process.
9. Granted Shelley Homeyer (Houston, First) permission to take all four ordination exams.
10. Approved Shelley Homeyer (Houston, First) annual consultation and approved that she
continue in the process.
III. Items for Information
1. Committee on Preparation for Ministry met on 11/1012; Commissioned Ruling Elder for a
Particular Service Subcommittee of CPM met 12/11/12.
2. The Committee met with Reverend Andy Dearman, Dean of Fuller Seminary, Houston
Campus to discuss candidates and inquirers at Houston campus and their degree plans.
3. Committee on Ministry and Committee on Preparation for Ministry held a Joint Vocational
Retreat on January 12, 2013 led by national staff members Teaching Elder Tim Cargal and
Teaching Elder Joyce Lieberman.
General Council
Report to the Presbytery
March 16, 2013
Recommendation for Presbytery Action
1. Approval of the transfer of the property of St. Giles Presbyterian Church to Pathways
Church of Houston. The property is located at 5900 Pinemont Drive, Houston, TX,
77092 in near Northwest Houston.
Believing that a continued presence in Northwest Houston is in the best interest of the
Presbytery of New Covenant and the P.C. (USA) and in keeping with the fiduciary responsibility
of the presbytery, the recommendation that the property that is now St. Giles Presbyterian
Church be transferred to Pathways Church of Houston is endorsed by General Council for
approval by the Presbytery of New Covenant.
Approval of the budget for 2013, which reflects a 50% increase in our benevolent giving
to the P.C. (USA) and to the Synod of the Sun. The Presbytery of New Covenant is the
second largest presbytery in the synod, and has ranked among the lowest in benevolent
giving. The budget is found on page _____.
Actions taken on behalf of the presbytery
1. Approval of the sale of property in Brookshire, Texas:
Resolved that the General Council, on motion of the Finance Committee, approve and authorize
the sale by Presbytery to National Glass Brokers, and/or assigns of approximately 5.64 acres of
land located at 0 FM 2855 in Brookshire, Texas, for $104,340 and directs the Treasurer to take
all actions necessary or convenient in connection with the sale. This consists of two parcels of
land. The first being a tract of land containing total area of .64279 of an acre situated in
Section 98, of the J.M. Bennett Survey, Abstract 286, Waller County, Texas, and being more
particularly described in Volume 459, Page 634 of the Deed records of Waller County, Texas,
and the second being two tracts of land containing a total area of 5.000 acres situated in
Section 98 of the J. M. Bennett Survey, Abstract 286, Waller County, Texas, and being more
particularly described in Volume 403, Page 428 of the Deed Records of Waller County, Texas.
2. Approval of the lease of the property of High Island Presbyterian Church:
WHEREAS, the Finance Committee (the “Committee”) of Presbytery of New Covenant, Inc., a
Texas non-profit corporation (the “Corporation”), has determined that it is in the best interests
of the Corporation to lease the real property described below (and all improvements) to
Wiseman Ministries, Inc., a Texas non-profit corporation (“Tenant”), for a monthly rental of
Zero Dollars, for the purpose of operating a social service agency for the Bolivar Peninsula by
providing life recovery training, food, clothing and housing, with the Tenant paying all costs of
utilities, maintenance, repairs, taxes and insurance, for a renewable year-to-year term,
terminable by either party annually, such real property being described as follows:
The property known as High Island Presbyterian Church and retreat center, comprising
approximately 5.2736 acres in the aggregate, situated at 2015 9th St., 1469 Weeks Ave., and
Hwy 124 @ 9th Street, High Island, Galveston County, Texas;
and, therefore, it is hereby
RESOLVED, that the General Council hereby approves the proposed lease as described above
and hereby recommends that officers of the Corporation (or any one of them, including,
without limitation, the President or the Treasurer) by fully, authorized, empowered and
directed, for and on behalf of the Corporation, to do all such other and further acts and things
as shall be necessary or appropriate to carry out the intent and purpose of the foregoing
resolution, and in connection therewith to execute and deliver all such documents and
instruments, and to take all such other and further actions, and to do all such other and
further acts and things, as they may deem necessary or appropriate to carry out the intent of
the foregoing resolution, their taking of such actions to be conclusive evidence that the same
were authorized by this resolution, and such acts and things as may have been done by said
officers are hereby ratified to the extent already carried out.
3. Approval of a motion regarding the proceeds from sales of property owned by the
Presbytery of New Covenant:
Consistent with the recommendation dated February 10, 2007, the net proceeds of the sale of
any properties owned by the Presbytery of New Covenant will be used to replenish the Bequest
– Glendora Miller Estate
4. Approved Carrie Walker as a signer of checks for the accounts of the Presbytery of
New Covenant.
