Unit 1 Box Review

Exploration and Colonization Test Review
Spain’s Exploration to New World
 Goods/Gold
 God (convert Native Americans to Christianity)
 Glory
 Spoke Spanish
 Areas explored: Florida,
Southwest US, Texas, Mexico and
France’s Exploration to New World
 To find the North West Passage
 Goods (fur trade, Native
American goods)
the islands of the Caribbean, Central and
South America
God (convert Native Americans to Christianity)
Spoke French
Areas explored: Canada,
Louisiana Territory/Mississippi
River Valley, and islands within the
Jamestown, Virginia
First successful English colony in
New World
Funded by Virginia Company
Landed in Virginia on a swampy
peninsula of land
Mostly wealthy gentlemen who
did not know how to work; just
searched for gold
Starving Time -- first winter
Plymouth, Massachusetts
“he who will not work, shall not eat!”
Pocahontas saved John Smith,
helped colonists
John Rolfe saved colony with
tobacco, married Pocahontas
Tobacco was Jamestown’s cash
(profit) crop
Rich, fertile soil, warm weather
Virginia House of Burgesses1619—was the first
representative government in
the colonies
Founded for religious freedom by
the Pilgrims (Separatists)
Charter from King to settle in
Virginia—landed 1,000 miles
north at Cape Cod
Wrote the Mayflower Compact –
signed before leaving ship
Mayflower Compact—colonists
agreed to self-government and
majority rule
Established for economic
/commercial reasons
John Smith saved colony –
William Bradford—leader
Starving Time -- first winter
Wampanoag Native Americans
helped the colonists survive by
teaching them to farm and hunt –
Squanto spoke English
Freezing cold winters, rocky, poor
England’s Exploration to New World
 Gold
 God (convert Native Americans to Christianity)
 Glory
 Religious freedom
 Economic profit from colonies
 Spoke English
 Explored the East coast of America,
Expand political power
Reasons for Development of
Representative Government in Colonies
 Colonists were familiar with the
English historical traditions (Magna
Carta, English Bill of Rights) and
representative gov’t structure in
England (Parliament)
Colonial religious communities
largely practiced democratic selfrule, elected pastors and officers
They were far away from England,
making them independent
“Salutary neglect” by the British
made them even more self-sufficent
Many settlements were far apart
and isolated—representatives could
meet to decide issues
To gain some stability in a chaotic
and different place—provide law
and order in the colonies
New England Colonies
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies
New Hampshire, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, and Connecticut
New York, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, and Delaware
Virginia, Maryland, Georgia,
North Carolina, and South Carolina
Government, economy, geography, religion, social:
Government, economy, geography, religion, social:
Government, economy, geography, religion, social:
Smallest farms, because…
Thin, rocky soil
Cold climate and short growing
Subsistence farming (enough to survive)
Shipbuilding, fishing, timber—
major economic activities
Center of shipping trade
Town hall meetings
Well organized towns
Met in town halls and governed
through a democratic system
Eligible white males could vote
successful English settlement in
Mayflower Compact—Pilgrims
Most religious—Puritans
Religion dominated society
Fundamental Orders of
Connecticut (first written constitution)
All colonies founded for religious
Daily activities focused around
the church
Mild climate, shorter winters
Breadbasket region (wheat, grain)
Iron mills and mining
Diversified economy; agriculture,
dairy, iron works and ship
Most culturally and religiously
Mostly egalitarian society
Government classified as colonial
assemblies (towns were too far
apart for town hall meetings)
William Penn made treaty with
Native Americans
Pennsylvania was the colony for
Quakers to settle in peace
New Amsterdam was founded by
the Dutch for business/trade –
later taken over by the English
and became New York
Urban setting—Boston
English took over New York to
unite their colonies
Public education
Split in the Catholic church
Those who protested church
practices became known as
Many new Christian churches
and denominations emerged
from the Protestant Reformation
To escape persecution, many of
these Protestants left Europe
and came to the colonies in
search of religious freedom
The First Great Awakening
Democratized the Protestant
churches—believed everyone
equal in the eyes of God—
salvation for all
Welcomed all—women, African
Americans, Native Americans
Encouraged ideas of equality and
the right to challenge authority
INCREASE in religious
denominations—people break
away from established religions
and start new ones (kind of like
breaking away from an established
country and starting a new one—this
was the religious version of what they
would later do politically!)
