SPRING Pretest Workshop 20 10 Contact Information • Cherie Boone - px# 48855 (434-8855) e-mail: boone@palmbeach.k12.fl.us • Tom Cornman - px# 42499 (681-2499) e-mail: cornman@palmbeach.k12.fl.us • Vanessa Ferrell - px# 48355 (434-8355) e-mail: ferrellvan@palmbeach.k12.fl.us • Ken Morris - px# 45155 (684-5155) e-mail: morris@palmbeach.k12.fl.us • Jackie Johnson - px# 45282 (684-5282) e-mail: jacquej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us New Website Design Effective Jan. 15th 3 Pretest Workshops – Online Opportunity • Online FCAT Pretest workshop Recorded by the TEN network Available online, as a Vodcast, on Wednesday, January, 20, 2010 A link to the workshop will be posted on the Assessment homepage. FCAT Mini Presentations • Receiving Your Test Materials • Returning Your Writing Materials • Returning Your Reading, Mathematics and Science Materials • Returning Home Education Materials • Returning McKay Scholarship Materials • Returning CTC Scholarship Materials • Returning Florida Virtual Academy Materials • Returning Your Large Print and Braille Materials FCAT Mini Presentations (continued) • A link to the mini presentations will be on the Assessment homepage beginning by January 22, 2010 www.palmbeachschools.org/9053 Training Materials Link •Training materials are available online at: www.pearsonaccess.com/fl Support tab 7 Writing Daily Test Administration Schedule Day 1 – Tuesday, February 9 Grades 4, 8, 10 Writing Test 45 minutes Day 2 – Wednesday, February 10 Grades 4, 8, 10 Writing Make-Up Test 45 minutes Day 3 – Thursday, February 11 Grades 4, 8, 10 Writing Make-Up Test 45 minutes Any deviation from this schedule requires written approval from the FDOE prior to implementation. 8 RMS Daily Test Administration Schedule Day 1 – Tuesday, March 9 Grade 3 Reading – Session 1 60 minutes Grade 4 Reading – Session 1 80 minutes Grade 5 Mathematics – Session 1 80 minutes Grades 6, 7, 9 Reading – Session 1 60 minutes Grades 6, 7, 9 Reading – Session 2 60 minutes Grades 8, 10 Reading – Session 1 80 minutes Grades 8, 10 Reading – Session 2 80 minutes Retakes Reading Unlimited 9 RMS Daily Test Administration Schedule Day 2 – Wednesday, March 10 Grade 3 Reading – Session 2 60 minutes Grade 4 Reading – Session 2 80 minutes Grade 5 Mathematics – Session 2 80 minutes Grades 6, 7, 9 Mathematics – Session 3 60 minutes Grades 6, 7, 9 Mathematics – Session 4 60 minutes Grade 8 Mathematics – Session 3 80 minutes Grade 8 Mathematics – Session 4 80 minutes Grade 10 Mathematics – Session 3 90 minutes Grade 10 Mathematics – Session 4 90 minutes Retakes Mathematics Unlimited All Grades Make-up Testing 10 RMS Daily Test Administration Schedule Day 3 – Thursday, March 11 Grade 3 Mathematics – Session 3 60 minutes Grade 3 Mathematics – Session 4 60 minutes Grade 4 Mathematics – Session 3 70 minutes Grade 4 Mathematics – Session 4 70 minutes Grade 5 Reading – Session 3 60 minutes Grade 5 Reading – Session 4 60 minutes Grade 8 Science – Session 5 55 minutes Grade 8 Science – Session 6 55 minutes Grade 11 Science – Session 1 65 minutes Grade 11 Science – Session 2 65 minutes All Grades Make-up Testing Day 4 – Friday, March 12 All Grades Make-up Testing 11 RMS Daily Test Administration Schedule Day 5 – Monday, March 15 All Grades Make-up Testing Day 6 – Tuesday, March 16 Grade 5 Science – Session 5 All Grades Make-up Testing 55 minutes Day 7 – Wednesday, March 17 Grade 5 Science – Session 6 All Grades Make-up Testing 55 minutes Days 8 – Thursday, March 18 All Grades Make-up Testing Days 9 – Friday, March 19 All Grades Make-up Testing 12 RMS Daily Test Administration Schedule Monday 8 Make-Up Packing Team – Elementary 15 22 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 9 Gr 3 Read-Session 1 Gr 4 Read-Session 1 Gr 5 Math-Session 1 Gr 6 Read-Sessions 1 & 2 Gr 7 Read-Sessions 1 & 2 Gr 8 Read-Sessions 1 & 2 Gr 9 Read-Sessions 1 & 2 Gr 10 Read-Sessions 1 & 2 Retakes-Read 10 Gr 3 Read-Session 2 Gr 4 Read-Session 2 Gr 5 Math-Session 2 Gr 6 Math-Sessions 3 & 4 Gr 7 Math-Sessions 3 & 4 Gr 8 Math-Sessions 3 & 4 Gr 9 Math-Sessions 3 & 4 Gr 10 Math-Sessions 3 & 4 Retakes-Math Make-Up 11 Gr 3 Math-Sessions 3 & 4 Make-Up Gr 4 Math-Sessions 3 & 4 Gr 5 Read-Sessions 3 & 4 Gr 8 Sci-Sessions 5 & 6 Gr 11 Sci -Sessions 1 & 2 Make-Up Gr 5 Sci -Session 5 Make-Up 16 Gr 5 Sci-Session 6 Make-Up 23 Packing Team – Secondary Pick Up – Secondary Pick Up – Elementary 17 24 Make-Up Pick Up - Secondary Friday 18 25 Make-Up 12 19 26 13 What’s New for the 2010 FCAT • K-8 Virtual School Continuity Program/District Virtual Instruction The K-8 Virtual School Program is being phased out. Districts must now provide their own virtual instruction programs. Processing materials for these students Students enrolled in your DISTRICT virtual instruction program – package for return as all other schools in your district using your district number and school number of the student’s school of enrollment. Students enrolled in the Florida K-8 Virtual School Continuity Program– package as in previous years, depending on their school of enrollment (formerly Florida Virtual Academy and Connections Academy). • District Assessment Coordinator, School Assessment Coordinator, and Test Administrator checklists are printed on perforated pages in the back of the manual. 