are here

Protection Through Gold
Email Campaign #1 STEPS BELOW:
Below you will find the emails currently also available in the Aweber email campaign. So if you have
any difficulty importing the email campaign then please use this document and simply copy these
into your Auto-responder, EDIT ALL LINKS AND IMAGES to your own and then you should be ‘set’ ;)
Look at All
LINKS AND IMAGES (highlight, right-click & look at properties)
and then EDIT THEM using the links below AND your own Karatbars link:
Sales Page Scenario:
1) (1ste sales video – this is in your FIRST email){!global karatbars username}
2) (2nd sales video – this is in your second email and others following){!global karatbars username}
Informational:{!global karatbars username}{!global karatbars username}
Karatbars Pricing:{!global karatbars username}
Step By Step SETUP:{!global karatbars username}
$8k+ Gold Purchase (sales type page){!global karatbars username}
$3 387.80 Gold Purchase (sales type page){!global karatbars username}
TV News Show With Peter Schiff{!global karatbars username}
Email #1:
Subject line: You are in... Welcome to the GREATEST team EVER
Body message:
(activate images... you'll always want to see them)
First of all I want to say...
a big Hello and Welcome to our team!
You have made a great decision by joining us and the information
you are going to learn and be exposed to is going to change your life...
As a team we are committed to providing you with the tools, resources
and support to find success in the next 12 weeks as you take action to
implement the strategy that we have... (more on this later)
Right now let me share a little bit about myself...
but just BEFORE that.. let me give it to you STRAIGHT
Watch This:
...okay, now let me cover some things about myself:
For many, working online can be a lonely experience...
but with this are part of a supportive and energetic family...
...some may say a little overly enthusiastic sometimes!! LOL
Either way you are not alone on this journey... I am here to help you
not only get started in your business, but to work with you to succeed
and change your life!
If you can't wait to get started.... which I can't blame you...
...join us right after tomorrows
video... (REMEMBER THAT!)
Keep a look out for the next email... lots of information and news to come...
I don't want to 'swamp' you straight away! LOL
P.S. If you want to learn more then be sure to check out
the video TOMORROW... video #2!!!!
Email #2:
Subject line: The SECOND VIDEO... time to discover the truth
Body message:
(activate images... you HAVE to see this image for access to the SECOND VIDEO)
Hi there...
here ;)
THE BIG DAY has arrived...
click this image below
to access the 2nd video...
(image link:
(hyperlinks to:{!global karatbars
Today's video is where we REVEAL how you can make a good income, fact, it's a GREAT income possibility
You will get Empowered by the knowledge you gain
(97% of others are "blind" to it)
...and that's exactly why 90% of wealth are in the hands of 10% on this planet!
Don't "stay stuck"... get up and checkout that video ;)
PS. Do not miss today's video...
PPS. Think your life sucks...? well, let's CHANGE THAT!.
Email #3:
Subject line: You get ALL THE BENEFITS here...
Body message:
(activate images... some you'll want to see)
Hi there,
Well now that you know a little bit about me and have had a chance to
get a peak into what we are doing with Karatbars, I trust you are excited
as I am about this one team member told me...
if you aren't excited...
tell me where the wake is and I'll send flowers!
Over the last year and a half we have had a roller coaster ride of success
and challenges that have brought us to where we are today. Maybe you
have had a similar journey and are looking for a team that will support you,
encourage you and help you stay FOCUSED on the important things.
We are TOTALLY focused on the Karatbars business and we will not let
all the new "Shiny Things" distract us from achieving the goals we have
as a team... this includes YOUR SUCCESS!
What can you expect from this team?
Education... this is what will keep you focused and change your life!
Training... learn how to market like a pro no matter how long
you have been working online!
Support... whether it is via Skype or email... we are here to help
you with questions.
We are not a team that will leave you out to dry once you join us...
this is a journey we are all taking together and everyone is in it together!.
All of our success is linked so we are bringing everyone along together!
