Practice: Vocabulary III

Name_________________ Per: _____
Vocabulary III
Directions Part I: As your teacher pronounces each word, rate your understanding:
1=This is a new word for me 2=Heard it before, but can’t define it
3=I know this word and use it
Directions Part II: Words in Context
Read each word in the sentence. Use the context clues to guess the meaning of each word.
1. After spending the week home from school with the flu, Terrance began to look emaciated, so his
mother took him to the doctor.
Possible meaning: _______________________________________________________________________
(POS) __________
I love the part in the Avengers when Hulk makes Loki look ridiculous, then obliterates him with one
big smash.
Possible meaning: _______________________________________________________________________
(POS) __________
The desire to succeed is a quality that is inherent in everyone.
Possible meaning: _______________________________________________________________________
(POS) __________
4. My parents are having someone very important over for dinner, and they insist that my sister and I
follow the protocol they’ve outlined for us. If we don’t, we’ll be grounded for months!
Possible meaning: _______________________________________________________________________
(POS) __________
5. When my Mom came home, my brother tried to obscure the truth about the broken vase, by leaving out
some of what happened.
Possible meaning: _______________________________________________________________________
(POS) __________
6. The look of utter disdain on my face, let my Mom know that there was no way I was wearing the outfit
she’d picked out for me!
Possible meaning: _______________________________________________________________________
(POS) __________
7. My friends say that the mistake I made during the school play was so imperceptible that no one noticed,
but I really don’t think they’re telling the truth.
Possible meaning: _______________________________________________________________________
(POS) __________
I was so elated when my crush asked to take me to a movie, that all I could do was move my head up
and down, because no words would come out.
Possible meaning: _______________________________________________________________________
(POS) __________
9. Mrs. Malay gave our class a math problem that was so perplexing, even my Dad who’s an Engineer
couldn’t figure it out!
Possible meaning: _______________________________________________________________________
(POS) __________
10. I was reproached by my Mom in front of all my friends for picking on my little brother, and now they
won’t stop making fun of me.
Possible meaning: _______________________________________________________________________
(POS) __________
11. My older sister’s suitcase was so voluminous, that my Dad couldn’t squeeze it into the trunk and she
had to unpack half of her clothes before we could leave.
Possible meaning: _______________________________________________________________________
(POS) __________
Directions Part III
1. Were your guesses correct? Read the definitions below and put a star next to each one you guessed correctly.
2. Antonyms (ant.) give the opposite meaning of a word. For some of the words, I have provided an antonym.
A synonym (syn.) is a different word with the same meaning.
Write in a synonym for each of the words requiring one.
1. emaciated: (adj.) very thin and weak, especially from disease or illness [ant. lively syn. ___________]
2. obliterate (v.) to destroy, demolish, or eliminate [ant. to create syn. ______________]
3. inherent (adj.) something that you’re born with; a natural characteristic [ant. learned syn.___________]
4. reproach (v.) to disapprove of someone, to criticize someone [ant. praise syn. ______________]
5. voluminous (v.) large, big [ant. small syn. _____________________]
6. imperceptible (v.) unnoticeable, invisible, small [ant. obvious syn. _____________________]
7. obscure (v.) to confuse, complicate or to make unclear [ant. to clear up syn. ___________________]
8. disdain (v.) to hate or despise another person [ant. to respect or love someone syn. ________________]
9. elated (adj.) overjoyed, thrilled, excited [ant. bored syn. _________________________]
10. protocol (n.) rules, code of behavior [ant. bad manners syn. _______________]
11. perplexing (adj.) puzzling, baffling, confusing [ant. simple syn. _________________________]
Name_________________ Per: _____
Practice: Vocabulary III
Directions Part I: Fill in the blank. Select the vocabulary word that most likely fits each sentence. You
can change the word to the past-tense if necessary.
1. I was ________________________ when I opened the birthday card from my Grandparents and $50
spilled out.
2. The coach said that the drive to compete is ______________________ in all of us, but I just can’t seem
to get myself to care that much about beating the other team.
3. The school has a really strict ________________________ for how we dress and I hate it, because now
I can’t wear the clothes my Mom bought me at the beginning of the year!
4. I _________________________ my older sister when she bosses me around as soon as my parents leave
the house.
5. The crack in my Mom’s favorite plate was so __________________________ that my brother and I
were shocked that she noticed immediately.
6. Some of the stuff that my teacher says is so ______________________ that I just begin to zone out.
7. The coach _____________________ me in front of the whole team for disrespecting him, and now I’m
too embarrassed to go to practice.
8. My backpack is so _________________________ that I can’t even squeeze it through the door of the
school bus without giving it a good shove.
Directions Part V: Re-write each sentence using one of your vocab words
1. He tried to confuse the truth by adding parts into the story that never really happened.
2. My cousin destroyed his cell phone when he fell off of his bike last weekend.
3. I was so weak from the flu that I couldn’t even pick up my books without help from my Mom.
Personal Connection: Write at least one complete sentence giving your personal response to each
question and using the vocabulary word.
1. Have you ever been reproached by a teacher, parent or friend? What happened? How did it make you
2. Have you ever felt disdain for another person? Why or why not?
3. What’s the one thing that would elate you more than anything else in the whole world?