14 What’s New for the 2010 FCAT (continued) • Session 4 of Grades 3 and 4 Mathematics contains items that require a ruler. Rulers should not be distributed for Session 3. Rulers will be provided on perforated sheets with other test materials. Grades 3 and 4 Calibration schools will not receive rulers as they are not required for their version of the test. Do not cut the edges of the ruler! 15 What’s New for the 2010 FCAT (continued) • Grade 4 Mathematics tests now contain gridded-response items. Time allotted has changed from 60 minutes to 70 minutes per session. 16 What’s New for the 2010 FCAT (continued) • Grade 5 Mathematics tests now include a Grade 5 Mathematics Reference Sheet as a perforated page inside the test and answer book. • Performance task items have been removed from all FCAT Science tests. 17 What’s New for the 2010 FCAT (continued) • FCAT Administration Record/Security Checklist Form This combined form can be used to capture all required administration information and track security numbers. Forms will be pre-populated with the security numbers of test documents sent to each school. Contact Cherie or Tom for these documents. 18 What’s New for the 2010 FCAT (continued) • NO Answer Document Return Summary Schools may request this form from their district office if they wish to use if for their own purposes. 19 What’s New for the 2010 FCAT (continued) • Document Count Form One version – the Document Count Form and Spring Retake Document Count form have been combined into one. Bubbles for large print, Braille, and one-item-perpage have been added. 20 Reminders for the 2010 FCAT • Schools are required to adhere to the daily testing schedule. • Test Administrators are required to use ALL of the allotted time in each test session and should not end a session early. • A student with the accommodation of extra time must complete one session before continuing to the next session. • If a student starts a test and leaves school without finishing (for an appointment, illness, etc.), he/she will NOT be allowed to complete the test. 21 Reminders for the 2010 FCAT (continued) • Students may not have any electronic or recording devices at their desks, clipped to their belts, in their pockets, or anywhere they can reach them during testing, even if the devices are turned off or the students do not use them. If a student is found to be in possession of ANY electronic device(s) during testing, his or her test must be invalidated in order to successfully enforce this policy. • Inappropriate actions by school or district personnel before, during, or after test administration may result in consequences such as test invalidations and/or loss of teaching certification. Please carefully read the Test Security Policies and Procedures to ensure that you are following the correct procedures. District assessment coordinators must require that school administrators, school assessment coordinators, test administrators, and proctors sign an FCAT Administration and Security Agreement. 22 Reminders for the 2010 FCAT (continued) • Large Print, Braille, and One-Item-Per-Page Students using large print materials must record their responses in the large print Writing folder, large print answer book, or large print test and answer book. Test administrators should record verbal or signed responses in the large print documents provided for these students. Students using Braille materials must record their responses on Braille paper. Test administrators should record verbal or signed responses into the regular print Writing folders, answer books, answer folders, or test and answer books provided for these students. Students using one-item-per-page materials must record their responses in the one-item-per-page test and answer book. Test administrator should record verbal or signed responses into the regular print answer book, answer folder, or test and answer book provided for that student. 23 Reminders for the 2010 FCAT (continued) • Forms located at www.PearsonAccess.com/fl under the Support tab Comment Forms - Ensure that the online comment forms are reviewed before testing and complete them after testing. Missing Materials Forms Test Irregularities and Security Breaches Forms 24 Reminders for the 2009 FCAT (continued) • Make-up Testing Is required All security and administration procedures must be followed The test script MUST be read verbatim in its entirety Students to be Tested • Writing: Grades 4, 8, and 10 • Reading and Mathematics: Grades 3–10 • Reading and Mathematics RETAKE Tests: Grades 11–Adult students who have NOT passed the Grade 10 FCAT in Reading and/or Mathematics Retained Grade 10 students with ANY Grade 10 FCAT Reading and/or Mathematics