Click Here to Get Started Today
Get started and you will not regret this action.... I promise and I'll
back it with GOLD!! ;-)
To your success,
P.S. Our education system teaches us to work alone... but in reality life
is about team work... we are all here to work together and build each other up!
P.P.S. Check this out:
STEP BY STEP setup...{!global karatbars username}
Then make sure you go through all of this:
12 Weeks to FREEDOM!!!
LIVE webinar:
Almost everyday at 12PM and 9PM Eastern Time - USA
Convert the time above to your local time:
You can see how we'll work this so you can make anything
from $4900 per month to $136 000 per month in 12 weeks
when the focus is on duplicating the strategy!!!!
Your Time Is NOW..!
Email #4:
Subject line: IMPORTANT: $8647.44 in GOLD (money where my mouth is)
Body message:
(activate images... you'll want to see this and CLICK IT!)
Hi there...
I'm just gonna let the video tell you everything, okay?
Click The Image Below
(image link:
(hyperlinks to -{!global
karatbars username})
Now that should have explained some things to you...
Let's connect and get you going ;)
Add me on Skype:
PS. Check this out:
STEP BY STEP setup....{!global karatbars username}
Then make sure you go through all of this:
12 Weeks to FREEDOM!!!
LIVE webinar:
Almost everyday at 12PM and 9PM Eastern Time - USA
Convert the time above to your local time:
You can see how we'll work this so you can make anything
from $4900 per month to $136 000 per month in 12 weeks
when the focus is on duplicating the strategy!!!!
Your Time Is NOW..!
Email #5:
Subject line: Karatbars PRICING... is it RIDICULOUS? (understand it..)
Body message:
(activate images... YOU REALLY need to take a look at this video)
Hey there,
here ;)
Ever wanted to know THE FACTS about...
Karatbars GOLD PRICING -- You Got to See This Video!
(image link:
(links to:{!global
karatbars username})
I thought I had everything "down"... if you get what I mean ;)
But then I got a "few slaps" in the face with this...
...some good information for you here
Quickly have a look at this...
PS. Sometimes we "think" we know it all... lol... (stupid really)
Email #6:
Subject line: YOUR success is built on our past SUCCESS
Body message:
(activate images... gotta see them...)
Hi there...
In my last email I talked about the roller coaster ride we've been
on this past year and a half. Don't take my word for it though...
here is what someone in our team had to say about the success and
benefits that he found from our team...
"Being part of this team makes getting up in the morning a total pleasure...
no matter how early it is!! As part of a global team, there is always
someone that is there to offer support and encouragement when needed...
but more importantly sharing success stories is the best part of the day!"
With our team the concept of Synergy is put into practice every day...
if you believe that 1+1=3, 12 or even 10,000 then you will know what
I mean... if you don't know what I mean... start your education by
reading Stephen Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" today!
When we work together, there are many outcomes that can be
achieved and the limitations you may believe exist will drop away!
That's it for now... stay tuned to the next email... your education will
commence into why we are 100% FOCUSED on our precious metals
business... Karatbars!
Join us here today:{!global karatbars username}
To your success,
P.S. Can't wait for the next email... check out this video now.
P.P.S. In preparation for this business, you will need to be prepared to
'save' around $65 per week of your paper money into GOLD...
...the only REAL money on the planet!
STEP BY STEP setup...{!global karatbars username}
Then make sure you go through all of this:
12 Weeks to FREEDOM!!!
LIVE webinar:
Almost everyday at 12PM and 9PM Eastern Time - USA
Convert the time above to your local time:
You can see how we'll work this so you can make anything
from $4900 per month to $136 000 per month in 12 weeks
when the focus is on duplicating the strategy!!!!
Your Time Is NOW..!
Email #7:
Subject line: Why GOLD? What’s the BIG DEAL with it??
Body message:
(Activate images... seriously...)
Hi there...
Those that are in the "Know" do things that most people think
are a little "Crazy", but if we look back through history... even
recent history you will see that these "Crazy People" are the
ones that have become rich, stayed rich and getting richer all the time...