Plantations (largest farms)
Most fertile soil
Little commerce (business) and
Authoritarian and deference society
Contributes to the revolutionary
idea of independence in years to
Warm climate and long growing
Cash crops of indigo, tobacco, rice,
sugar cane, and cotton
(authoritarian: based on servitude;
deference: based on rank)
Majority of slaves
Virginia House of Burgesses, 1619,
first representative government
Colonial assemblies
Most colonies founded for profit
Had royal governor who was
appointed by the King of England,
to sit at the head of the colonial
Most religiously tolerant colony
Fertile soil
(everyone is considered as equals—
treated equally)
Protestant Reformation
Middle sized farms
Jamestown—1607—first successful
English settlement in America and
had first Anglican church in 1619
Religion dominated by Anglican
church (church of England)
Maryland founded for Catholics to
practice religion freely
The Enlightenment
 Intellectual movement that changed the
perspective of the masses—fostered
skepticism and questioning of government
and religion
 Main values: liberty, democracy,
republicanism, religious tolerance
Locke: English philosopher—wrote about
individual rights of life, liberty, protection of
property—influenced Declaration of Independence
Montesquieu: French philosopher—wrote about
3 branches of gov’t, separation of powers, checks
and balances—influenced U.S. Constitution
Blackstone: English judge—wrote about natural
rights (life, liberty), idea of self-defense—
influenced American legal system and 2nd Amendment
(right to bear arms)
Magna Carta—1215
King John ruled over England and
abused his powers as king
King John used unfair practices to
control people like unfair taxes, rules
that limited individual rights
Mayflower Compact—1620
 Signed in 1620 by the Pilgrims and
Puritans sailing on the Mayflower from
England to the New World
Dictatorial style leadership
King John’s actions angered the nobles
The nobles used their political and
economic power to make King John
sign a charter protecting the
fundamental rights of the people….
Signed on June 15th, 1215,
called the Magna Carta or the
“Great Charter”
It limited the king’s power and
protected specific individual
rights of the people, such as
due process of law, property
protection, proper taxation
Magna Carta serves as a
foundation for future
protection of rights for all
Fundamental Orders of
First written colonial
Adopted in 1639
The constitution established a
religiously tolerant
It also helped to serve as an
example for future colonial
They drew up this compact and signed
it before they left the boat
The Mayflower Compact
guaranteed a democratic
system of government and the
protection of individual rights
Established in 1619
A colonial assembly consisted of persons
elected by the people as representatives to
The colonial assembly met to determine
laws and governmental policies for the
people in their colony
Virginia House of Burgesses was the first
representative government in the colonies.
Created in the colony of Virginia
Served as the first colonial assembly in the
13 colonies (first representative gov’t)
Based on majority rule
Transatlantic Slave
Trade/Triangular Trade
Connecticut’s constitution
protected the individual rights
of the Connecticut colonists
When they realized their boat was over
1,000 miles off course and outside of
Virginia jurisdiction, the men of the
Mayflower boat wanted to create some
law and order for themselves
Virginia House of Burgesses—1619
The trade routes from Europe,
to Africa, to the Americas, and
then to Europe again.
Raw goods from the New
World would go to Europe
where they would manufacture
those raw goods and send
them to Africa in exchange for
slaves; the slaves would go to
Brazil, the West Indies or the
English Colonies.