score on file Certificate of Completion students Students in the SECOND or THIRD year of the Three-Year Graduation Program • Science: Grades 5, 8, and 11 26 Students to be Tested (continued) • Home Education Program students MAY participate in the FCAT administration appropriate for their grade-level (Grades 3–10) MAY take the FCAT Science test (Grade 11) May NOT take the Retake test • McKay Scholarship Program students In PRIVATE schools MAY participate In PUBLIC schools MUST participate May NOT take the Retake test • Corporate Tax Credit (CTC) Scholarship Program students INDIVIDUAL students MAY participate in the FCAT appropriate for their grade-level May NOT take the Retake test 27 Students to be Tested (continued) • Virtual Instruction Program Students All students in Grades 3-11 MUST participate Our District’s K-8 Virtual School Continuity Program students (Connections Academy and Florida Virtual Academy) • English Language Learners (ELLs) ALL Grades 3–11 ELLs MUST participate. • All Grades 3–11 ESE students take the appropriate FCAT unless their IEP indicates an alternate assessment. 28 Retained 10th Graders • Writing Test all • Reading Only test those who have not passed • Mathematics Only test those who have not passed Retained 11th Graders • Science Test all • Retake Reading Only test those who have not passed • Retake Mathematics Only test those who have not passed Students to Be Tested - Other Programs • Hospital – Homebound • Contact Tom Orloff - px# 45192 (684-5192) Test at home school Test at McKesson building Test at student’s home Accommodations • Must be in the student’s IEP (Individual Educational Plan) or 504 plan (Students under Section 504 Of The Rehabilitation Act) • Must not alter content • Must be in use in the classroom • Must be in use prior to FCAT Accommodations (continued) • Allowable accommodations • Must be gridded on answer document by teacher • Used not allowed • LEP • ESE • 504 Regular Temporary Preidentified Student Labels • Verify that the student is still enrolled and will be tested. • Verify the information on the PreID Roster against the school’s student information database. • Five elements MUST be correct on a student PreID label for Grades 4, 8, and 10 Writing, Grades 3-10 Reading and Mathematics, and Grades 5, 8, and 11 Science: Student name Student ID number District number School number Grade level 34 Preidentified Student Labels (continued) • Four elements MUST be correct on a student PreID label for RETAKE: Student name Student ID number District number School number • The PreID Roster includes the complete Social Security Number (SSN) or Florida Student Number for each preidentified student. Even though the same file was used to create both the PreID rosters and the student PreID labels, only the last four digits of the SSN preceded by five Xs and followed by one X (XXXXX7884X) are printed on the labels. You are NOT required to grid the missing numbers of a SSN. 35 Student Grid Sheet Student Information (must be completed by the student) Grade Level/ Content Assessed Form Code Security Number Area Student Demographic Information Student Label Area School Use Only DNS and UNDO bubbles 36 Pregridding Codes District/School number 50 + your school’s district number 5 0 1 2 3 4 Pregridding Codes (continued) • Social Security Number/Florida Student Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SSN + X 50 + district student number Affixing Student Labels • Schools may open shrink-wrapped packages and affix student labels to documents under these conditions: Only the school coordinator and persons designated by the principal (school board employees) may open shrink wrapped packages. Secure booklets must not be opened Students are not permitted to handle test documents The labels must be affixed by these persons in a locked office and the books/folders must not be opened. All materials must be returned to locked storage until the morning of testing. Sample Student Label • Affix the label in the box in the lower left corner of the student grid sheet. • Do not remove labels once they have been affixed. • Do not place a label over another label. 40 Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures • Purpose of test invalidation is to identify when the validity of test results has been compromised. Schools may either: invalidate only after discussion with the district assessment coordinator. invalidate at the school level after discussion between the school assessment coordinator and the site administrator. • A test MUST be invalidated if any of the following circumstances occur: A student has an electronic device during testing. A student is cheating during testing. A student is disruptive during testing. Situations involving possession of electronic devices, possible cheating, or disruptive behavior should be investigated and discussed with the school assessment coordinator and site administrator before a final invalidation decision is made. 41 Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures (continued) • A test MAY be invalidated if any of the following circumstances occur: A student becomes ill and is unable to finish, OR a student is not allowed the correct amount of time. A student was given an accommodation not allowed on the FCAT. A student was given an accommodation not on the student’s IEP, Section 504 plan, or LEP plan. A student was not given an allowable accommodation listed on the student’s IEP, Section 504 plan, or LEP plan. An error occurs in test administration or procedures that could compromise the validity of the test results (e.g., students had access to an unauthorized visual aid that gave an unfair advantage). 