Why is that???
Because they know how "THE SYSTEM" works...
they educate themselves... they learn from mistakes that they make,
but also that the world has made over the last 5000 years.
Take a couple of minutes and see a glimpse of what I am
talking about with these 2 videos:
Watch This...!
So what do you think?? Are you following the path your parents and
the banks have told you to do for years and years while continually
watching your 'money' become less and less valuable?
TODAY is the day you need to change course... stop following
the masses... start learning from people that see what is happening
in the world. I know we are!
We are sharing with you a business that will allow you... the "average person"
to start along this path that the rich have taken before you. All you need to
do is take US$65 per week of your paper money and turn it into REAL
money through Karatbars International...
this is 1 gram of GOLD a week.
There is a lot to take in here I know... but the world is moving at such
as fast pace... action must be taken now. The US Federal Reserve is
still printing US$85 billion a MONTH in new currency and flooding
the world economy with it.... this means our paper money is becoming
worth less and less everyday!
Here are 3 things to do right now...
1. Watch the videos here:
Attend the next webinar here:
3. Get your FREE Karatbars account here:{!global karatbars username}
Ok... now it is time to change the path your life is taking!
See you on the inside!
P.S. If you are reading this still... you need to stop and go do your homework....
The rich never stop learning... neither should you!
P.P.S. Form good habits now... your life is about to change!
STEP BY STEP setup...{!global karatbars username}
Then make sure you go through all of this:
12 Weeks to FREEDOM!!!
LIVE webinar:
Almost everyday at 12PM and 9PM Eastern Time - USA
Convert the time above to your local time:
You can see how we'll work this so you can make anything
from $4900 per month to $136 000 per month in 12 weeks
when the focus is on duplicating the strategy!!!!
Your Time Is NOW..!
Email #8:
Subject line: Habits of the wealthy... (and some SHOCKING facts / images)
Body message:
(ACTIVATE IMAGES... gotta see some REALITY!)
Hi there,
Many people complain about not being able to 'get rich' or struggling
to 'break free' from debt and scrapping by. To overcome this we need
to start by looking at what we do each day that might be stopping the
shift from poor to rich.
Here is a great list of 21 statistics that one of our team members
shared about how 'rich people' do things compared to 'poor people'.
70% of wealthy eat less than 300 junk food calories per day. 97%
of poor people eat more than 300 junk food calories per day.
23% of wealthy gamble. 52% of poor people gamble.
80% of wealthy are focused on accomplishing some single goal.
Only 12% of the poor do this.
76% of wealthy exercise aerobically 4 days a week.
23% of poor do this.
63% of wealthy listen to audio books during commute to
work vs. 5% for poor people.
81% of wealthy maintain a to-do list vs. 19% for poor.
63% of wealthy parents make their children read 2 or
more non-fiction books a month vs. 3% for poor.
70% of wealthy parents make their children volunteer
10 hours or more a month vs. 3% for poor.
80% of wealthy make hbd calls vs. 11% of poor
67% of wealthy write down their goals vs. 17% for poor
88% of wealthy read 30 minutes or more each day for
education or career reasons vs 2% for poor.
6% of wealthy say what's on their mind vs. 69% for poor.
79% of wealthy network 5 hours or more each month vs. 16% for poor.
67% of wealthy watch 1 hour or less of TV. every day vs. 23% for poor
6% of wealthy watch reality TV vs. 78% for poor.
44% of wealthy wake up 3 hours before work starts vs.3% for poor.
74% of wealthy teach good daily success habits to their
children vs. 1% for poor.
84% of wealthy believe good habits create opportunity
luck vs. 4% for poor.
76% of wealthy believe bad habits create detrimental
luck vs. 9% for poor.
86% of wealthy believe in life-long educational
self-improvement vs. 5% for poor.
86% of wealthy love to read vs. 26% for poor.
We all have things on this list that we need to change or
be more consistent with... I know I do!