95% of enslaved Africans went
to Brazil and the West Indies;
5% to the English Colonies
Triangular Trade was based on
the theory of mercantilism
Mercantilism is the theory that
a nation’s power depended on
its wealth. The practice of
regulating colonial trade for
the profit of the home country.
1502--Columbus first imported
African slaves to the Americas
After trade, Africans were
packed tightly into slave ships
and sent to the Americas—this
voyage was called the Middle
Conditions of the Middle
Passage were horrible, the
death rate was 15-20%.
Slavery and slaves in the Colonies
Tobacco was Virginia’s “gold”—production
reached 30 million pounds by the 1680s
The expansion of tobacco led to an
increased demand for field labor
Native Americans were first used for
labor, but their lack of immunity to
European diseases made them susceptible
to illness
European indentured servants were used
next for labor, but escape was easy for
them with their many ties and familiarity
with the European culture
The spread of tobacco led settlers to turn
to slavery, which offered many
advantages over indentured servants
Africans were seen as alien (different) in
their color, religion, and social practices
Plantation system: Production system
using large agricultural tracts to produce
cash crops using slave labor
Most slaves could not read or write, and it
was illegal for them to learn (knowledge = power)
Slaves were often brutally punished for
misbehaving or escape
Southern Colonies—large tobacco
plantations; center of the domestic slave
Carolinas and Georgia—large rice and
cotton plantation
Rhode Island
New England region
New England region
New England region
Plymouth founded in 1620 by
Pilgrims and William Bradford
Massachusetts Bay founded in
1630 by Puritans and John
Founded for religious freedom
Puritans were strict and
intolerant of others…so other
New England colonies begun by
people banished from
New York
Founded in 1636 by Roger
Williams after he was banished
from Massachusetts Bay
Founded for Williams’ belief in
separation of church and state
and for religious freedom
Williams set up the most
tolerant New England colony
Anne Hutchinson also moved
to Rhode Island after being
banished from Massachusetts
Bay (for her beliefs and actions
as a woman)
Founded in 1636 by Thomas Hooker
Founded for religious and political
freedom, also for economic reasons to
expand trade
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut—first
written constitution in the colonies
Mid-Atlantic region
Mid-Atlantic region
Southern region
Founded in 1624 by Dutch
Settlers—New Amsterdam
Founded in 1681 by William
Founded 1632 by Cecil Calvert (Lord
Founded for profit and
commercial reasons—also
wanted to expand trade in the
Founded for Quakers to
practice their religion freely
Founded as a safe place for Catholics to
practice their religion freely
Quakers believed everyone was
equal in God’s eyes and had an
egalitarian society
Maryland turned to tobacco for profit
England took over New
Amsterdam in 1664
King Charles II gave the colony to his
brother, the Duke of York—so they
changed the name to New York
Very religiously tolerant
William Penn made a treaty of
peace with the Native
Southern region
Southern region
Jamestown founded in 1607
by the Virginia Company with
the help of John Smith
Founded for trade and profit
(hoped to find gold like the Spanish!)
Founded as a joint stock company
Only 60 of the first 500
colonist survived the first
winter known as the “Starving
Tobacco industry set up by
John Rolfe is what “saved” the
Jamestown colony from
failure. John Rolfe married
Founded in 1732 by James
Founded as a colony that was a
safe haven for debtors (people in
North Carolina / South Carolina
Southern region
debt—owe money)
Maryland Act of Toleration (1649)
provided religious freedom for Catholics
and Protestants alike
Allowed for social mobility and
political freedom
Georgia also acted as a buffer
territory from Spanish
controlled Florida
Founded as just “Carolina” in 1663 by a
group of 8 proprietors (businessmen)
Founded for trade and profit in real estate
(opportunity in the sale and rental of land) and
farming, religious freedom
These colonies were a joint business
venture between investors
South Carolina: Rice became the major
crop on plantations worked by slaves
North Carolina: Made up of former
indentured servants working small farms
growing tobacco
So…the two regions grew apart and
separated officially in 1712.