5. Approved the request of Orange, Drake Memorial to waive the requirement for elders
to rotate off session per the Book of Order. (letter found on page _____)
6. Approved a motion of behalf of the Committee on Preparation for Ministry that
offerings taken at Ordination and/or Installation services be split 50%/50%
between the scholarship fund for those who are preparing for ministry, and the
pastor emergency fund.
7. Approved that the Ministries Division Steering Committee would become the
administrators of both the Vision Initiative grants and the Lynn Johnson Social
Justice grants.
8. Approved the following in order to clear up title issues for Houston, Christ and
Houston, Grace Taiwan.
RESOLVED, that General Council, on motion of the Finance Committee, with the
concurrence of the Administrative Division Steering Committee, the General
Presbyter and the Treasurer, for and on behalf of Presbytery of New Covenant, Inc.
(“Presbytery”), DOES HEREBY authorize, ratify, and approve (a) the conveyance by
non-profit corporation, of certain of Presbytery’s property in Harris County, Texas,
as more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto, and (b) the action of
its Treasurer in executing and delivering the same, and authorizes and directs its
officers and representatives to take all such actions and do all such things as may
be necessary or convenient in connection therewith. (Exhibit A found on page
RESOLVED, that General Council, on motion of the Finance Committee, with the
concurrence of the Administrative Division Steering Committee, the General
Presbyter and the Treasurer, for and on behalf of Presbytery of New Covenant, Inc.
(“Presbytery”), DOES HEREBY authorize, ratify, and approve (a) the conveyance by
Texas non-profit corporation, of certain of Presbytery’s property in Harris County,
Texas, as more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto, and (b) the
action of its Treasurer in executing and delivering the same, and authorizes and
directs its officers and representatives to take all such actions and do all such
things as may be necessary or convenient in connection therewith. (Exhibit B found
on page _____)
9. Approved the document, “Process Instructions for Discernment Teams”, which
addresses the fiduciary responsibility of the presbytery when dismissing a
congregation to another reformed body. The document is found on pages _____.
10. Approved the Cumberland Presbyterian Church as a reformed body to which
congregations in the Presbytery of New Covenant can be dismissed.
For information:
The General Council met on November 20, 2012, November 27, 2012, January 7, 2012,
February 19, 2013 and by conference call on January 24, 2013.
For 2013, the members of General Council are:
By Virtue of Office: Moderator Elect* RE John Jo (Houston, Korean Central); RE Jane Larkin
(Chair, ADSC); RE Jody Harrington (Chair, MDSC)
2013: RE David Coles (Houston, Pines); TE Katie Cummings (Houston, Grace), TE Winfield
“Casey” Jones (Pearland, First), RE Julia Ann Moffett (Atascocita)
2014: RE Mary Herlitz (Houston, St. John’s), RE Mort McPhail (Houston, Northwoods), TE
Laurey Murphy (Houston, Spring Branch), TE Jeff Smith (Houston, St. Andrew’s)
2015: RE David Bybee (Houston, First); RE Sharon Carey (Houston, St. Paul); TE Gayle Grubbs
(HR); TE Steve Oglesbee (Houston, Clear Lake)
*Moderates General Council
All that certain tract or parcel of land containing 1.1478 acres, more or less, situated in the
William N. Lyon Survey, A-516 and the C. McKenzie Survey, A-561, Harris County, Texas, being a
portion of Block 4, Unrestricted Reserve “B” in REPLAT OF BELTWAY, SECTION TWO, according
to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 176, Page 80 of the Map Records of Harris
County, Texas, and a portion of Block 2, Unrestricted Reserve “B” in REPLAT OF BELTWAY,
SECTION ONE, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 175, Page 83 of said
map records; said 1.1478 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as
COMMENCING at the intersection of the common line between said Beltway Sections 1 and 2,
same being the common line between said Lyon and McKenzie Surveys with the Northerly
right-of-way line of Clarewood Drive, (60.00 feet wide);
THENCE, North 02◦ 20’ 32” West, 822.43 feet along said common lines to the PLACE OF
BEINNING of the herein described tract;
THENCE, South 87◦ 39’ 28” West, 40.82 feet crossing a portion of said Beltway Section Two to a
5/8” iron rod found marking the Southwesterly corner of the herein described tract;
THENCE, North 02◦ 20’ 32” West, 177.77 feet to a ½” iron rod set marking the Northwesterly
corner of the herein described tract;
THENCE, North 87◦ 39” 28” East, at 40.82 feet crossing the common line between said Beltway
Sections 1 and 2 and said Lyon and McKenzie Surveys, in all a total distance of 281.25 feet to a
5/8” iron rod found on the Westerly right-of-way line of Westline Drive (60.00 feet wide)
marking the Northeasterly corner of the herein described tract;
THENCE, South 02◦ 20” 32” East, 177.77 feet along the easterly right-of-way line of said
Westline Drive to a 5/8” iron rod found marking the Southeasterly corner of the herein
described tract;
THENCE, South 87◦ 39’ 28” West, 240.43 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing
1.1478 acres of land, more or less.