So start with changing your mind... educate yourself about how
money really works now... not how the school system teaches you...
Click Here to see what's coming!
Become a student of you know what happened
only 13 years ago? Here are some images to give you an idea...
(image link: )
(3 eggs = 100 BILLION Zimbabwe Dollars)
(image link: )
(100 TRILLION Zimbabwe Dollar note)
(image link: )
(worthless... all there is to say!)
This is just a recent example of hyper inflation caused by governments
printing too much money and causing it to be worth less than the paper
it is printed on!
Don't think this can't happen in the USA or Europe...
It's ALREADY happening...!
Germany went through this less than 100 years ago in 1919... within
4 years 1 ounce of gold went from 170 Marks to 87 TRILLION Marks
for the same ounce!
As the boy scouts say... "Be Prepared"....
P.S. Get your free account now with Karatbars International:{!global karatbars username}
STEP BY STEP setup...{!global karatbars username}
Then make sure you go through all of this:
12 Weeks to FREEDOM!!!
LIVE webinar:
Almost everyday at 12PM and 9PM Eastern Time - USA
Convert the time above to your local time:
You can see how we'll work this so you can make anything
from $4900 per month to $136 000 per month in 12 weeks
when the focus is on duplicating the strategy!!!!
Your Time Is NOW..!
Email #9:
Subject line: Take ACTION and ride the GOLD Wave to success
Body message:
(Activate images... what if things look this way soon for you?)
Hi there...
By now you should have joined us in Karatbars and explored
your back office... you may have even purchased your package.
No matter where you are in the process... your real training is starting now!
This is a business... we treat it like one which means time and commitment
is needed to be successful! We are giving you the tools to be successful and
build an income and financial security around the ONLY real money left in the
world... GOLD!
All the training you will need as a member of our team will
be shared with you once you get involved and entered our Skype
Now if you still have not joined us in Karatbars and purchased
your package, here is the step by step guide on how to get started:
Click Here for your STEP-BY-STEP Guide
The tools and resources that will be available to you to promote
Karatbars to others, as a paid team member includes:
AWeber campaign code for follow up messages.
Training videos.
Access to the best marketing training tool available
As you can see we are "GIVING YOU" all the tools you will
need to be successful. Your ability to take this and turn it into
a massive income is now in your reach.
Take the step and ride the wave that is occurring in the
Gold Bullion market today...{!global karatbars username}
There are estimates that Gold will reach US$2500/ounce by next year...
this is almost double what it is today.....
Nathan Timmins just put out an
article with the opening line...
"The truth behind what really
crashed the bullion market...
Why it'll slingshot gold to
$2,500 an ounce or more..."
Are you ready to take advantage of the wealth shift that is coming?
Working with you for your success,
P.S. Don't forget, it was only 13 years ago in Zimbabwe that inflation saw
3 eggs costing 100 BILLION Zimbabwe dollars...
(image links:
History does repeat itself...
LIVE webinar:
Almost everyday at 12PM and 9PM Eastern Time - USA
Convert the time above to your local time:
Email #10:
Subject line: No marketing experience? We have that covered!
Body message:
(Activate images... story for you)
Hi There...
When people first start out online, one of the first things that I hear is...
"I don't know how to market this business..."
"I don't have a list..."
Well you are going to change that "I don't..." into a "You can..."
or even better... "I will..."
I told you that we are sharing the complete system on how to build
the Karatbars business, not just to build your own personal financial
security, but also your families and those that you come in contact with.
Firstly use the Chat room to gain access to
all the resources our team has put together for you!
Next invest your time and resources into learning even more
about marketing online from true experts. I have tried a lot of
'programs' out there and spent thousands of dollars on them... but I
believe this is the one that will truly provide you with all the tools,
resources and knowledge you need to successfully market any
business and product online... not just Karatbars!
Now that you have signed up to Karatbars and have access to the tools to promote
it, nothing is stopping you for generating an income of $4500 a week or more!
Your success is here!