42 DO NOT SCORE (DNS) & UNDO Bubbles • Writing Sample • Reading, Mathematics, & Science Samples Answer Document Containing Two Tests Answer Document Containing One Test • There is one DNS bubble and one UNDO bubble for each test in an answer document. 43 Refuse to Write/Attempt • The student who enters the testing room but refuses to take the test. • If the student makes no marks on the test other than the student grid sheet Student will count for participation. The student will be counted as “Not Attempted.” DO NOT invalidate Return with the To Be Scored documents Placement of Security Numbers 45 Security Log 46 Administration Record/Security Checklist • Blank version of the form (located in Appendix C of the manual) 47 Administration Record/Security Checklist (continued) • Pre-populated version of the form that can be downloaded from PearsonAccess into Excel. 48 Writing Test Materials School Boxes • • • • • School Cover Memo Packing List PreID Rosters PreID Labels School Assessment Coordinator Kit – clear plastic bag Document Count Forms Paper Bands Red Return Labels (TO BE SCORED Materials) Yellow Return Labels (NOT TO BE SCORED Materials) White Return Labels (Large Print, Braille, and One-Item-Per-Page Materials), if applicable • Planning Sheets • Writing Folders 49 Writing Test Materials School Boxes (continued) • Special Document Kits (if applicable) Large Print and Braille Cover Memo Document Count Forms Special Document Return Envelope(s) Test Materials SAVE THE ORIGINAL BOXES FOR RETURNING MATERIALS 50 RMS Test Materials School Boxes • • • • • School Cover Memo Packing List PreID Rosters PreID Labels School Assessment Coordinator Kit – clear plastic bag Document Count Forms Paper Bands Blue Labels Return (if selected as a calibration school) Peach Return Labels Red Return Labels Yellow Return Return Labels White Return Labels (if applicable) FCAT Rulers 51 RMS Test Materials School Boxes (continued) • Reading, Mathematics, and Science Test Books, Test and Answer Books, Answer Books, and Answer Folders • Mathematics Work Folders, if applicable • Reading Passage Booklets, if ordered for the Computer-based Retake SAVE THE ORIGINAL BOXES FOR RETURNING MATERIALS 52 RMS Test Materials School Special Document Boxes • Special Document Kits (if applicable) Large Print and Braille Cover Memo Document Count Forms Special Document Return Envelope(s) Test Materials SAVE THE ORIGINAL BOXES FOR RETURNING LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE, AND ONE-ITEM-PER-PAGE MATERIALS. 53 Ordering Additional Materials • Materials are ordered online from the Assessment Website online ordering process. Testing Location Considerations • Use classrooms whenever possible. • Make sure that each room is free of distractions and has Comfortable seating Good lighting Sufficient workspace Adequate ventilation and free of distractions 55 Testing Location Considerations (continued) • Make sure that: students are not facing each other when seated at tables. students are not in seating (stadium or staggered) that allows them to easily view other students’ answers. there is at least three feet between students. • Remove or cover all visual aids on student desks or displayed in the room, such as posters showing mathematical and scientific concepts. 56 Supervise Test Administration • During testing, ensure that students: have cleared their desks of all materials except the appropriate test materials (mechanical pencils, ink pens, highlighters, crayons, colored pencils, markers, correction fluid, etc., are NOT permitted) Supervise Test Administration (continued) • During testing, ensure that students: are using only No. 2 pencils Supervise Test Administration (continued) • During testing, ensure that students: do not have books, notes, scratch paper, or electronic devices of any kind (including, but not limited to, cell phones, pagers or electronic games) during testing, even if they do not use them Supervise Test Administration (continued) • During testing, ensure that students: do not talk or make any disturbance Supervise Test Administration (continued) • During testing, ensure that students: are working independently Supervise Test Administration (continued) • During testing, ensure that students: are working in the correct session and recording their answers