Cell Unit Lesson Plan

Grade: 6
Course: Science
Suggested Time: Two 50 minute sessions
The students will be working on four different computer based activities. The students will then be
tested on the material learned in these activities.
 Using the classroom computer and the library, the sixth grade science students will comprehend
cell structures, cell types and cell functions with 85% accuracy.
 This objective is asking students to comprehend cell structures, cell types and cell functions
which are at the knowledge level of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Florida State Curriculum Standards:
 SC.6.L.14.4 Compare and contrast the structure and function of major organelles of plant and
animal cells, including cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, mitochondria,
and vacuoles.
Materials Used:
 Computers with access to Word, Youtube and PowerPoint
 Word files: Interactive Cell Rap Worksheet, Cell PowerPoint Quiz, Cell Scavenger Hunt and Cell
Concept Map.
Prior Knowledge:
 Basic computer skills to access Youtube, Word and PowerPoint.
 Prior familiarity with cell structures, cell types and cell functions.
Activity 1:
 Student will login to computer and log on to classroom wiki.
 Access the student activities page.
 Under the student activities page they will see the instructions for cell unit student activity 1.
 Read the instructions and click on the first link.
 The link will take the student to the Youtube video called “Parts of the Cell Rap”. Student will
watch the video.
 After watching the video, they will access the next link which will open the “Cell Rap
 The “Cell Rap Worksheet” contains five multiple choice questions.
 They will be writing the question and answer on their own sheet of paper.
 The teacher will collect the papers at the end of the period.
Activity 2:
 Students will login to computer and log on to classroom wiki.
 Access the student activities page.
 Under the student activities page they will see the instructions for cell unit student activity 2.
 They will read the instructions and click the link that will lead student to file named “Cell
Concept Map”.
 Student will look over the “Cell Concept Map”.
 They will then choose three organelles, one from each type of cell (Animal, Plant and Bacteria).
 Using a total of three organelles, they are to write a paragraph on each organelles function and
importance to that particular cell.
 This will be a total of three paragraphs and the students will be writing this on their own piece
of paper.
 The teacher will collect the papers at the end of the period.
Activity 3:
 Students will login to computer and log on to classroom wiki.
 Access the student activities page.
 Under the student activities page they will see the instructions for cell unit student activity 3.
 They will click on the first link which will open a file named “Cell Scavenger Hunt”.
 They will answer ten multiple choice questions using their own piece of paper.
 The questions will contain website link where the students will be able to find the answers.
 Student is only required to write question numbers and answers on their assignment.
 The teacher will collect the papers at the end of the period.
Activity 4:
 Students will login to computer and log on to classroom wiki.
 Access the student activities page.
 Under the student activities page they will see the instructions for cell unit student activity 4.
 The student will then open the link that is labeled “Cell PowerPoint Quiz”.
 The quiz will open as a PowerPoint file.
 Student will go to the “slideshow” tab and hit “from beginning”.