P.S. Long term passive income is only 12 weeks away!
I know you can commit to 12 weeks of focus on this business...
I certainly am!
P.P.S. Forgot to sign up for Karatbars... no problems...
here is the link:{!global karatbars username}
STEP BY STEP setup...{!global karatbars username}
Then make sure you go through all of this:
12 Weeks to FREEDOM!!!
LIVE webinar:
Almost everyday at 12PM and 9PM Eastern Time - USA
Convert the time above to your local time:
You can see how we'll work this so you can make anything
from $4900 per month to $136 000 per month in 12 weeks
when the focus is on duplicating the strategy!!!!
Your Time Is NOW..!
Email #11:
Subject line: "BROKE people" should shut-up... (gotta see)
Body message:
activate images... gotta see the image to watch the video)
Hi there...
... here ;)
Today you have to watch the video I have for you!
What always amazes me is that people listen
to others in the same situation they are in or worse off...
...but there is something that's even worse!
Listening to yourself and your "clever talk" when you have no
RESULTS to prove otherwise....
So humor me okay...
See this and hear someone else tell you GOLD IS THE BEST place to be
(image link:
(links to:{!global
karatbars username} )
What more can I say...?
After that video (and the stuff the page contains)
if you are still "clever"...
...then there is probably no hope for ya :(
Instead, just get going with me here!
STEP BY STEP setup...{!global karatbars username}
Then make sure you go through all of this:
12 Weeks to FREEDOM!!!
LIVE webinar:
Almost everyday at 12PM and 9PM Eastern Time - USA
Convert the time above to your local time:
You can see how we'll work this so you can make anything
from $4900 per month to $136 000 per month in 12 weeks
when the focus is on duplicating the strategy!!!!
Your Time Is NOW..!
Email #12:
Subject line: WARNING: $3 387.80 Worth of GOLD in 2 Minutes FLAT
Body message:
(activate images... checkout how I stack up on Gold)
It really is EMPOWERING to...
...move one's wealth from the eroding currencies to
How much common sense does on need to decide between
two things on a table..., a stack of "ink coloured PAPER"
--- OR ---
two, Yellowish "shiny" metal with REAL LASTING PURCHASING
$3 387.80 Worth of GOLD in 2 Minutes FLAT
(image links to:{!global karatbars
username} )
Now that is how to stack up... you'll soon be there too... I know it ;)
PS. Really gotta watch this... only 2 minutes (and 14 seconds to be exact)
Email #13
Subject line: RE: Isn't it YOUR Turn?
Body message:
----------------------------- ----------------------
You MUST Activate images for this message
------------------------------ --------------------
Hi there,
here and
I am not sure what to say.....
Here is a message from one of the top leaders in our
company from our team Chat room...
(image link: )
(links to:{!global karatbars username} )
Isn't it about time YOU got on the right team and had
your OWN online success??
Come on, join us on the journey of a lifetime!
Jump in, the water is fine! ;)
CLICK HERE to link arms with us!
PS. There is nothing more real than this business and it's product... it's GOLD!
Email #14
Subject line: ABSOLUTE Stupidity online...
Body message:
(activate images.... )
(no wonder people battle)
If you really, TRULY want to change your life...
---------------------THEN GUESS WHAT...?
Look at the ONLY UNDERLINED word above!
What does that tell you?
You need to MARKET... if you don't know "how to"...
Then you CAN learn... just like I had too...
Get Out Off All
YOUR OWN B.S@#! in 10 MINUTES...
Make sure you go to where the images SHOW inside of MLSP...
...and you'll see this
so click the link in that menu....
(image link: )
(links to: {!global mlsp affiliate link} )
You'll then watch this 10 minute video...
(image link: )
(links to: {!global mlsp affiliate link} )
You'll learn VALUABLE stuff there...!
PS. Honestly... for your OWN benefit... DO NOT get distracted from
what you have in MLSP... FREEDOM WILL NOT come your way if
you do not heed my warning here...! I promise you that!