in the appropriate area Supervise Test Administration (continued) • During testing, ensure that students: do not make stray marks near the answer choice bubbles. This is especially critical when students are testing in a combination test and answer book. Stray marks near the bubbles may interfere with the scoring of the document. Supervise Test Administration (continued) • Do not: talk with students about any test item help students answer any test item While you may encourage students to continue working, you may not talk with them about the prompt or test items or help them with their responses. Supervise Test Administration (continued) • For example: a student finishes the test before the allotted time has elapsed, the test administrator or proctor: may encourage them to go back and check their work. may not read or comment on responses, may not help plan what to write may not provide information that would help infer the correct answer (such as suggesting that the student might want to review their work on specific items) Supervise Test Administration (continued) • Do not: check through books return books to students after they have been collected Supervise Test Administration (continued) • Do not: discuss test items or answers with students even after all test materials have been returned and testing has ended Supervise Test Administration (continued) • Do: Check student grid sheets to ensure the following: No stray marks are in the preidentified/security number area No stray marks or writing appear outside designated areas DNS and UNDO bubbles are accurate Supervise Test Administration (continued) • If student reports an error with an item: DO NOT read item note the grade level, content area, form code, item number, and basic student concern (e.g., two possible answers, no correct answer, etc.). encourage the student to reread the item most concerns result from students who don’t read an item carefully Encourage the student to answer the item to the best of his/her ability and continue with the test Once testing has ended, inform Cherie who in turn will notify the FDOE with this information. The item will be investigated. Supervise Test Administration (continued) Lunch and breaks FCAT Test Administration and Security Agreement • Signer has read, understands, and agrees to abide by all test administration and security procedures outlined in local training and FDOE test manual. Proctors & Packing Teams Proctors 1-29 students Test Administrator 30-59 students Test Administrator and 1 Proctor 60-89 Test Administrator and 2 Proctors Proctors – School System Personnel • MUST be trained as proctors. • MUST be informed of their duties and of the appropriate test security procedures for monitoring the test sessions. • MUST also be informed of the test security laws and rules prohibiting any activities that may threaten the integrity of the test. • MAY handle and distribute test materials and hand-gridding student answer documents. District Volunteers Proctors – Non-School System Personnel • MUST be trained as proctors. • MUST be informed of their duties and of the appropriate test security procedures for monitoring the test sessions. May be used to assist test administrators during test administration. • MAY NOT participate in any of the test administration procedures handling and distributing secure test materials gridding student answer documents • MAY be used only as an “extra set of eyes” to assist test administrators in monitoring test administration. Prior to testing. • MUST NOT be placed in rooms in which members of their families are being tested. Packing Teams • School’s Responsibilities: Make sure school materials are prepared for the Packing Teams when they arrive. Assume the leadership role in all packing activities. Supervise the packing teams at all time. Packing teams should not be left alone to work independently. Attempt to solve any discrepancies the packing teams may encounter. Packing Teams (continued) • Packing Team Responsibilities Work under the supervision of the school test coordinator. Confirm the counts of secure test materials from the school. Immediately notify the school test coordinator of any discrepancies. Assist the school test coordinator in the packing of the test materials. Packing Teams (continued) • Packing Team Responsibilities Complete all Packing Team paperwork documenting the return of secure test materials. Provide a copy of the Packing Team documentation to the school test coordinator. Fax a copy of the Packing Team paperwork to the Test Distribution Center and pony the originals to Student Assessment. Preparing Materials for Return 80 Reminder • To ensure that student scores are reported on schedule, materials MUST be packaged according to instructions. Mispackaged materials will delay reporting of student results. • Mini presentations containing more detailed instructions for the return of materials will be available online. What Goes Where? • To Be Scored answer documents