Presbytery of New Covenant
Process Instructions for Discernment Teams
1. Presbytery of New Covenant adopted a Reconciliation and Dismissal Procedure
(RDP) on December 10, 2011. This procedure is designed to address the
circumstances of a congregation seeking dismissal from the PCUSA. As of
December 15, 2012, six churches in the Presbytery have formally requested
dismissal under this procedure.
2. On October 28, 2012, in a case which originated in the Presbytery of San
Francisco, the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission published a
decision which sought to clarify for Presbyteries and Discernment teams, some
important elements of dismissal procedures. In particular, the GAPJC decision
considers how the fiduciary responsibilities of a presbytery under the Trust Clause
of the Book of Order are to be discharged when dealing with church property.
3. The time may come when modifications to the PNC Reconciliation and
Dismissal Procedure are appropriate. In the meantime, actions taken by individual
Discernment Teams engaged on behalf of specific congregations and the
presbytery General Council may help to demonstrate that the fiduciary
obligations of the Presbytery were taken seriously and properly handled in each
case. These same actions may also serve to underscore the “grace” in the RDP by
avoiding unnecessary and costly litigation and minimizing third party involvement.
4. Therefore, actions of Discernment Teams established from December 15, 2012
forward shall include the following, which shall also be documented in a report to
the Presbytery, properly minuted at a called meeting.
a. Initial charge to the Discernment Team will emphasize that in order to
fulfill the constitutional responsibility of PNC, it is understood that property
is in trust for the P.C. (USA), and the use of the property for the benefit of
P.C. (USA) must be recognized.
b. There shall be a financial evaluation, relying jointly on the resources and
records of Presbytery and the congregation involved, of the proposed
property transfer including:
 Assessed value of the property, including land
 Whether the congregation claimed the exemption offered in
the reunion of the PCUS and UPCUSA denominations in 1983
 Existing liens on the property
 Outstanding loans of the congregation
 Current financial statement – audited income statement and
balance sheet of the congregation
 Insofar as practical, history of property acquisition and values
c. As the congregation moves toward the point of voting to request
dismissal to another Reformed body, consideration should be given to a
voluntary financial gift to the Presbytery that bears some relationship to
the value of the property involved and the history of Presbytery support.
This would be in addition to the payments required by the Reconciliation
and Dismissal Procedure.
d. In order to maintain an appropriate Presbyterian witness in the area, and
as an expression of our concern for the interests of the whole P.C. (USA),
payments received by PNC from dismissed congregations, net of expenses,
will be allocated 50% to New Church Development and 50% to Operating
Expenses of Presbytery.
5. It is recommended that Discernment Teams established prior to this date take
these actions into consideration in order to balance the fiduciary responsibility of
Presbytery and the graciousness that is intended in the RDP.
6. Since the GAPJC decision and Book of Order make it clear that dismissal of
congregations is to be considered and voted upon in a case-by-case basis, a
motion to dismiss each congregation with property shall be presented and voted
upon by the Presbytery in each request for dismissal.
Approved by General Council of the Presbytery of New Covenant
February 19, 2013
Evangelism and Renewal Committee
The committee meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month, from 2-4 pm, and gladly welcomed the
class of 2015 at our January 22, 2013 meeting.
Along with Wayne Eberly, from New Church Development, three of our committee members are
registered to attend a church planting event in April, sponsored by the Presbyterian Center for New
Church Innovation in Sterling, VA. TE Jackie Hannan, RE Tracy Allison, and TE Rachel Young intend to
bring back what they have learned to train the Evangelism & Renewal committee to assist churches and
individuals discern whether they are being called to start new worshipping communities, in line with the
1001 New Worshipping Communities Initiative.
We also remind the Presbytery that our committee has several resources for churches interested in
issues related to evangelism, renewal, or church growth. These include:
1. Mystery Visitor assessments: Churches that request this will be visited by a mystery guest, who
will fill out a survey based on their experience at their worship service. This is a great way to
learn how your faith community might be received or experienced by outsiders.
2. Mission Insite: This tool, to which the presbytery subscribes, enables churches to gain significant
demographic information about the community surrounding one’s church. Any church in the
Presbytery is welcome to utilize this resource for free. Please contact Mary Marcotte for more
information (mmarcotte@pbyofnewcovenant.org).
We also invite you to visit our page on the Presbytery’s website for more information about these and
other resources: http://www.pbyofnewcovenant.org/sections/ministries/evangelism_renewal.html#
Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Rachel Young, chair
Feb. 19, 2013
Report to the Presbytery
Held scheduled meeting on Monday, January 28, 2013.