PPS. I don't know "how in the world" people come online and EXPECT
to change their lives and all their crappy circumstances
WHILE NOT wanting to commit to learn what is necessary!
PPPS. It even costs like nearly nothing to get in there... below $10!!!!!
(they'll NEVER EVER reach freedom)
Email #15
Subject line: CRAZY: 1270+ members in 4 weeks... (AND a HUGE problem)
Body message:
(activate images... some nice Team Skype room stuff for ya )
You have just got to love a "problem" like this..
From the Skype Room just a few minutes ago..
(image link:
(links to:{!global karatbars username} )
So... FedEx and Karatbars are run off their feet..
...shipping gold all over the world to our team!
No surprise really... we have added over 1270 members in our first 4 weeks.
What a great little"problem" to have...
And this is the only issue we have seen with this amazing business.
Did you see that the company actually called our team member
back with a solution and a time frame.. I nearly fainted from the
SHOCK of how good the support is.
Have a chuckle and a great day!
PS. You gotta get going now Step-by-Step... Go Here!
PPS. Want to see the presentation again? Click This!
Email #16
Subject line: 22 Year Old School Drop Out Makes $700 under 30 Days
Body message:
Hi There..
My business partner Alby had his young mate Ben drop round for a coffee...
Ben told Alby what was happening in his business... and
So anyway, Alby pulled out his camera and shot this
impromptu Video...
No previous experience
School drop out
Has sponsored only a few people and it GREW to
a TEAM of 67 people in less than a month
Made $700 in his first 30 days!
And now his business is EXPLODING!!!
Click on the video to find out...
(image link: )
(links to:{!global karatbars username} )
Isn't it YOUR turn to FINALLY make it online??
Come on, jump in.. the water is beautiful!!
Link Arms With Us....
PS. If you are wondering WHY you need to do this.. check this out-
Email #17
Subject line: The DEVIL is in the DETAILS...
Body message:
Your time is precious...
I get that!
Perhaps your getting sick of my emails.. I understand
So I want to be perfectly clear..
Our Karatbars business is either the one for you, or simply it's not.
Let me help you to decide.
Here are my thoughts....
1 ) get a package
2) get your 4grams of GOLD on auto-ship a month
3) find 2 people to do the same and to pass it on..
That's it folks... That's all there is to it..
Yes you can turbo charge this...
...But lets not complicate it..
Get your 2 and help them...
plug them into our system,
teach them what you know..
Help them keep focused on the 12 week plan
Help them duplicate this..
The 12 week plan works if you work the 12 week plan.
Get started NOW Click Here!
There can be no breaks in the chain. This is not a business for the weak.
It is a business for those people that have what it takes to succeed.
Is this YOU...?
Of course it is.... else you would not be on my list...
I have spent most of my life babysitting people and building their
downline for them while they did nothing.
------------------------------------I have actually had people call me and say:
"Wow, I got a check from that business you got me into"
My response: "You are welcome."
The team we have here is so far beyond any team
that I have ever worked with.
Our team are all motivated, focused and willing to
do whatever it takes to succeed.
That is why you will.....
Cause you want it!
If I feel that someone doesn't want success
with every fiber of their being,
I politely tell them that I don't think this
business is right for them.
It's not about bringing warm bodies onto
the team that can fog a mirror.
It's about seeking out those highly motivated individuals
who want exactly what you want.
To have the FREEDOM myself and so many of our team now have.
My biggest mistake when first starting online was.. (well there was 2)
1) not building a list and capturing peoples e-mail address.... and
2) spending all my time and energy trying to "convert" people...
Now, I always build my list and let the system convert,
and I'm not attached to what people think of the business...
...I move on and find more people to share this with...
Get started NOW Click Here!
So if this is not for you..
...if you don't want YOUR dreams to come true!
Please do us both a favor and unsubscribe from
this list (see the bottom of this e-mail)
If you "get it" and want to be a part of my team.
...then don't delay anymore!
"Procrastination is a thief of time"
Get started NOW Click Here!
