Chapter 4 review – Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Test

Chapter 4 Review – Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
1. Where is energy stored in molecules?
2. Distinguish between ATP and ADP.
3. What types of molecules are most often broken down to make ATP? Explain how ATP production differs
depending on the type of molecule that is being broken down.
4. Write the balanced chemical equation for photosynthesis. Identify the reactants and the products.
5. What three products come out of the breakdown of water?
6. In what organelle does photosynthesis occur?
7. What organisms perform photosynthesis? What is another name for these organisms?
8. The first two stages of photosynthesis are known as the light-dependent reactions. Where do these
reactions occur?
9. Where does the light-independent reaction occur?
10. What three things does the rate of photosynthesis depend on? (Hint: look back to #25 in your
homework folder)
11. What are the three main stages of photosynthesis?
12. Write the balanced chemical equation for cellular respiration.
13. How does the presence of oxygen affect the efficiency of cellular respiration?
14. How much ATP is produced during glycolysis? Krebs cycle? Electron transport chain?
15. What is the starting material for glycolysis? What are the products?
16. Where does glycolysis occur in a cell?
17. What is the difference between anaerobic and aerobic respiration?
18. The majority of ATP is produced during this series of reactions in cellular respiration.
19. Anaerobic respiration is also known as what?
20. What are the two types of fermentation? How are they different?
21. What are three things (foods, beverages) that humans consume that have used fermentation in their
22. What role do NADPH, NADH, and FADH play in photosynthesis? (What do they carry?)