English Games and Internet Sites

Internet Sites
 Bogglesworldesl.com
 Esl-galaxy.com
 ESLpartyland.com
 Usingenglish.com
Slap game
 2 truths and a lie
 Spelling game
 Pass the Paper
 Alphabet game
 Animal game
 Constantinople
Slap Game
Write vocabulary words on the board.
 Students get into 2 teams.
 The teacher says a word.
 The first student from each team runs to
the blackboard.
 The first student to slap the correct word
wins a point.
2 Truths and a Lie
Each student writes 3 sentences about
 2 sentences are true and 1 sentence is
 Each student reads his sentences aloud.
 The other students have to guess which
sentence is false.
Spelling Game
Divide the class into 2 teams.
 Call out a word.
 The first team to correctly spell the word
with the magnet letters gets a point.
Paper telephone
Each student has a piece of paper.
The students write a sentence, fold the
paper, and then pass the paper to the next
 Then, the students draw a picture about
the sentence, fold the paper, and then pass
the paper to the next person.
 The next student writes a sentence about
the picture.
 Once each paper gets all the way around,
each student reads theirs a loud.
Alphabet Game
Each student must say an English word.
 The next student has to say a word that
starts with the letter that the last word
ended with.
 Ex: Train  Night  Tree  Egg
If the student uses the wrong letter or
repeats a word already used, then
they’re out.
 Last student standing wins.
Animal Game
Set a timer for 10 or 15 seconds.
 Each student has to say the name of an
 When the timer goes off, the student
whose turn it is is out.
 If a student uses an animal that’s
already been said, they’re out.
 Last student standing wins.
Write the word ‘Constantinople’ twice on
the board vertically.
 Divide the class into 2 teams.
 One student from each team comes up
to the board and writes an English word
for a letter of ‘Constantinople’.
 The first team to write a word for each
letter in ‘Constantinople’ wins.