You will be so glad you did..
See you on the inside.
Get started NOW
Click Here!
PS. Check this out:
STEP BY STEP setup...{!global karatbars username}
Then make sure you go through all of this:
12 Weeks to FREEDOM!!!
LIVE webinar:
Almost everyday at 12PM and 9PM Eastern Time - USA
Convert the time above to your local time:
You can see how we'll work this so you can make anything
from $4900 per month to $136 000 per month in 12 weeks
when the focus is on duplicating the strategy!!!!
Your Time Is NOW..!
Email #18
Subject line: I think you missed this... ( ? ) GOTTA see for yourself...
Body message:
(activate images... Gotta view this video... )
Hey there....
here ;)
I thought to share this with you quickly before i head out for the day..
Who's THE BEST in the business...?
Simple answer really...
Checkout this short video our team member did for you! ;)
Now, you can stop "thinking" about things
We lay it all out...
See & Understand the 12 week strategy
Then Get Started with a package
Next, come into our PRIVATE training area and communications room
...apply what we share...
It's that simple...!
PS. You have to see this... CLICK HERE!
Email #19
Subject line: O' my... BLOODY Governments (quite shocking)
Body message:
(activate images... freaking governments... this will get you thinking... )
...and all I can say today is
(that's if you have ANY common sense AT ALL!)
Hidden truths REVEALED!
Watch This Video Now (7 minutes)
Now, let me just say this...
...there are very few people
that actually give a damn about you...
and YOUR GOVERNMENT is not in that category!!!
Stop allowing "financial difficulties" to be on top of that as well too!
Get Started with me here...!
PS. Did you know that our team are at the HEAD of things in Karatbars?
Checkout this video!
Email #20
Subject line: Just earned commissions... (actually bonuses)
Body message:
Hey, here...
Listen, I have something important to share with you...
But I reckon your either going to take this message in one of two ways...
....And the way that you take this message will....
...DETERMINE your success online!!
I got into Karatbars...
(after watching this business grow for over a year before I did)
know, karatbars, the gold savings business I have been raving
on about where I now have all my monthly savings in gold
paid for by my Karartbars business income...
Well just take a look at this...
Here's just a bonus being earned by some of our members already...
Here is Scott's commissions...
HYPERLINK IT HERE:{!global karatbars username}
But wait... There's more!!
HYPERLINK IT HERE:{!global karatbars username}
And check out Alby's one off bonus ...
HYPERLINK IT HERE:{!global karatbars
Now here is Lourens ONE OFF bonus for the month...
...this is in ADDITION to the weekly income -
HYPERLINK IT HERE:{!global karatbars
My experience tells me your either going to think something like...
"You're a show-off"
"It's all right for you to make that sort of income, part time.. but I can't"
"Yeah, easy for some"
"I bet that took a lot of hard work and many hours"
You could think.
"Yes this is the sort of income I want (and more) working just
a few hours a day and living the life I have always wanted."
The reality is, there is not right and wrong in this...
...there is just an outcome!
So ask yourself this...
Do I currently have the outcome I want?
Am I prepared to follow someone and learn from their success
Do I want my time freedom and financial stability more than
my current situation?
I suspected the answer would be YES! ;-)
So, let me take you by the hand and show you how it's done..
(We have PLENTY of people in our team that are waiting to welcome you)
Joining is so easy and the steps are here...
See you soon,
PS. The longer you wait the longer it will take for you to have the Freedom YOU
STEP BY STEP setup...{!global karatbars username}
Then make sure you go through all of this:
12 Weeks to FREEDOM!!!
LIVE webinar:
Almost everyday at 12PM and 9PM Eastern Time - USA
Convert the time above to your local time:
You can see how we'll work this so you can make anything
from $4900 per month to $136 000 per month in 12 weeks
when the focus is on duplicating the strategy!!!!
Your Time Is NOW..!
Now Build The BEST Business You Have Ever Been a Part Of…!
Lourens & Alby