All Grade 3 test and answer books – Peach Labeled Boxes All Grade 4, 8 & 10 Writing Folders – Red Labeled Boxes All Grade 4-11 answer documents – Red Labeled Boxes All Retake test and answer books – Peach Labeled Boxes • Not To Be Scored documents Unused Writing Folders – Yellow Labeled Boxes Unused Answer Documents – Yellow Labeled Boxes Unused Test and Answer Books – Yellow Labeled Boxes Used and Unused Test Books – Yellow Labeled Boxes Any answer document that has the DNS bubble darkened – Yellow Boxes • Large Print/Braille/One Item Per Page – White Labeled Boxes Stop the Insanity • You DO NOT need to: Keep test books/writing folders in numerical order Keep test books/writing folders by class Match test book numbers to answer book numbers Return Documents 84 Document Count Form • Receive preidentified Document Count Forms for your schools materials. • Use one per grade level/subject of To Be Scored answer documents • Receive blank count form for the special programs. • You must use the originals. DO NOT photo copy this form. Sample Paper Band • Used to secure To Be Scored answer documents in to stacks. • All information MUST be completed. 86 Preparing Test Materials for Return • Verify that all distributed secure materials have been returned. • Check for and remove all planning sheets, reference sheets and periodic tables from test documents. • Verify that your Security Log has been completed correctly. • Make copies of and file the following: records of required administration information collected by test administrators all Security Logs • Verify DNS and UNDO bubbles. 87 Preparing Test Materials for Return (continue) • Check student grid sheets to ensure the following: No stray marks are in the preidentified/security number area or on or near the registration marks No stray marks or writing appear outside designated areas 88 Prepare Test Materials for Return • Separate test materials in the following order: Your School’s TO BE SCORED Documents (by grade level/document type) Home Education Program TO BE SCORED Documents McKay Scholarship Program TO BE SCORED Documents Corporate Tax Credit Scholarship Program TO BE SCORED Documents Your District’s Virtual Instruction Program TO BE SCORED Documents Florida K-8 Virtual School Continuity Program TO BE SCORED Documents • Formerly Connections Academy (78/0700)—all grade levels tested • Formerly Florida Virtual Academy (79/0801)—all grade levels tested All NOT TO BE SCORED Materials 89 Prepare Your School’s TO BE SCORED Documents for Return • Place each group of answer documents into stacks of a manageable size. • Complete and secure Paper Bands. Do not use staples, paper clips, or tape to seal the bands. • Complete a separate Document Count Form for each document type/grade level. Verify that you have included all documents from make-up sessions before you complete each form. Do not combine documents for more than one grade level and document type. • Place each completed Document Count Form on top of the first stack of corresponding TO BE SCORED answer documents. 90 Packing Your Materials for Return • Detailed instructions on how to pack your materials will be provided in mini presentations. Posted on the Assessment website Receiving Your Test Materials Returning Your Writing Materials Returning Your Reading, Mathematics and Science Materials Returning Home Education Materials Returning McKay Scholarship Materials Returning CTC Scholarship Materials Returning Florida Virtual Academy Materials Returning Your Large Print and Braille Materials 91 Special Programs Chart Program District Number School Number CTC Scholarship 97 9999 McKay Scholarship Your district number 3518 Home Education Your district number 9998 Formerly Florida Virtual Academy 50 7079 Formerly Connections Academy 71 7078 Your District’s Virtual Instruction Program Your district number Student’s school of enrollment number 92 Returning Writing Materials Parking Lot Writing Drop-Off Locations 2/12/10 - 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. • South Area Office – Calusa Elementary • Central Area Office – John I Leonard High • West Area Office – SR 715 Belle Glade • Crestwood Middle – Royal Palm Beach (cafeteria parking area) • North Area Office – Lincoln Elementary (guest parking lot) • Test Distribution Center – Any time during the testing window Returning RMS Materials Packing Team/Pick Up Schedule – Reading, Math & Science • Elementary Schools Packing Team: Monday, March 22, 2010 Pick Up: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 • Middle & High Schools Packing Team: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 Pick Up: Wednesday, March 24 or Thursday, March 25, 2010 Calibration Schools (early returns) • Return only complete To Be Scored answer documents Keep all answer documents for any student in need of make-up. • Packing Team Dates March 15th or 16th All Reading and Mathematics schools All Grade 8 and 11 Science schools March 18th All Grade 5 Science schools Questions?