Welcomed new members Shawn Kang, John Schweers, Mike O'Neil,
Gladys Chacon
Reviewed the responsibilities of our committee
Identified need to revisit the role of liaison for each NCD
Recognizing the related work of the Evangelism Committee we have
asked for and received an invitation to meet with that committee on
Tuesday, February 26th, 2013
Reviewed financials for each NCD. Noted areas to watch but were pleased
that budget figures are in alignment
Received reports regarding existing NCD’s
Voted to designate up to $6000 from the restricted funds of the NCD to
send Pastor Ebenezer back to Ghana to meet with the Ghanaian
Presbyterian Church
Submitted by: Wayne Eberly. Chairperson
Nominating Committee
Report to Presbytery
March 16, 2013
AD/EA – Ecclesiastical Affairs
2015 – Rev John Wurster, Houston, St. Philip
COM/Calls & Contracts
2013 – Rev.Tracy Williams, At Large
COM/CL – Congregational Life
2013 – Vice-Chair—Chuck Johnson, Houston, St. Philip
2013 – Rev. Jon Guyton, At Large
COM/Professional Life
2013 – Phil Cummings, Houston, Grace
MD-CRT-Congregational Resourcing Team
2015 – Jan Kelly, St. Andrews
2013 – Linda Smith Gregory, Webster
MD – New Church Development
2013—Rev. Jim Gill, Baytown, Faith-Interim
2013 – Chair – Rev. Wayne Eberly, Houston, Pines
2013 – Vice-Chair – Rev. Chris French, Houston, Grace
Synod – Synod of the Sun
2014 – Rev. Guinn Blackwell-Eagleson, United Campus Ministries of Greater
The Nominating Committee has been asked to submit the following candidates for the
Seafarers Board to oversee the ministry of our port chaplains.
2015—Mr. Harry W Briston, Houston, St. Andrews
2015—Capt. Peter Cronk, Houston, Clear Lake
2015—Mr. Richard H. (Dick) Howard, Houston, St. Philip
2015—Mr. Richard K. (Dick) Westfahl, Grand Lakes, Grand Lakes
receiving your copy of…
Tuesday Connect is a weekly email from the presbytery that is sent to all in the Presbytery of
New Covenant who have given us their email address.
With brief news and helpful links, we hope this weekly contact will continue to build community
within the presbytery by keeping our congregations and partner organizations informed in a very
timely manner, without filling our InBoxes with multiple emails from the presbytery.
We are using an email service, Constant Contact, for the emails. Individual emails will no longer
be sent from the presbytery office, except when there is urgent information or an emergency.
Patricia Brantley will no longer be sending out emails received from churches or related
Please send Helen Wolf, hwolf@pbyofnewcovenant.org, your information for Tuesday Connect
at any time. The copy deadline each week is Noon on the Monday before publication.
Postlude is the publication that highlights the events and business conducted at the presbytery
meeting. It is published soon after each presbytery meeting and posted on the presbytery’s
website and in Tuesday Connect.
An e-mail will be sent all who attend a presbytery meeting when Postlude is available.
Commissioners are encouraged to use it to assist them in reporting to their sessions.
Those churches not having internet access will be mailed a copy of Postlude.
New Covenant Connections is published every other month. Longer articles and photos tell
the ongoing story of the mission and ministry work of our presbytery, its congregations, new
church developments, and our partners in ministry. Contact Helen Wolf,
hwolf@pbyofnewcovenant.org, to say if you would prefer reading Connections electronically or
in print.
Displays for this Meeting
Brazos Presbyterian Homes
Operating as Bayou Manor and the Hallmark
Calendar of Events
Session Records Reviews/Treasurer’s Workshop
*Records Review begins at 10:00 am, Treasurers begin at 9:30
*Sat., Apr. 6 – Northwoods Presbyterian, Houston
*Sat., May 4, First Presbyterian, Wharton
Sat., June 8 – after the Presbytery meeting at First Presbyterian, Galveston
*Sat., August 10, First Presbyterian, Lufkin
*Sat., Sept.28 - First Presbyterian, Bryan
*Sat., Oct. 12, New Hope, Katy
Sat., Nov. 9 – after the Presbytery meeting at Atascocita Presbyterian, Humble
Presbytery Meetings
June 8, 2013 @ Galveston, First
November 9 @ Atascocita
Other Important Dates
Clergy Retreat, April 9-11
Peru Mission Trip, May 17-25
Youth Triennium, July 16-21
Weekday Ministries Conference, July 30 – August 1
Big Tent, August 1-3
Board of Pensions Workshops, September 17-18
Presbytery Open House, December 5