Chapters 1 and 2

Name _________________________________
Class Period _______
Texas History
Semester Exam Review
Chapters 1 and 2
1. climate
expected weather at a place, usually over a period of time
2. precipitation moisture
3. absolute location
4. relative location
5. landform
that falls from the sky—rain, sleet, snow, etc
exact position of something on earth
the position of a place described in comparison with another place
feature of the earth’s surface such as a hill, valley, river, etc
6. census a counting of the population every 10 years
Chapter 3
7. List the 4 Regions of Texas
a. Coastal Plains
b. North Central Plains
c. Great Plains
d. Mountains and Basins
8. Label the attached maps--use word bank
9. List 5 of the major cities in the Coastal Plains region
a. Dallas
b. Houston
c. Austin
d. San Antonio
e. Corpus Christie
10. List 5 major cities in the North Central Plains region
A Wichita Falls
E. Arlington
B Ft. Worth
C Abilene
D San Angelo
11. List 4 major cities in the Great Plains region
A Amarillo
B Lubbock
C Midland
D Odessa
12. List the major city in the Mountains and Basins region
A El Paso
13. Name the 3 border rivers and what state/country shares the border river with Texas
A Red River--Oklahoma
B Sabine River--Louisiana
C Rio Grande River--Mexico
14. What is the highest peak in Texas? Guadalupe Peak
Chapter 4
15. Why did the first prehistoric Indians come to Texas? Looking for food
a. What year were they believed to have come? Not year but 37,000 years ago
b. Where did they come from ? Asia
16. List the 3 prehistoric Indian tribes and a few facts about the.
A Paleo-Indian
B Archaic
12,000 bc; hunted large animals; Ice Age
6,000 bc; hunter smaller animals
C Late Prehistoric
700 ad; used bow and arrow for first time
17. List the 2 civilizations that made up Mesoamerica and a few facts about them
A Mayans 300-900 ad; had calendars, number system; studies astronomy; died out
B Aztecs 1325-1521 ad; had pyramids; temples, started city that is now Mexico
Chapter 5
18. Conquistador
19. Expedition
an explorer in search of riches; would take them by force
a journey
20. Viceroy a person governing in the name of a king
Explorers...list 2 important facts abou
t them
21. Pineda
A 1st to map coastline of Texas in 1519
B founded city of Tampico, Mexico
22. Cabeza de Vaca
A 1st to explorer interior of Texas
B made friends and learned survival skills from Karankawa Indians
23. Coronado
A commissioned to search for Cibola---one of the 7 Cities of Gold
B Traveled with The Turk to find the city of Quivira
Chapter 6
24. What is the name of the first East Texas Mission? San Francisco de los Tejas
25. What did Alonso de Leon do?
Explored East Texas for first time; helped convert Indians with Father Damian
Massanet; named Caddo Indians Tejas
26. List the reasons why Spain's first missions failed
Indians didn’t want to be converted; disease; drought; Indians didn’t want to give up
way of life
27. Describe the the Chicken War
French man, Blondel, and his men rode into a mission; they tried to take chickens,
chickens started squawking, Blondel fell off his horse; his men came to rescue him and a
priest ran off and started shouting that French were attacking Spanish missions
28. What mission do we now know as San Antonio de Valero? The Alamo
29. Why did Spain decide they needed to save money?
Missions and soldiers, etc in Texas were costing Spain a lot of money…needed to save
money; cut back on soldiers
30.Who is de Rubi and what did he do and recommend?
Spanish official who went to Texas and investigated what was going on . He
recommended that Spain close some missions and move others to San Antonio; made
capital city San Antonio
Chapter 7
31. List the 4 Types of Spanish settlements and tell what that settlement was used for
and what life was like there.
a. Missions—priests, Indians lived there, etc
b Presidios—forts; soldiers
c Pueblos or Towns—regular life
d Ranchos/Ranches—raise cattle, horses, farm
Chapter 8
32. Empresario
33. Militia
like a travel agent; person who brought colonists to Texas
volunteer soldiers
34. Filibuster
a rebel; person who tried to free Texas from Mexico
35. Land Title
proof that a person owns land
36. What 2 things did Spain require US settlers to do if they lived in Spanish land?
A pledge loyalty to Spain
B become a Catholic
37. Who was the first empresario to recruit settlers to Texas?
Moses Austin or Stephen F. Austin
38. Who was the first filibuster to come to Texas? Philip Nolan
39. What was the Gutierrez-Magee Expedition? Attempt to free Texas from
Mexico…two men (Gutierrez-Magee) joined with a group of men to free Texas towns
40. Who is the Mother of Texas? Jane Long
41. Who is the Father of Texas? Stephen F. Austin
42. What happened to Moses Austin before he could bring his colonists to Texas? He
43. Who took over for Moses Austin? Stephen F. Austin
44. What is the Old 300? First 300 colonists in Texas
45. Who was the last filibuster in Texas? James Long
46. Who is the 2nd most important empresario in Texas who founded the town of
Green DeWitt
47. What does GTT stand for? Gone to Texas
Chapter 9
48. States' Rights' belief that states can make their own laws and have their own
49. Nationalist/Centralist belief in a strong national government and a weak state
50. Customs Duty tax on goods coming into or leaving Texas
51. What was the Fredonian Rebellion? Attempt to free Texas from Mexico
a. Who started it? Edwards Brothers (Haden Edwards) and some Cherokee Indians
b. Where did it take place? Nacogdoches
c. What was the purpose of it? To free Nacogdoches from Mexico
52. What is the Teran report? Report written by a Mexican official who went to Texas to
see what was going on in Texas
a. What did Teran say in his report? That Mexico needed to get better control of
53. What are 3 provisions of the Law of April 6, 1830?
A slavery was illegal
B no more immigration to Texas from US
C customs duty
54. Battle of Velasco
a. What is the most significant thing about it? First time shots were fired between
Texas and Mexico
b. Who won? Texans
55. What did the delegates in the Conventions of 1832-33 do and why?
Met together to form a list of resolutions to present to Mexico; things they wanted
56. What did Stephen F. Austin do that got him arrested? Wrote a letter to the Texans
saying they should go ahead and become an independent state
57. What is the difference between states' rights and nationalism?
States’ rights believes in states having their own government and a constitution that
makes rules/laws for each state
Nationalism: belief that the national government should make the rules/laws for each
state; each state cannot have its own constutition